Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 232 Gathering

Chapter 232 Gathering
Heathrow Airport is located in the south of Hillingdon, Greater London, only [-] kilometers away from the center of London. It is the busiest airport in Europe

But tonight's Heathrow Airport seems to be more crowded than usual.

In addition to the tourists coming and going, there were many men in vests and peaked caps in the hall.

Almost every one of these people held a camera in their hands, and their eyes looked like radar in the hall.

The reason why they will appear here is because a large number of stars will come to London, England today and tomorrow.

The stars here are basically prefixed with international, and there is not enough international fame to attract so many reporters.

There are two reasons that attract these stars to London, in fact, it can be said to be one, that is, wanting to make movies.

Two famous directors in Hollywood, Carlisle Ford and Robinson Carnathan, were interviewing for their new film in London at the same time.

The film these two are about to start shooting is claimed to be an epoch-making masterpiece, and the most basic requirement is to sweep the Oscars.

If ordinary people dare to brag like this, I am afraid most people will take it as a joke.

But the ones who said this were the two top directors in Hollywood, both of whom had won heavyweight awards such as Oscar for Best Director and Oscar for Best Picture.

The company behind the investment is either Fox or Universal, and funding is not a problem at all.

Such a movie has naturally become the hottest resource in the current international film and television industry.

Because the two directors were interviewing actors in London at the same time, I don't know if they have the intention of singing opposite plays. In short, the current London is a treasure land full of opportunities for many film and television stars.

If you are lucky enough to participate in the works of two great directors, you might be able to climb straight into the sky.

As for the reporters, they don't care what the two big directors want to shoot. The most important thing now is to shoot the stars who have come all the way.

These are all gimmicks, with such a dense crowd of stars arriving, I'm afraid I won't see them once in several years.

Just now, several waves of stars have been stopped by reporters.

Although they all wore sunglasses, but everyone was a big name, and they showed too much in front of the camera, and even part of their faces were enough for reporters to distinguish their identities.

Now that they were recognized, these celebrities certainly couldn't just walk away, and they still chatted with the reporters for a while.

There were at least a dozen reporters in the lobby. In the past, there were more than a dozen reporters surrounding a star, but today the big guys are very humble and don't grab at all.

When Luo Quan came out, he was among a group of Chinese tourists.

The reporters glanced there, and then moved their eyes to other directions.

As we all know, except for a few people in China, there are no big-name international stars, and Japan and South Korea are not even as good as China, so these British journalists did not even bother to identify Asian faces when they saw them.

Luckily, Luo Quan was not intercepted by the reporters. He stayed for a while under the signboard in the lobby, and then went straight to a Starbucks in the leisure area.

After ordering a cup of caramel coffee with extra sugar, Luo Quan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Leon first:
Leon, I've got off the plane and I'm waiting for you at the Starbucks in the leisure area.

After posting, he checked the time, and it was estimated that there was still half an hour before his flight arrived.

Then Luo Quan told his parents and Wen Xia that he was safe.

After finishing it, Luo Quan turned around and browsed station B for a while, and the private messages were full of fans urging her to release a new "Let's Eat" video.

It seems that this series is quite popular, but it is definitely not possible to shoot today, so I can only post a dynamic explanation:
"I'm sorry everyone, I can only be a pigeon these two days, and I'm in London now, I don't have any props around me."

Soon there was a reply in the comment area:

"How did you get to London?"

"Are the reasons for procrastinating now so outrageous?"

"I don't believe it unless you take a picture of London Bridge."

"I can post a hundred of this kind of photos in a minute..."

Luo Quan hurriedly took a picture of the airport hall and replied:
"It's indeed in London, but I'm afraid I have to wait a while to shoot the London Bridge. I just got off the plane."

After confirming that they were not lying to them, the fans suddenly felt uncomfortable:

"What about the three-day update?"

"I can't even eat without your video."

"Okay, why did you suddenly run to London?"

"I checked Twitter recently and saw that many celebrities have gone to London. I guess Luo Quan is also because of this?"

