Chapter 30

It has been the second day since Aihui Entertainment responded to this incident. Although it has been one night, the anger of netizens has not diminished in the slightest.

Whether it is the unjust injustice suffered by Luo Quan or the deception suffered by netizens, Aihui Entertainment Company needs to come out and give an explanation.

The public relations department and director of Aihui Company also stayed up all night, and after a long discussion, they finally came up with a solution.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the director of Aihui Company held a press conference. In front of dozens of reporters and media, he made clarifications and apologies for what happened.

The director's expression was solemn, his face that had not slept all night was full of melancholy wrinkles, and his hair was fairly neat, but the sullen beard still made him look very haggard.

For the first time, he bowed to the camera for a long time, and then threw the whole pot to the staff who contacted Luo Quan.

Director Ai Hui told reporters that this was all done by the staff member himself. The company did not know about it. Now he has caused so much trouble to everyone and caused so much damage to Miss Quan Shui. I am really sorry.
At the same time, he also blamed himself, saying that he, the director, did not fulfill his due responsibilities, did not detect the behavior of his subordinates in time, and did not do a good job in moral building of employees.

As he spoke, the nearly 40-year-old middle-aged man cried sadly. His crying was full of the panic and helplessness of a man facing a midlife crisis and the risk of unemployment.

Seeing Director Ai Hui burst into tears, the serious expressions of the reporters finally eased.

In Japan, making mistakes is not terrible, and if you admit your mistakes in time, you will be saved, and if you can cry when you make a mistake, you can get the most understanding from the public.

With Director Ai Hui's output, it is estimated that half of the netizens who persecuted him before will feel kindness and choose to forgive, and the remaining half will be angry again, and their anger will definitely be eliminated a lot.

Such a bizarre phenomenon is actually caused by Japan's national conditions. Everyone is keen to apologize, feeling that by apologizing, the problem can be solved and forgiveness can be won.

It is worth mentioning that an apology does not mean admitting wrongdoing, nor does it mean a real introspection on the matter. It is only because the matter has been exposed that it has to come out as an apology to calm public opinion.

Moreover, Director Ai Hui was distancing himself from the beginning to the end, threw the blame on an unknown employee, and just kept expressing his apology to Luo Quan and netizens, and said nothing else.

Sincerity is quite sufficient, but what about the handling of the personnel involved?did not see it.The reporters and the media obviously don't care. Everyone knows that this unknown employee was pulled out as a scapegoat. It's good to know that he is called a scapegoat. Since he apologized and cried so sincerely, he can be forgiven.

So the press conference was over, and the video was immediately played on the news and Twitter. The anger of netizens was subsided, everything was settled, and it was another peaceful and beautiful day.

Luo Quan saw the comments from netizens that "choose to forgive him" below the video of Director Ai Hui's apology, and people were immediately stupid on the spot.

Wasn't she the victim?Isn't Aihui the culprit?What about the processing results of the relevant personnel with their own rhythm?Just a few words of apology, just squeeze two tears and it will be solved?

What a joke!
Yesterday, she was heavily attacked by the sunspots for a whole day. All kinds of foul language came out one after another. The sales of albums fell off a cliff, and the Oricon ranking was almost squeezed out of the top three. .

What is outrageous is that she has not spoken yet, but these netizens rushed to forgive Aihui Company. How old are these people?Obviously she is the only victim of this incident!

What's even more outrageous is that some people have inexplicably ran to her Weibo to comment, thinking that she should also apologize.

The reason is that such a big incident has happened today, and so many people have participated in this public opinion occupation.

From the perspective of Japanese culture, Luo Quan's apology is actually no big deal. Even apology as a victim can win sympathy and successfully stand at the highest point of morality.

However, Luo Quan is an out-of-the-ordinary Chinese person who believes in a code of conduct such as repaying debts, killing people and killing lives. It's not her fault, so why should she apologize?
Originally, I was full of fire, but Luo Quan exploded as soon as this remark came out.

She immediately tweeted:
"Before you scolded me, I didn't say a word, and you allowed me to humiliate me with words. Now the truth has been revealed, the culprit has been found, and few people who have scolded me have apologized to me. I apologize.

I just want to ask one thing: why?Are you as thick-skinned as steel plates?Turn off the computer and take a good look at your faces on the screen, it's really disgusting! "

Because of his own image as an artist, Luo Quan couldn't swear and scold him unpleasantly, but at least he told his heart.

This tweet is destined to attract an unknown number of "artisan trolls" again, and Luo Quan doesn't bother to kill these defeated dogs in the real world.

I made a mistake just now. In addition to herself, the fans who defend her are actually victims.

In this incident, no matter how trolls and passersby attacked her, her fans have always been there to help her clarify, explain, and fight trolls, all spontaneously.

As the so-called peak produces hypocritical spectators, the dusk witnesses the real apostles. Although Luo Quan has not debuted for a long time, the stickiness of fans is still quite high. There are only a few people who have lost fans. Fans will only be more loyal to her.

For these fans, Luo Quan has already thought about the way of reporting.

Thank you handshake meetings, fan meetings and the like will definitely be arranged in the future, but she can complete it with a gift.

"I'll go out." Luo Quan stood up and walked to the entrance.

Wen Xia raised her head curiously: "Where are you going at night?"

Luo Quan wore shoes and said without looking up, "Go to the company and record a song."

Wen Xia looked puzzled: "I don't usually see you writing songs?"

Luo Quan proudly tapped his head with his index finger: "Genius mind, no explanation."

"Cut!" Wen Xia pointed her middle finger disdainfully, "Be careful... Forget it, when I didn't say it."

Going downstairs, Luo Quan called Miki's phone under the dim yellow street lamp swirling with mosquitoes:
"Hey, Miki-kun, are you in the company now?"

"I'm still here, there is something unfinished in the company, so I have to work overtime."

"Can you please come and pick me up? I want to record a song and send it tonight."

"No problem!" Miki immediately put down his work and drove to Luo Quan's residence.

It takes nearly four and 10 minutes to go back and forth. At 10 o’clock in the evening, the headquarters of Sony Records is still brightly lit. Overtime is the norm in Japan, especially for a big company like Sony. The daily workload is quite heavy, even for ordinary employees. You have to leave the company at least after 30:[-], and it is even more normal for the management to work overtime until the early hours of the morning.

And this kind of normality applies to almost all large and medium-sized enterprises in Japan.

When the two came to the recording room on the third floor, they happened to bump into Director Shimura who had finished the meeting.

"Quanshuisang, this should be the first time we meet." Director Shicun saw Luo Quan showing a kind smile.

Director Ishimura was not yet forty, and he was the youngest and most energetic age of a man. With a shiny back, he looked more fashionable than Miki.

Luo Quan replied with a smile: "Hello, Director Shicun."

Director Ishimura joked: "It's so late, why did you suddenly come to the company? Do you also want to experience the Japanese culture of overtime?"

Luo Quan nodded: "Forget it, I suddenly had an inspiration at home just now, and I want to come to the company to record a song and publish it tonight."

"Really?" Director Ishimura was surprised and delighted, "As expected of a talented girl, she's inspired again so soon."

Luo Quan smiled and said, "I've won the prize, mainly because I want to repay the fans. If it wasn't for this morning, I might still be lying at home now."

Director Shicun sighed: "The Internet environment is really bad now. There is no cost to say anything. Many newcomers will experience depression when they face these problems. I hope you can cheer up."

Luo Quan smiled: "Of course not, I am a recognized goddess of healing!"

(End of this chapter)

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