Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 301 Come Prepared

Chapter 301 Come Prepared
"This is your military uniform?" Luo Quan was lying on the bed in the dormitory, and the three roommates had just gone to the classroom to receive the military uniforms they would wear for military training.

Because it is not a military school, the school is not particularly strict when purchasing military uniforms. They all order uniformly according to the heights of 160, 165, 170, and 175.

After the clothes are in hand, it is very normal for them to be big or small.

"The quality is so bad." Lin Yizhu touched the clothes with some disgust, and it really was a cheap one.

Lu Yao couldn't help complaining: "This dress cost me 200 yuan, and the school purchasing department got a lot of kickbacks."

Luo Quan smiled, but didn't respond.

This can be regarded as a common phenomenon in all schools, such as school uniforms, teaching equipment, homework, including the canteen, all have a very large space for operation, and it is too easy for the person in charge of this area to make money.

Even if you know it's a trap, you can only step on it. There is no way, after all, the school has unified requirements.

The girls changed their clothes and looked at each other. They felt that their temperament had changed, and they became much more sassy.

"How is it?" Zhang Yun turned around and asked.

"Yes, this waist is too thin." Lin Yizhu touched Zhang Yun's belt with his hands. She was about the same height as Zhang Yun, so she could only pull the belt buckle to the third eye, but Zhang Yun was able to pull it to the fourth.

After receiving the uniforms for the military training, the instructor announced the arrangements for tomorrow's military training in the group.

Although Luo Quan does not need to participate in military training, she still has to complete various tasks during the military training period, after all, she is the squad leader.

But she is going to record a show tomorrow, so she has to ask for a day off.

Fortunately, the military training is conducted separately for boys and girls, not in classes, so it doesn't matter if she is away for a day.

Luo Quan and Dean Zheng had reported the matter of participating in "I Am a Singer", and Dean Zheng had also greeted Counselor Xu, so Luo Quan called directly to ask for a leave of absence, even waiving the leave slip.

Lin Yizhu and the others were going to do military training, and Luo Quan was going to record a show, so everyone went to bed early, and the alarm clocks were basically set at the same time, which was 06:30.

On the first day of military training, the instructors always like to assemble in advance, and Luo Quan also arrived in Changsha by plane in the early morning.

The song she was going to sing in this episode had already been sent to the program group, and the band teacher had already rehearsed it. The recording procedure was the same as last time, with multiple rehearsals, and the official recording started after confirming that there were no problems.

As the second-to-last in the last season, after the Rhine Band left, Luo Quan became the No.1 from the bottom. According to the rules, she had to sing first.

In this kind of competition, the first person to come on stage is not particularly pleasing, unless there is really a huge gap in strength between the people behind and can conquer the ears of the audience regardless of the order.

To be honest, after experiencing the situation in the first period, Luo Quan, who was quite confident at first, was also anxious at the moment. Who knows what kind of "professional" people in the audience like.

In addition, today there is also an anti-war singer, who was invited back from the guests who were eliminated in the previous seasons. He will compete with the guests of this episode. If he ranks in the top four, he can squeeze out a first-time guest s position.

This time, Hu Liang, who is known as the prince of love songs in the mainland, is very popular and has many classic songs. Most of the audience in the audience have heard his songs.

In the eyes of netizens, Luo Quan really has no advantage in front of him except for being pretty.

So when the list of anti-war singers came out, netizens basically thought that Luo Quan was going to leave this issue.

At least it seemed so on the surface, but Luo Quan felt that it was not enough, the opponent was not strong enough.

"Sister, what are you singing this time?" Before the program officially started recording, Senior Sister Kong Yue was still chatting with Luo Quan.

"Popular." Luo Quan, who suffered a loss once, did not dare to work hard this time, and honestly sang the genre she is good at.

"Is it new?"

"Yes." Luo Quan nodded.

Kong Yue sighed: "I really envy those of you who can write songs. Unlike me, as soon as I get on stage, I can only sing old songs that have been sung countless times."

Luo Quan laughed: "Ethnic groups actually have good songs. If I am not eliminated this time, I will sing ethnic groups in the next round!"

