Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 256 Chapter 257

Chapter 256 Chapter 250 Seven delicious
The soup is out of the pot, the minced meat is colored, and then the cabbage is cooked.

The cooking of the whole dish has been completed here, and it has basically been declared over.

The first bowl of boiled cabbage is naturally handed over to Mr. Wu for evaluation.

Because there were too many people waiting to eat outside, Luo Quan did not cut the cabbage as before. He just broke off the cabbage leaves, steamed them with soup for a while, and then took them out of the pot.

The good-looking version is definitely not as good-looking as the lotus-shaped version, but the taste will not make any difference.

Mr. Wu held the bowl, first smelled it, and then picked up a cabbage leaf and put it in his mouth.

The next moment, his face changed a little, but he didn't speak, he just savored the taste carefully.

After a long while, Wu Tao exhaled slowly, his eyes were bright: "This dish is really good!"

After speaking, he took another slice in his mouth.

The barrage on the mobile phone is already agitated:
"Elder Wu said so, then there is no problem."

"It's rare to get such an evaluation from Mr. Wu."

"I still want to ask, how delicious is this dish?"

"Yes, I also want to know what level of dish it is."

"Old Wu, can you tell me?"

Wu Tao looked up and saw the barrage of questions, without any hesitation: "I can attend the state banquet!
This boiled cabbage tastes smooth, the soup is clear, the taste is mellow, refreshing, and it is a rare delicacy!
Come and try it! "

After Wu Tao finished speaking, he still didn't forget to invite the apprentices to have a taste of this worldly delicacy.


"Awesome, I didn't expect it to be of such a level."

"Those who questioned Luo Quan before should prepare themselves for an apology."

"That group of people will come out and jump at this time? It's too late to pretend to be dead!"

After receiving such an evaluation, Luo Quan was naturally overjoyed: "With your words, I feel relieved."

Luo Quan said as he pushed the cauldron full of cabbage leaves out of the kitchen, followed by Wen Xia, pushing a cart full of porcelain bowls.

The guests who were watching the live broadcast outside had already begun to commotion. After waiting for a whole morning, they could finally taste the boiled cabbage that caused a lot of trouble in the city.

"Everyone, don't worry!" Luo Quan took out his trumpet and loudly maintained the order of the scene: "Please take a good team, don't be crowded, everyone has a share, just put the bowl over there after eating."

The direction Luo Quan pointed to was an open space that had been cleared in advance, and there were many empty boxes on it, which were used to hold the dishes and chopsticks.

There are a lot of chopsticks on the table in the chopsticks shop, just grab a pair.

After being greeted by Luo Quan and the staff of Yipin Building, the guests quickly lined up.

Because of the large number of people, Luo Quan spooned less soup each time, only two or three mouthfuls, and two cabbage leaves per person.

But that's enough. For a really delicious dish, it only takes one bite to make people become immortals. For details, please refer to "The Little Master of China".

Speaking of the Chinese Xiaodangjia, after Wen Xia rolled out the porcelain bowl trolley, he quietly ran to the broadcast control room of Yipin Building and played the music.

There is no doubt that she played "The Great Wall of Thousands of Miles" specially composed by Luo Quan for the "Xianfan" series.

The sudden music made all the diners tremble.

While eating boiled cabbage, they suddenly heard such a magnificent piece of music, which instantly moved them inexplicably.

In front of their eyes, the great rivers and mountains of China appeared, and their thoughts flew from all corners of the country. The Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and the Temple of Heaven flashed through their minds one by one.

When they came back to their senses, they realized that they were just sitting in a first-class building, and there was only a clean porcelain bowl in front of them.

A few slices of ordinary cabbage can be so delicious!

At this time, I don't know how many people have expressed such exclamation. There are countless people who took pictures and posted on Weibo.

Luo Quan has been burying her head in serving dishes for the guests. Before, she was quite worried that the guests would sell her all of them. She took a moment to look up, and almost everyone's faces were filled with smiles called happiness.

At this time, Luo Quan knew that the controversy about her had vanished.

After scooping up a hundred bowls, Luo Quan, whose arms were sore, handed over the work to the clerk of Yipinlou.

After working all morning, she finally realized that her clothes had been soaked in sweat at some point when she was finally free.

Brushing her wet hair that was lingering on her forehead, Luo Quan looked at the guests with her hands on her hips, feeling quite satisfied in her heart, but she didn't know that she was secretly photographed at this time.

