Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 25 The Keyboard Man

Chapter 25 The Keyboard Man

On the tenth day of the release of Luoquan Records, sales exceeded 70. Three songs occupied the top of the Oricon Chart and began to alternate rankings. The timing of the advanced task also officially started.

As long as she persists for four weeks, she can get a mysterious reward.

However, her popularity caused Luo Quan to touch the interests of quite a number of singers, and waves of black material against her gradually appeared on major online platforms.

Although she had already made preparations for this one to come, she didn't expect that these people would be so impatient, and they had already started to deal with her in ten days.

Because Luo Quan has not received many interviews, and his personal resume before his debut was too clean, those sailors who negotiated bad money simply spread rumors and used false revelations to smear Luo Quan.

Overnight, many so-called insiders began to tweet about Luo Quan's dark history in high school, with all kinds of bizarre claims.

The most consistent statement of caliber is that Luo Quan used to be a little sister in high school, and has close ties with many Yakuza (Japanese hooligans). It is a common meal, and it can be called all five poisons.

Innocent and kindness is a big personality that Luo Quan brought with him after his debut, and after these black materials spread wildly on the Internet, Luo Quan's personality was instantly on the verge of collapse.

What's more terrible is that many netizens are convinced of such a statement, and even joined the ranks of spreading rumors.

This is an era of entertainment to the death. Listening to the wind is rain and fearing that the world will not be chaotic. Most netizens have a common sense. They don’t care about the truth or falsehood of things, they only care about what they want to believe. gather.

Before Luo Quan swiped the Internet, he attracted a lot of fans, but Luo Quan's popularity has also aroused the disgust of a considerable number of people.

When a person appears too many times, there will always be people who feel bored, some are passers-by, and some are fans of other singers.

A few days ago, Luo Quan's popularity was booming. Tap water and true love fans occupied various forums and social platforms, and they really lost a lot of character. Now they have the opportunity, those who dislike Luo Quan and her fans are not enough. Black her?

But in fact, this is all good, except for those sailors, these people still have a bottom line when they are in Heiluoquan, and their words will not be particularly ugly.

But there is a group of people who are open-mouthed, and can say anything disgusting and limitless, refreshing Luo Quan's three views time and time again.

These people have a unified name, called keyboard warriors.

They don't look any different from ordinary people in real life, no matter who they meet or anything they do, they are like a good gentleman.

But as soon as they get home and turn on the computer, their combat effectiveness will soar exponentially, and they can speak eloquently about anyone and everything, and they will do anything to slander others.

No one pays the keyboard warriors. Their hard-fought attacks on the Internet are purely personal hobbies and to vent their dissatisfaction with the society and the world. Because of their concentration, they are professional and fully develop the craftsmanship of the Japanese people.

Provoking such a group of people is a headache for all stars, especially in Japan, because in addition to the Japanese keyboard warriors attacking the Internet, some lunatics will even make extremely dangerous actions in reality.

There was news a while ago that a professor in Japan called on students not to be afraid of keyboard warriors and trolls on the Internet, but to face them bravely.

As a result, his throat was cut by a troll who often attacked him on the Internet while he was going to the toilet.

In addition, bad incidents such as idols encountering J liquid hands at fan handshake meetings, opening gifts and taking out dead mice are not uncommon.

Once such a perverted group is fanned, it is impossible to estimate how serious the consequences will be.

The most intuitive manifestation is that Luo Quan's record sales have begun to decline. Although the decline is not large, it is not a good sign.

Moreover, someone on the Internet is already asking about Luo Quan's residence. This is a very dangerous signal. Once the address is leaked, God knows what will happen. What's even more uncomfortable is that even if Luo Quan calls the police, no police will accept it.

As for those sailors and sunspots on the Internet, Luo Quan has no ability to manage them now. Sony Records has thought of some solutions, but the effect is not great.

"These people are too much!" Junko Liusheng looked at the tweets of Hei Luoquan on Twitter, angry and anxious.

