Chapter 299
Ps. It's the end of the month again, I will ask for leave tomorrow, and I will stop for another day......


After eating the candy, Luo Quan walked out alone with his schoolbag on his back.

There was still a while before lunch time, and taking advantage of this time, she was going to visit Dean Zheng's office.

During the summer vacation, Dean Zheng specially called her to the school and arranged for a "national brand" 2 creation task. The time given by Dean Zheng was half a year, but for Luo Quan, half a day was actually enough.

However, this task is so important that it will inevitably appear to be ignored if it is delivered in less than half a day. After all, it is also a task assigned by the state, so Luo Quan deliberately delayed the submission until today.

After Luo Quan printed out the sheet music for each part, they were stacked together in a thick stack, which looked like an epic masterpiece.

But in fact the song is not particularly long, only more than five minutes, but in terms of momentum, it is indeed quite epic. From the beginning, there is a soul-stirring feeling, and it is one of the favorite opening BGMs of many Chinese historical documentaries. one.

Holding the score, Luo Quan knocked on the door of Dean Zheng's office.

Everyone is very busy at the beginning of school, Luo Quan is afraid that he will not be in the office some other day, and go to some class for a meeting.

Fortunately, Dean Zheng didn't go anywhere, but sorted out various materials at his desk.

"It's Luo Quan, what's the matter here?" Dean Zheng looked up and asked.

"Principal Zheng, I have already written the song you told me last time. Here is the score... and the demo song I made." Luo Quan put the printed stave on the table, and then The mobile phone is tuned to the music player interface.

"So fast?" Dean Zheng was a little surprised.

Although Luo Quan said last time that it could be finished within a week, but for the quality of the song, Dean Zheng sent a message to Luo Quan later, telling her not to rush for success, but to carefully polish and strive for perfection, and delay the delivery time within this year.

Originally, I thought Luo Quan would have to hand it in after October no matter how soon, but I didn't expect that I couldn't wait to get it for him right after the summer vacation.

Luo Quan said sincerely: "I feel that it is already a finished product, and there are only some small places that can be modified. This time, I also want to show you if there is any room for modification."

"Then let's put it down." Dean Zheng put on his presbyopic glasses, picked up the stave and read it, and Luo Quan also clicked the play button.

The song started, but the room was very quiet, only the sound of Dean Zheng flipping the paper.

However, if you listen carefully, you can feel a burst of light music. Although Dean Zheng's eyesight is not good, his ears are still good, not to mention that the light voice is gradually increasing.

This is a gradual process. When enough tranquility is accumulated, the grand music sounds like thunder on the ground, and the dull and powerful percussion shakes the listener's heart.

Although it was just music, it easily outlined the appearance of a prosperous palace in Dean Zheng's mind. The gate of this palace opened slowly with the music, and what appeared before its eyes was a vast scene.

Stone bricks, palaces, moats, golden halls, carved beams and painted buildings, magnificent!
After the song was played, Dean Zheng, who was listening, was still thinking about it with his eyes closed. After an unknown amount of time, he finally opened his eyes.
"Okay!" Dean Zheng's tone is more majestic than love this song: "This song is bold and majestic, full of everyone's demeanor, it is a rare masterpiece!"

Luo Quan smiled: "With your words, I can rest assured."

"However, it would be even better if some of the instruments in the vocal department could be replaced with traditional Chinese instruments." Dean Zheng thought about which instruments could be replaced.

"I think Suona, Tao Xun, and Chime Bells are all quite suitable."

Dean Zheng nodded: "It is indeed like this, but the specific effect needs to be tested many times, but your song is definitely qualified, and the degree of completion is quite high!"

Luo Quan was curious: "Then just use mine directly, or should I compare it with other works in the school first?"

Dean Zheng smiled awkwardly: "You also know that the collection of this song is for the whole Shangyi. Many of our teachers have created it, and some of them have been composed by multiple people. Although you are the first one to write it now. , but the school can't let them stop creating directly."

"Understood, I just asked. For such an important piece, everyone must compare it and choose the better one." Luo Quan was very confident, as if the process was not important, because the result was already doomed .

It's good to be young!