"What's the big fight?"

"It seems that there is a director who wants to make a big-budget movie, and now it is the stage of public casting."

"Why is the version I heard different from yours? My news is that a member of the British royal family is going to hold an engagement banquet, and a large number of celebrities and members of the royal family from other countries have also attended."

In the comment area, there are different opinions on why Luo Quan went to London, but what they say is clear and clear, but Luo Quan is confused.

It just so happens that she has a lot of time today, and if she is free, she will chat with fans for a while:

"This trip to London is mainly to celebrate my grandfather's 67th birthday"

Comment area:

"When I send a question mark, it's not that I have a problem, but that you have a problem."

"What is the definition of a 67-year-old birthday?"

"This is a folk custom in the UK. Every time the elderly celebrate their 56th, 67th, 78th, and 89th birthdays, they have to do something special. The nature is similar to that of the 78th birthdays in China. (狗头)"

"Serious nonsense."

"I believe you ghost, you are a very bad old man."

Seeing the funny comments of these sand sculpture netizens, Luo Quan couldn't help laughing, and replied:

"When I first heard my dad talk about it, I was also very puzzled, thinking that he would have his 67th birthday.

In fact, the old man missed his son, and just in time for his birthday, he used this as an excuse to reunite the family.

By the way, it's not just me, Leon is also coming, and I'm waiting for him in the coffee shop at the airport now. "

After a while, the review was updated again:
"I'm not sleepy when it comes to Leon."

"You also want to fencing upstairs?"

"Who doesn't want to fencing with Leon?"

"As expected, it is the largest comrade-in-arms website in China."

Luo Quan replied with a smile: "Don't look at Leon being so handsome, he is a very masculine person. In the early years, he was the little emperor of underground rap in New York."

"Coincidentally, I am the underground rap emperor of Shuzhou, Xiaochuan Mata."

"Why are you yelling so loudly?"

"Then you go to property management!"


"You curse again!"


As we chatted, the topic came to abstract culture.

Originally, sand sculpture netizens were a little worried about whether Luo Quan could understand their stalks, but they never thought that Luo Quan could communicate with them with abstract quotations without any obstacles. skilled.

Seeing that Luo Quan is so down-to-earth, the fans all sighed:

"A few days ago, when I saw Luo Quan revealing her real identity, I thought we were separated by a thick barrier, but I didn't expect her to be so down-to-earth. I immediately felt a lot closer."

"Upstairs, be more sober, you and her are not from the same world."

"By the way, is Luo Quan really the granddaughter of Charles Albert? She's also a nobleman. It sounds so unreal."

"You can ask yourself this directly, what do we melon eaters know?"

Seeing fans asking about this, Luo Quan specially responded here:
"Charles Albert is indeed my grandfather, but I am definitely not an aristocrat, because there is no class or job of aristocracy in China. My mother, grandparents, and grandparents' parents are the most ordinary farmers, not even landlords. , is actually no different from everyone else.”

Comment area:
"We are different. My ancestors were big landlords. You who have lived for 80 years have to call me young master when you see me."

"Master, is there any surplus food in the landlord's house?"

"Master, I'm afraid you won't have enough to eat now?"


In the comment area, all sorts of strange ghosts continued to appear, adding jokes to the netizens in different ways, but Luo Quan didn't reply anymore because Leon had arrived.

"Oh my God, you are much more beautiful than the last time we 7 met!"

You don't need to look up, Luo Quan already knows who said this.

"Oh, my God, can you change the opening line next time?" Luo Quan looked up helplessly, and saw Seifert's cheap smiling face.

Leon stood behind, wearing sunglasses like her, and a peaked cap, covering most of his bright golden hair.

Seifert asked curiously: "By the way, Luo Quan, I heard from Leon that you are going to attend the casting interview for director Ford?"

"Yeah, you guys are going too?" Luo Quan took a sip of his coffee.

With Leon's looks, it's definitely more than enough to play Legolas.

Lyon replied: "It's another director, "Titanic" directed by Carnathan."

