Chapter 215
Although Luo Quan's improvement of singing skills basically relies on the system, but she has not spent her time studying hard in private, so even though she has not been able to get an attribute improvement card, her singing skills are still improved compared to half a year ago Quite a few.

It's just that there is no qualitative change from S+ to SS-.

After any attribute reaches S, every level up is two completely different concepts. Unfortunately, Luo Quan may not be able to improve his singing skills in a short period of time.

However, for the vast majority of people, S+'s singing skills are already top-notch, and it is basically equivalent to the level of the quasi-national team in China. In addition, Luoquan's voice conditions are top-notch, and it also has iron lung expertise. The effect is even better than that of some national team singers.

For example, now she sings the song "Farewell Moment". Although no one at station B dares to sing the up master, many domestic singers who sing popular and bel canto have already started practicing.

Some songs are destined to become classics as soon as they come out. It is foreseeable that in the near future, there will be many opportunities for the song "Farewell Moment" to appear in various evening parties on CCTV or local TV stations.

And these singers are also frequent guests of various evening parties, so it is understandable to learn a little bit.

However, judging from the practice version clips released by many singers, it doesn't have the same taste as Luo Quan.

Maybe it's because the time is too short, in short, there is no cover song that can surpass the original song.

And listening to the original singer sing "Farewell Moment" on the spot, the experience is no less than participating in a Luoquan personal concert, and it is also a deluxe version of a professional concert hall.

At the end of the song, everyone from the candidates to the examiners praised Luo Quan's perfect performance and applauded.

Candidates now finally know how Luoquan got the nickname "Walking Record".
For the examiners, this is not a serious and intense exam at all, but a kind of enjoyment, enjoying Luo Quan's singing voice like a melody of nature.

After the end, Luo Quan also got a full score without any surprises, and once again pre-booked the No.1 result of the second art test.

But after the exam, Luo Quan, who was about to leave, was stopped by Dean Zheng and asked her to sit in the exam for a while. Several professors asked her for something.

Since it was Dean Zheng's request, Luo Quan certainly couldn't refuse, so he returned to his previous seat and sat down, took out his phone and started playing on his own.

Although mobile phones are not allowed in the examination room, top students can always enjoy privileges, not to mention top students like Luo Quan, even if they are discovered, the examiner will turn a blind eye.

As for the other candidates, while they were amazed by Luo Quan's wonderful performance, they were also thankful that she did not sing the song she was going to sing next, and did not turn the examination room into a public execution scene.

Although Luoquan didn't have statistics, at least five of the candidates who went up later still sang "Listen". As for how well they sang, she didn't pay much attention to it.

Of course, the Conservatory of Music is so big, and the time to take the exam is not limited to students from the Vocal Music Department. There are also many students from other departments, but the competition is not as fierce as that of the Vocal Music Department.

In fact, apart from the Vocal Music Department, there were not many applicants for other departments, especially the Conducting Department. Because of Song Ling's relationship, Luo Quan paid special attention to the candidates who applied for this department, but after staring at it for a long time, it seemed that there were only two.

Luo Quan can't tell how the level is, but the scores are quite high. It is estimated that there are too few people applying for the exam. If the scores are lowered and a few more are wiped out, a department may not even be able to sit in a LOL Internet cafe for five consecutive seats.

After the second art exam, the form of this year's enrollment has basically been settled.

This is an exam to decide whether to stay or not. If you can make a gap with others, you will stay. If you are separated by others, you can only wait for the second year.

As for the third exam, it is basically just a formality, and the focus needs to be on the college entrance examination.

After the exam, some of the examinees were happy and some were sad, some were elated and high-spirited, while others were downcast and frowning. Luo Quan looked at the faces of all beings in the exam room quietly, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

When the examinees were almost gone, Luo Quan got up and walked to the stage, while Dean Zheng and two of the examiners were still there.

"Dean Zheng, do you know why you asked me to stay?" Luo Quan asked respectfully.

