Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 264 Preparation

Chapter 264 Preparation
The entire press conference lasted for more than an hour. At the end, all the main creators held a simple opening ceremony together.

The first "Lord of the Rings" "The Fellowship of the Ring" is expected to be filmed for four months, and the remaining two months are for special effects, editing, and publicity.

In other words, it will not be released until next year at the earliest, and the production cycle of the three films is as long as three to four years.

Of course, for Luo Quan, it's only a short period of one or two months. Although she is literally the heroine, she doesn't have as many roles as the princess of the Kingdom of Rohan.

The princess has a lot of rival scenes with the hero in the back, and there are many shots, and they are all quite brilliant.

It can only be said that her own image helped Luo Quan, but at the same time restricted her.

Not only Lord of the Rings, but any movie in the future, as long as there are vase-type characters, Luo Quan is the best choice.

As for other roles that required a test of acting skills, it might not be her turn.

After all, in the eyes of most people, appearance and acting skills are inversely proportional to each other, and there are few exceptions.

Luo Quan herself knew about this situation, but she would not force it.

On the one hand, her current acting skills are indeed not enough to support a movie. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with being a vase. It is easy to shoot and it is not easy to take the blame.

It's just that the pay is less, but compared to the fame she can show her face and gain in the movie, these are trivial details.

After the press conference, Luo Quan took a taxi and went home.

The crew did not charter a special plane, because there were too many people, so the producer asked everyone to buy their own air tickets to New Zealand, and they will be reimbursed uniformly at that time.

Luo Quan went to the embassy on the day he arrived in the United States to apply for a New Zealand passport.

The passport will come out tomorrow, and I can leave for New Zealand in the evening.

The meeting place is set in Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand. This is the commercial and industrial center of New Zealand. Half of it is land, and the other half is islands. It is a very diverse water world.

After settling down, Luo Quan sent Fred a message.

Since they made an appointment to go together, Luo Quan definitely couldn't just leave by himself.

And Fred also gave a reply after 2 minutes, the ticket is booked, tomorrow afternoon, first class.

"The action is very fast." Luo Quan smiled.

The next day, Luo Quan packed his luggage, first went to the embassy to get a visa, and then walked around Madison Avenue, took some photos, and bought some souvenirs.

Although she is a house girl, she finally traveled abroad, and happened to be free, so fortunately she wanted to go shopping.

As the most shining pearl among the "lighthouses of the world", New York reveals its atmosphere of prosperity and wealth everywhere.

People here have different looks, and there are office workers who are on the phone and walking like flying.

A young man with a relaxed expression walking his dog on the street.

There are foreign tourists like her who take pictures everywhere with their mobile phones.

Of course, there are also vagrants with bitter faces, paralyzed on the ground and begging.

Even in the most developed and richest cities in the world, there are still people living in extreme poverty.

Even the state of these homeless people is even more sluggish than Huaxia's.

According to her guess, it was mostly because of drugs.

In the United States, drug use is very common, and in some states even DMing is legal.

Of course, apart from homeless people, there are also many black people wearing gowns and showing off their strong muscles on the street.

These unemployed people wearing red headscarves and tattooed arms are always huddled in groups in small groups, some are doing business, and some are blowing hooligan whistles to beautiful girls passing by.

Of course, Luo Quan also encountered such treatment. Fortunately, she was wearing sunglasses and it was in broad daylight, so these black people could only whistle.

To be honest, Luo Quan's heart tightened when he saw such a group of people.

The United States is no better than China. You will never know whether the passerby around you has a pistol stuck to the waist.

Shootings happen almost all the time and everywhere.

In front of a pistol, no matter how skilled she is, she will overturn. This is the reason why she never likes shopping abroad.

She was in a good mood today, but the sudden appearance of black people made her circle of good interests disappear.

Ignoring the greetings from these people, Luo Quan hurried to the crowded place with his suitcase, and then took a taxi directly to the airport.