Back in the back kitchen, the current boss of Yipinlou had returned at some point, and was staring at the remaining small pot for research.

For a while, I went to smell it, and for a while, I stared at the clear soup.

"You are Boss Wu [huì] Wu, right?" Luo Quan stepped forward to say hello.

"Hello, hello." Boss Wu raised his head and greeted Luo Quan with a very earnest attitude.

Boss Wu asked curiously: "I heard from my father that you have published the recipe for this dish?"

"That's right, I wrote it all down." Luo Quan said, taking out a piece of white paper that was folded squarely from his trouser pocket, on which were written the cooking ingredients and key points of boiled cabbage.

"I'll put it online later, do you want to take a copy?"

"How embarrassing is this?" Boss Wu laughed.

"It's not worth anything." Luo Quan waved his hand: "My master said that if you want to make a good dish, the recipe is not important, the heart of the cook is the most important thing.

He often told me a word: There is no chef in this world, or everyone is a chef. "

"Well said!" Wu Tao's loud slap made Luo Quan's ears hurt.

"Your master's culinary skills have reached the pinnacle. I really want to meet such a strange person!"

Boss Wu didn't know what the two were talking about, but he just took a photo of the recipe silently, and then selected a few good slices from the pot that hadn't been rolled out, and put them in the heat preservation box.

"Father, I'll leave it to you to deliver the food." Boss Wu handed the insulated box to his father.

"Understood." Mr. Wu Taolao nodded, and his mood returned to calm.

Luo Quan was a little curious when he saw this scene, and wanted to know who the person who could let Mr. Wu Tao deliver the food, but in the end he refrained from asking.

If she guessed correctly, there might be some surprises in cooking this time, and this boiled cabbage dish might even become a real state banquet!
"Then I'm done with work here, so I'll go back first." Luo Quan took off his apron, looked at Wen Xia who came behind him, and said.

"Let's go now?" Wu Tao wanted to stay with Luo Quan, and asked her more about her master Tang Niu.

"I've been busy all morning, and I'm a little tired. Now that the proof is done, I should go back and see how the netizens blow me up." Luo Quan replied very simply, with a satisfied smile.

Wu Tao sighed and nodded: "That's all right, Xiao Yao, take her through the back door, maybe you can't get out from the front."

Walking out of the back door of Yipin Building, there is a whole row of slop buckets on the right hand side, where the usual leftovers are poured out, and then waited for someone to take them away.

Luo Quan and Wen Xia originally wanted to come out to breathe fresh air, but just as they opened their mouths, they smelled an incomparable sour smell. They hurriedly bid farewell to Boss Wu, then covered their faces and left.

After running for a long distance, the two finally raised their heads and exhaled deeply.

After resting for a while, Luo Quan and Wen Xia, wearing sunglasses and masks, came to the place where the bicycles were parked before.

It's not far from the entrance of Yipin Building. It can be seen that there are still a lot of people there, and the guests who have already eaten have not left. They are probably waiting to see the two of them.

After returning home, Luo Quan took a bath first to soothe his tired body and mind.

After coming out, Wen Xia and Wen Xia finished all the cold dishes and rice last night, and then went back to their rooms.

Turning on the phone, her name has appeared in Weibo hot searches:

"Photo of the cook in Luoquan!"

After clicking in, I found that there was a photo of herself in Yipinlou, which was the one where she was resting with her hips on her hips.

"It's driving me crazy, put your arms around your hips."

"Even though I'm sweating so much, it's still beautiful."

"What kind of cosmetics are used, no flowers at all?!"

"Sorry, Luo Quan never wears makeup except on shows."

"90.00% of the Luoquan photos you can see are without makeup or beauty."

"Stop talking, can't you just lick the screen?"

"It's so beautiful, how can I marry this damned sweet woman?"

"At least the Earth must have been saved."

"Less, almost saving the galaxy."


These are just hot searches brought about by a photo, and there are more fans in the comment area.

And there is another hot search called:

"Luoquan Cooking Skills!"

The number of comments is twice that of the previous one, nearly [-].

"I've tried this dish live and it's undisputedly delicious."

"I have never eaten such a delicious dish in my life!"

"I don't need to say more about the dishes that can be put on the state banquet by Wu Tao's evaluation."

"Who is Wu Tao?"

"The only chef in China who can cook a complete Manchu banquet."