"Let me introduce you first. This is Wang Zhujun, the head and professor of the Composition Department." Dean Zheng said to a middle-aged man in his 40s with a small mustache and a ponytail at the back of his head.

It looks very literary and artistic, and it really seems to be engaged in art.

"Hello, Professor Wang." Luo Quan nodded his head.

Dean Zheng continued: "Although Professor Wang is only 36 this year, his compositions have already won many awards at home and abroad, and he is also one of the few musicians in China who has won Grammys. "

Hearing Dean Zheng's introduction, Wang Zhujun laughed: "Compared with Luo Quan, that little achievement is not enough. Most of the major Grammy awards this year will be contracted by Luo Quan."

"Professor Wang, you are too modest." Luo Quan's attitude does not show any negligence of living proudly. She respects these silent musicians:

"There is a priority in learning, and there is a specialization in art. Since you have made achievements at home and abroad, you have already proved your talent. As a junior, I still have a lot to learn from you."

Dean Zheng applauded: "Well said, if these singers in China have the same idea as you, it will not be impossible to write a few decent songs for so many years, let alone let the public use foreign songs, Awards are the norm.”

Professor Wang sighed: "In the current music industry, people inside and outside are too impetuous. There are very few people who are willing to dive into making music seriously. Too many people just want to apply the melodies that have been tested by the market. Fill in some unknown words and phrases, and then go to make a quick buck.

What's even more sad is that the market is still following this set, just like the hit song on the major music charts recently, it's called... what is it called? "

""Drunk Girls in Pairs"" blurted out Luo Quan, who had just glanced at the Penguin Music Hot Song Chart yesterday.

Originally, she thought that the rankings should be dominated by her songs. When she was bored, she would look at these rankings and always have a sense of pride of "being the best".

However, a song suddenly popped up yesterday, it's called "Drunk Beauty Makes a Pair", and its popularity is much higher than any song in Luoquan's any period.

After listening to it, Luo Quan felt that life is really a bit strange. By condensing the plot of the novel into a jingle, and adding a piece of explosive DJ background music, she can easily have more than [-] or [-] million views. Never thought of it.

But it does exist, and when I saw it this morning, the number of broadcasts has exceeded one billion. There are a large number of cover or imitators on various live broadcast platforms, music platforms, and short video platforms. It is simply the participation of the whole people.

"Yes, that's the song, it's so vulgar!" Professor Wang's expression was full of sorrow and anger:
"In my opinion, this kind of thing is not worthy of being called music at all. There is no melody, only repetitive rhythms and unknown lyrics. How is it different from Shulaibao and Lotus Fall?
The people who pursue these things are also outrageous. If you don’t understand so many high-quality music at home and abroad, how can you like this kind of thing? ! "

Although Luo Quan doesn't like this kind of "music" either, but Professor Wang's remarks are actually a bit extreme. She said carefully: "Actually, I think that although this song "Drunk Makes Beautiful Couples" has no artistic value, it is Since it appeared and became popular, it still has its meaning.”

When Professor Wang heard Luo Quan's words, he showed an extremely shocked expression: "You don't mean to say that existence is reasonable, do you?"

After listening to this song last night, he angrily reprimanded its author and singer on Weibo, feeling that they were dragging the Huaxia music that had been stagnant to go backwards desperately.

However, this microblog did not resonate too much, but was criticized by the majority of netizens, and the most common vocabulary among netizens is that existence is reasonable.

Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, he said, "It's not that it can't be used."

Professor Wang shook his head and said angrily: "But in my opinion, the existence of this kind of thing is completely irrational, so why is it reasonable or unreasonable? This is just a universal excuse for those people."

Luo Quan continued to say in a soft tone: "Existence is rationality is Hegel's discourse, which belongs to the idealist viewpoint. Its original intention is the appearance of a thing, as if there is a reason for it to appear, but the thing itself is right or wrong. Wrong this is unknown.

