Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 24 Dreams and Realities

Chapter 24 Dreams and Realities

Luo Quan's eyes widened: "I heard it right, you want to be an idol?"

Junko Liusheng nodded: "Yes, this is a dream I have had since I was very young, I remember I told you?"

"I thought you were joking." Luo Quan sighed, "I think I know why your grandfather scolded you for not studying at Tokyo University, but trying to be an idol. Isn't this a crooked way?"

"I don't like listening to what you say." Wen Xia put her waist on her back with a serious expression: "Idols are not crooked, they are someone who can satisfy the spiritual needs of teenagers, maintain social stability, and promote economic development. Serious career, now the idol business in the three major Asian countries is in full swing, and the prospects are very broad. What's wrong with being an idol.

Besides, Junko looks so cute, she is a high-quality newcomer who can make her debut in the Japanese market, and she can become popular with a little exposure! "

Junko Yagyu said softly: "Actually... I want to go to Korea to be an idol."

"Ah?" Wen Xia was taken aback, "The Korean idol market is so fierce, what are you doing there?"

Junko Yagyu said seriously: "It's because of the intensity, so I want to go there to prove myself, and I can't accept many things in the Japanese idol world, so I want to change the environment."

Wen Xia frowned and said: "Development in Korea requires extremely strong strength, and you probably have it now, and you are a bit older among the trainees."

Junko Liusheng said excitedly: "I'm not unprepared at all, I can dance, and I have practiced singing!"

"Then you can jump and I'll see." Wen Xia said and walked back, Luo Quan also quickly leaned against the wall, freeing up a not too big space for Junko Liusheng.

There is a dance in Japan called butoh, which was created in the 60s of last century because of the "de-Westernization" movement in Japan, after combining the two dances of the East and the West.

This kind of dance, Luo Quan, has been seen on TV several times. It is very strange. It has a dark, twisted and desperate beauty, which is very suitable for the local characteristics of Japan.

But Luo Quan couldn't figure out how good this dance was, but he felt eerie and terrifying, and watched a nightmare that lasted several nights at a time.

Originally, she thought that the dance that Junko Yagyu was talking about was dancing. After all, Junko Yagyu was a more traditional Japanese girl in her impression, and she would definitely learn some of this national art.

However, what surprised Luo Quan was that after Junko Liusheng rolled the skirt of her long skirt to her thighs and fastened it with clips, she even gave her and Wen Xia a jazz dance.

Although there is no musical accompaniment, it does not affect Junko Yagyu's performance. Her waist and hips are twisting and moving, and the swing of her hands and the alternation of her steps are unusually coordinated. Soft and fluffy.

After a dance, Junko Yagyu put down her skirt, crossed her hands on her stomach, and stared at Wen Xia anxiously.

Luo Quan said in surprise: "Junzi, when did you learn to dance? Why have you never seen you dance before?!"

Junko Liusheng said shyly: "I learned it from the dance class I secretly hugged, and no one told it."

"Your dance... I can only give four points." Wen Xia made a serious evaluation.

Luo Quan smiled and said, "Okay, just two points to pass."

"Ten points is the minimum standard for debut." Wen Xia's words caused the whole room to fall into silence.

Junko Liusheng looked frustrated, and slowly fell to the ground: "My level is still far behind."

Luo Quan questioned: "Wen Xia, you are too strict, even Junko's dance is not much worse than those of the domestic trainees, why is it only four points?"

Wen Xia shook her head and said, "You know it's domestic, but Junko wants to go to South Korea for development. In South Korea, this level of dance is really not outstanding."

Luo Quan glanced at the lost Junko Liusheng and encouraged: "Then Junzi, you can sing another song. If you sing well, you will definitely get a lot of points."

"Okay!" Junko Liusheng clenched her fists, stood up and played the accompaniment of music on her phone, which was Luo Quan's Lemon.

It's a pity that Junko Yagyu's singing is not even as good as her dancing. Except that the whole song is not out of tune, there is basically nothing to praise.

Wen Xia didn't speak, just glanced at Luo Quan, meaning that you are more professional than me, so you will be the bad guy.

Looking at Junzi's expectant eyes, Luo Quan scratched his hair in embarrassment: "Well... Junzi, you've made a very accurate tune, but there is still a lot of room for improvement in singing skills, and more effort is needed."

A lot of room for improvement means that the level is too low, and Junko Yagyu can still understand this subtext.

