Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 205 Fairness

Chapter 205 Fairness
However, the price announced immediately also poured cold water on many fans.

"Love" is a limited-edition record, only 999 copies are sold worldwide, each priced at US$1000.

This is a very expensive price for most people. Compared with the commemorative edition that only sells for 50 US dollars, the limited edition is only a few more videos that can be watched for free and an autograph, but the price is doubled. ten times!
No matter how much they love Luo Quan, this price can definitely calm down most fans.

However, among the fans who like Luoquan, there are still some people who are willing to spend 1000 US dollars to buy an autograph, and there are definitely more than 999.

After all, in China, Japan and the United States, the consumption income levels of ordinary people are not the same, and consumption concepts are also different.

However, for the sake of fairness, Luo Quan made a request to the company before agreeing to sign, that is, the sales of this commemorative album must be completely random.

Universal also followed suit naturally, and created a link at the bottom of the album sales page. Fans who wanted to buy limited edition albums could click in, enter their personal information, and wait for the system to make a selection.

Anyway, there are only 999 places, and the lottery will start tomorrow night, which doesn't give fans too much time to prepare.

However, fans who really like Luoquan will basically not miss this news. Regardless of whether they have the ability to buy fans, they will happily go in at this time to make it more difficult for others to win the prize.

Even if you really get the purchase qualification, you don’t have to actually buy it, just click to give up the qualification, but this qualification will be bound to your personal information as soon as you are drawn, and it will be authenticated again when you pay, so there is no transfer. Selling and buying qualifications.

It can be said that by doing this, Luo Quan has won enough fairness for his fans.

There are many things in this world that you can get with money.The rich will always enjoy far more quality treatment than the poor.

This is understandable. After all, the gap between the rich and the poor is an objective fact. There is nothing wrong with people having money and enjoying more, as long as it is not black-hearted money.

However, Luo Quan has never been used to it. Regardless of whether he has money or not, at least everyone is equal in terms of qualifications. Anyway, the purchase time limit is very long, and the payment can be completed within three months.

For most adults who already have a stable job, it is still affordable to bite the bullet and save some money.

If it is a student party, then there is no way.

In short, this activity that looks more like a leek than a fan benefit, did not receive many negative reviews after it was launched. On the contrary, many fans complained that the limit of 999 is too small, and they simply can't get it because of their luck.

Of course, these are just small episodes, and the real highlight is still that Luo Quan's record sales are still exploding.

In less than a day, 150 million copies of the album were sold out, and in addition, there are as many as one million paid orders waiting to be processed on the retail website.

On the first day, nearly 300 million copies were sold, which is the only one in the pop music world!
The millions of sales of "Rite of Coming of Age" in Japan are accumulated pre-sales over many days, so they cannot be included in the record.

But this time "Live" actually broke the world record for the record's first-day sales.

The former No.1 was the record set by the late Pop King Danny Knier in the last century and this century. On the first day the record was released, it sold [-] million copies.

Since then, no singer has been able to achieve such a result, until the appearance of Luo Quan, directly more than doubling this record!
Just 24 hours after the "Love" physical record was released, the sales figure was fixed at 2673210 copies.

The Guinness official website also quickly published an article, which is the certification of the world record for record sales on the first day:

"Chinese singer Luo Quan's new album "Love" sold 2673210 copies on the first day of release, breaking the record of 1074336 copies set by Danny Knier!"

The Guinness official also contacted Luo Quan later, saying that the certificate would be delivered to Luo Quan by courier in a few days.

Ordinary people want to apply for a Guinness World Record, but they have to contact them on their own initiative. This kind of reverse situation is still very rare, which shows how popular Luoquan is now.

She has already broken through 5000 million Twitter fans, becoming the top streamer in the European and American entertainment circles.

In addition, many fans urged Luo Quan to quickly open an account on ins, and a large group of ins users were waiting to pay attention to her.

Ins is actually the WeChat circle of friends in China, where you can post photos, texts, and share your daily life.And Twitter is more like Weibo. Most of them post their own ideas or promote works on Twitter.

If you want to see what a star's life is like, you can also get on ins, so most stars have more fans on ins than on twitter.

For example, Leon, he basically doesn’t use his Twitter usually, it’s all about work, such as schedule, where to hold a road show next, and so on, and he only has more than 6000 million followers.

And on ins, he often posts some selfies of himself, life in school, funny stories about going out with Seifert, and photos with his family, and has as many as 8000 million fans.

Of course, no matter what, the number of fans has water, the difference is only in the amount of water.

Fans abroad have increased, but domestic fans have not fallen behind.

The number of fans on Weibo is almost 3000 million, and the number of fans on station B is also going straight to 400 million.

As a regular up host, Luo Quan, who has hardly posted a few serious videos after returning to China, is still gaining fans at a rate of tens of thousands per day. If he continues to maintain it, Luo Quan is likely to become a fan of station B. The most up master.

After becoming famous, I have more fans and more things to do at work.

In addition to countless media interviews and invitations to various events, there are also overwhelming endorsement advertisements.

From small second- and third-tier daily necessities to the world's top luxury brands, they all sent messages to Luoquan's Google mailbox immediately, wanting her to be their spokesperson.

Of course, there are many levels of spokespersons, some are regional spokespersons, some are global spokespersons, and some are brand spokespersons.

However, Luoquan currently has a lot of cafes, and the international brands who came to her started as spokespersons for the Asia-Pacific region.

Some even promise that after becoming a spokesperson, the products of the endorsed series can be used for free until the end of the contract. If it is a lifetime endorsement, it will be used for a lifetime!

But no matter how tempting these promised things were, Luo Quan counted one as the other, and rejected them all.

