Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 29 Clarification

Chapter 29 Clarification
"It can't be said that I caused trouble." Hoshino Sakura shook her head and denied, "I was in a bad mood at the time, and if I had changed it, I probably wouldn't have shown it so violently."

"I just said why you smiled when we met for the second time. At that time, I thought you were hiding a knife in your smile." Luo Quan recalled the scene when the two were in the backstage of MS. At that time, Hoshino Sakura's attitude was indeed better than when she was on the beach. Maybe Hoshino Sakura originally planned to apologize, but she was choked by a few words and immediately stopped the idea.

"I'm also wrong. My tone shouldn't be so aggressive at the time." Luo Quan has a relatively straightforward temperament. If he doesn't like it, he will say it directly, and if there is a mistake, he will recognize it directly. a character.

Hoshino Sakura lowered her head and said, "It's me who should apologize. I should have told you the whole story earlier."

Luo Quan laughed: "Actually, it's a coincidence. If there is no conflict between the two of us, I wouldn't come to your house specifically to find you today, then you won't be able to be saved."

Hoshino Sakura also laughed: "It's quite a coincidence, maybe this is fate."

While smiling, she suddenly stood up and took out a comb from the cabinet next to her. While tidying up her messy hairstyle, she said, "You saved me once, and I don't know how to repay, but at least the internet is about you. My rumors can still be cleared up for you."

After combing their hair, Hoshino Sakura and Luo Quan sat together and turned on the selfie function of the mobile phone, "Smile, it seems that we are in a good relationship."

"Wow... I'm really not good at this." Luo Quan just grinned, remembering the "Abyss Mouth" incident a few days ago, and immediately closed his lips, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly, showing a YES.

"Click", Hoshino Sakura pressed the selfie button.

After opening Twitter and entering a text and attaching a photo, Hoshino Sakura clicked to publish.

"Although online public opinion has been completely fermented, this photo can at least save your career, and the rest can only slowly investigate who is the real culprit behind the scenes."

"What about you, how are you going to deal with the boss of the Sumiyoshi Society?" After his own affairs came to an end, Luo Quan was concerned about Hoshino Sakura's problem.

Hoshino Sakura shook her head: "If these two H-way members can be sent, they must be ready to be arrested. It is estimated that the police will not be able to find any useful information, so the company can only handle it."

Wen Xia said: "Sony is so big, it should be able to handle it properly."

Hoshino Sakura shook her head sadly: "It's not that simple, a big organization like the Sumiyoshi Society has its people from all walks of life, including the political world, if it's an ordinary leader, it's fine, this time it's Ruotou. , the result is really hard to say."

Luo Quan sighed: "If it really doesn't work, we can only expose it and mobilize online public opinion."

In Japan, it is a big problem for ordinary people, even celebrities, to provoke them.

But don't be deceived by those soft articles on the Internet, thinking that Japan's H Dao is a group of hot-blooded young people who do not bully civilians, do disaster relief and even are full of cuteness.

In fact, the H way is the H way. It has always been full of pornography, gambling and drugs. Murder and arson, kidnapping and extortion are more commonplace. It can only be said that ordinary ordinary people rarely provoke these people. .

After waiting for about 15 minutes, a shrill siren sounded from outside the house, and then three male policemen walked in, and they were shocked to see the two men lying on the ground and the four girls sitting on the sofa.


"Spring water mulberry!"

"Wen Xia Sang!"

The three stars in the room are the idols of the three policemen, and Junko Yagyu looks envious from the side.

"I'm not dreaming, am I? I didn't expect to meet you here!" The policeman headed was excited with his hands shaking, but when he saw the two men on the ground, he immediately reacted and said, "These two people are the ones who entered the house. The kidnapped criminal, I didn't expect to be subdued by the four of you girls, it's amazing."

"What process do I need to go through?" Hoshino Sakura cut to the subject without any nonsense.

"Uh... Please, the four of you, come to the Metropolitan Police Department with us, just to record a statement, very soon."

"Let's go then." Luo Quan stood up, walked out of the house with the other three girls, and got into the police officer's car.

It was said that it would be done soon, but it still took nearly an hour to toss in the Metropolitan Police Department, because this time it was a relatively bad case of burglary and kidnapping, and it even involved the H channel, so there are more details to know. .

Although when the victim was leaving, the police officer in charge of the case promised to enforce the law impartially and find out, but Hoshino Sakura didn't believe it at all.

This matter, even Sony may not be able to properly solve.

But Luo Quan's matter has progressed. First of all, the photo of her and Hoshino Sakura broke the "rumor" that they were incompatible.

Hoshino Sakura said on Twitter: Although I have known Quan Shui Jiang for a long time, I always feel that it is very fateful. She is definitely not as bad as what she says on the Internet in private. I have no contradiction with her.

How many people are now staring at Hoshino Sakura, and just one tweet can make the whole incident come to a conclusion.

And after this tweet came out, the rhythm brought by Weekly Wenchun suddenly broke down. Luo Quan's fans finally sounded the horn of a counterattack, and even Hoshino Sakura's fans were pulled into the battle group.

Immediately after that, as if they had been instructed, many of Sony's artists also voiced their voices for Luoquan's platform. Sony's official Twitter also denounced the rumor-mongers, and promised to find out the culprits behind the scenes and deal with them according to law.

After thinking for a long time, Luo Quan finally screened out a candidate who might be behind the scenes, that is, Ai Hui Entertainment, which had recruited her before.

When Luo Quan's song was just released on YouTube, Ai Hui and Sony were the first companies to find her, but because of the mandatory tasks of the system, she did not sign with these two companies.

At the same time, the too-low offer from Aihui failed to compete for the copyright of the three songs from Luo Quan. Instead, Sony, who was full of sincerity, took it down.

Maybe Aihui Company saw that Luo Quan chose Sony after rejecting them. Whether it was to teach her a lesson as a newcomer, or to simply attack her peers, they had plenty of opportunities to act.

After Luo Quan told Miki about the suspicious candidate, Miki immediately reported it to the director of Shicun, and sent someone to investigate.

As the saying goes, if you don't want people to know, unless you don't do it yourself, everything anyone does on the Internet will leave traces. After spending a lot of money, Sony finally collected Aihui company to let a certain navy work. Evidence that the room smeared Luo Quan.

Afterwards, Luo Quan sent the e-mail of himself and Aihui Company to Miki, who handed over the evidence and the contents of the e-mail to the public relations department.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, Sony sent out a tweet, denounced Aihui for unfair competition, and hired navy to deliberately attack Sony's artists, because they were rejected when they wanted to sign Luo Quan.

Below the tweet there are several screenshots of the chat and the content of the email, which can be said to be a real hammer.

As soon as the tweet came out, there was an uproar.

"Just want to buy the copyright of these three songs for 300 million yen? It's too stingy."

"I knew that Quan Shui was wronged. Don't those who scolded her feel ashamed?"

"The truth has finally come to light, but the damage to Quan Shui and her fans is irreparable."

"It's hard to imagine that there were so many people attacking a girl with such vicious words before, and they all just believed some false rumors!"

"The number of navy troops is no more than [-], and there are at least [-] people who scold Springs today. This world is really disappointing."

"There is always malice between people, and the virtual network magnifies this malice infinitely!"

"I think those sunspots should apologize to the springs, if their conscience hasn't been completely lost."

In one day, Luo Quan went from being popular on the Internet to being black, and his word of mouth reversed in an instant. He became a victim and experienced the ups and downs of life.

And as Sony’s tweet topped the hot search list and attracted heated discussions among nearly 20 netizens, Aihui, whose evidence was indisputable, finally responded under the pressure of public opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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