However, she is already mentally prepared. Although she is sad at this time, she still smiles: "It doesn't matter, I will redouble my efforts to exercise my dancing and singing skills. It is my dream to debut as an idol, and I will never give up easily. of!"

Wen Xia shook her head and sighed: "I don't want to pour cold water on you, but I'm afraid you're not very likely to debut in Korea.

Although you are only young, you are already relatively old among the trainees. It will take at least two or three years to reach the standard for debut. The older you are, the less likely you are to debut. Besides, there is so much competition there. Intense, the possibility of being popular is also very small. "

Junko Liusheng said distressedly: "Then...then what should I do?"

"Actually, you don't need to hang yourself on a tree. If you change to another place, you might have a bright future." Wen Xia smiled like a fox at the moment.

"How to change?" Junko Liuyu was unprepared, and was walking step by step towards the trap that Wen Xia had set up.

Wen Xia smiled and said: "For example, you can debut in China! The competition there is not as fierce as that of South Korea, but the market is wider than Japan, and the status of artists is quite high, and the income is the highest among the three countries. You can go there. Huaxia is going to be an idol!
If you are interested, I can teach you to dance during this time, and Luo Quan can also teach you to sing. It will definitely improve your singing and dancing skills in a short period of time. "

"Really!" Junko Yagyu stood up excitedly.

"I just don't know how your Mandarin is? If you want to debut in China, Mandarin is very important."

Junko Liusheng said in Mandarin: "The foreign language I studied as a minor in college was Chinese, and I also learned a lot from Izumi-chan when I was in high school. There is no big problem in daily communication, but the accent is a little..."

Wen Xia nodded: "This level is already very good, as long as you usually talk more, the accent is not a big problem."

Huaxia is one of the most difficult languages ​​recognized by UNESCO in the world. Although Japanese characters are derived from Chinese characters, their pronunciation is very different. Many Japanese cannot distinguish between flat tongue and front and rear nasal sounds. In this regard, he has done a very good job. Given time, it is not difficult to speak Mandarin in a sincere manner.

"Because my affairs have caused you so much trouble, I'll ask you to take care of me in the future!" Junko Liusheng knelt down in front of Wen Xia with a thud, causing her to jump up immediately.

"What are you doing, I don't need to give such a big gift thanks to me!" Wen Xia quickly helped Junko Liusheng up.

However, Junko Yagyu didn't feel anything. Kneeling in Japan is actually a very common etiquette. It is usually used to apologize or express respect to others.

There was a commotion here, and Luo Quan's cell phone rang again.

Wen Xia looked over curiously: "You don't have another good friend coming to you, right?"

"I am a friend of Junko in Japan." Luo Quan picked up the phone and frowned slightly: "It's my mother."

"Ah... Aunt Luo!" Wen Xia was surprised and delighted.

"Hello, Mom?"

"Daughter, my mother has contacted you. How are you doing alone these days? You should have spent all your pocket money. It's my mother's fault that she left in a hurry. In addition, the signal on the island is not good, and my mother will wait. I'll call you back soon!"

Hearing his mother's apologetic words, Luo Quan smiled and said, "No need, your daughter, I have made a lot of money now."

"What big money?" Luo Quan's mother was stunned for a moment.

"I made my debut as a singer, and now the records are selling well, and I will be able to buy a house in Tokyo soon!"

"Really?!" Luo Quan's mother made a surprised voice, "My daughter is so good at everything, she is so proud of her."

"Don't talk about me, Mom, how are you on the island, have you found Dad?"

Luo Quan's mother suddenly lowered her voice: "I found it. I found a room near where your father lives. I can see him walking the dog every morning. He is still as handsome as before~~~"

"My mother..." Luo Quan's hometown words were all in a hurry, "Why are you like a nympho, come straight to the door when you find it, what's the matter of hiding and peeping every day like an idiot?"

Luo Quan's mother's voice became a little low: "I... I'm afraid that he will run away like he did..."

"Mom, listen to my advice, long pain is worse than short pain, you will have no results if you hide like this."

"Then I'll go find your father tomorrow!"

"Well, no matter what, I will never abandon you daughter, I wish you success!"

After hanging up the phone, Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief.

Junko Liusheng and Wen Xia both knew Luo Quan's life experience, and when they heard the conversation between the mother and daughter, they probably knew what was going on, so they didn't ask too much.

In this way, Luo Quan's crowded house has one more resident, and the increasingly compressed living space has made her start looking for a larger apartment.

(End of this chapter)

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