Dean Zheng secretly sighed, and then said to Luo Quan: "In a few days, the music collection competition commemorating the 600th anniversary of the Forbidden City will be officially announced. At that time, our school will open a column on the official website, and put the students' entries on it for everyone. Appreciate, your work will also be put up, first compare with the students, and then compare with the teacher."

"No problem." Luo Quan nodded and replied, "I'll go back first if there's nothing else to do."

"Go, study hard, your future is bright!" Before leaving, Dean Zheng did not forget to remind Luo Quan.

After returning to the dormitory, I happened to see a text message from Lin Yizhu a few minutes ago:

"We're going to the dining hall for dinner, do you want to join us?"

Luo Quan quickly replied: "Here we come!"

There are three canteens in Shangyi School, all with three floors and a supermarket attached.

The big canteen is the earliest canteen built with the largest area, and it is relatively close to the teaching building. It is the first choice for students to eat after class.

Although there is a third canteen near the dormitory, the third canteen has only been repaired recently. There is not much food in it, and it is relatively simple, but the decoration is better.

When school just started, everyone had plenty of time, so Lin Yizhu and the others would rather walk a few steps to the big cafeteria to eat.

The main thing is to get a fresh picture. After a month or two, it is estimated that you will not travel such a long way.

Luo Quan walked towards the big cafeteria with his schoolbag on his back.

On the way, I chatted with Wen Xia for a few words, only to realize that she had finished her report and went off-campus for dinner with her roommate.

Along the way, Luo Quan met many seniors who wanted to ask her for WeChat.

Like those first-year freshmen like Cucumadanzi, these seniors are obviously very experienced in striking up conversations. To sum it up, they are proactive, bold, and thick-skinned.

There are all kinds of seniors who dare to strike up a conversation with Luo Quan, rich or poor, good-looking or not, good-looking or not.

Of course, Gao Fushuai still behaved more naturally in Luoquan. In front of Luoquan, the ordinary seniors would have difficulty asking for a WeChat ID, and their hands shaking while holding their mobile phones.

However, Luo Quan did not treat them differently, they all declined politely.

However, although the WeChat account will not be leaked, the Penguin account probably cannot be kept. With so many people adding her today, there is no guarantee that it will be leaked.

Fortunately, she doesn't use Penguin very much, so if it is leaked, it will be leaked.

As for WeChat, she doesn't use it very much either, it's just used as a payment tool, and she usually posts any news on station B.

In fact, Luo Quan’s social networking is very simple, just follow her B station if you have anything to do, after all, she never posts any copy in Moments, but often interacts with fans friendly in the comment area of ​​B station, or fiercely confronts black fans on Weibo Wire.

But even though they have been refusing, there are too many boys in puberty.

Although art colleges generally have relatively few students, there are many Shangyi majors, covering almost all hot and cold arts. There are still nearly tens of thousands of students in four grades plus graduate students.

Luo Quan's popularity is so high now, his sudden appearance in the school would probably cause a huge sensation, not to mention that he became their classmate directly now?

It would be weird if no one came to strike up a conversation.

In short, along the way, people kept coming to strike up a conversation.

Now Luo Quan knew why Wen Xia was going to eat outside the school.

The key point is that she can't show impatience, and she has to laugh when she refuses to strike up a conversation with a boy, otherwise she will be photographed and posted on the Internet, and a big-name hat will be thrown over her.

At first, I thought that we were about to arrive at the cafeteria, and everyone was thinking about eating, so the situation would be better, but who knew that a group of boys gathered around the entrance of the cafeteria.

There were five or six of them, all of them were dressed in fashionable clothes, their chins were always raised intentionally or unintentionally, and their eyes were unruly, just like the male lead in the domineering president's novel.

Luo Quan was really afraid that these people would come up, so he just said to her: "Woman, you have successfully attracted my attention."

"Luo Quan, can you add a WeChat account?" The group of presidents came up, and the leader said to Luo Quan, "My name is Shen Siyao."

Maybe he's handsome, maybe he's not.

However, Luo Quan, who has been accosted countless times, is now dizzy and has no mood to care about what these people look like.

What does love look like, but can you leave her alone.

