Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 263 Press Conference

Chapter 263 Press Conference

Although there is a new car, Luo Quan still goes to the press conference by car.

The location is at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York, just a stone's throw from Central Park.

As one of the most watched blockbusters this year, the launch conference of "The Lord of the Rings" can be said to have attracted the attention of media people all over the world.

Today, the Four Seasons Hotel was surrounded by luxury cars, and the red carpet at the entrance was already full of reporters carrying long guns and short cannons.

If it was before, Luo Quan would have come to the scene wearing a T-shirt, and when he was about to get off the car, he would suddenly realize that he seemed not dressed properly.

But after going through so many big occasions, she would never make such low-level mistakes again.

Before coming to the United States, she selected a few of the classic Chanel clothes she gave to Wen Xia and brought them together for emergencies.

What she is wearing today is a black evening dress, the skirt is covered with sparkling sequins, under the stimulation of countless flashing lights, Luo Quan's skirt is as bright as the Milky Way in the night sky.

This is a classic evening dress designed by Chanel at the turn of the century, named "Stars". It is limited to ten pieces worldwide, and Luoquan's is the only exception No.11.

She was wearing the crystal high-heeled shoes that Butler Barry had given her before. Because of their good looks, Luo Quan took them with her when she left.

Although I didn't tell my grandfather, but his family has a big career, so he probably wouldn't care about such a pair of shoes.

Because he was not on the show, Luo Quan did not wear makeup as usual.

Whether she wears foundation or not is actually an effect for her already cold fair skin. As for makeup, she doesn't know how to put it on, so she doesn't wear makeup in most cases.

As the current most beautiful face, even though Luo Quan came out of an Uber taxi with his skirt in his hands, he still became the focus of the audience in an instant.

It seems that wherever she goes, it is like this.

The reporters rushed towards her like a tide, but they stood still outside the red carpet tacitly, leaving a way for her.

Luo Quan walked forward earnestly with the hem of the skirt in one hand, and greeted the reporters with a smile while raising his hand.

She doesn't have a lot of experience walking the red carpet, but has she ever seen a pig run if she hasn't eaten pork?There are so many videos of female stars walking the red carpet in the news, you can know the process after watching it a few times.

In order to avoid a big embarrassment due to an accidental fall in this situation, Luo Quan took every step carefully.

On the other hand, she doesn't want people to say that she walks slowly on purpose to steal the scene, so she walks faster.

Since the last time he sprained his ankle, Luo Quan learned from the pain and practiced walking in high heels at home.

It was a little awkward at first, but after walking a lot, she got used to it. As long as she finds the balance between the high heels and the soles, she can walk like flying in high heels.

The next goal is for her to prepare common sense, to see if wearing high heels can perform karate, just like those actresses in the movie, she may have the opportunity to use it in the future.

Seeing that Luo Quan was trotting all the way with her skirt in hand, and was about to run into the hotel, the reporters stopped her:

"Luo Quan, don't you want to have a frontal photo taken?"

I was careless, and I just kept moving forward, never thinking of this process.

Luo Quan turned his head and smiled: "Sorry, I haven't walked by for a long time, I almost forgot."

The reporters laughed.

If it were an ordinary star, she would just leave without a grin, and no one would stop her deliberately.

However, big beauties are always more popular than ordinary people, and it is easier to gain everyone's tolerance and preferential treatment.

What's more, a peerless beauty like Luo Quan?

Turning around and returning to the center of the red carpet, Luo Quan put down his skirt and put it on his waist to support his body, showing his full and perfect curves.

This is a move she learned from Wen Xia. The chick can twist her body into a twist when she twists her straddle. She is currently in a relatively low rank, so she can only pose in this rudimentary pose.

But even if it is only a beginner, it has already won countless people in the world.

At this time, she was like a walking flash light concentrator, captivating everyone's hearts and murdering the film in everyone's hands.

Feeling almost done, Luo Quan turned and walked into the hotel.

The conference room where the press conference was held was on the eighth floor of the hotel. The crew had a special person waiting at the entrance of the hotel lobby to guide the way. Luo Quan entered the elevator according to the instructions.