"Of all the chefs in Huaxia, he can be ranked in the top three, and not necessarily the third!"

"So powerful, isn't Luo Quan also one of the top chefs for a long time?"

"The main reason is that her recipes are excellent. Of course, her cooking skills are not bad, such as knife skills and mastery of fire. She was also praised by Wu Tao during the live broadcast."

"A lot of people uploaded videos of them eating boiled cabbage in Yipinlou before, and they were all full of praise, but I'm more curious about the BGM that appeared in everyone's videos?"

"Yes, yes, yes! That song is so beautiful and very powerful, it gave me goosebumps as soon as it came out."

"It was a song played on the Yipinlou radio at that time. I don't know what it's called."

"It's a song composed by Luo Quan, called "The Great Wall". Station B has the full version uploaded by her."

"This person is too..."

Seeing this, Luo Quan didn't turn the page any further.

Although she didn't finish, Luo Quan guessed, "This person is too perfect!"

Of course, this is her narcissistic idea, although it is not far from it.

After working hard all morning, it is finally time to enjoy the joy of victory.

Come to Zhihu and find out today's new hot issues about her:
"How would you rate Luoquan's boiled cabbage in Yipinlou?"

There are not too many people answering now, so Luo Quan grabbed a good position first:

"Have you all gone to Yipinlou to eat the boiled cabbage I made? How do you like the taste?"

In less than 15 minutes, the number of replies exceeded [-].

Of course, there must not be five hundred people who have eaten Luoquan cuisine in Zhihu, and fifty is probably enough.

But there are still quite a few people who have watched Luo Quan's live broadcast, and they came out to reply at this time to support her.

"I haven't eaten the food, and I haven't seen anyone who dares to continue Hei Luoquan, but just in case, let's post a wave of Mr. Wu Tao's comments."

Reply below, it is a video, which is exactly what Wu Tao commented on the dish of boiled cabbage when he answered the barrage during Luoquan's live broadcast.

Being able to attend a state banquet, speaking from such a culinary master, is already better than thousands of eloquent rhetoric and sophistry.

Originally, Luo Quan wanted to wait for those familiar IDs to come out and continue to speak harshly, and then let the fans slap them in the face, but the final result made her a little disappointed.

The "ink" who had been blackmailing her before came out and replied:
"I have eaten this cabbage at the scene, it is a little bit less, but the taste is really superb.

I take back the doubts I have expressed about Luo Quan's cooking skills. "

"That's it? Don't you want to apologize to Luo Quan?"

"In the Internet age, the cost of guiding public opinion at will is really low. It has brought so many negative effects to Luoquan, and in the end he refused to even say sorry."

"Ink, and yesterday's super chef, two people can't make up a mother."

"It's more civilized to bully Luoquan fans. Change to a star, and see if his fans don't let your human flesh out, and you will die socially."

"Qing Piao Piao just retracted the question and it was gone, so what about the damage you caused?"

"Trash, I don't want to see you again in Luoquan's problems!"

Without morals, anything is possible.

Luo Quan, as a civilized and face-conscious person, really has no choice but to deal with such brown candies.

Don't think that he is being subdued when he comes out to say these things, but he is still disgusting you.

Now that Luo Quan has proved his cooking skills and gained a lot of enthusiasm and praise, he still wants to jump out and dirty her eyes, refuses to admit his mistake, and is even quite proud, as if to say: Even if I said before that I was slandering you , but what can you do with me?You can't even make me apologize.

The key point is that these people are very smart, and they don't curse people from the beginning to the end. Luo Quan can't sue even if he wants to.

But after this time, passers-by in Zhihuli will have a much better impression of her. After being hacked so many times in a row, everyone knows those people who have been taking the lead. If such a situation occurs in the future, they will definitely With more passers-by helping her speak out, she doesn't have to go to such lengths to prove herself every time.

It is worth mentioning that Luo Quan made such a big commotion on the Internet, which also boosted the box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" from the side.

The more Luoquan sparked discussions on the Internet, the more popular it became, and various related pushes followed.

In addition, "Wolf Warrior 2" has indeed detonated the entire Internet recently, and the two have played a complementary role.

Luo Quan was thinking about whether "Wolf Warrior 2" would become China's first movie with a box office of over [-] billion because of his own butterfly, when Seifert in Dubai called her.

Ps. Thank you for the book coins rewarded by book friends Deng Shen, Senior Anima, and Zircon, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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