And the appearance of the song "Drunk and Beautiful Women in Pairs" shows that the general public likes this kind of work that may not be considered serious music. Maybe it is not a good thing or a good phenomenon, but its appearance is indeed is reasonable.

As for the vulgarity you said, in fact, you don't have to be so extreme.

In fact, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen only account for 0.33% of the country's area, and the new first-tier cities only account for 3% of the country's area.

On the remaining 97% of the land, there are about 300 prefecture-level cities, 3000 county towns, 40000 townships and 66 villages.About 84% of the people in the country consume and grow here.

What you think is vulgar is actually half of China.

Not everyone can have good music appreciation literacy, and not everyone can like Yangchun Baixue. Sometimes the so-called low Liba people's soil is actually better to capture the hearts of the general public.

And I have always believed that, as a music creator, one should never be divorced from the masses when creating music.Maybe not all the things of the public are good, and not all the things of the minority are good.

The best music in my mind is only the taste of the refined and the popular. "

"Well said!" Dean Zheng took the lead in applauding, "Your words have exhausted the true meaning of artistic creation, and also revealed the current status of Chinese music audiences.

Although the situation is grim, it can spur us to move forward even more. "

Dean Zheng praised him a lot, but Professor Wang was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Luo Quan to be so young and talented, and to have such profound personal insights in this regard.

It's hard not to be convincing.

Professor Wang heaved a long sigh: "It's really scary for young people. I am indeed extreme in this matter. Elegance and vulgarity have never been opposites, and they can coexist!"

Luo Quan nodded: "That's right, but one thing to say, it's better to have as few songs as "Drunk Makes Beautiful Couples" in the future."

Several professors laughed out loud.

Luo Quan was also laughing, but he was also muttering in his heart.

Don't look at her saying one thing after another, such as the tastes and tastes, Yangchun Baixue and Xialiba people, but whether she thinks so in her heart is another matter.

If you want to ask, who is the hottest singer or group in the 20 years around China New Century, maybe everyone has a different answer.

For example, the Chinese pop star Jay Chou, or Qian Ge, a comedian and hot pot restaurant owner, or a group of original singers who dominate the new era of the Internet.

There are too many popular singers, there are too many singers who have been popular, and anyone who mentions it alone may have objections...except Legend of Phoenix.

This group that came out of the Avenue of Stars is a veritable king of pop in the Chinese music scene.

The songs of this group are widely sung, enough to apply for the Guinness Book of World Records, and the songs of this group can be heard in almost every night square and every ring tone of mobile phones.

If Luo Quan was willing to sing these songs before, not to mention the sales, the nationality could be raised by at least two levels!
At least!

However, Luo Quan never had the idea of ​​singing these songs.

There are so many high-sounding rhetoric on the lips, but in fact, I still despise these singing customs in my heart.

But there is no way, if you want the general public to like it, it must be more vulgar.

Rap is so popular in the United States now, the content of the lyrics is not just big gold chains, beautiful sports cars, etc., and it is not very elegant.

Anyway, Luo Quan couldn't sing a song like "Drunk Makes Beautiful Women Pair", she would get goosebumps just by looking at the lyrics.

Although this song is indeed the hottest song in China at present, the popularity and discussion volume has far surpassed "Farewell Moment".

After Professor Wang's introduction, Dean Zheng continued to introduce another examiner who stayed behind: "This is the professor of bel canto in our college, Zhao Ying, a national first-class singer and a world-class coloratura soprano. !"

"Hello, Professor Zhao." Luo Quan said respectfully.

This Professor Zhao seems to be a little older than Professor Wang, and his body looks a little rich. He is estimated to be around 45 years old and has a pleasant smile.

Zhao Ying said with a smile: "You sang the song "Farewell Moment" just now very well, and your timbre talent is also extremely high. Have you ever thought about furthering your studies in Bel Canto?"

Luo Quan was really stumped by this question.

(End of this chapter)

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