Because it was relatively early, the conference room was basically full of crew members. Many of the main creators hadn’t arrived yet, and the reporters were all shooting first-hand materials outside. Only the director, screenwriter and others sat on the tables, chairs and benches set up on the stage.

At first glance, Luo Quan thought it was the leader of the elementary school holding a parent-teacher meeting on the flag raising platform.

"Look at our heroine, she's really bright and charming today." The director sat in the principal's seat in the middle, and greeted Luo Quan from a long distance away.

"Hello director." Luo Quan walked up the stairs step by step, holding up his skirt, "Am I sitting here?"

Director Ford laughed: "Of course, you are the heroine."

"Why are you here?!" Luo Quan suddenly saw Seifert sitting beside the director with a smile, and waved to her.

Seifert proudly said: "This movie is invested and produced by Universal Corporation. As the manager of the market research department of Universal Corporation headquarters, is it strange to appear here?"

"Isn't it the deputy manager?"

Seifert suddenly became angry: "I got promoted early!"

"Then you're going to film in New Zealand this time, too?" Luo Quan sat down next to Seifert and asked.

Seifert shook his shoulders: "That's not necessary, I'm just here to join in the fun, and answer a few questions from the media by the way, it's just the boss's mission... What are you doing?"

Seifert asked curiously when he saw Luo Quan took out his mobile phone and took a picture.

"Take photos. This is a Hollywood-level press conference. Take a few photos and send them to station B, and the day's work will be done again." Luo Quan's answer and expression were so natural.

Seifert was speechless: "Oh~~ You are also an international star after all, can you be a bit of a city man, shouldn't you just keep silent and pretend to be cold at such a time?"

"Are you tired of pretending to be yourself all day?" Luo Quan rolled his eyes at him, "My usual character and image are like this. Acting is acting, and life is life. This has to be separated."

Seifert chuckled: "You can tell the difference, you don't have any idol baggage."

Chatting and chatting, the main creators of the film basically came together, and the reporters came in one after another and took their seats.

Seeing that it was almost done, Director Ford began to preside over the scene.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming here to participate in the press conference, which is a common topic.

Then it tells about the reason why I want to make this movie. My mental journey and inner expectations.

Director Ford's attitude towards internationally renowned awards such as the Golden Globe and Golden Bear before the Oscars is very straightforward. As long as the movie can involve it, he wants it all!

It's a very arrogant statement, but he does have such confidence.

Moreover, this film is expected to be a trilogy, and the initial investment is estimated to cost [-] million.

Generally speaking, the actual cost of making such a blockbuster with special effects is usually more than twice the initial estimate, that is to say, the starting investment is [-] million dollars, and the unit is US dollars.

This is the trilogy with the largest investment in film history, and it is also the largest expenditure of Universal in recent years.

For Universal, it's a big gamble.

The bet was lost, the revenue of several years was wiped out, the company's stock price plummeted, and the investment vision was questioned.

If you win the bet, you will naturally make a lot of money.

But for Director Ford, there is no possibility of losing the bet.

Since his debut, he has made [-] or [-] films, big and small, and there are quite a few films that have not won awards, and not a single film that has lost money!
He is the well-deserved king of commercial films in Hollywood, which is why Universal is willing to trust him and invest so much in him.

After publishing Ambition, Director Ford began to tell reporters about the original work of the film.

The script of the film is adapted from the originator of Western fantasy novels - "The Lord of the Rings".

This is a part of the Middle-earth epic constructed by the master of fantasy novels Tolkien. So far, it has been translated into more than 80 languages ​​and is selling well all over the world.

The deceased literary master's attitude towards excellence in his works has reached the point of obsession. Because he could not find a human language that fits the pronunciation characteristics of elves and orcs in the book, Tolkien even created his own language for use.

In most literary works of this kind, it is difficult to see.

What Ford wants is to preserve these elements as they are and present them on the big screen.Including the magnificent and magnificent Middle-earth world in the author's book.

If you want to shoot the scenes in the novel, you can only look for places that are as beautiful as in the novel.

