Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 300 "Nobles"

Chapter 300 "Nobles"

"Don't you like to use money to do things? Come talk to me when you have more money than me." Luo Quan didn't bother to talk nonsense with these people anymore, put away his phone and walked into the cafeteria.

There were a lot of students passing by, and they were basically watching, and no one took pictures.

Shen Siyao glanced at Wang Lun, and said, "You guys go on your own, I can't afford it."

After speaking, he parted ways with this group of people.

On the second floor of the canteen, Lin Yizhu ordered a table of dishes, and everyone had already eaten.

"Why did you come here?" Lu Yao raised her head and saw Luo Quan walking over with a displeased face.

"What's wrong?" Everyone stopped.

Luo Quan sat down on his buttocks: "Just now, I met a few rich second generations on the road, and they insisted on treating me to dinner. If I didn't eat them, they wouldn't let me go. They almost died of anger!"

Zhang Yun was angry: "Why is there such a person?!"

"What are those people's names?" Lin Yizhu asked.

"I only remember one named Wang Lun." Luo Quan thought for a while, but he only had the deepest impression on this person, and he didn't have much impression of the first person who came to her to add WeChat.

"'s him." Lin Yizhu and Lu Yao suddenly said.

Zhang Yun was curious: "Are you familiar with him?"

Lin Yizhu smiled: "I'm not familiar with him, but he is more famous. This is the fifth eldest son of China."

Luo Quan was expressionless: "The five rich second generations in China? I only know Sicong and Ye Kai."

Lin Yizhu waved his hand: "Those two are big and small kings. If they don't make it into this list, their level is too high."

Lu Yao looked disdainful: "To put it bluntly, they are the sons of a few upstarts. The elders of the family took advantage of the open wind of GG and became the first batch of pigs sitting on the wind. Some sold electrical appliances, some made furniture, and some sold medicines. , earning huge profits.

Adults don't have much quality, and they don't discipline their children much. Opening and shutting up is inseparable from money. "

"It can be seen." Luo Quan has a deep understanding of this.

"By the way, why are you so clear?" Zhang Yun was very curious about how Lu Yao knew so much.

Lu Yao curled her lips: "There is a discussion group for them on, and the top rich second generation in Huaxia Ranking all have their own files. If you go in, you can find out what these people do at home, how many billion they have, and how many people they have. How many brothers does the stepmother have, more detailed than Baidu Encyclopedia!"

Luo Quan looked puzzled: "Theoretically speaking, if the elders of these people are so rich, their offspring should receive a good education. How can they be cultivated into such a thing?"

Lin Yizhu explained: "That's for the heirs, like Wang Lun is the second child in the family, the only task at birth is to enjoy the blessings, and other things can be left to his brother. After all, there can only be one person in charge of the company."

"No wonder." Luo Quan chuckled, "So I was born an outcast, no wonder I'm so domineering."

What Zhang Yun was more worried about was this: "By the way, Luo Quan, have you had any conflicts with these people?"

"Probably not." Luo Quan herself was not sure, she had restrained herself in what she said to Wang Lun just now, and she didn't know if it hurt his self-esteem.

"It doesn't matter, what does he do to me in school?" Luo Quan was not worried at all, after all China is not like Japan and the United States.

Lin Yizhu shook his head: "It's hard to say, these rich second generations have always been indifferent, and they can do anything at the top."

"They don't have the ability to deal with me." Luo Quan said, showing off his fists.

Everyone froze for a moment, and then there were some stories about her on the Internet.

The one in front of me is not only good looking but also good at punching and kicking!

"Stop talking, let's eat." Luo Quan picked up the chopsticks and picked up the twice-cooked pork on the plate.

I just wanted to lose weight in the morning, but when it was time for lunch, all restrictions were lifted.

After a meal, everyone shared the meal and prepared to go back to the dormitory to rest.

As soon as she walked out of the cafeteria, she met those people who pestered her before.

This time it was a little less, and Wang Lun was the leader.

"Are you full?" Wang Lun stopped the way with a smile, looking foolish.

"You have so much money in your phone?" Luo Quan said with a frown.

Wang Lun shook his head: "No, but I can't talk to you if I don't have money? It's not good for such a big star to spread the reputation of worshiping money?"

