Chapter 231

"A singer who doesn't want to be a world-class composer is not a good cook."

This is Luo Quan's answer to himself. Getting a title is close to today's topic.

The content of the answer is:
"Since my debut, I have always been concerned and questioned, and I have always been cautious and conscientious to do everything I can do.

As a person with little talent and learning, I only wrote about [-] songs in a year, and won a few small awards and achievements, which are naturally insignificant in the eyes of you wise men.

However, even if I am in such a rush, I hope that one day I can become a world-class composer. I don’t have such strength yet, but after all, I am only nineteen, and there are still many years waiting for me to work hard.

A while ago, I wrote a song "Farewell Moment", and I don't know if it can catch the eyes of the keyboard masters. If not, I will work harder and try to write more in the future for everyone to comment on.

As for those seniors who are good for me, here I would like to say thank you. I will keep your teachings in mind. Modesty and respect have always been my principles of doing things.

Best I want to say to my fans, stop comparing me with domestic singers in the future, just pay attention to my works quietly, music is not a prop to be compared with anyone. "

In this answer, Luo Quan first ridiculed a wave of keyboard warriors, and at the same time respected those seniors who did bad things with good intentions.

Finally, I also reminded my fans not to take it out to attract hatred.

Anyway, she has already said it, those fans still have nothing to do, after all, it is not something she can control by herself.

Soon, this answer became a highly praised article and came to the forefront of the question.

The comment section praised Luo Quan's humorous and sincere attitude, and those keyboard warriors who were connoted were naturally upset, and continued to be eccentric in the comment section, but they were soon besieged by fans and passers-by.

Luo Quan's explanation can be regarded as killing a turmoil in the cradle, and the reviews about her on the Internet are still mostly positive.

People paid more attention to Luo Quan's new song.

It is the song "The Great Wall" that was used as the BGM of the "Let's Eat" series. The full version of "The Great Wall" is magnificent. The combination of orchestral music and piano makes people feel like they are listening to a symphony.

Of course, just 2 minutes of pure music and a real symphony are still incomparable.

However, Luo Quan's ability to write such a piece shows that she has made a further step on the road of music.

I just don't know how long it will take before it can bring more shocking works, anyway, Luo Quan is being hyped up on Weibo.

It's no wonder that the answer she just wrote can only be seen in Zhihu, and there is probably the place where Luoquan has the least brain-dead fans.

She doesn't want to do redundant explanations anymore, as a "strength faction", she doesn't need to explain.

Faced with doubts, she just needs to come up with good songs again and again to slap her in the face.

If you want to say that it must be at the same level as Beethoven and Mozart, then I am afraid that no one in the world can do it, but if the scope is broadened to the world of pop music, then she is quite confident.

And in this turmoil, "Chuang Shao" seems to be the biggest winner again.

As Luo Quan is so frequently searched, the exposure is currently not comparable to few people in China. As long as they are young people who often surf the Internet, they can always see news about Luo Quan through various channels.

Except for those who hated her at the first sight, after seeing her more times, they would be the most curious to go in and take a look.

It's good for girls to say, there are almost no boys who don't fall in love with her at a glance.

And as long as you fall in love with her, in addition to looking for her song resources, you will also frantically search for her pictures and video resources.

This is the initial performance of boys chasing stars. Maybe they will feel dull after a few days, but in the first few days, they will be even crazier than girls.

As for Luo Quan, besides those vlogs shot by Station B, the most photographed videos are only on "Chuang Shao".

So these passers-by indirectly provided a lot of hits and popularity for "Chuang Shao".

In the few days when Luoquan was the most popular, the number of hits of "Chuang Shao" also hit new highs day after day.

Up to now, "Chuang Shao" has completely become a national-level variety show.

As the show progressed, the competition among the students became more and more fierce. Some people were eliminated in every episode, and the number of fans and passers-by who participated in the voting was also increasing day by day.

In the latest episode of the program, No.1 Jiang Yuner has received more than 2000 million votes, and her Weibo followers have exceeded 500 million.

