Chapter 262
Open the door, and from a long distance away from Luoquan, you can see a beautiful car with an extremely arrogant and domineering appearance passing by the door.

As if to show off, or to remind the people in the room, the beautiful car let out a high-pitched and magnetic roar.

The car was parked on the side of the road, and Luo Quan saw two people getting out of the car.

One is Seifert, the driver, and the other is Fred who helped her translate the piano score at the grandpa banquet.

Although he didn't know why he came with him, Luo Quanming didn't have any unnecessary reaction on his face, just walked over with Leon with a smile.

"Thank you, I'm sorry to trouble you to bring the car here yourself after such a long journey." Luo Quan said to Seifert.

"It's a small matter." Seifert smiled naturally.

"Let's go into the house first." Leon said from behind.

So the four of them walked into the room, each sitting on a sofa.

Seifert took the drink thrown to him by Leon, took a sip and said, "Are you coming to the United States this time to attend the press conference?"

"That's right, after the press conference, I'm going to New Zealand to film."

Seifert regretted: "I thought you could stay a few more days and write two songs for Lyon."

Leon looked at Seifert complainingly: "You just released the album, why are you releasing a song for me?"

Seifert rolled his eyes: "You are not happy anymore, do you know how many companies in the United States beg your sister to write songs for them?"

"Writing songs is easy. I'll write two songs for Leon in two days. It's no trouble for me." Luo Quan easily agreed.

As for Fred, he stood beside him awkwardly like an ant on a hot pan. He wanted to speak several times, but he didn't know how to speak.

Usually he looks indifferent in front of girls, no matter how beautiful a girl or socialite is, he can't make his heart ripple.

Only when facing Luo Quan, his heart would keep pounding like he opened a deer farm.

"By the way, when did you play together?" Luo Quan asked curiously, looking at Seifert and Fred.

Lyon explained: "Fred and Crown Prince Abshir are also good friends, we played together when we were in Dubai before."

"Ah..." Luo Quan made a meaningful voice, and made some guesses, but he was not sure yet.

"By the way, I will send this car to you directly in a few days?" Seifert asked.

"Wait another two days, the procedures in our country have not yet been completed."

Seifert nodded: "Then put it at Lyon's house, and just send me a message when you are well."

"I heard you said you were going to New Zealand, right?" Fred said suddenly.

"Yes, it will take about half a month to go there to film."

Fred's neck was hot and his cheeks were hot: "Can I go with you, hungry? I mean we can go to New Zealand together. I just have something to do there..."

The more Fred spoke, his voice became softer. After he finished speaking, he wished he could slap both of his ears. The intention was so obvious that the ghost was willing to go with him.

When it's over, Luo Quan will definitely think that he is a fool and idiot.

"Of course, but I'm not sure if our crew will charter a flight. It would be great if we could go together."

Luo Quan actually nodded and agreed to his invitation, which Fred did not expect at all.

"Okay, okay!" Fred was overjoyed immediately, "You tell me the time, and I'll book the ticket one day in advance!"

"Okay." Luo Quan nodded, got up and said, "I'm going to the toilet."

As soon as Luo Quan left, Seifert came over and said, "My God, this is how you strike up a conversation with a girl, without first complimenting her on whether she is pretty today, asking her what she is doing recently, and just talking about yourself Purpose?!"

Fred was taken aback: "Ah...well, I've never struck up a conversation with a girl before."

Leon was quite calm: "It's not a big problem. My sister is not an ordinary girl. Seifert is useless to her."

Seifert thought for a while and said: "That's true. I have never seen a girl like your sister. She doesn't like cosmetics, gorgeous clothing, jewelry, and she doesn't seem to like shopping. I stayed in London for a few days. , I haven’t been to a shopping mall once, and the usual clothes are the same for thousands of years... I remember the last time I was in London, she seemed to be wearing this style of T-shirt.”

Fred laughed and said, "That's good. I just like this kind of girl who is quiet, stays at home, and isn't bewitched by superficial things, and she's so talented!"

