Chapter 27
"This is it." The three sisters took a taxi to a high-end garden forest group in Meguro District. This is a famous wealthy area in Tokyo. Many rich people and celebrities live here. The community is full of magnificent households. Jian, also known as Dabieye.

Hoshino Ying lives here. Luo Quan planned to solve the problem face-to-face with her after the failure of the phone communication. Although the sunspots on the Internet did not hurt her or itchy, she would be heartbroken if it affected the sales of records.

Because they were worried, Wen Xia and Junko Liusheng took the initiative to ask Ying to come with Luo Quan, at least to ensure that Luo Quan would not suffer.

But now that I got out of the car, how to get in has become a big problem.

There are security guards at the entrance of this high-end group place, and outsiders are generally absolutely unable to enter without being invited by the residents.

If they pretended to be decoration workers, they might be able to get away with it, but Luo Quan and the others were in a hurry to go out, and they didn't have time to prepare props.

But in broad daylight, three big living people walked by, and as long as they were not blind, it was impossible to see.

"Stop!" The security guard on duty shouted, and the three of them shivered and froze in place.

"Please swipe the access card here before entering the regiment." The security guard patted the machine standing beside him with a serious expression.

The three sisters walked over slowly, and the flickering and dodging eyes made the security guard feel suspicious.

The security guard frowned and asked, "Aren't you outsiders?"

Luo Quan could only bite the bullet and say, "We do live here, but I forgot to bring the access card today."

The security guard asked suspiciously, "Then why didn't I seem to have seen the three of you when I was on duty?"

"We usually wear masks when we go out, but today's situation is special, so we don't wear them. It's normal that you don't know us."

The security guard said thoughtfully: "There are indeed many celebrities living here, and many people wearing masks come and go every day, so you are also celebrities?"

"It's not really a star, it can only be said to be famous. I wonder if you have heard of spring water?"

The security guard immediately clapped his hands: "Ah—that's the American singer who sings very well, right? She's really been quite popular recently."

Junko Liusheng looked at Luo Quan suspiciously: "America? Are you not from China?"

"Oh, that's not the point!" Luo Quan hurriedly said in order to prevent the topic from being misled, "I am the spring water. You can find my picture by just searching on the Internet, and you can confirm your identity by comparing it."

The security guard quickly waved his hand: "No need to confirm, I do have some impressions about you in my mind, I didn't expect your family to live here..."

Having said that, the security guard paused for a while, and said hesitantly: "Can you sign my name? Because I have been a security guard here for two years, I have always heard that there are many stars here, but I have never met them once. For an ordinary person like me, getting a star's autograph should be a long time to brag."

The security guard smiled very simply, and expressed his true thoughts in his heart.

Luo Quan thought in his heart: I might have been able to blow it for a long time with my signature in the past, but after today has passed, whether I can still take it out and blow it is unknown.

But she still nodded and said, "Of course you can, do you have a pen and paper?"

The little security guard turned his head and rushed into the security booth for a while, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and finally found a scratched marker in the corner, tore off the lid and scribbled on his hand twice, and there was ink!

"Just sign my security uniform." The security guard handed the pen to Luo Quan, then turned around.

The security uniform was sky blue, and Luo Quan slowly wrote his name on it, this time in block letters.

"Okay." Luo Quan closed the pen cap and said.

The little security guard turned his head to look at his back and said, "I'm really bothering you, you can go in, and remember to bring the access card next time."

"It's us who should say it's troublesome." Luo Quan smiled, then turned around and walked towards the inside of the regiment...

"The seventh building on the right side of the road is a one-family building... that's it!" Luo Quan and the three searched, and finally saw the house hidden behind tall trees.

The three girls walked over quickly and came to the door.

Luo Quan rang the doorbell and quietly waited for Hoshino Sakura to open the door.

Ten seconds passed, there was no movement, Luo Quan pressed it again, and after another ten seconds, the door still didn't open.

"Aren't you at home?" Luo Quan muttered to himself, just as he was about to press it again, the door suddenly opened a small crack.

