Chapter 302

"Where is it?" The instructor turned his head to look, but he didn't see anyone.

Although they came out of the army, they were not given military training to military school students after all, so most of the instructors would behave more approachable.

Of course, he was still very fierce when he should be fierce, but now that he has stood in the military posture for so long, the superiors probably will call for a rest, so the instructor also started to get angry.

"Inverted, reversed!" Although the boys still maintained their postures and did not dare to be too arrogant, they still reminded the instructor to look in the opposite direction.

The instructor turned his head again and finally saw Luo Quan passing by the playground.

The bright sunshine illuminated her soft blond hair, and the students who were closer would always feel that they were shaken by something dazzling, subconsciously looked over, and finally couldn't look back.

The instructor smiled and stared at Luo Quan's leaving back, and said with a smile: "It's very beautiful. The foreign students in your school are good. It's a good deal for you."

The boys in the company were surprised: "That's from Huaxia, don't you know Luo Quan?"

"The instructor frowned: "I don't have any impression. "

Although the troops can use mobile phones, they cannot connect to the Internet, and there are many restrictions. When they watch TV or movies in their leisure time, they often watch CCTV. It is normal that they do not know Luoquan.

But it may not be so in half a year, because "Wolf Warrior 2" has been taken off the shelves, and soldiers in the army will soon be organized to watch and study in circles.

Luo Quan, who passed by the playground, didn't realize that he had become the center of other people's discussions, but even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care too much.

After all, it's hard not to be talked about with this appearance.

As popularity increases, such scenarios will only increase.

Although there is still a while before lunch, I definitely can't be so lazy at school anymore. If I really wait until 12 o'clock to eat, I don't know what I will be squeezed into.

So Luo Quan went to the cafeteria to eat in advance, and while eating, he sent a message to Lin Yizhu and the others, asking if he wanted to bring them food.

The answer is of course yes, no one would be willing to line up with hundreds of thousands in front of a limited window.

After lunch, Luo Quan returned to the dormitory with three meals. On the way, he met many senior male fans, but most of them greeted her from a long distance, and no one dared to come up to ask for WeChat.

I don't know if she was shocked by the way she treated those rich second generations yesterday, obviously she didn't scold the street yesterday.

But that's good too, everyone keeps a distance and everyone lives in peace, so even if many students took out their mobile phones to take pictures of her on the way, she didn't say anything.

In summer, without thinking about keeping warm, Luo Quan put the lunch boxes on the tables of the three roommates, and then went to bed to check his mobile phone.

After about 10 minutes, the bedroom door opened.

"Mamma Mia, I'm exhausted." Before Lin Yizhu came in, the exhausted complaints had already sounded in the dormitory.

"That instructor is simply unreasonable, insisting that we are spoiled and spoiled, and asking us to practice more, is simply using chicken feathers as an arrow!" Lu Yao's tone also sounded very annoyed, probably the company they were in was taught a lesson by the instructor just now.

"Fortunately, the class monitor brought us meals, otherwise I would really collapse." Zhang Yun sat down on the seat with a smile, and opened the plastic bag excitedly.

Because I don't know everyone's tastes, Luo Quan went to the set meal window on the first floor to buy three meat and one vegetarian, and everyone was the same.

It must be the delicious food ordered by myself on the second floor, but it is cheaper.

Although the three roommates are all rich girls, they are not that picky. They wake up for training at six o'clock, and their stomachs start to growl before ten o'clock. Now, as long as it is food, it tastes delicious.

"Squad leader...By the way, how did you record this time?" Zhang Yun swallowed a mouthful, looked up and asked Luo Quan who was playing with her mobile phone. She is an old fan of "I Am a Singer". Period does not fall.

"I chose the right topic this time, and won the first place."

Lin Yizhu disdained: "The last show was really thanks to the judges. The class leader gave such an outstanding performance to count the votes. The class leader's world-class dolphin sound was blinded for nothing."

Everyone in the dormitory more or less knows some music, and their vision is not as superficial as those "professionals", so they are a little bit embarrassed about the number of votes in Luoquan's first issue.

Fortunately, in the second issue, Luoquan regained a victory and won the first place directly, which can be regarded as an answer to the previous doubts of netizens about her.