"It's useless if you like it, my friend. Whether she likes you or not is the key point. Do you think your performance just now can make her like a boy?" Seifert stared at Fred and said seriously: "Also, I told you a few days ago to change your hairstyle and tidy up your image. Which girl would like you to look so sloppy?"

"Girls in Huaxia like this type." Luo Quan suddenly sat back on the sofa, "You have such good conditions, why don't you worry about not being liked by girls?"

Fred touched his face mockingly: "I'm not handsome, and I'm not as good-looking as Leon, but I'm far behind in liking girls."

Luo Quan smiled: "Don't compare with him, who in the whole world is more likable than him?"

"Don't say that, my appearance has never been the most attractive part of me." Leon said, holding up the book on the coffee table: "I have been working hard to enrich myself, in fact, my connotation is more attractive than my appearance!"

Seifert sneered: "Really, but you have bought and read this Shakespeare collection for almost three years, haven't you finished it yet?"

Leon said angrily: "You know what a fart, I am striving for excellence, can this kind of book be understood after reading it once?!"

"What's the title of Chapter 2 of this book?" Seifert immediately killed it. He expected that Leon bought this thing just to show off.

"" Leon hesitated, unable to explain why.

"It's "Hamlet"" Fred said with a smile, "I also bought a copy of this book. Chapter 1 is "A Midsummer Night's Dream", and Chapter 2 is "Hamlet."

Luo Quan praised: "I can't tell, you are quite well-read."

Fred said helplessly: "My classmates say that I look like an antique from the last century, watching Shakespeare plays, listening to classical music, and I have nothing in common.

By the way, what do you usually like to watch?Or like those entertainments. "

I didn't teach you in vain!Seifert was nearby, giving Fred an approving look.

"Read online novels, play online games, and then browse Bilibili or Youtube. When you are in a good mood, interact with sand sculpture netizens."

Luo Quan's answer was still so simple and unpretentious.

Seifert was shocked, and couldn't help but said: "Your hobbies are too salty, don't you go out?"

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, I'm actually a house girl, and I basically don't go out except for work.

Do you think I'm like those rich guys who go surfing, skydiving, scuba diving, stuff like that? "

"Those are actually quite interesting," Seifert whispered.

"It's interesting to watch on the video." Luo Quan added, "Forget it, I won't talk to you guys about this, I'm going to show off my wealth to my fans, who would like to take a photo for me?"

"I'll do it." Fred raised his hand and stood up.

It is said to show off his wealth, but in fact Luo Quan really wants to show off his wealth.

Isn’t wealth just for showing off? It’s a pity that such a handsome car is not shared with fans. Moreover, the video content of so many UP masters at Station B is to show everyone luxury houses and luxury cars. focus on?

It shows that everyone at Bilibili still likes it, and this car is limited to three in the world, so it would be a pity not to shoot a video and post it on Bilibili.

Speaking of which, this was Luo Quan's first time riding a sports car.

The driver's seat looks narrow, but it doesn't feel crowded when you actually sit in it. Luo Quan smiled satisfied with the surrounding environment and the strange technological dashboard in front of him.

"This car is very handsome." Fred said proudly.

"It's really poisonous." Luo Quan praised sincerely, "It's a pity that China doesn't allow drag racing. It's a pity that sports cars can't run."

"The United States can do it. If you want to go crazy, you can go straight to the road now!"

Luo Quan smiled and shook his head: "Forget it, I haven't passed my driver's license test yet. This car has such a powerful horsepower. If it doesn't operate well, it would be a pity to bump into it."

Speaking of which, Luo Quan handed his Huawei to Fred: "Help me take a video."

"Happy to help." Fred quickly agreed......

"Look at the handsome car my friend gave me."

Luo Quan's new video was uploaded to Bilibili.

Originally, there were some fans who would edit some of the wonderful operations of playing LOL today to perfunctory, but they didn't expect it to be a new material.

But when they clicked in and took a look, they found that the car was a bit more handsome than they expected.

