Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 23 Junko Yagyu

Chapter 23 Junko Yagyu
"Hey!" The girl carried her luggage with all her might and came to the downstairs of the apartment. Crystal sweat slipped from her white forehead to the tip of her nose, like dewdrops on lily petals.

"Izumi sauce should live here, I can't think of it so remote." The girl wiped her sweat, took out a pink mobile phone, and made a call.

In the room, Luo Quan was drinking watermelon juice with Erlang's legs crossed, and the cold air from the air conditioner turned on at the lowest temperature came out, making her shiver in the hot summer.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Luo Quan picked it up and looked at the caller ID, it turned out to be Junko Liusheng, and pictures began to flash back in his mind.

Junko Liusheng was Luo Quan's first and only friend in Tokyo. The two had known each other when they were in the first year of high school.

This is a girl who is very shy but extremely stubborn in her heart, and treats her friend, Luo Quan, very honestly.

In high school, Luo Quan was often bullied by some delinquent girls and delinquent teenagers because of his special appearance. At this time, Junko Liuyu would always bravely stand up to her, although the final result was that the two of them were bullied together.

However, with Junko's support and company during that difficult time, Luo Quan never felt sad and his mentality remained very healthy.

All in all, Junko is a very important friend to Luo Quan.

After pressing the answer button, Luo Quan heard a very gentle voice, just like every kiss from the early morning that a lover misses in the sunset, he will never feel tired listening to it.

"Yes... Is it Izumi-chan?" Junko's voice was seven-point joy and three-point timidity.

"It's me, what's the matter?"

Junko Liusheng said softly, "I'm downstairs in your house, can you come pick me up?"

"Are you downstairs in my house?" Luo Quan sat up, scratched his head, and said, "Stay and don't move, I'll come down immediately."

"Who's here?" Wen Xia asked curiously.

"A friend." Luo Quan said, stood up, took out a pair of flip-flops from the shoe cabinet, and stepped out the door.

When she came downstairs, she saw Junko Yagyu in a light green long dress. She had a pink and lovely oval face, a thin figure, only just over 1.6 meters tall, and she had her own airport at a young age.

Such a pure, sunny and kawaii image is the perfect girlfriend in the hearts of most Japanese otaku.

Junko Liusheng showed a very happy smile after seeing Luo Quan, and ran over with a heavy suitcase.

"Come here, why don't you give me a gift? I'm so sorry." Luo Quan laughed and took the suitcase from Junko.

Junko Liusheng looked embarrassed: "Izumi sauce, this is not a gift I gave you, these are my clothes."

"Clothes?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Junko Liusheng: "Did you go home?"

Junko Yagyu nodded shyly and said in a low voice, "I only have you as a friend in Tokyo. Will you take me in? Although I can't cook or do laundry, I will definitely be very obedient!"

Most Japanese people are unwilling to give trouble to others, and at the same time, they are unwilling to let others cause trouble to themselves.

Looking at Junko Liusheng's big watery eyes, Luo Quan had a hard time saying no, so he could only nod his head and said, "Anyway, there is already an ancestor in the family, it doesn't matter if you have one more, come with me."

"Izumi sauce, I knew you were the best!" Junko Liusheng jumped up happily, and then asked: What ancestor? "

"Let's go in, let's go inside... I'm sorry, your suitcase is really heavy!" Luo Quan gritted his teeth and lifted the suitcase upstairs, what the hell is in it!

The two worked together to move the suitcase to the second floor. Junko Liusheng followed Luo Quan to the door. Just after changing his shoes, he raised his head when his eyes met Wen Xia, who was approaching.

Both of them were stunned for a moment, Junko Liusheng asked first, "Izumi-chan, who is this girl?"

"Oh, this is my good friend, her name is Wen Xia. Luo Quan explained with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Wen Xia." Wen Xia held the ice cream in her left hand, and then very kindly extended her right hand representing friendship to Junko Yagyu. Her Japanese is actually as good as her Korean, but her accent is not as good. Luo Quan handled it so well.