While eating, Lin Yizhu and the others also exchanged the information they had collected.

Long before they came to the school, they had already collected countless information about Shangyi, nothing more than which department had the most handsome guys, the department grass of each department and the school grass of the school.

These things are generally found on the school’s confession wall and post bars, and some of them can also be found on station B, and deeper ones can only be seen in some special penguin groups or WeChat groups.

"Come and see this, this is a group of celebrities in Shangyi that I spent 50 yuan to add today." Lin Yizhu gnawed on the chicken bones with not much shredded meat left in the bowl, and put a link into the group of four in the dormitory.

"Shangyi still has this thing?" Lu Yao was taken aback, and after carefully reading the introduction, she showed a "black question mark" face.

"This group blog gathers all Shangyi students who are eager to pursue high-quality partners and life. Jimei who joins the group needs to pay 50 yuan to join the group. Friends will share Shangyi and high-quality boys from nearby universities in the group every day. information, and some even provide private photos and contact information.

In addition, this group can also provide group joining service. The specific process can be understood by @集团administrator. Simply put, it is to live the most luxurious life with the least amount of money, and make your circle of friends bigger! "

The group introduction is very, very long, but it also explains the functions of this group more clearly.

At first glance, it sounds like a combined version of a dating website and a luxury pinduoduo, and you can’t see anything irregular just from the introduction.

It's just that this "shangyi celebrity group", isn't this really scolding yourself?

In her cognition, the word "lady" is not a good word, it is only a little better than "social butterfly", and it is basically on the same level as "princess".

Lin Yizhu smiled helplessly: "I found this by accident in the post bar. I thought it was a group created by Shangyi's rich second-generation women, so I wanted to go in and have a look. Who knew it was a shocking style of painting."

Zhang Yun was very excited: "If there is such information in the group, it won't hurt to pay 50!

Take a quick look, is there any information about the grass school grass? "

When Luo Quan heard this, he also joined together, and all the girls looked at her strangely.

Lu Yao joked: "Didn't you not fall in love before 30?"

"I don't want to be in a relationship, but I'm not a nun. Is Yan Kong not allowed to look at handsome guys?" Luo Quan explained. In fact, she didn't have any other intentions, but she was simply curious.

"Yes, this information can be found in the group photo album." Lin Yizhu opened the group photo album as he spoke. There are several pictures of boys in each column of the photo album. The title is the boy's profile, including name, school Profession, date of birth, height and weight, and Penguin number.

Some boys even had the titles of XX-type grass and rich second generation marked on their heads, but Lin Yizhu searched for a long time, but he didn't find anyone with school grass on their heads.

It is estimated that the freshmen have just arrived, and the seniors still have time to complete the investigation, and it will be almost a month later.

Luo Quan took a closer look, and found that most of the boys in the album were pretty handsome, and many of them were comparable to those in the entertainment industry.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, Shangyi has always been known as the base camp of idol male stars. There is also such a catchphrase in the entertainment circle: Jingying produces stars, Chinese dramas produce actors, and Shangyi produces handsome men.

It is conceivable that the students of Shangyi Performance Department are quite recognized by the industry in terms of appearance.

As for the acting skills, I don't know, at least they are professionally trained, no matter how bad they are, they probably won't be much worse.

In addition, besides the acting department, handsome guys from other departments of Shangyi are not uncommon. It can only be said that those who engage in art are generally good-looking.

It’s not just good looks that can be called good looks. Knowing how to dress up, dress up, and have temperament can all be counted in good looks.

And the photo album in this socialite group basically has all the students who can be called handsome guys in Shangyi at present. It's really thanks to the fact that so much information can be collected in these monthly results. It is estimated that some people are high-level students, otherwise what? It is possible to make the personal information so complete.

"How about the squad leader, is there a heartbeat?" Lin Yizhu asked half-jokingly.

"No, not as handsome as my younger brother." Luo Quan shook his head.

The girls were speechless for a moment, and this immediately killed the conversation. How many people in the world can find someone who is more handsome than Leon?
Even from the perspective of Chinese oriental aesthetics, Leon is also a super handsome guy once in a century.

