Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 216 Rejection

Chapter 216 Rejection
Although there are differences between popular singing and bel canto, they are actually similar in essence. They both use scientific methods to train singers' singing skills, and then sing the best songs.

Compared with popular singing, bel canto has higher requirements for singer talent and skills. Teacher Zhao Ying has achieved a great reputation both at home and abroad, and has already demonstrated her strength.

It was actually a good thing that a tycoon in the industry took the initiative to show his favor to her and even accepted her as his apprentice.

Unfortunately, she never planned to become a bel canto singer, so she could only shake her head and say, "I'm sorry, Professor Zhao, I don't even understand pop music, so I don't consider the idea of ​​entering the bel canto world."

Hearing Luo Quan's refusal, Zhao Ying sighed regretfully, but expressed her understanding.

"Actually, I just wanted to say it." Wang Zhujun also said suddenly, "Although I know it's impossible, I still want to ask, have you considered coming to our composition department?

There is no shortage of singers and pop singers in China now, but what is missing is a talented composer like you!
With your talent, within three years, you will definitely be able to come up with a work that is enough to cause a sensation in the world, and it will not be a problem to leave a name in history! "

Adhering to the idea that I can't get it, and others can't get it, Professor Zhao teased: "Ke Luoquan already has works that have caused a sensation in the world, and I don't think she needs the old faces of your composition department now." Advised, she taught you more or less."

Luo Quan was a little flattered: "Professor Zhao has won the award, and my level is still far behind those professional composers. How can I dare to give advice."

"You are just too humble. Sometimes your temperament should be like your appearance. You should be more western, and you should be arrogant if you are talented. Too modest will make people feel hypocritical.

Of course, I am not blaming you, I just think you are a bit too self-effacing, which is of course a virtue in China, but not necessarily so in foreign countries. "

Hearing Professor Zhao's words, Luo Quan guessed that she had received a lot of Western-style education, most likely she had studied abroad.

There is actually nothing wrong with what Professor Zhao said. Westerners just advocate individuality and individual heroism, and publicity is there for them, but it is never a derogatory term.

However, Luo Quan has never been a domineering person. As the saying goes, only one can be proud of one's talents, but she knows in her heart how she came to be.

It is the limit to be able to take these works as her own with peace of mind, and she really can't do this kind of behavior of being complacent.

Therefore, in the face of Professor Zhao's teachings, Luo Quan can only say: "The culture of each country is different, and the education I have received since childhood is to be gentle, courteous and modest.

And I have always felt that personality is never the key to a person's success, only works are. With works, no matter whether you are humble or arrogant, you can add honor to your body. "

"That's true." Professor Zhao nodded in agreement with Luo Quan's statement.

"In addition, when I return to China this time, I will only stay for a year, and I don't have time to learn esoteric bel canto or composition. Relatively speaking, popular singing is more in line with my study plan."

When Luo Quan said this, the professors basically lost all thought of poaching. Knowing that she was determined to stay in the popular singing major.

It's a pity that Professor Shang Deyuan, who is a popular major, is not here, otherwise I don't know what it's like to be happy.

Dean Zheng kept Luo Quan here, in fact, for this very reason.

A few days ago, two professors, Wang and Zhao, pestered him, asking him to help contact Luo Quan and discuss about changing majors.

This kind of good seed, which is rare in decades, should be held by any professor.

Professor Shang has never been aware of this matter. If he knew, the three of them might have to fight.

The poaching was rejected by Luo Quan, and the two professors were still a little disappointed. Seeing this, Luo Quan hurriedly apologized and slipped away.

Walking out of the examination room, Luo Quan saw a lot of candidates gathered in the corridor, and it seemed that they hadn't left since they came out.

When these candidates saw Luo Quan coming out, they cheered and surrounded him.

"Luo Quan! We are your fans!"

"I have bought every one of your albums, including the regular and commemorative editions of "Love"!"

"Luo Quan, I have your fan sign on station B!"

Seeing these enthusiastic fans, Luo Quan smiled: "Thank you for your continued support."

A girl said weakly: "Well... can you sign us? I applied for the limited edition purchase quota, but there are too many people, and I feel that most of them cannot be bought."