Other colleges, such as Yue Wei, Xu Yuehan, Luo Chuyi, Yagyu Junko, etc., also had more than 300 million votes and more than [-] million Weibo fans.

Among so many talent shows in the past ten years, only the students of "Chuang Shao" can get so many fans' attention before the show is halfway through.

Only "Chuang Shao" can obtain such a huge amount of financial investment from fans when there is only one way of krypton gold.

This is much more profitable than when Supergirl sent text messages to vote!

It is foreseeable that the fans' enthusiasm for krypton gold will increase as the program progresses.

The current intensity is actually far from intense, and only a few people are eliminated in each issue.

After another three or four episodes, that will be the real moment when the bayonet becomes popular!
After recording the next episode of the program, Luo Quan did not take the same flight back to the capital as Wen Xia.

After completing the formalities, Luo Quan had already bought a ticket to London, England, and she also missed the next week's program recording.

No way, the interview with director Claire Ford is too important.

In the waiting room, Luo Quan looked at the British travel brochure issued by the airport. The book was full of British-style delicacies, and the names were also very distinctive, because they were all: British-style grilled steak, British-style fish and chips, British-style Chevrolet, English muffin.

Luo Quan doubts that French specialties are just changing the prefixes of these dishes.

However, judging from the pictures, these delicacies can still arouse her appetite.

Last year, in order to maintain her figure, she mostly ate vegetables and drank porridge, and seldom ate any big meat.

In the past, she was a person who liked all kinds of meat, but she abruptly changed her recipes for the sake of her image.

In the end, she persisted for three months, but she couldn't go on any longer. On a dark and windy night for a month, she ate a steak for three people by herself, which was a direct failure.

Since then, she has never made a conscious effort to eat any weight-loss meals, and accepts all fat and lean meats according to the order.

The weight also soared from the previous ninety catties to one hundred and five catties.

But what's interesting is that her waist and face haven't changed in any way from before, as if the extra fifteen catties didn't exist.

The weighing scale is not broken, but the meat has grown to where it should grow, a place that Wen Xia is extremely jealous of.

After reading for a long time, Luo Quan closed the book, afraid that she would drool after reading it for a while.

At this time, my mother called.

"Is there anything else you haven't explained, Mom?" Luo Quan was a little helpless, and she told her parents that she was going to England in advance.

Then the couple took turns talking on the phone with Luo Quan for more than half an hour, almost treating her like a kindergarten child and explaining what came to her mind.

I'm about to get on the plane now, and I have to make a phone call to say a few words.

"I have something to tell you, your brother Leon is also going to fly to the UK, he is already on the plane, counting the time, you two are probably on the front and back.

If it's not late, you should be there first! "

This is an important matter, Luo Quan nodded: "Understood, I will wait for him at the airport when I arrive, and send him a message by the way."

"Okay, when you two meet, go directly to your grandfather's place, don't stay outside for too long."

"Why?" Luo Quan was puzzled.

Luo Ni said seriously: "I forgot to tell you when I finished. In recent years, Britain has accepted a lot of refugees from ZD. The law and order are not as good as before. Although there are many patrols, there are always places that cannot be taken care of, so everything must be left behind." One mind."

Luo Quan said confidently: "With your daughter's skills, two or three big guys can't get into me!"

Luo Ni said angrily: "Those are all in groups, can you hit a dozen or twenty at a time?"

A dozen or twenty... This is really difficult. Although Luo Quan is good at martial arts, he is not yet at the level of a sword master like Liu Sheng Yan Zhai.

What's more, even a Juggernaut, facing the siege of a dozen or twenty big men, had no choice but to run away.

"Well, I see, but I'm afraid I can't go to Grandpa's just yet."


Luo Quan replied: "There was a big Hollywood director before who asked me to interview the heroine of his new movie. This time I went to England in advance for this purpose."

Luo Ni frowned: "Movie...interviewing for the heroine?"