If it is some domestic brands, it is not impossible to consider, but let's forget about foreign ones.

Some time ago, a luxury product was suspected of being a QS yellow race because of the selection of models, which aroused great resistance in China, and even the domestic stars who gave up the brand endorsement were also implicated.

Even if these celebrities terminated their contracts with the brand immediately, they would inevitably be scolded on the hot searches, and some were even scolded more than once.

It sounds a bit innocent to say it, but who made you have anything to do with this brand? When people can't find a target to vent their anger on, they can only target those who can be directly touched.

There is no place to justify this kind of public anger. Even a person like Luo Quan who likes to "reasonable" still fought intensively with a bunch of trolls when he was hacked by the entire Internet.

But in this case, she has no other choice but to apologize and terminate the contract. If her tone is a little aggressive, she is standing on the opposite side of public opinion. People who do such things usually end badly.

And such risks will definitely exist as long as they sign contracts with foreign brands.

Although the probability is not high, but sometimes, some people's brains just twitch, and he still wants to say something that is a lose-lose thing when he says it; he still wants to say it; there are better solutions for some things, and he just wants to give it to the Chinese people. Adding blocks and creating disputes that shouldn't exist.

Luo Quan didn't want her reputation to be tied to someone who might suddenly become a pig in the future, so even if she knew that if she signed a contract with these top luxury brands, both fame and fortune would be greatly improved, she still recommended them all. Dropped, it includes brands like Chanel, Dior, and Givenchy.

In fact, this is not the first time they have contacted Luo Quan. As early as the beginning of the year, when she won the title of the world's most beautiful, they had already approached her once, and they gave her more money and benefits again and again, but Luo Quan always politely declined.

This time is no exception, but with some reasons and a more gentle tone.

Anyway, he is also the world's top big name, and his tone is too aggressive but it will offend people.

Although Luoquan is popular, he is not at all drifting away. Maintaining quality and politeness is the basis for a person to be well evaluated by others. This is also Luoquan's long-standing code of conduct.

Of course, she also has an emotional side in some cases, for example, there are always a few days in a month, she will lose her temper uncontrollably, and her words will be as angry as if she has eaten gunpowder.

She has never had such an emotional side before, but since time travel, she has always encountered such distress.

Fortunately, whenever she comes, she will try not to go online, read some books, listen to music, drink sugar water, as the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind.

Of course, in most cases, her temperament is relatively gentle, and she also puts etiquette first in dealing with people and things. This is also the reason why people who have been with her think highly of her.

In addition to endorsements, many companies have also offered to sign contracts with her.

They are all big domestic companies, including professional entertainment companies, film companies or music companies, and the prices they offer are also very high, much higher than the signing fee that Zhou Yangwen gave her back then.

But without a doubt, Luo Quan rejected all of these.

The restrictive conditions of the system are still there to this day, and it cannot be bound and signed with any entertainment company.

From the point of view at that time, this restricted Luo Quan's development, so she could only choose the most difficult path to make her own reputation.

But judging from the present, this restriction has actually made her the most free star in the entertainment industry.

She can decide her itinerary as she likes, itinerary, endorsements, activities, pick up if she wants to pick up, and refuse if she doesn't want to pick up, and she has a lot of time to do what she likes to do every day, even if she is lying on the bed and playing with her mobile phone to kill time , and will not be made irresponsible remarks by anyone.

Moreover, I don't have to worry about all the bad things that the company's operations have brought to me. All social accounts are managed by myself, and I don't need to look at anyone's face.

Now Luo Quan is really grateful to the system for giving her this limited mission.

If it wasn't for this task, she had hastily signed a contract with a certain company. Now that she is so popular, she would have been forced to sign many endorsements and act in many purely bad-money movies.

There are so many stars whose popularity suddenly exploded, isn't it because these short-sighted signing companies are eager to express their popularity and squeeze out their own potential step by step?

The establishment of word of mouth often takes a long time, and sometimes only one endorsement or one movie is needed to collapse.

Having seen too many farces in the entertainment industry in the previous life, and witnessed too many rookie kings' coolness, Luo Quan understands far better than anyone how important it is to maintain a good reputation.

In short, her current image has been completely established at home and abroad. She is talented, outstanding, humble and low-key, and there is almost no real black material.

As long as it continues like this, it is not difficult to become a first-line star who is well-known by most netizens, not to mention becoming a goddess of the whole people in Japan.

At that time, she will receive a few more high-quality movies, complete the tasks given by the system to get mysterious rewards, and then her personal panel attributes will reach another level.

Luoquan's current personal panel attributes are:

Fame: Somewhat famous (worldwide)
Appearance: SSS
Singing skills: S+
Acting: A
Creation: A-~Infinity

[Star Bound: Sarah Brightman (Seven Days)]
Expertise: iron lung, skin quality improvement, piano specialization, guitar specialization, opera specialization, eight kinds of specialization, cooking specialization......

There are all kinds of weird medicines in the backpack, such as X, T, and face thinning, which can basically be related to beauty, and there are not many that are really useful.

These are the mysterious rewards sent by the system after completing tasks or upgrading.

This reward draw has a certain probability to draw top-quality props, such as attribute promotion cards, permanent star binding cards, etc., but Luoquan is not very lucky. So far, he has drawn no less than twenty times, and only one attribute has been drawn. The upgrade card, and the others are either useless potions, or star binding cards with a limited time limit.

But now, her level has been raised again, and every time her fame level is raised, there will be rewards drawn and presented, and this time is no exception.

This time, because of the relatively large increase, the system directly gave her three chances to draw a lottery.

"Let me, Kangkang, draw something good this time." Luo Quan rubbed his hands, and entered the lottery page full of expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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