New Zealand, Director Ford's hometown, is the best choice. It is known as the "Land of the Long White Cloud" and one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

Director Ford grew up there and naturally knew where to shoot.

After talking about the original book and the scenic spot, the reporter started to ask questions.

"Director, what kind of criteria do you use to select the important roles in the movie?"

The questioner was a reporter from Time Magazine.

"I am a person who respects the original work very much. If it is not necessary, I usually will not modify the original work. Therefore, the cast is basically set according to the original work. This can be seen from the few actors present."

"So for the heroine, I'm curious what kind of standard it is?" The Times reporter continued to ask, "Forgive me for not having seen this great work. I hope Director Ford can tell us about it."

Director Ford smiled and said: "Actually, Luo Quan is the one who most fits the setting of the work among all the actors."

Speaking of this, everyone on the stage laughed.

As the main creator of a film, it is more or less necessary to understand the story outline and character setting of the work. Hearing what Director Ford said at this time, he also understood what he meant.

"In the novel, elves are a kind of intelligent race with eternal youth. They have amazing beauty far surpassing all human beings, and the elf queen and elf princess played by Luo Quan have beauty far surpassing all elves."

The reporters suddenly realized, and then looked at Luo Quan who was smiling and said nothing, and they were deeply convinced.

"There is no doubt about it. Ms. Luo Quan's beauty is famous all over the world." The reporter of Time Magazine ended the interview after flattering her a lot.

This was followed by a question from a man behind him, a reporter for Playboy magazine.

As the world's largest magazine focusing on men's sexual hobbies, "Playboy" actually had contact with Luo Quan very early.

They wanted Luo Quan to shoot a cover for them and do an exclusive interview.

At that time, Luo Quan also specifically searched the magazine "Playboy", and was fortunate to see the wonderful scene of countless well-known actresses at home and abroad, all LUO.

Of course, the key parts are covered, and the scene is beautiful, but it is not 18 ban.

If Luo Quan can shoot such a group of photos, it is estimated that this issue of Playboy will become the highest-selling issue since its release.

The person who invited her to cooperate probably thought so too.

However, after Luo Quan knew what "Playboy" was, he directly blocked it without saying a word.

After that, the two sides never communicated again, and it was unexpected that they would meet again at the press conference this time.

The reporter who asked Luo Quan a question said: "Luo Quan, I know you are from a relatively conservative country in China, and your own thoughts are also extremely conservative, so what are you going to do about the kiss scene or the passionate scene in the movie? How to deal with it?"

"Let me answer this." Director Ford raised his hand to let Luo Quan calm down, and took up the conversation: "The theme of "The Lord of the Rings" is adventure, rescue, fantasy, and epic, and there is not much ink on love.

In the plot of the movie, all the scenes about love are superficial, without any passionate scenes. As for the kiss scene, there is only one not very long scene. "

"Then how does Luo Quan deal with this scene?" Playboy's reporter continued to ask, "I hope Luo Quan can answer."

Luo Quan's expression changed slightly, it seems that he was blocked by her last time and held a grudge, and this time he came here deliberately to trip her up.

But there was nothing wrong with the question he asked, and she really couldn't escape if she didn't answer directly.

"We will use a substitute!" At the critical moment, Aragon's actor Hugo Harrison came forward to make a rescue.

Harrison said with a smile: "I am a man devoted to my family, I love my wife very much, if not necessary, I will use a stand-in for all kiss scenes and passion scenes.

In addition, I also learned that Luo Quan came from a country with relatively conservative thinking. Although she is nineteen years old, she still has her first kiss, so she must not hand it over so rashly.

Besides, "The Lord of the Rings" is not a romantic movie, so based on the situation of Luo Quan and me, we both agreed to use dislocation and special effects doubles to shoot the kiss scene, which is also a plan agreed by the entire crew. "

"That's what I want to say too." Luo Quan smiled and nodded as he looked at Harrison.

The Playboy reporter pursed his lips: "Thanks for the answer."

Then, sat down.

It seemed that such an answer was not the result he wanted, but there was nothing he could do.

After the episode, the interview continued.

(End of this chapter)

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