Although there are ten thousand words of MMP in his heart, but for the sake of his goddess image, Luo Quan managed to squeeze out a smile: "I'm sorry, I don't use WeChat very much, so I won't add friends."

"You don't look well, are you sick?" The boy was quite concerned about Luo Quan, seeing that her complexion was not good.

"Hungry." Luo Quan replied weakly.

Shen Siyao said excitedly: "Then I will treat you to lunch! I will arrange the best steak and the best wine!"

When it came to wine, Luo Quan's headache got worse, and he frowned slightly: "Sorry, I don't drink, and I have an appointment with my roommates, so I will eat with them."

"Ah, this..." Shen Siyao originally wanted to invite Luo Quan to eat with him, but he was a little embarrassed to speak when he heard this.

Just because he was embarrassed, it didn't mean that everyone who was with him was embarrassed.

A boy who looked rather reckless, with a thick back and waist, opened his mouth and said: "Luo Quan, we heard that you are going to the cafeteria, and the brothers came here from the dormitory, can't you save face?"

Luo Quan glanced at him, only thinking that they were fans speaking: "Thank you fans for liking me, but idols also have their own lives, so let's not interfere with each other, okay?"

The reckless boy laughed: "We are not your fans."

"If you're not a fan of mine, then I have no reason to have dinner with you." Luo Quan clearly refused.

"Don't be shameless!" A boy with the appearance of a thin monkey said in a male voice.

Shen Siyao frowned and looked at his companion: "What are you doing?!"

This is what Luo Quan wanted to say.

From the looks of it, this group of boys is probably the big villain in the early urban novels - "Second Generation Ancestor", or rich second generation.

In fact, in this day and age, many wealthy second generations are of relatively high quality. After all, the elite education they have received since they were young, not to mention caring for the world and warm hearts, at least they still have the normal three views.

But not all the second generation X can treat others and behave like gentlemen like Senior Jing Gong, Leon, and Fred.

After all, if you have money, it is very common for you to be spoiled and pampered when you grow up, to be domineering and defiant when you grow up. There are such people both at home and abroad, not to mention, isn’t that what Hideshi Iwasaki looked like before?

If it had been released before, Luo Quan might have blown his hair a long time ago, not to mention swearing, he would definitely have some weird words.

But now, her self-cultivation should not be too good, and ordinary conflicts will not make her lose her composure. If these people continue to mess around, then she can only trouble Dean Zheng to deal with this matter.

What's interesting is that these people seemed to be quarreling with their own people because they didn't speak clearly in a few words!

"Shen Siyao, what are you pretending to be here with me? Do you really think the big brother is standing in the middle?" The boy with the appearance of a thin monkey was obviously not a dick for Shen Siyao.

"Wang Lun, don't you think you were very rude when you talked to Luo Quan just now?" Shen Siyao frowned and looked at him, feeling that it was a wrong decision to come out with this kind of person.

Originally, he was only introduced by a friend, and the rich second generation of Monk Yili formed a small group, and he didn't know three of them.

Although they are all rich second generations, there is a gap between rich second generations and rich second generations.

"What are you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail? Don't you know what we are rushing for? They are all pick-up girls, so let's not talk about being polite." Wang Lun walked up to Luo Quan and took out his mobile phone: "Why does it take so much effort to treat you to a meal? We're not bad people. What's the matter? You still think it's a drop in price when you eat like us?

In this way, how much do you charge for a meal with us? ! "

Luo Quan frowned: "Are you sure your money is as much as mine?"

As he said that, he began to check the balance of his bank account in his mobile phone.

"How much money can you have as a singer..." Wang Lun was halfway through speaking when he saw the account balance in Luo Quan's mobile phone.

Not many zeros, but as many digits as his phone number.

The share of album sales in the third quarter has already been credited to her account, plus the income from the first half of this year and the second half of last year.

In fact, Luoquan's deposits have already exceeded one billion yuan, and this is the case when basically all domestic income is donated.

According to the sales momentum of her several albums abroad, by the end of this year, her deposit is likely to exceed 20 billion.

Compared with cash, Luoquan's cash may be more cash than the fathers of these second generation ancestors can use!

Ps. Thanks to book friend Liuli Bingcan for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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