A tall man in a black suit was blocking the crack of the door, staring at Luo Quan with an indifferent expression: "Who are you looking for?"

Luo Quan was obviously stunned for a moment. Didn't he say that Hoshino Sakura was single? After recovering, he quickly said, "I'm looking for Miss Hoshino, may I ask who you are?"

The man in the suit's tone was blunt: "I'm wrong, she's not here!"

It was this answer that made Luo Quan suspicious.

She didn't say her full name, just her surname. If she met someone she didn't know, most of them would say that I didn't know her, or that there was no Miss Hoshino here.

But the man's answer was that she was not here, which meant that he probably knew Hoshino Sakura, and there were only two possibilities for such an answer.

Either this person is Hoshino Sakura's family or a secret lover, because Hoshino Sakura doesn't want to see her, so let him come out and get rid of her.

And the second possibility is that this man is a robber!
Luo Quan prefers the latter. After all, what normal person still wears a suit at home in the summer?

In particular, the man in the suit looked extremely impatient when he spoke, and immediately closed the door after speaking.

Fortunately, Luo Quan was quick-witted and immediately reached out to hold the door.

No matter what the situation is, she is going to enter this room today. Even if it is a robber, Luo Quan is confident that she can subdue her!
The man in the suit frowned: "Miss, what do you mean, do you want to break into the house privately?"

"I know Hoshino Sakura is inside. I won't leave if I don't see her today, please call her out." Luo Quan's tone was very polite, but one foot was already tucked into the crack of the door, Junko Yagyu He Wen Xia was also behind Luo Quan, reaching out to hold the door.

"What's the matter?" A voice came from behind the man in a suit, and another strong man came out of the room. Using the sunlight that passed through the crack of the door, Luo Quan keenly discovered the small scar on the man's chin.

Then he met the man's eyes again, cold and dangerous.

Luo Quan's heart froze, but he still said with a smile: "I'm Hoshino Sakura's colleague. I have a very important matter to discuss with her today. Please let us in?"

"Since you are so persistent..." The scarred man glanced at the man in the suit and said, "Then come in."

As soon as the voice fell, the man in the suit also opened the door generously and stood with the man with scars. The two stepped back side by side, blocking the scene behind the corridor.

"Come in, Wen Xia, you are behind me." Luo Quan turned around, pulled Wen Xia, who was at the outermost side, to his side, and then blinked at Junko Liusheng.

How smart is Junko, although he didn't understand what Luo Quan wanted to express, but he would definitely not make such an expression under normal circumstances, there must be something wrong, so he immediately raised his vigilance.

The three walked in one after another, the man in the suit walked sideways through the three women, closed the door, and then locked it with a "click".

At this time, Luo Quan finally saw what the living room looked like.

A mess, broken glass all over the floor and the sofa that was overturned on the ground, it can be seen that there was a fierce fight here.

The scarred man only took two steps back, staring at Luo Quan like a hungry wolf.

"You are robbers, right?" Luo Quan asked in a deep voice.

The scarred man said coldly: "There is no door to hell, this is what you want to break in."

"Junko, you said that you learned your real skills from your grandfather, I hope you are not bragging." Luo Quan took out a black umbrella from the umbrella bucket on the left and threw it to Junko Yagyu.

Junko Yagyu held the umbrella handle with both hands and said worriedly: "I have no problem, but you..."

"Hold on, I'll be able to help you in half a minute at most." Luo Quan crossed his fingers and turned out, making a crackling sound like fried beans, twisting his shoulders, Luo Quan clenched his fists and slowly placed them flat on his waist. Step forward with your left foot.

This is the most common enemy stance in karate!
"I didn't expect you to practice karate." The scarred man smiled contemptuously, obviously not taking Luo Quan to heart.

Although he has not received special martial arts training, his physique is much stronger than Luo Quan's. Besides, a little girl who is seventeen or eighteen, how can karate be so powerful?

"Do it!" The man in the suit facing Junko Yagyu gave a light drink, sounding the horn of the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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