Luo Quan exhaled softly: "You're pretty good at putting a hat on. If you have anything to say, hurry up, I'm very busy."

"It's still the same thing, add WeChat and make friends." Wang Lun is like a piece of dog skin plaster, and he can't get rid of it no matter what.

Luo Quan was a little angry: "I said, don't add, if you do this again, I will call you a counselor."

"Call, call to break your throat to see if anyone is paying attention to you." Wang Lun glanced to the side and found that no students were looking here, so he winked with his accomplices around him, and immediately surrounded Luo Quan.

"Why, you still want to do something?" Luo Quan frowned.

Wang Lun laughed: "I know you are very good at fighting, but we definitely won't do it first. We are just a group of enthusiastic fans. We just want to add WeChat to make friends when we meet idols by chance. If you really can't bear it, Just hit us, I can still bear this injury."

To be honest, Luo Quan really has no good way to deal with hob meat.

If you really do it first, the rationale will become unreasonable. When the time comes, shoot a video and post it on the Internet. You don’t need to hire a sailor, and the rhythm will rise by itself.

Wang Lun probably also knew that Luo Quan would be scruples about his image and didn't dare to make a move first, so he just pestered her so shamelessly.

Luo Quan fell into silence, thinking how he should solve this person once and for all.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yizhu stood up and scolded: "It's almost over, Luo Quan is inconvenient to make a move, I don't have these worries, no matter how entangled you are, be careful, I will call your father!"

"I didn't expect to meet acquaintances." Wang Lun pretended to be surprised. In fact, he had seen Lin Yizhu a long time ago. He thought she would not get involved, but unexpectedly he made a noise.

"It's not that my father doesn't know what I look like, so what if you call him?" Wang Lun seemed very confident.

Lin Yizhu chuckled: "I remember your father is in the furniture business, right? The production and sales of one-third of the furniture in the southeast belong to your family, right?"

The corner of Wang Lun's mouth raised: "You know so well, why? Do you want to be my daughter-in-law of the Wang family?"

Lin Yizhu glanced at him in disgust: "Luoquan's grandfather is the chairman of the Albert Real Estate Group, and is your father's largest overseas client. If your father finds out what you are doing now, you think you will end up badly." How miserable is it?"

After saying this, Wang Lun couldn't laugh anymore.

Before that, he didn't know that Luo Quan had this identity besides being a celebrity, so he didn't take her fame to heart at all.

In the realm of China, no matter how popular and tough-tempered celebrities are, they can only subdue when encountering capital. Those who refuse to subdue will either be banned or sent to prison.

If he really offends someone who shouldn't be offended, no matter how big a star is, his reputation will be ruined overnight.

However, if Luo Quan's identity is really as Lin Yizhu said, then the situation will be different, very different!
"Don't scare me, I've never heard of it." Wang Lun actually believed half of it in his heart, and his tone and voice involuntarily softened a lot.

Lin Yizhu sneered: "You can find out by yourself on Baidu."

"So..." Wang Lun suddenly changed into a smiling face: "It seems that there is a misunderstanding. What happened today is so offending. I will definitely accompany you all in another day!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately trotted away with the people all the way, without looking back.

"Why are you so shameless?" Luo Quan looked at the backs of those people, wanted to curse, but felt her mouth was dirty.

Lin Yizhu said lightly: "Don't look at him as ignorant, those glib, skinless and shameless people in the society are definitely well practiced."

Back in the dormitory, Zhang Yun finally couldn't hold back his curiosity, and asked Lin Yizhu, "Yizhu, do you know this Wang Lun? Why do you feel like you know everything!"

Luo Quan nodded: "Yes, you also know that my grandfather has cooperated with his father, and I didn't know about it myself."

Lin Yizhu didn't hide anything: "I do know Wang Lun, he and I are in the same high school."

"Which high school?"

"Lakeside Middle School."

Zhang Yun looked blank: "I've only heard of Hupan University."

Lu Yao explained: "It's the middle school affiliated to Hupan University, the nature is similar."

Luo Quan of Lakeside University knows a little bit. It seems that many wealthy people in China have spent huge sums of money to build a university called a university, but it is actually a private education platform for private training institutions.

This "university" only accepts two types of people, one is the children of the rich, and the other is business graduates, and they must be 985 or 211.