After sitting in the airport cafe for about an hour, Fred came over with his luggage.

"Where's Seifert?" Luo Quan asked when he saw that there was one person missing.

This time the three of them planned to go to New Zealand together. As one of Universal's top executives, Seifert had to take a second look at the launch of such an important project, not to mention that he was the son of the president.

"He said that he would work with the producer of their company and discuss some matters."

Fred had lied, but Seifert had nothing to deal with other than simply not wanting to be a light bulb.

"That's right." Luo Quan nodded without asking further questions.

After boarding the plane, after experiencing the turbulence at the beginning of take-off, we walked smoothly through the thousands of miles of stratus clouds.

Luo Quan put down the board, and took out the stave and pen from the satchel.

Fred on the side showed a surprised expression when he saw this scene: "Are you going to start writing songs? On the plane?"

"Yes, inspiration came suddenly." Luo Quan said, and wrote an English passage on the stave, which was the name of the song.

"Five Hundred Miles"

Fred read the title of the song, and it didn't feel like a love song.

Originally, he thought that Luo Quan's creation would take some time, so he was ready to watch her perform in silence the whole time.

As a result, Luo Quan's entire creation process did not even exceed 3 minutes. The score and lyrics were basically completed overnight, and there was no place to stop.

If he hadn't seen her amazing creativity before, it would be hard for Fred to believe that such a thing happened before his eyes.

"Alright, finished?" Seeing Luo Quan picking up the score and shaking it, Fred asked carefully.

"Okay." Luo Quan nodded.

"The lyrics look like a country style, I don't know if I'm right."

"It's really a country style. It's a very leisurely and slightly sad song... Maybe you don't feel anything when you say it. Let me play it for you." Luo Quan said, took out an apple and placed it horizontally on the board , opened the guitar simulator.

There is no need to look at the score, Luo Quan's fingertips like green onion and white jade lightly touch the screen of the mobile phone, and a string of very pleasant musical notes slides out.

And Fred stared at the score, trying to sing.

Although the arrangement has not yet been made, the song is not difficult, but Fred stopped after singing a few lines.

After all, non-professionals still can't do it. You have to wait for Luo Quan to sing it yourself to know what the song is like. After all, she wrote it.

But just listening to the music, Fred was already a little obsessed.

"It's so beautiful!" Fred exclaimed, "The beating of a few notes can interweave such wonderful music. You creators are really amazing!"

Luo Quan said with a smile: "It's not that exaggerated. In fact, the melodies used in most pop songs and country music are similar. Those who write symphonies are the real masters, and they are the creators in the true sense."

"Aren't you also such a creator? "Canon of Luoquan" was written under my nose!"

Luo Quan smiled without arguing.

Seeing Fred so excited and happy, but the atmosphere is so harmonious, she must be the one who destroys the atmosphere.

"Do you have a crush on me?"

Luo Quan asked directly and in a very tactful way.

Fred froze for a moment, his face paled and congested, turning red.

At this moment, he doesn't know whether he should admit it or deny it. This is a dilemma between heaven and hell.

But Luo Quan acted calmer and more rationally than him. After all, it was not the first time she had encountered such a situation.

"Yes or no to this question, you don't have to answer it." Luo Quan whispered softly, the seats of the two of them were wider than other first-class passengers, and there was a thick curtain in between, so there was no need to worry about being caught by someone with such a loud voice. hear.

"It's not that I'm narcissistic. I know the fact that many boys will have a good impression of me when they get along with me. After all, the expression on their faces can't be fake." Luo Quan smiled with a confident tone.

After all, what is her appearance now? , there is also a charm attribute that can make most people feel good about it.

"That's true," Fred admitted with a waking scalp.

"I never beat around the bush, I just say what I have to say.

I don’t know if you know me in private, just search for my past videos, if you have, then you should know that I once said that before the age of 30, you will not consider any personal relationship issues. "

"I know this, but..."

"No but." Luo Quan raised his fingers and shook, "At this point, no one can shake me.