"Then I wish you good luck." Kong Yue patted Luo Quan on the shoulder and encouraged her.

After half a day of rehearsal, the guests and the band teacher have established a basic tacit understanding. After the on-site equipment is adjusted, the audience is already in place.

When the host came to the stage, he first took everyone to recall the wonderful moments of the previous issue, and at the same time expressed regret for the elimination of the Rhine Band.

After a few words of nonsense, justice finally began.

According to the rules, Luo Quan was the first to come on stage today—this guest who combines strength and topic.

After the last episode of the program was broadcast, Luo Quan's amazing performance got the opposite number of votes, which caused a huge controversy on the Internet.

One netizen felt that Luoquan's selection of topics was too breezy and ungrounded at all, no wonder the public judges didn't like it.

Netizens on the other side felt that the performance was very musical. Since the judges claimed to be professional, they shouldn't just count votes like this.

The quarrel between the two parties was inexhaustible, but in the end the party who liked "down-to-earth" music won.

Luo Quan has read these debates twice, and after watching it, she also posted a post on station B to let fans stop arguing. The established things can no longer be changed. All she has to do is to survive in the next episode of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Before taking the stage, the big screen began to play Luo Quan's mental journey of singing this song:

"In the last episode of the program, because of the topic selection, my votes were not high, and I was on the verge of being eliminated. This time I chose pop music, which I am best at, and it is a newly written song. This song is called " Suffering, I hope everyone likes it."

"Next, I invite Luo Quan to bring you a new work, "Suffering"!"

When the screen changed, Luo Quan had already stood on the stage.

Holding the microphone, she originally imagined that those seniors on this stage made an affectionate expression to show that she had entered the state.

But after pretending for a while, she realized that she was not the material, so she decisively gave up the cutscene.

As for entering the state, as long as she stands on the stage, the state will always be there.

"When the heart beats, love begins to suffer.

every moment. "

As soon as Luo Quan came up, she was the first to catch everyone's attention. She made a very clear head voice, which made the audience's heads itch, and once again showed everyone her unique singing voice.

When the accompaniment sounded, Luo Quan's singing suddenly became deeper and deeper. This sudden change really caught everyone's expectations.

Everyone knows that Luo Quan has a good voice and high-quality treble. Many of her songs are relatively high-pitched and difficult, but her performance in the low-pitched area is unknown.

In fact, Luo Quan's vocal range has always included alto, but her soprano is too amazing, and she usually sings a lot, so not many people understand her alto.

Luo Quan's alto and her treble are two extremely short. The treble is as majestic as a flood gate, while the bass is as gentle as a gurgling stream, flowing through the hearts of the audience.

Bass is actually better than treble to improve singing skills. There are countless high-pitched singers at home and abroad, but there are very few well-known bass singers.

If you want to sing the bass well, you need talent and skills. Many singers may not be able to make a sound as soon as they reach their own bass range. It is even more difficult to finish a song and sing well.

And Luoquan's bass is so stable, and the timbre is so top-notch, it's just natural.

Even the bosses in the lounge are full of praise for this technology.

Of course, how difficult it is for professionals to understand bass, it is not known whether the professional "audience" under the stage understands it. Anyway, they pretended to be quite involved, and followed Luo Quan's singing and swayed their bodies.

Although it was a low note, after the last episode, no one would have any doubts about Luo Quan's strength. Not everyone could sing the high note that destroyed the world four times in a row.

And on the stage where the high notes win, Luo Quan will definitely not only sing the low notes. When the first chorus is over, the big move she has been brewing for a long time finally came.

Open your mouth, it is the real voice.

True voice is the most intuitive indicator of a singer's voice talent, and Luo Quan's real voice is just like her vocal range, which is ridiculously high.

When it came to the second chorus, Luo Quan's singing voice could only be described as majestic. Her incomparable and unrivaled chest voice was her most dazzling advantage.

The continuous articulation with a volume as high as G5 made Luo Quan's singing easily resonate with the chest of all the audience off the stage. Every time Luo Quan uttered a voice, their chests trembled.

And the mixed voice with such a high proportion of real voice has once again surprised everyone with Luo Quan's talent.