"Of course." Luo Quan readily agreed.

A dozen or so girls screamed happily, so scared that Luo Quan hurriedly made a silent gesture: "After all, it is in the school, if it attracts too many students, it will be troublesome. The last art test, in the professor's He was scolded for this."

The girls hurriedly covered their mouths, then silently took out notebooks and pens from their schoolbags.

Because I didn't know in advance that I could get Luo Quan's signature, I had to use this slightly crude method, which was a fly in the ointment.

Luo Quan quickly signed for the girls, and then a dozen of them took a photo together.

Several girls did not pass the second art test, and they were in a very sad mood.

But after getting Luo Quan's autograph and group photo, I felt a lot more comfortable.

After all, if the exam results are not satisfactory, it will be next year, and the next time I have the opportunity to take a photo with Luo Quan and ask for an autograph, then I don't know when I will have to wait.

After taking a photo here, Luo Quan put on his sunglasses and found a gazebo to rest. This is also the place where she and Wen Xia agreed to meet.

Outside the gazebo is a peach blossom forest. It is the moment when the peach blossoms are in full bloom. Many students come here to sketch and take pictures.

After sitting here for a while, Luo Quan saw an acquaintance.

"Come on, tell me, what are the three elements of portrait photography?" Lin Zheyuan led a group of juniors to a tree with lush peach blossoms. The seniors were full of style.

"I know!" A boy raised his hand excitedly. In places where there are many girls, it seems that some boys always like to show off to attract the attention of the goddess: "It's the characters, the plot, the environment!"

"That's the three elements of a novel!" Lin Zheyuan slapped the boys on the head, and the girls suddenly laughed.

The boy was very wronged: "But the teacher never mentioned the three elements of portrait photography in class."

Lin Zheyuan stared: "Is this still going to be said? You can understand it yourself."

As he spoke, he walked under the peach blossom tree: "Everyone, tell me, is this peach blossom tree pretty?"

"Good looking!" Everyone said in unison.

"Then am I handsome?" Lin Zheyuan continued to ask with a smile.

"Handsome!" The school girls replied crisply.

Lin Zheyuan frowned: "The boys don't have a single word to say, I remember it, and when the time comes, don't even think about passing a single comprehensive practice score!"

"The senior is the most handsome!"

"Handsome as hell!"

"Shangyi School Grass!"

The boys immediately rushed to compliment Lin Zheyuan.

Luo Quan grinned when he saw it not far away, but he didn't see it before, and he didn't expect that Lin Zheyuan was quite smug.

"I agree with the previous ones. Let's forget about Shangyi's school grass. We are craftsmen, and we don't rely on our faces to make a living. We can't compare with those in the acting department." In a few words, Lin Zheyuan showed his hermaphrodite attributes again .

"Since I am so handsome, under such a beautiful peach blossom tree, as long as I don't make any strange movements, no matter what angle or how I take the photo, the photos I take will not be ugly." Lin Zheyuan said and patted the peach blossom lightly. In late spring, the flower pedicles of the peach blossoms have already loosened, and when they are slapped by external force, they will fall down one after another.

A few spiritual students hurriedly raised the cameras hanging around their necks to take pictures.

The girls reacted a bit slower, and when they remembered, there were no flowers in the air.

"How about it, senior, I didn't show any bosses, so the picture is still beautiful and handsome?" Lin Zheyuan asked with a smile.

The juniors stared at the video in the camera and nodded in agreement.

"Then let me ask again, if an ugly ghost is standing here, do you think the photos you take will look good?"

The girls suddenly showed disgusted expressions:

"It doesn't look good."

"Scary scenery."

"If you destroy ornamental flowers, you will be fined."

Lin Zheyuan smiled and said, "So, now do you know what the three elements of portrait photography are?"

The juniors looked at each other in blank dismay, still shaking their heads blankly.

Lin Zheyuan was furious: "I've talked so much, is it all for nothing?" Taking a deep breath, he said loudly, "Listen up, it's a model! A model! A model!"

Only then did the students suddenly realize that this was indeed the case.

"It's really annoying." Lin Zheyuan looked around as he said, and then his eyes lit up: "You wait, I will give you a live teaching right now!"