Looking at Wen Xia's outstretched right hand, Junko Liusheng did not hold it, but a mist of water quickly rose in her bright eyes, sobbing: "Izumi-chan, how can you be so skilled in introducing friends? , I was the one who came first, whether to eat ice cream in summer, or blow the air conditioner...why did it become like this.

For the first time, I have a girl I like, and a girl who can be a lifelong friend. The two happy things overlapped and brought me even more happiness. What I got was a time as happy as a dream... ...but why, why is that. "

What's going on with this familiar sense of sight?Luo Quan looked at Junko Liusheng, who was complaining and self-pity, with a black face, and a violent chestnut knocked on her head: "You are confused by the sun? Why are you saying such strange things?"

"Damn!" Junko Liusheng cried out in pain, and knelt down on the ground.

Luo Quan continued: "This is because I was young. I knew her when we were seven years old."

"Right... I'm sorry!" Junko Liusheng hurriedly stood up when he heard this, and while bending down, he held Wen Xia's hand and apologized.

Wen Xia smiled boldly: "It's okay, hahaha... Luo Quan, your friend is quite interesting, as cute as the high school girl heroine in Japanese dramas."

Luo Quan said helplessly: "She just likes to watch these girls' cartoons and unnutritious campus youth dramas."

Junko Liusheng stared at Wen Xia and said, "I...I seem to have seen you somewhere...I remember, you are the captain of Sweet girl!"

Wen Xia narrowed her eyes with a smile: "Ha... It seems that I am quite famous in Japan."

"I really like Lee Soo Ah in your group, her rap is so handsome!"

"Pfft!" Luo Quan couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Wen Xia laughed awkwardly: "Zhuya is indeed the rapper in our group, and she basically sings the rap part solo."

"Okay, you guys have a fan meeting first, and I'll cut a piece of watermelon." Luo Quan said, walking to the refrigerator, cutting off half of the watermelon he bought at the fruit store this morning, and then dividing it into long squares the size of bottle caps and putting them in plate.

After inserting the toothpick, Luo Quan brought the watermelon to the two women.

Junko Liusheng asked while eating watermelon: "Izumi sauce, why didn't you tell me when you debuted, if I hadn't swiped on Twitter yesterday and saw the hot search, I wouldn't have known about it.

But those three songs are really good. If my grandfather didn't take all my money, I would definitely buy one. "

Hearing this similar experience, Luo Quan was surprised: "Your grandfather also traveled abroad?"

Junko Yagyu was stunned for a moment: "What is going abroad, grandpa is imposing economic sanctions on me."

Luo Quan frowned and said, "Why punish you? Are you making the old man angry again?"

Junko Liusheng pouted and complained: "The day before yesterday, I told my grandfather about my dream, but he scolded him bloody. If I say that my dream is simply crooked, I must let me inherit the family's kendo, otherwise Cut off all my financial resources, and I ran out of the house in a fit of rage."

Wen Xia was suddenly curious when she heard this: "Kendo is inherited from the family? Dare to ask where your family is sacred?"

Luo Quan was familiar with Junko Yagyu's family background, and explained to Wen Xia: "Junzi's grandfather Yanzhai Yanzhai is the current leader of Yagyu Xinyin Liu, and he is also one of the few existing kendo masters in Japan!"

Wen Xia's eyes lit up: "Amazing, I didn't expect you to come from a family of kendo."

Luo Quan dismantled the platform and said, "It's a pity that she didn't learn anything since she was a child, and she didn't even learn anything about her grandfather."

Junko Yagyu blushed and quarreled: "Who said I didn't learn grandpa's fur, I just don't like to learn it, if there is a fight, none of the three Izumi sauces are my opponents."

"Do you want to learn from me?" Luo Quan said confidently.

Junko Liusheng waved his hand quickly: "Forget it, I'm afraid of hurting you, and this place is too small to be used."

"By the way, what is your dream? Your grandfather would be so against it?" Wen Xia asked after eating a piece of watermelon.

When it comes to dreams, Junko Yagyu's big eyes are full of longing: "My dream is to be like Sweet gril and become a much-anticipated female idol!"

(End of this chapter)

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