"Pfft!" Luo Quan spat out all the coffee she drank into her mouth in a very rude manner, but luckily no one was standing in front of her.

"You mean... cough cough... the Titanic?" Luo Quan asked while coughing.

Seifert nodded: "Yes, I heard that the script is not bad, and director Carnathan is also ambitious, so the company asked Leon to audition."

Luo Quan wiped his mouth and said, "Then the requirements must be very strict?"

"It is indeed very strict for most people." Leon suddenly laughed very smugly: "But it is not difficult for me."

"how do I say this?"

Seifert said with a smile: "Director Carnathon has only one requirement for the male lead, he is handsome! As for acting skills, he is the last director in Hollywood to train actors, and lack of acting skills is not a problem at all!"

Luo Quan laughed and said, "Then it's really not difficult. Besides Dad, is there anyone more handsome than you?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Seifert next to him, who looked at Luo Quan expectantly.

Luo Quan curled his lips in disdain, as if to say: You are far worse than my brother.

Seifert said he was hurt.

"So you're the default male lead for this movie?" Luo Quan suddenly became excited.

This is "Titanic"!It is an existence that has been shortlisted in the top five of the greatest movies in the history of human movies for many times, an immortal masterpiece, and its influence is unimaginable.

If Leon really becomes the hero, it will soar into the sky!

Leon nodded and said: "There is basically no suspense. Director Carnathan has seen my photos and expressed his satisfaction. Is this trip to London just a formality?

However, the heroine of this movie has not yet been decided, and the competition is quite fierce. "

Luo Quan smiled: "Director Carnathan's request for the heroine is not a single word, is it?"

Leon shook his head: "How is it possible, if that's the case, wouldn't this movie become an idol drama?
It is said that Director Carnathan has requirements for the heroine's figure, that she should be a little fatter and have a better temperament. "

Seifert added: "Your temperament doesn't meet the requirements. It's not expensive enough, and it's a bit more mundane. It's no different from those supermodels. It's not sensual enough."

"If you want to say I'm stupid, just say it." Luo Quan was angry and funny for a moment.

Speaking of which, the evaluation of her on the Internet is basically good, all kinds of praise.

But it is not without belittling voices, the biggest one is that she is dirty.

This is a more popular evaluation on the Internet: "Luo Quan is earthy from clothing to temperament to consumption concept. To what extent is earthy? It's just like her appearance, 360 degrees without dead ends.

She has an upside-down face, a golden ratio body comparable to Victoria's Secret's top model, and a singing voice that sounds like a melodious voice, but her taste in dressing is so low that she has no fashion sense at all!

The combination of an angel and a devil is what she is talking about. Every time I see her in those vlogs taken in Japan, she dares to go to the street while stepping on a flip flop, which is simply a disaster for her perfect image.

The key point is that she is not ashamed, but proud, thinking that it is close to life and down-to-earth.

Boss, you are the most beautiful face in the world, probably the most beautiful among the most beautiful faces in the world in all ages, but you don't pay attention to your own image management at all, you are extremely slovenly, you are simply discrediting your predecessors! "

When this review came out, it was on the hot search, and countless people @罗泉.

Luo Quan himself also posted an apology on Weibo, saying that he must pay attention in the future.

As a result, I also saw that Luo Quan fully implemented the spirit of actively admitting mistakes and resolutely not to change. No matter how many times fans and passers-by complained about her, she still went her own way.

Later, the big guys simply didn't care about it.

There's no way, even if she has the capital, she can still be as beautiful as a fairy without makeup and blindly dressed.

After all, people's physiques can't be generalized. Luo Quan, who is so ugly that red and green are so ugly, can have a special flavor. I can only say how important it is to have a perfect face.

Facing Luo Quan's responsibilities, Seifert quickly waved his hands: "This is not what I said, this is the unanimous evaluation of you by fans at home and abroad."

Luo Quan spread his hands: "It's just dirt, so everyone can treat me more as a person. Excessive myths will not do me any good."

Ps. Thank you for the book coins I rewarded for the book friends who are free like the wind, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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