Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 22 Disqualification in the Human World

Chapter 22 Disqualification in the Human World
"Hello everyone, I'm Luo Quan, my stage name is Izumi, and I'm a native of China. I'm free tonight. If you have any questions, you can have a friendly interaction with me."

There is a photo attached below the text. It was a selfie she just took with her mobile phone. She didn't use any P-picture software, but it was still beautiful and moving.

In less than 10 minutes, someone discovered the newly created account.

"A high imitation or a real person?"

"It should be a real person. This photo is the first time I have seen it."

"Can you really ask any question?"

Seeing the third comment, Luo Quan replied: "As long as it's not too excessive or too private, you can answer."

One minute later, she refreshed the comment area, and saw that this person added a comment: "Which hospital did the plastic surgery do? I also want to get a nose pad."

Luo Quan's face suddenly turned black, his fingers poked hard at the screen, and he typed: "It's pure natural!"

"Really? I don't believe it."

Luo Quan took a deep breath, stabilized his excitement, and then replied, "The Human Branch of the Jade Emperor Plastic Surgery Institute."

This time the person stopped talking, and the questions from other netizens quickly brushed this unsightly comment to the back.

The questions asked by netizens are basically normal, such as how old she is, where is her hometown, who her parents are foreigners, and how tall she is. Luo Quan also answered them one by one.

And just when she was busy answering questions, a comment was pushed up, Luo Quan looked at it, and the whole person was petrified.

It was a screenshot of her on the MS stage. The host, Samohao, was also in the shot. Probably talking about something funny, Luo Quan smiled happily.

Because of her relatively carefree personality, her expression management is not as strict as that of female artists when she is laughing, so this photo looks a bit funny. In short, her mouth is wide open and her smile is very "heroic".

As a result, this fan captured the moment of acting while watching the live broadcast, and then posted the screenshot with the text: Luo Quan, a ten-year-old fan of Luo Quan, came uninvited, this picture is not bad, right?

In less than 1 minute, there were more than 20 replies under this comment!

"The case has been solved. Luo Quan has not undergone plastic surgery. How can he make such an exaggerated expression on his face after plastic surgery."

"I would call it the mouth of the abyss!"

"In that instant, Billy knew he had to marry Jenny jpg"

"Here comes the math problem, four centimeters in diameter and fifteen centimeters deep, find the volume of this irregular cylinder."

"It's too much upstairs, how can you make fun of it like this, but I have to say that Luo Quan can be said to be a cherry sip when he is normal. I didn't expect it to be so malleable."

Seeing these comments, Luo Quan closed Weibo with a look of despair. At this time, she probably understood what it was like to be disqualified in the world.

"My God Lolo, your picture is too funny, it's not someone who gave you a P... quack..." Wen Xia, who originally wanted to follow Luoquan's Weibo, also found the picture Performing arts photos, issued a barbell-like laughter.

She also watched the previous MS live broadcast, but did not notice that Luo Quan still showed such a smile. Fortunately, someone saved it in time, so that such a classic expression was not missed.

Luo Quan said angrily: "These are all black fans! How can anyone make such an idol of their own!"

Wen Xia said with a smile: "I think this fan is pretty good. One photo will remove the suspicion of plastic surgery for you. It's a model of invincibility."

Luo Quan rolled his eyes: "That's right, killing [-] enemies loses [-], and there is no blood in the killing.

Before my image in the minds of domestic netizens was established, it completely collapsed. I don't even know what to do if this photo was posted on Twitter. "

Wen Xia said in a very seductive tone: "Actually, comedians are quite popular in Japan, why don't you change your route?"

Luo Quan glanced at Wen Xia coldly: "Change your fart! Is that what people do? I don't like to make a fool of yourself in public."

Wen Xia couldn't help laughing: "But the problem is that you've made a fool of yourself now."

"Ah... let's not talk about it! I'm not going to watch Weibo for the time being. Also, I'll laugh at the camera again in the future. I'm a dog!" When unable to face the fait accompli, Luo Quan consciously acted Played an ostrich and vowed to be an emotionless singing machine in the future!

