Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 28 Who says women are inferior to men

Chapter 28 Who says women are inferior to men

The scarred man who took the lead let out a roar and hugged Luo Quanxiong. This is the best way to deal with people who are thinner than him. As long as he hugs Luo Quan and presses it on the ground, all kinds of martial arts will definitely be displayed. not come out.

However, the above are all wishful thinking of the scarred man. It may work well against ordinary girls, but Luo Quan is not a weak chicken who will be stupid in place when he sees someone rushing towards her.

"Ha!" Luo Quan opened his mouth and drank, his slender right leg suddenly lifted up, and was kicking the scarred man's chest.

Luo Quan also took two steps back because of the reaction force, mainly because his strength was relatively small, and the first time he started, he didn't stand firm on the bottom plate.

Luo Quan, who had succeeded in one blow, stabilized his figure and did not give the scarred man any chance to breathe. He jumped up like a swift rabbit and threw his right fist at the same time.

The Scar Man resisted the pain and threw a fist to meet him, but Luo Quan evaded him with an extremely deft sideways, with a fist of strong wind swept past her nose, and Luo Quan's straight fist hit the Scar Man's weakness.

Shotokan-style karate has always been known for being tough, with a wide range of moves. He is best at attacking the enemy with straight punches and high kicks, and Luo Quan also focuses on the weakness of the scarred man. on his ribs.

Although there is no sound of fracture, this part is one of the most vulnerable parts of human beings. The muscle groups are not dense enough, and the shape of the bones is relatively special. It is easy to lose combat effectiveness in an instant when attacked.

The scarred man obviously didn't master the ability to be beaten. Luo Quan punched him in the weak side and immediately took in half a breath of cold air, but he couldn't breathe in the remaining half of the cold air anyway, and the rib was severely hit His diaphragm contracted violently, and his lungs seemed to be tightly clamped by a pair of iron clamps, losing the ability to breathe.

Luo Quan, who made another contribution to this blow, continued to throw a straight punch, aiming at the jaw of the scarred man.

Although she was never a ruthless person, the karate skills given to her by the system allowed her to unwittingly display the most vicious attack in battle.

With a crisp "bang", Luo Quan's fist hit the man's jaw. This is the only movable bone in the head of a human being. Once hit hard, it can lead to concussion, coma, or even death. .

Luo Quan's attack was neat and tidy, and his lack of strength was made up for by his own karate skills. The man with the scar who was hit in the jaw jerked his upper body backwards, and then lay upright on the ground.

At the same time, the man in the suit who was fighting Junko Yagyu was also slumped to the ground, like a dead dog.

Junko Yagyu used the top of the umbrella to precisely stab the vagus nerve in the center of the neck of the man in the suit.

Wen Xia looked stupid in the middle. Originally, she thought that the boss who came out to deal with this time was Hoshino Sakura, and whenever she thought about entering the room, she fought with these two strong men.

Junko Yagyu, who looked a little cute before, turned into a kendo girl, using the umbrella as a sword to smash the man in the suit to the ground.

Luo Quan's side is even fiercer. Even though Luo Quan is the tallest among the three of them, his strength is smaller than hers. When he was playing around with her, he had no resistance at all.

As a result, she has completely turned into a violent girl now. A set of combined punches made the 1.8-meter-tall man helpless, and he fainted after half a minute!
" guys are too powerful!" The unresponsive Wen Xia finally let out a scream. She had never been so eager to learn a martial art, whether it was karate or kendo!
"My mother, my hand is twisted." Luo Quan grinned while holding her wrist. This was the first time she had done anything with someone. When she hit the man's jawbone with a scar, she didn't grasp the strength and suffered a little sprain.

"Izumi-chan, don't touch it, and find an ice cube first!" Junko Liusheng came from a family of kendo, and is very experienced in dealing with this situation. Wen Xia hurriedly ran into the house when she heard this.

Although the house is very big, the kitchen is still easy to find. Wen Xia quickly took out a drawer from the freezer of the refrigerator, and there were a lot of broken ice cubes in it besides some meat.