Then, he trotted all the way to the gazebo.

"Student, can I ask you to do me a favor?" Lin Zheyuan, who was full of demeanor in front of his juniors and younger sisters just now, became gentle again at this moment.

"What's the matter?" Luo Quan asked, holding back a smile.

Lin Zheyuan explained: "It's like this. I was giving a class to my juniors just now, and the class happened to be portrait photography. I think you are the most beautiful around here, so I want you to be a model for us. I don't know if it will work. ?”

Luo Quan pointed to his nose: "You know I'm pretty even when I wear sunglasses?"

Lin Zheyuan smiled and said: "As a professional photographer, I still have this sense of smell. Although the sunglasses cover your eyebrows and eyes, you can still see your appearance from the curve of your jaw and the shape of your nose and lips. , must be very, very beautiful!"

"Thank you, thank you." Luo Quan stood up with a smile, it seemed that the sunglasses were still effective, at least Lin Zheyuan didn't recognize her.

However, the matter of appearance is the same as the pregnant woman in October, which cannot be concealed no matter what. Even if she wears sunglasses, professionals can still distinguish her general appearance from other details of the face.

Luo Quan was invited over, and came under the peach blossom tree, Lin Zheyuan continued to say to the juniors: "Come on, in order to better convey the elements of portrait photography to you, I specially invited a beautiful young lady.

I don't know which major you are in, can you tell us your name first? "

As a fourth-year student of Shangyi, and about to take the postgraduate entrance examination, Lin Zheyuan spoke with a little old-fashioned.

Luo Quan showed a smile: "My name is Luo Quan."

"Luo Quan..." Lin Zheyuan almost lost his breath, and suddenly turned his head to look at Luo Quan, " can't be."

"You also said that you often listen to my songs, but you can't even hear my voice?" Luo Quan said this, which is also an admission of his identity.

Then, he took off his sunglasses.

Luo Quan, who showed his true face, immediately amazed all the students.

"I've never seen such a beautiful girl in my life."

"Senior is so amazing, I found such a beautiful young lady with just one trick."

"What's so amazing, this is Luo Quan, Luo Quan!"

"You said it was Luo Quan who released the album a while ago?!"

"The senior still knows her, it's amazing."

The juniors were surprised at Luo Quan's appearance, while Lin Zheyuan looked a little embarrassed: "I didn't expect you to appear there by such a coincidence, so I didn't think about it. What are you doing at school today? what?"

Luo Quan was confident: "Today is the second art test."

Lin Zheyuan was silent for a while, then said, "Okay, it's my fault.

But if you are the model, the effect of this course will be even better. "

Then Lin Zheyuan turned his head and looked at the juniors: "I don't need to introduce you more about this one, right? Luo Quan, the most beautiful face in the world this year, and he will become a student of Shangyi in a few months. "

"I know! I was still listening to Luo Quan's song yesterday."

"I am much more beautiful than the photos!"

"Luo Quan, I'm your big fan! Can you get Wen Xia's autograph for me?"

Everything was fine before, but as soon as the last sentence came out, Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry, why her die-hard fans didn't want her signature, but Wen Xia's.

I don't know if it's a joke, or if I really want Wen Xia's autograph, Luo Quan can only nod, while the others just laughed.

Said that Cao Cao had arrived, and mentioned Wen Xia here, and Wen Xia really came to the door by herself.

"What are you doing here?" Wearing sunglasses, Wen Xia walked up to Luo Quan and asked curiously.

Luo Quan smiled and said, "The boy who asked for Wen Xia's autograph just now, your idol is here, so go find her early."

The students gasped again.

To say which of the two is more popular and famous, it must be Luo Quan abroad, but in China, it is undoubtedly Wen Xia!
Luo Quan took off his glasses just now, and a few students did not recognize her, which proved this point.

And Wen Xia hadn't taken off her glasses, she just said a name, and all the students responded.

"Wen Xia, I've been your fan for ten years, can you sign me?" The boy came out bravely, holding a marker pen in his hand.

Ps. Thanks to book friends Jian Qiuqingli and Xiao Xiaoyu for the book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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