Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 26 Misunderstanding

Chapter 26 Misunderstanding
Luo Quan said: "I have some things to confirm with Hoshino-san. After all, there are so many people with rhythm this time, I always have to distinguish between the enemy and the friendly army."

Miki hesitated: "Hoshino-san wouldn't do this, anyway, she is also a popular artist in the company, so there is no need to do this."

Luo Quan said in a deep voice: "Do you have to ask to find out, just tell me, no matter what happens, just throw it on my head, anyway, there are more lice than itching."

"Okay then, I'll send you Hoshino-san's address and number right away." Miki hung up the phone after speaking, and sent Luo Quan's request in less than a minute.

Luo Quan called immediately after getting the phone number.

beep - beep - beep

Hoshino Sakura saw that it was a strange number, hesitated for a while, but chose to answer.

Luo Quan laughed: "Xingye-sang, can you hear my voice?"

"You are... Luo Quan!" Luo Quan's voice was very recognizable, Hoshino Sakura heard it almost immediately, and her expression became gloomy.

"How did you know my personal phone number? Also, what are you doing with me?"

"What's the matter, don't you know what you've done yourself? I don't know where I offended you and made you spend so much time dealing with me."

Hoshino Sakura's face was inexplicable: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand."

"You don't have to worry about me recording, I'm not like you, I like to use these indiscriminate methods, and I've always been upright and honest with anyone I want to deal with!

Today, let's make it clear, what exactly did I do to make you find so many people to attack me! "

Luo Quan is a little emotional now, and Hoshino Ying is not a good stalker. After saying five sentences, he became violent: "You took the wrong medicine, and you called me just to scold me? I didn't know you were there. To accuse me of something for no reason, I didn't do anything anyway, whatever you say about me on the Internet is really inexplicable!"

After speaking, Hoshino Sakura hung up the phone.

Luo Quan clenched his teeth while holding the phone: "I can say whatever I want on the Internet, it's quite powerful to knock it down."

Wen Xia hurriedly asked, "Did she do it?"

Luo Quan frowned and pondered: "I don't know, most of the time, but you can't ask the result on the phone, she will definitely not admit it!"

Junko Liusheng said anxiously, "What should I do next?"

Luo Quan didn't speak, just looked at the address of Hoshino Sakura sent to her by Miki on the phone, she already had the answer in her heart......

"Crazy!" Hoshino Sakura threw the pillows on the sofa into the courtyard one by one, her bright eyes were full of real anger. Two years after her debut, it was the first time she was so angry!
After some venting, Hoshino Sakura breathed a few sighs of relief, and sat on the sofa to adjust her mentality: "You can't be angry, it's not worth it to break your body for a so-called rookie, such a arrogant person who has no predecessors. It won't be long, when she's down, see how I humiliate her!"

After the mood gradually calmed down, Hoshino Sakura picked up her mobile phone and entered Twitter, ready to promote her new drama to fans.

But as soon as I entered, I saw Luo Quan's name hanging high on the top of the hot search list.

In the past few days, Luo Quan's Twitter hot search has become a commonplace. Hoshino Sakura can see her name whenever she goes in, but this time, the hot search about her is negative news.

"A newcomer with a different appearance, a disgrace to the Japanese music scene."

"The spring water is out of Japan, no matter how well she sings, it can't hide her arrogant nature!"

"Also claiming to be a pure goddess. It turns out that she has been ****ing since high school. It's really disgusting."

"The University of Tokyo also relies on special relationships, so it is recommended to investigate!"

Hoshino Sakura dragged for a few minutes, and these tweets were all scolding Luo Quan. Although Luo Quan's fans fought back in the comments, they were really outnumbered.

After all, Luo Quan has only debuted for ten days now, and the number and loyalty of fans are far from enough to deal with such a level of online blackmail.

After watching it for another 10 minutes, Hoshino Sakura finally understood the ins and outs of this wave of rhythm. It turned out that first someone exposed Luoquan's scandal, which attracted attention and topic, and then there was the report of Weekly Wenchun, which immediately reported Luoquan. Quan was almost put to death.