Apart from strong and invincible, people no longer know what adjectives to look for.

At the end of the song, Luo Quan just took a light breath, seeming to be at ease.

Thunderous applause from the audience sounded again, Luo Quan smiled and thanked the audience, wondering if the result this time would be the same as last time.

Although Luo Quan's performance on stage surprised all the guests, no one congratulated her for her good results this time, so as not to be slapped in the face later, only Kong Yue was still chatting with Luo Quan.

Today she still sings pop music. Although the songs are relatively old, they are still well-known. As long as there is no problem with her performance, it is not a big problem to stay.

The current situation in Luoquan is unknown. Although it seems that the feedback from the audience is quite good, it is another matter to get tickets later.

The performance of the guests in this episode has also maintained the high level of the previous episode. With Luo Quan’s lessons learned in the first episode, everyone knows the taste of the audience in the show, which is popular.

So this time everyone didn't do too much flower work and sang pop music.

Although they all played well and reached the level they should have, there is an upper limit to everyone's level, and the song itself will add different points to the performance.

Luo Quan's "Suffering" is a masterpiece of popular love songs. The difficulty of singing is obvious, and it is already the highest level. The continuous super high-pitched words in the chorus part with chest resonance have already killed more than [-]% of domestic female singers.

At this volume, most people have difficulty maintaining the pitch, but Luo Quan can still sing with a straight voice, which shows his skill.

This is still a live version, without any sound modification, it is even more rare.

After watching a round of performances, Luo Quan felt that he should be relatively stable.

They all sing pop music, her voice is high, and her songs are beautiful, it would be really unreasonable not to vote for her.

The final result came out, and it was exactly as Luo Quan expected. This time, she won No.182 with "1" votes, Kong Yue was second, Kukas was third, and the anti-war singer Hu Liang regrettably came down to the bottom. No.5, the reverse battle failed and was eliminated.

Combining the rankings of the two phases, Luoquan ranked No. 4, which is considered to be an even position.

Kong Yue ranked first once and second once, ranking first overall, while Kukas was second.

Although No.3 is currently Lu Huan, the guests basically know it in their hearts.

The wave behind the Yangtze River pushes the wave ahead, these three amazingly talented young people are already superior to their seniors, and this time the singer of "I Am a Singer" is probably chosen among these three young people.

Singing programs are no better than other programs. Only two or three episodes of the show can fully reflect the strength of the singers. The singers of the previous episodes have basically occupied the top three or even the top two rankings from the first episode, and their performance is also from the beginning. Surprised till the end.

As long as there is no airborne "Prince", the candidate for King of Songs is basically clear.

Of course, it is not ruled out that a certain national team leader will come to attack the dimensionality reduction, but usually they come to one or two episodes to stir up the topic, and few of them stay on the show all the time.

In short, although the results of the first episode of the show were not particularly satisfactory, fortunately, the second episode directly won No.1. After tomorrow's show is broadcast, doubts about her on the Internet will be completely suppressed.

After staying in the hotel for one night, Luo Quan returned to Shangyi the next day to catch the plane at ten o'clock in the morning.

When passing by the playground, I happened to see the freshmen standing in a military posture.

Yesterday, boys and girls were divided into more than a dozen companies and started training.

The content of the military training is actually nothing unusual, it is to stand in a military posture and kick forward.

Today, the sky is clear and the temperature has risen to nearly [-] degrees. The boys have been standing for a while, and the sweat is already coming out, and a lot of it flows to the eyes, which makes people very uncomfortable.

But with a strict instructor by his side, let alone raising his hand to wipe his sweat, he didn't even dare to move his head.

Although these instructors don't beat people, they will specifically pick them out and scold them. Boys have better face, and they don't want to lose face at this time.

"Be patient, the leader will soon stop!" The instructor saw the tormented expressions of the students and encouraged them.

Originally, they could bear it for a while, but Luo Quan's appearance made the boys' heads involuntarily look over.

"What are you doing?!" Seeing Quan Lian's head tilted to the left, the instructor immediately yelled.

"Report to the instructor, there are beauties!" A boy in the company shouted.

The whole company burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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