This "university" will not award any degrees, and the semester is only two years, but the teachers who teach are all top business school teachers or economists from all over the world.

What is taught is also very straightforward, that is, how to teach students how to become a qualified businessman.

And Hupan Middle School is a serious private middle school with relevant school qualifications and certificates. It belongs to a relatively high-end aristocratic school. After graduation, it cannot directly enter Hupan University.

It's just that both are built on the edge of the West Lake, and the investors are the same group of people, so Hupan Middle School can also be regarded as the affiliated middle school of Hupan University.

After all, many graduates of Hupan Middle School will go to Hupan University for further study in the future.

People who can afford to go to Hupan Middle School have a family background that is not simple, and it is even more extraordinary to be able to get to know a super rich second generation like Wang Lun.

Zhang Yun guessed: "Then Yizhu's family is also doing business, and it's a big one?"

Lin Yizhu thought for a while and said, "The main thing is to do international financial business, and there are also domestic ones... How should I put it, do you know the banks?"

Luo Quan, who was drinking water, almost choked and said, "It can't be Lin's International Bank, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes... Hey, you know?!" Lin Yizhu nodded for a while.

"I guessed it." Luo Quan chuckled inwardly. Fortunately, she had seen the iPartment.

Zhang Yun was taken aback: "It turns out that your family runs a bank, that's amazing!"

"I found it!" Lu Yao held the mobile phone in front of everyone, "Lin's Bank was established in Nanyang in the 60s of the last century. The founder was Lin Fucheng. After decades of Lin's operation, Lin's International Bank's business scope spans New Malaysia, Thailand and the Golden Triangle are second only to or even comparable to the national banks in these regions, and are one of the top ten private banks in the world!"

Lin Yizhu was a little embarrassed: "This Baidu Encyclopedia is too exaggerated, how can it be so powerful."

Although their family is indeed not bad, it is not as good as described. It is nonsense to talk about the top ten in the world. It is estimated that any bank in the United States can enter the top ten.

"It's amazing, you really run a bank. You are the first thigh in our dormitory, right? From now on, I will be the pendant on your lap." Zhang Yun joked.

"The legs over there are thicker." Lu Yao pouted at Luo Quan who didn't say much.

"That's right, these are the real thighs!" Lin Yizhu shook Luo Quan's round and greasy thighs, Luo Quan trembled slightly, pulled back with a smile, and said, "If I were thighs, Wang Lun wouldn't dare to provoke them." me."

"That's why you keep a low profile." Lu Yao said, continuing to search on the phone.

"Come on, let's take a look at your house." Lu Yao paused, cleared her throat, and then said seriously: "Albert Real Estate Co., Ltd., the largest real estate company in the United Kingdom and the third largest in the United States, the current chairman Charles .Frédéric Einrich Albert is the patriarch of the Albert family, and his personal wealth ranks No. 20 on the Forbes Rich List.

It is said that there are no two Britons in the UK, and one of them has lived in a house sold by the Albert Real Estate Company! "

After talking about her grandfather's great achievements, Luo Quan himself smiled embarrassedly: "Actually, these things have nothing to do with me."

Zhang Yun was puzzled: "It doesn't matter why, your father is your grandfather's eldest son, and you are the eldest daughter. Although you are of Chinese nationality, this does not affect your inheritance right?"

Lin Yizhu explained for her: "Luo Quan means that this is the wealth of adults, and she has her own wealth of creation."

Lu Yao nodded: "That's right, Luo Quan is now an internationally famous singer and the hottest musical talent. These things are more valuable than the wealth of the simple elders, because it is a manifestation of self-worth!"

These words are very level, but what Luo Quan actually thinks in his heart is that his father has basically withdrawn from the competition for family property. Leftovers, such as those castles in the UK, or those farms in the United States.

However, Luo Quan has no intention of talking about these family matters, including the fact that she and her father have known each other for less than a year.

The greatest wealth in her life must be her family and friends, and her songs are the second.

Others are basically external things.

In the past, perhaps what she pursued was these extraneous things, but now, she definitely doesn't have too many obsessions, after all, they are just a string of numbers in the mobile phone.

Ps. Thanks to the book friends Deng Shen, me who is free like the wind, L224, and the book coins rewarded by Laziness, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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