Caucasian faces like Luo Quan's are also common in China, and there is no big difference between male and female.

Although Luo Quan didn't like it, Lin Yizhu and the others were still very interested in these god-level seniors in the photo album, but they were all young girls, and they didn't know how to flirt with them?
Although they have already obtained the contact information, after they entered the account number in the add friend column, they couldn't press the "OK" button for a long time, and they were always worried about gains and losses.

Luo Quan was on the bed, squinting at their indecision, with a relaxed expression of someone who had come here, as if saying:

Learn more from me, just be your own licking dog.

After hesitating for a whole noon, no one went to add any senior friends.

One is that it seems a little inappropriate to have an awkward chat with someone just after school starts, and on the other hand, I am worried that it will affect my studies, so I plan to wait for a while.

Anyway, he was in the school, and I was afraid that he would fail if he escaped.

After resting for more than an hour, the military training in the afternoon began. All the girls only took an indistinct nap, dressed and went out in a daze.

And Luo Quan didn't play in the dormitory for too long. As the class monitor, her first job came.

"Please come to the office 2420 immediately, the monitor. @监长罗泉."

Seeing the group message displayed on the top of the phone, Luo Quan quickly turned over, put on his clothes, and walked quickly to the teaching building designated by the counselor.

At first, Luo Quan thought it was something important, but when he arrived, he found out that it was just to distribute meal cards and water cards to the students. This made Luo Quan, who had three fires in his chest, a little disappointed when the new official took office.

But what a class monitor usually does is these trivial things. If he really wants to be busy with work, he suggests joining the student union.

Each student's student card and water card were tied together, Luo Quan picked up the bag containing the card and walked to the playground.

There was no evening self-study during the military training, and it would be more troublesome to call the students over at night, so Luo Quan planned to take advantage of the gap in the military training to issue the cards to the students.

But during the military training, it's not up to her to decide when the students rest. When they arrive at the playground, the sun is shining and the instructors are training vigorously. She can only find a tree to lean against and wait slowly.

After waiting for a while, before the students had a rest, a few seniors arrived.

In fact, Luoquan has noticed them from a long distance away. They are standing in a row, but they are pushing others towards her with all their strength, while retreating by themselves. Although they have a playful smile on their faces, their eyes are very flustered. .

Finally, there was an unlucky guy who was pushed in front of Luo Quan by everyone. Because of too much force, his body rushed forward and almost didn't kneel directly in front of Luo Quan.

The other boys were hiding behind another tree and laughing, as if they were watching his joke.

"You... you... hello." The senior quickly froze, but facing the smiling Luo Quan, his mind seemed to be down, and he didn't know what to say.

"You want to add me as a friend, right?" Luo Quan felt that he already knew how to flirt with girls.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" The senior heard that he was so active after being sleepy, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone.

"But I usually don't add strangers as friends, sorry."

"Ah, I'm not a bad person." The senior suddenly fell to the bottom.

"Well, since you are the first classmate who came to talk to me today, I will give you and my penguin account to play LOL, and we can play LOL together when we have a chance." Luo Quan didn't want his image to fade away within a few days of school Become as unreasonable as Miejue Shitai, and plan to use the "lucky lottery" method to add friends.

"By the way, do you play LOL?" Luo Quan raised his head and asked.

"Of course! I'm an old player, and I'm the king of Yasuo in S2!" The senior didn't know if he was too nervous, or if he was an old Void player, what he said made Luo Quan feel a little weird.

But Luo Quan's friend added it anyway, and the two nodded goodbye.

Under the gazes of his companions who almost dropped their jaws, the senior bounced back, still muttering: "Hey! Good! I've added it!"

"Damn it, you really added it!"

"let me see!"

"I want to add too!"

"Where does such good shit luck come from?!"

"God is blind."

"I didn't expect it to be so simple. If I knew I would go."


Ignoring the wailing of the seniors as if they missed a billion, Luo Quan silently walked to the other side of the playground, and continued leaning on another tree.

After 10 minutes, she finally waited for the whistle of the military training commander to let the students rest.

Ps. Thanks to the book friends Zisha and sister Anima for the book coins, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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