She and Luo Quan were classmates in the same class in high school. She knew what Luo Quan usually looked like, how could she be a little sister!And bullying classmates, it's obviously someone else bullying them!
"How can I be a keyboard warrior?" Luo Quan looked indifferent, as if he didn't care about these people at all.

Wen Xia said curiously, "Aren't you in a hurry at all? Send a tweet to clarify."

"Brother Xun once said: Silence is the highest contempt! The more you treat these people, the more excited they will be. Most of the people who attack me are not because of what I call black history, but simply want black people and let them black That's it."

Wen Xia said in surprise: "You are quite open-minded."

Luo Quan spread his hands and said, "What can you do if you're not open-minded? In this day and age, you don't have to be responsible for typing on the keyboard. How can you arrest all those who spread rumors?"

Wen Xia sighed softly: "It's also. The people who are clear will clear themselves, and the truth will be revealed sooner or later."

However, Luo Quan's judgment on the situation was obviously too optimistic. He did not wait for the truth to be revealed, but instead waited for a wave of more violent black materials.

That afternoon, the famous Japanese gossip magazine "Weekly Bunchun" published a report on Luo Quan in its electronic magazine.

black her.

"The newcomer Quan Shui contradicts the senior of the same company, and is suspected of conflict with Hoshino Sakura"

Below the title are a few photos. In the photos, Luo Quan and Hoshino Sakura looked at each other with unfriendly expressions. Among them, Luo Quan was photographed taking back the record that he handed out. Such an action is almost equivalent to a real hammer. .

In the Japanese entertainment industry, disrespecting seniors is a very serious behavior, especially for a newcomer like Luo Quan who has just debuted. Being too arrogant will definitely arouse the disgust of quite a few passers-by.

What's more terrible is that Weekly Wenchun is different from other unscrupulous magazines that like to make up random stories. Many of the gossips reported in this magazine are real, and they will never be exposed without conclusive evidence.

Originally, Luo Quan's fans and Kuroko were fighting happily, but as soon as this report came out, Luo Quan's fans were collectively dumbfounded, because this black material was almost impossible to wash, unless Hoshino Sakura personally came out to deny it.

However, there has been no movement on Hoshino Sakura's social platform until now, and all the sunspots also began to attack Luo Quan's Twitter as if they had found their way.

Beneath her latest tweet, the comment section has been completely occupied by the good sunspots:
It's really disgusting, the Japanese music scene doesn't need such talented and immoral newcomers!

Retiring from the entertainment industry is the best way for her to atone for her sins. We don't want a Chinese person to make money in Japan.

Obviously they are all futile songs. I don't know why so many people love them. Sure enough, the thinking of those second-year teenagers can't be understood with common sense, and the same is true of their fans.

Luo Quan swiped the screen to the end, all spraying her, which made her calm mood become uneasy.

It's not because these people sprayed her, but because she was afraid that the sales of her albums would be affected. If it continued like this, the advanced mission would probably fail.

Wen Xia saw the report again and said worriedly, "Lolo, are you really in conflict with this Hoshino Sakura?"

Luo Quan nodded: "There is some conflict, but it's not my fault."

After that, Luo Quan told the two women the ins and outs of the matter, and Wen Xia frowned immediately after hearing it: "Could it be that these people who vilify you are all found by Hoshino Sakura, since she participated in the MS variety show, she I'm thinking of setting things up for you, the purpose is to ruin your reputation!"

"I don't know, but I haven't offended other stars in Japan except her." Luo Quan took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone and dialed Miki's number.

"Hey, Miki-kun?"

"It's me, Quan Shui-sang. The company is preparing for crisis public relations. Don't worry, don't read the comments on the Internet. We will handle it for you."

Miki thought Luo Quan was calling for help, and persuaded her not to worry.

But Luo Quan didn't call for this matter, "Miki-kun, do you have Hoshino Sakura's phone number and home address?"

Miki was stunned for a moment: "You... why are you asking about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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