The next day, Luo Quan nervously opened Twitter and searched with Quan Shui Yan Yi as a keyword. Fortunately, he did not find any relevant content.

The discussion about her on Twitter still maintains a high level of popularity, and the sales and playback volume of the three songs are also rising, which has overwhelmed the new songs released by all the singers recently. Going straight to the top five of the Oricon list, it should not be a problem to reach the top within today.

Sony Records originally wanted to strike while the iron was hot and let Luo Quan go to a city near Tokyo for a roadshow, but Luo Quan refused.

At present, she doesn't want to go out at all, just let the songs speak according to her strength, and it's better to forget about the promotion. If she cuts a few ugly pictures as black history, she will really become a comedian.

After dismissing the schedule, Luo Quan just had time to open the system to see what rewards he got after he became popular.

[Congratulations to the upgrade of the host, the fame level has reached the famous (Japan region)
System Reward: Special Skill Card × 1
The heat value reaches the current level upper limit: 50000]
This is the only place that has changed. Both the reputation level and the heat value have increased a lot, but what surprised her is that the heat value has an upper limit. Currently, it can only save up to 50000. If the wave is normal, she is afraid now. It's already over a million.

In addition, the system rewarded her with a special skill card, plus one from the previous upgrade, and a random star binding card for completing the task, a total of three cards.

I don't know what it is, but most of them can't come up with a good thing. It's a bit annoying to put in a backpack. For the time being, Luo Quan opened all three cards for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

[Use a random star binding card...Get an opera star binding card: Diana Damrao (time limit: one day)
Use a special skill card... to gain a feat: Iron Lung
Use a special skill get a martial skill: Shotokan-ryu karate black belt [-]rd dan]
Luo Quan took back what he just said, these drawing cards are really useful!

Although she didn't know Diana Damrao, and she didn't know Shotokan-style karate, just one iron lung expertise had brought her a huge improvement.

Normally speaking, treble is one of the important criteria for judging a singer's singing skills. Although bass also tests singing skills, in the ears of ordinary listeners, a treble that destroys the world is obviously more shocking and intuitive.

The effect of the iron lung expertise is to fully optimize the breath, pitch, timbre, and vocal cords when she sings high notes, so that she can maintain a better state than ordinary singers without breathing, and her voice can be higher.

After Luo Quan acquired this expertise, not only the lung capacity has been improved, but also the muscle control of the waist and abdomen has been greatly improved.

Singing is actually a technical job, especially singing high pitches. It is not because you have a high voice and a large lung capacity that you can sing well in high pitches. In more cases, it is actually the abdominal force to control the breath, and the skill is used.

In the past, Luo Quan always felt overwhelmed when singing high notes because of lack of abdominal exercise. Although the three songs she sing now do not have a particularly high demand for high notes, she will encounter that kind of high pitch sooner or later. Difficult songs, so she has been considering whether to do targeted exercises.

But now it's alright, an iron lung expertise has solved the problem, Luo Quan feels that her abdomen is really firm and powerful, and she can do a hundred sit-ups in one breath!

And she opened her clothes and took a look. There was a vest line on each side of her stomach, and it didn't tear into eight-pack abs. It was perfect!
If the cards in the future can give her such specialties, then her singing skills basically don't need to go to the mall to upgrade her singing skills.

As for the opera star experience card and karate black belt martial arts skills, they are basically add-ons. She is a pop singer, and it is useless to bind an opera star, and the validity period is only one day.

And the [-]rd dan black belt in karate sounds pretty good, but now it is a society ruled by law, even if she has martial arts, I am afraid she has no use.

If she really encountered a gangster with a kitchen knife, let alone a third dan black belt, she would turn her head and run away even if she was a seventh dan.

In general, she was very satisfied with the result of the card draw this time, but the chance to get a card again can only wait for the completion of the advanced quest.

(End of this chapter)

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