It is very difficult to turn over in this situation, even if Luo Quan is innocent, but the bad reputation has been spread, and the reputation has suffered huge damage. Definitely buy it.

Hoshino Sakura had a similar experience at the time, but she went directly back to China for development and did not have much experience in Japan, so the rumors that were used to attack her were quickly clarified and did not have much impact on her .

But Luo Quan is different. Three years of living in Japan has given the sailors a lot of room to play, and then the group of photos in Weekly Wenchun is even more lore.

Hoshino Sakura couldn't be more clear about what happened when the two were in the backstage of the MS program group. Although Luo Quan's tone was not very good at the time, he didn't say too much to his senior.

The two had had unpleasant experiences before. Although Hoshino Sakura was angry, she did not intend to deal with Luo Quan.

I just didn't expect this scene to be photographed by the paparazzi hidden in the dark, and it became the sharpest knife stabbing Luo Quan.

If Hoshino Sakura can stand up and say a word to Luo Quan at this time, then Luo Quan's pressure will be greatly relieved, and it will not be a problem to find out the mastermind behind the rumor mill and turn the word of mouth around.

But on the other hand, if Hoshino Sakura approves the weekly Bunshun's report at this time, then Luo Quan can compete for the fastest cool star in Japanese history, and there is a high probability that he will be ranked No.1.

When this thought came up in Hoshino Sakura's mind, she was moved. The phone call with Luo Quan just now completely angered her. At this time, just a few words and a few keystrokes on the keyboard can completely irritate her. Kill Luo Quan!

Unconsciously, Hoshino Sakura found that she had opened the input interface of Twitter and put her finger on the keyboard.

However, she did not type out the simple words, hesitated a little, and Hoshino Sakura closed Twitter.

I saw her pursing her lips arrogantly: "Hey... I'm not the kind of villain who stabs a knife in the back. Whether you can stand it up depends on your own good fortune!"

As soon as he put down his phone, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Hoshino Sakura hurriedly walked to the entrance in slippers, and through the cat's eyes, she saw two young men in suits with big waists, each carrying a brown satchel on their shoulders, which looked bulging and full of things.

Hoshino Sakura asked through the loudspeaker, "Who are you?"

When the two men in suits heard the voice, they immediately bent down and said respectfully, "Hello, Miss, we are sales employees of a health care product company. Can I take a few minutes of your precious time?"

Hoshino Sakura hesitated for a while, thinking how these salesmen got into Danchi (Japanese community), but seeing these people running outside in summer was not easy, and her heart softened.

In order to prevent being recognized, Hoshino Sakura took out the mask placed in the cabinet in the entrance and put it on, and then opened the door, but it was only half-open, and there was a safety chain on the door attached to the wall.

"Introduce your company's health care products?" Hoshino Sakura said, straightening her hair.

"This is the latest health care product developed by our company, and the quality is very reliable..." The man in a suit standing on the right took out a black cylinder from his satchel.

The next second, the man in the suit suddenly rushed to the door, shoved the cylinder into the gap between the gate and the door frame, pressed the protrusion on the cylinder, and with a click, the door was completely blocked by him.

Before Hoshino Sakura could react, the man had already retreated to one side, while his companion took out a folding steel axe from his satchel, threw it away, raised it high, and slashed towards the one connecting the door and the wall. chain of insurance.

The tacit understanding between the two and their skillful actions were like a professional criminal gang who had been in the business for many years, and they did not give Hoshino Sakura much time to react.

The sound of the axe hitting the chain and the scream of Hoshino Sakura rang out together. The axe did not cut the chain, but the screws securing the chain were loose.

Then another axe, a third axe, a fourth axe, Hoshino Sakura screamed and pushed the door desperately, but the quality of the cylinder that held the gap between the door and the wall was too good, no matter how hard Hoshino Sakura tried Push, the door will not move.

Finally, when the man in the suit slashed the fifth axe, the chain fell off the door, and the whole house was completely opened. Hoshino Sakura could only turn around and run into the room. The two men in suits rushed into the house like a tiger entering a sheepfold.

(End of this chapter)

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