Maybe some girls like to ride a donkey to find a horse, eat what is in the bowl and look at what is in the pot, but I am not such a person.

If I like it, I like it, if I don’t like it, I don’t like it, I will never hang on to anyone, this is what I will make clear to all the boys who I feel that their emotions are about to break through the boundaries of friends.

When I was studying in Japan before, there was a Japanese crown prince who also became friends with me and had the idea of ​​​​going further.

At that time, I found out relatively late, and when I rejected him, I also caused him to suffer a lot.

I don't want to experience the same thing a second time.It doesn't matter if you think I'm pretending to be noble, or you think I'm thinking of you. "

Fred scratched his head in distress, his voice trembling: "You are so sudden, it really frustrates me... It's the first time I have a crush on a girl, but I didn't confess my love..."

Luo Quan smiled: "You must not doubt yourself because of this, you are just a bit unlucky, and you met such a strange person like me when you first fell in love."

Fred was very helpless: "But now I like you as a weirdo."

"Believe me, there will definitely be labor pains, but it is impossible for the two of us to develop a deeper relationship than friends, even if it is a friendship that dies, it is just friendship after all.

I have said countless times on countless occasions, before the age of 30, do not fall in love. "

"I know." Fred looked a little frustrated.

Leon told him about this matter when he was in Dubai, but he felt that he must be the exception and could change Luo Quan's mind.

But I didn't expect that Luo Quan's rejection would come so quickly, and it was still on the plane in New Zealand.

Fred thought that his first confession would be a failure in a beautiful place in New Zealand, but he was stillborn.

"But I still don't understand why you refuse love so much? Could it be that you are..."

"That's not true." Luo Quan shook his head, "You can understand that there is no one who can attract me yet."

"What if there is?" Fred seemed to see a glimmer of hope.

Luo Quan laughed: "Then I guess they are all in their thirties. There are thousands of handsome guys in the world, and none of them can make me fall in love."

After struggling for a long time, Fred still didn't get any chance.

He was silent for a long time, but he still asked the same question as Jing Gong Masaku asked at the airport: "Can we still be friends?"

Luo Quan's answer was the same: "Of course, we are friends now, in the future, and forever."

Fred grinned, not knowing what to say.

Obviously hurt.

But Luo Quan knew that short-term pain is worse than long-term pain, so he pulled him out before he got too deep.

At the beginning, it was because of letting go of Jing Gong's senior's emotions, and it almost made it impossible to end the scene in the end.

She won't make the same mistake a second time.

In fact, sometimes being too perfect is not necessarily a good thing. When you get along with the opposite sex, you must always pay attention to their status and beware of changes from friends to lovers.

This is why Luo Quan is always very careful when getting along with people. She is very afraid that a sweet smile when getting along with friends in the future will cause an ambiguous smell in the air.

Fortunately, judging from the current situation, among the many friends of the opposite sex that Luo Quan has made, there are only two, and the ratio is still relatively small.

Anyway, Luo Quan made it clear to Fred.

Fortunately, he didn't appear in a situation where love caused hatred, and Senior Jing Gong was both a gentleman with a broad mind.

Such an excellent boy should have a beautiful love, but unfortunately, they all chose their own beautiful looking crooked neck tree.

It can only be said that this world really depends on faces, so many girls with beautiful hearts cannot be discovered.

But there is no way, the appearance is given by parents, and I can't make the decision.

The only thing you can do is to enrich your own connotation and let your temperament set off your appearance.

The world looks at faces, but definitely not only faces.

I remembered that I promised Seifert to write two songs for Lyon, and now I have finished one, and there is one left.

Taking out the pen and paper, Luo Quan began to write silently again.

After a while, Fred couldn't help turning his head to take a look, and the last trace of illusion in his heart was completely shattered.

The second song written by Luo Quan is called "Auld lang syne".

Translated into Chinese, it means "Auld Lang Syne".

(End of this chapter)

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