At the beginning of the video, Luo Quan stood at the door of his house, and behind him were Leon, Seifert and Fred sitting on the sofa in the living room. The three smiled and waved when they saw the camera.

"Didn't my friend say he wanted to give me a car for my birthday, but for some reason, I changed it temporarily. Today he drove it for me. I'll show you this car."

With Luo Quan's explanation, the camera turned to the street outside the house, where a black sports car was parked.

At this time, the barrage of the video is full of the words "high energy ahead", which makes people look forward to it.

Luo Quan walked to the front of the car, and the handsome and friendless appearance of "Poison" appeared in the center of the screen.

"I rely on!!!"

"very handsome!"

"What kind of car is this?"


"Is this a sports car? Why does it look like a chariot?"

"What kind of fairy friends are these?"


"This car is the poison of Lamborghini. It is said that there are only three in the world. I don't know the price. It is probably not cheap. It is the treasure that many car lovers dream of, but now it is mine." Luo Quan raised his hand while talking He helped it up, making a soft rustling sound.

"Just through Luo Quan's hands, I can feel the silkiness of this car like Dove."

"Is there any big guy to explain?"

"It's nothing to popularize. You just need to know that this is the fighting power in a sports car. It has good performance but it's not invincible. It's mainly because of its handsome appearance!"

"The renminbi is worth more than [-] million yuan, and there is no market for it."

"Do Luoquan's friends still lack friends? I can make thigh pendants."

"This is not a local tyrant anymore, this is a godly tyrant!"

"Two hundred million for a car sounds a little unreal."

"It's outrageous, but it's worth the price."


"Next, I'll let you hear the sound of this car." Luo Quan said, and when the camera turned, the person was already sitting in the car, and the mobile phone that recorded the video was held by someone else.

"Because I don't have a driver's license, I won't record the video of the truck this time, but let everyone listen to it." Luo Quan said, stepping on the clutch.

"The urn!"

The poison let out a deep roar, which resonated in everyone's cranial cavity.

"This is the roar of two hundred million."


"That's all. (Lemon)"

"Can you drive back home?"

"When I knew the gap was too big, I didn't feel sour."

"What's the matter with such a violation?"

"Usually everyone is deceived by Luo Quan's dickish temperament, but in fact she is a super rich second generation."

"Indeed, Luo Quan's family is engaged in the largest real estate business in the UK and the third largest in the US. Grandpa is behind Papa Saima on the Forbes rich list."

"Which father horse?"


"Speaking of which, after returning to China, will Luo Quan drive in slippers for everyone?"

"Stop talking, there are pictures."

"She can really do such a thing!"

"Driving in flip-flops, two points will be deducted and a fine will be imposed."

"Don't worry, this car can't be used on the road in China. The rear wing of the car is an illegal modification, and it will be confiscated as soon as it goes on the road!"


I don't know why, Luo Quan's videos showing off her wealth are always the second most popular videos of her posting new songs or cooking videos.

The same is true of the "Grandpa's Manor" posted earlier.

Perhaps there are more users on station B who like to watch the daily life of the rich than those who like to watch her sing or watch her daily life.

Luo Quan did what he wanted this time, and the effect was quite good.

In half a day, it gained nearly 200 million views, and even became popular on Weibo.

Compared with Bilibili, the public opinion environment of Weibo is a bit worse.

There are those who hate her, and those who belittle this car, but the public's desire for high-value items basically exists.

It would be nonsense to say that I don't envy or desire. Luo Quan saw these things before, and he was also envious in his heart.

But later, after making a lot of money, I felt that as long as the money is enough, the truth is mediocrity.

Of course, her thinking is also suspected of not hurting her back while standing and talking. After all, not everyone is like her and has easily achieved financial freedom.

Therefore, she will never talk about her frugal living style no matter where she is, nor will she use it to establish any personality.

The rich have the way of the rich, and the poor have the way of the poor. Everyone just needs to do their own thing.

She didn't complain about her life before, and she doesn't make any changes to her lifestyle now.

(End of this chapter)

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