Junko Liusheng tore off a large piece of cloth from her pale yellow floral dress, put the ice cube on the cloth, and carefully wrapped it around Luo Quan's wrist, tying a beautiful bow.

"It's the only way to deal with it for the time being. If it hurts badly when I go back, I have to go to the hospital to see it."

"Find a rope and tie these two goods first." Luo Quan gritted his teeth and said while looking at the two people lying on the ground.

"Look, what is this?" Wen Xia dragged out a brown burlap bag from behind the sofa, a twisting burlap bag.

Luo Quan rolled his eyes: "What else could it be, it must be Hoshino Sakura, quickly untie it."

Wen Xia quickly untied the rope tied to the mouth of the sackcloth bag and handed it to Junko Yagyu, who tied the rope to the hands of the two strong men and tied it in a dead knot.

Pulling down the sackcloth, a woman with disheveled hair appeared in front of the three girls. At this time, Hoshino Sakura's face was pale and her eyes were a little frightened, but she could still hear the movement just now. Now she should be Safe.

After undoing the ropes tied to her hands and feet, Hoshino Sakura quickly pulled the white cloth out of her mouth and looked at the three girls with lingering fear: "You...why are you here?"

Luo Quan laughed: "I didn't communicate well with you on the phone just now, so I planned to visit in person, but I didn't expect to encounter two robbers. You said it was a coincidence."

"They are not robbers." Hoshino Sakura swallowed hard and said.

Luo Quan frowned: "What do you mean?"

Hoshino Sakura's mood gradually calmed down: "Two months ago, Ruotou (the second head of the Sumiyoshi Club) sent someone to invite me to have a meal with me alone, but I refused, and the next day I received an anonymous message. Text me to look good.

Originally, I thought that these people would not be so courageous, and they just wanted to teach me a lesson, so I didn't take it too seriously. I didn't expect such a thing to happen today. "

When it comes to the Sumiyoshi Association Luoquan, I can understand what's going on. As the three major H-way organizations in Japan, the Sumiyoshi Association controls the most prosperous areas such as Shibuya, Ginza, Shinjuku, and Roppongi. It can be said to be rich and full of warmth. Under the **, some bosses of the Sumiyoshi Club like to spend money to maintain female stars.

But it's still very rare to be rough on female artists like today. Anyway, it's better to call the police first, and then deal with it when the police arrive.

"By the way, how did you find this place?" Hoshino Sakura asked the three of them curiously after Luo Quan finished calling the police.

Luo Quan smiled: "I had a very unpleasant phone conversation with you just now, so I went directly to visit."

When talking about this topic, Hoshino Sakura's face suddenly became unnatural.

On the one hand, Luo Quan had just rescued her, so it could be said to be a great benefactor. On the other hand, the two of them had been filthy before, and it was really impossible for her and Luo Quan to release their former suspicions.

Hoshino Sakura raised her chin slightly, her eyes slightly arrogant and said: "I didn't find those sailors on the Internet, and I didn't find the paparazzi who took pictures secretly. Will do these stealing things!"

"So it's really not you?" Luo Quan was lost in thought. Who the hell was going to deal with her like this? Except for Hoshino Sakura, she didn't offend anyone else.

Luo Quan pondered for a while, but couldn't come up with a clue.

"Then don't care about the people who vilify me on the Internet. What did you mean when you were at the beach before? I remember that you didn't say a word at that time. You made me so embarrassing when you came over, and I want to thank you. "Luo Quan stared at Hoshino Sakura, wanting her to answer the question that had been bothering her for a long time.

Hearing Luo Quan's questioning, Hoshino Sakura was silent for a while, and said, "It's true that I was wrong about that matter. I had some misunderstandings about you at the time, and I didn't feel embarrassed to ask you to admit my mistake after knowing the truth."

"What misunderstanding?"

Hoshino Sakura sighed: "I thought you were an American. I grew up in the United States. As an Asian, I was often discriminated against on campus, so I hated Americans very much."

Hearing this, Luo Quan touched his face in a daze, and suddenly realized: "So it was my appearance that caused the trouble?"

(End of this chapter)

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