"What kind of movie is this? Is the director serious?" Anyway, Luo Ni has had more meals than Luo Quan for decades, and has a lot of understanding of domestic and foreign entertainment circles. Hearing about hidden rules and the like Says a lot.

Those dog directors relied on their identities to deceive the little girl who was not experienced in the world. She was afraid that her daughter would be deceived for her star dream.

Luo Ni said worriedly: "Daughter, you must not be easily deceived. If you really want to be a big star, you can ask your father to pay for a movie, and you will still be the heroine!"

When Luo Quan heard this, he knew that his mother was thinking wrongly: "Mom, what are you talking about, this is a serious crew, a serious director."

"The more you do this, the more careful you must be. In this world, are there still few beasts in clothes?"

Luo Quan was speechless: "I know, I will pay more attention, at worst, let my younger brother go with me when the time comes."

Luo Ni nodded: "I definitely want to go with you, I can rest assured that you two are together."

"Okay, I get it. I'm going to board the plane right away. I'll hang up first." Luo Quan didn't want to continue talking to his mother, so he hung up the phone after speaking.

After boarding the plane, Luo Quan fell into a deep sleep like before.

Every time I slept on the plane before, because of the sleeping position, I always had a backache and neck pain when I got off the plane.

Fortunately, this time she learned how to behave, and directly bought a first-class ticket, which has a lot of space and high privacy, and the most important point is that she can lie down.

In order to prevent being recognized, Luo Quan put on sunglasses in the waiting room.

Although she is flying to the UK, she is an international star after all, and has many fans at home and abroad.

Besides, there were quite a few Chinese people on board the plane. Luo Quan observed in the waiting room, and most of them were planning to study in the UK, brought by their parents. It seemed that Luo Quan had never heard of the school they were going to.

I searched online and found that these are private universities with a relatively short history. They are not well-known and are famous for accepting foreign students. You can enter as long as you pay.

This kind of university has a unified name in China, that is, Pheasant University.

Although it is not impossible to learn knowledge at Pheasant University, and many people are admitted to graduate schools through hard work every year, but most of them actually spend money to make their academic qualifications more attractive. As for what they have learned in the past three years stuff, no one cares at all.

When recruiting from domestic companies, as long as they see overseas returnees, no matter which foreign school you graduated from, they will regard you as their first choice.

Among the people who submitted their resumes together, there are serious [-] and [-] graduate students. Compared with these pheasant university returnees, they don't know much about their majors, but they often just can't compete with others.

There is no way, after all, I have drank foreign ink for several years.

This is still at the moment when the national power is getting stronger and stronger. If it were 20 years ago, these returnees would basically exist like human beings.

But the returnees at that time, and the returnees now, can basically be counted as two species.

Speaking of which, Luo Quan is actually a returnee, but she has not yet obtained a diploma from the University of Tokyo.

Moreover, in the eyes of Chinese people, universities in the East Asian circle seem to be inherently inferior to those in the West, as if the best university in Japan is no match for any university in the United States and Britain.

This phenomenon is actually not uncommon, and it can be seen in young and middle-aged people.

It can only be said that the Chinese people need to devote more energy to seeing the world with their eyes open.

If she was a pure scholar, she would definitely criticize this series of social phenomena.

However, her profession is only a singer and an up host, and the important task of guiding the public is not on her shoulders.

At best, she can only subtly carry out such things as advocating the correct three views in the vlog. If she does it too obviously one day, she may be criticized by some people as "not doing business properly and meddling in other people's business".

Lie down in the plane, Luo Quan didn't draw the curtains immediately.

Tilting his head, he saw that the student who was going to study in the UK and his parents whom he met in the waiting room before were next to him.

As soon as the boy dragged his shoes, he curled up on the recliner and played games, while his mother fed the peeled oranges into his mouth, and his father was packing the luggage of the family of three.

Luo Quan looked at it for a while, not knowing what to say.

In the end, it could only be a sigh.

Ps. Thanks for the book coins rewarded by book friend Xiaomenggui, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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