Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 31 My all

Chapter 31 My all
Sony Records has many recording studios. Although it is already nine o'clock in the evening, there are still more than ten singers working hard in their respective recording studios.

Luo Quan's creation has been completed, and the song she wants to sing - "My all" has been redeemed from the mall, and it cost 1000 heat points.

In addition, she also spent [-] calorie points to exchange for an electric guitar playing specialization, which will be used in the production of accompaniment later.

And the song "My all" she is about to record is a famous song by the Asian pop queen Ayumi Hamasaki, although this song is not her most representative famous song, and the album sales of the song are not top-notch.

But this song has a special meaning for her and her fans. In order to thank the countless fans who never gave up and supported her until the end, Ayumi Hamasaki created this song "My all".

The lyrics of this song recall the past when she and her fans accompany each other and grow up, thanking one of her fans with the warmest and most sincere words.

When Luo Quan wanted to express her gratitude to her fans with a song, she thought of this song at the first time. There was no way. Ayumi Hamasaki is the most famous song in China. She herself has listened to this song many times. .

After obtaining the arrangement of "My all", Luo Quan immediately began to produce the accompaniment.

Originally, she wanted to play the electric guitar by herself to record the accompaniment, but when she was about to come, she remembered that her hand was injured and she couldn't play the guitar.

Fortunately, the computer can also be used for synthesis, and the impact is not very large.

The mixing of this song is not complicated. Luo Quan, who has the entire mixing production process, only needs to use the software in the recording studio to produce the tracks, and then synthesizes them.

There is no technical content in the whole process, and it is the same as copying homework. Once you are familiar with the process, you don't need to use any brains. She will play the accompaniment in just an hour.

After slightly repairing the sound, Luo Quan skipped the procedure of recording the DEMO first, and put on the headphones and started recording directly.

This song does not have high requirements for singing skills. It is basically at the level of having a mouth, but it takes a lot of emotion to sing well. After all, this is a sincere thanks to the fans. Quanguang was brewing feelings for ten minutes.

The actual recording time was less than 5 minutes, and Luo Quan performed the song perfectly with a singing voice as stable as a human record player and a fully integrated emotion.

Luo Quan has enough confidence in his singing level to save the final sound repairing link. After confirming that there are no problems such as rushing to shoot, Luo Quan exported the song, and then sent it to Twitter with a text. :
I would like to dedicate this song only to my fans, thank you for your perseverance, I will never forget that you fought for me today!

In the past two days, Luo Quan can be said to be the focus of the entire Internet. Any action can attract countless attention. In addition, she just posted an angry troll Twitter, and many people are discussing whether her reaction is not. Somewhat over the top.

And after the second tweet was sent out at 11:30, fans, trolls, and passers-by gathered around to watch. No one thought that Luo Quan would release a new song in just over three hours, and it was a gift A thank you song to all fans.

At this moment, Luo Quan's fans must be extremely happy. After working hard all night, they finally saw their idols wash away their grievances and get such a precious and beautiful return at the end of the day.

Especially after hearing the lyrics of "My all", some female fans with more delicate emotions even shed moved tears. They left messages to express their admiration and love for Luo Quan, and vowed to support her forever.

In less than 10 minutes, there were nearly [-] comments on Luo Quan's Twitter, and the explosive growth of discussions once again put her on the top of the trending list. This is already her fourth top trending list today. up.

From the beginning of the year to the present, there has never been an artist in Japan who has been on Twitter with such a frequent frequency as Luo Quan. Even Hoshino Sakura, the fastest-rising star in the past three years, is not as exaggerated as Luo Quan.

But think about it carefully, an artist with good singing and composition, talent and beauty, and his own topic has almost all the conditions to become popular, and today's public opinion craze that has instigated the whole network directly makes her half Only one foot crossed the threshold of the first-line artist!

The sales of albums have skyrocketed again, and the growth momentum is stronger than before. The results of the three songs on the Oricon Chart have far surpassed No.4. In three days, Luo Quan will be able to win the first weekly crown in his life!
It's a matter of time before the mini album "Spring Water" has sold more than one million. In Japan, where the physical record industry has gradually declined, Luo Quan's performance has been the best solo female singer in recent years, ranking ahead of her. All of them are several national-level idol girl groups, relying solely on fans to eat, and the quality of the songs is actually not high.

If Luo Quan's next album can continue to maintain this momentum, then at this year's Record Awards, it will become no suspense who will win the Best New Artist Award.

Even the gold-filled awards such as the best album and the best female pop singer are quite a chance to win. After all, one of the main critics of the award, Ryusuke Onodera, has expressed his appreciation for Luo Quan in his previous evaluation. But a big plus.

At zero point, Luoquan's Twitter followers officially exceeded the 100 million mark, the level reached Famous (Gold: Japan), and the upper limit of popularity value also broke through to 75000.

The next level is the big star. In Huaxia's terms, it is the top stream. Different regions have different names. Wenxia is currently at this stage, but I have to say that Luoquan is still a long way from this stage, but wait until she The next album is a big hit, basically a veritable female singer.

It's inconceivable for a young big star to think about it. I don't know what kind of reward the system will give her for breaking through such an important level this time.

When Luo Quan came home, it was already early morning, Junzi was already asleep, and Wen Xia was staring at the laptop in the dark, tapping the keyboard lightly, because he was too focused, even Luo Quan had already gone home did not notice.

"Still busy?" Luo Quan patted Wen Xia on the shoulder and said softly.

Wen Xia nodded: "Well... the data is almost collected. When this plan comes out, I can find someone to prepare the show."

"Go to rest early, this vacation time is over, and you may have to keep busy in the future."

After persuading Wen Xia, Luo Quan went into the bathroom to wash briefly, and then put on the sprain ointment she bought from the pharmacy.

Although she had the upper hand in the fight with that scarred man today, due to lack of actual combat experience, she sprained her right wrist during the last punch.

Although Junko gave her an ice compress for the first time, the effect was not very optimistic, and she didn't know if she had hurt her bones. If the ointment didn't improve tonight, she could only go to the hospital tomorrow.

"The girl's body is squeamish..." Luo Quan sighed faintly, and lay down beside Junko.

As she breathed lightly, she smelled a bellflower-like fragrance, which made her relax after a tense day.

Very fragrant shampoo, but unfortunately she still prefers Liushen, especially in summer.

With a crisp snap, Luo Quan slapped his ass with a slap. Just now, a mosquito stabbed her when she wasn't ready, and a small pimple appeared in a short while.

Everything is fine in summer, but this mosquito is really annoying. It seems that she has to prepare some mosquito repellent tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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