Chapter 303
"Everyone is there, sit down!" The instructor shouted at the boys in the company.

Amidst the groans of "Ouch" and "Damn it", the boys were finally relieved.

"Is it enough to measure so little? It's only the second day, and it's still early!" Seeing the boys like this, the instructor said with a smile.

"Lying at home for too long after the college entrance examination, my body degenerated."

"It's been a long time since I've suffered so much."

"Playing games all night didn't even get tired of standing here for half an hour."

"There are still more than ten days."

The boys spread out on the ground and complained. The nearby companies basically looked the same, only a few boys with better bodies could maintain a calm expression.

During military training, there will always be a few "top students" with outstanding performance. Some of them may be born with strong personalities and don't like to expose their soft side in front of outsiders.

There are also some who simply want to show their excellence in this way to win the attention of others.

Classes with such students will often appear to be full of wit and wit.

But generally speaking, everyone's emotions are still restrained.After all, school has just started, no one is familiar with them yet, and the school land is not yet hot, so it is still relatively reserved in front of girls.

However, when Luo Quan appeared, no boy could hold back anymore.

"Hello instructor, I am the monitor of the boys in this class, can I give them the student card and meal card at this moment?" Luo Quan walked up to the instructor and asked politely.

"Let me do it." The instructor didn't think too much, and was about to issue a card after taking the bag.

The boys suddenly became a little excited:
"Let the monitor come!"

"How can such a trivial matter bother the instructor?"

"Please let the class monitor come!"

The instructor smiled and frowned: "You guys, didn't you see you being so active during training?"

Curse to scold, the instructor is still very understanding, turned to look at Luo Quan: "How come?"

Luo Quan smiled: "Alright."

The boys cheered.

Luo Quan took out a large stack of cards, and called out his name according to the information on the cards: "Li Xuan"

The boy who was yelled turned over and got up from the ground, no matter how tired he looked, he was full of energy.

Li Xuan trotted all the way to Luo Quan, took the card and said, "Thank you monitor!"

Luo Quan smiled back.

There are nearly 60 people in a company, but the boys in Luoquan's class are only in their early twenties, so the boys in other classes look enviously at the boys in the vocal pop class.

Of course, the same is true for the boys in the next company.

So that Luo Quan issued the card alone, and all the boys around her stared at her, and some even took out their mobile phones to take photos and videos.

Twenty or so cards were sent out soon, but her task for today is not over yet, and she has to come to take pictures of her classmates at night.

Military training is the first class for college students, and it is also a very memorable class. Such an important journey must be recorded by someone.

Normally, the counselors would take pictures of this kind of situation, but counselor Xu led more classes, and it happened that Luo Quan didn't need military training, so the task fell to her.

Although what Teacher Xu said before: "Being a class monitor will definitely not be too busy" has become empty talk, but there is no way.

Either you don’t want to be the squad leader, and when you become the squad leader, you can only try to do your best. This is a kind of responsibility.

So he rested in the dormitory for most of the afternoon, and after dinner, Luo Quan went to the playground again.

In fact, this kind of living habit is much healthier than her previous habit of not leaving the door and not walking twice. Breathing more fresh air and walking more must be much healthier than playing games and playing mobile phones all day long.

Luo Quan herself knew this truth, but as soon as she lay down on the bed and played with her mobile phone, she didn't bother to move. During the summer vacation, for a long time, she didn't move more than ten steps.

Every time she falls asleep, she will think in her heart that she must exercise tomorrow and play less with her mobile phone!
As a result, when I woke up the next day, all these determinations were forgotten.

Fortunately, when she entered university, it was a good thing for her to have a teacher to arrange tasks for her and let her go out more.

Training at night is relatively easier than during the day, and it is not suitable for high-intensity training after dinner, so let everyone stand in a military posture, practice walking in unison, and arrange everyone to sing by themselves.

In the first half an hour, the instructor will teach the students to sing the military songs in the army, learn two songs every day, and the rest of the time is arranged by the students themselves.

Luo Quan has been sitting next to the company of his class, taking pictures with his mobile phone from time to time.

Not long after, the seniors and sisters from the student association came.

There are still a few days before the club recruits new students. Today I came here to do publicity. It can also be understood as a cultural performance. It means that various clubs come up to perform their talents to attract new students.

The chief instructor of the military training was quite open-minded, and felt that training and entertainment were indispensable. Now that someone came to help him mobilize the students' emotions, it was naturally his wish.

The speaker was connected to the rostrum, and the freshmen in the audience gathered under the rostrum, and the rest of the student club began to launch leaflets in each company.

Luo Quan got a copy in his hand, it belonged to the music club.

Because the light was not particularly sufficient, the senior who handed her the flyer didn't seem to recognize her. After handing the flyer to her, he said: "Student, let Shangyi Music Club find out, and go to promote it to the next freshman." up.

If she had thought of joining the club before she became the squad leader, she basically doesn't plan to do so now.

The squad leader's task can be said to be the heaviest in the entire class, and if she joins a club, she will definitely be very busy. If there is a work conflict, she really doesn't know how to choose.

So now that I'm the squad leader, let's forget about clubs and so on.

Folding the flyer and stuffing it into his trouser bag, Luo Quan enjoyed the performance brought to them by his seniors and sisters with peace of mind.

The students of Shangyi have nothing to say in terms of talent, they cover a wide range of subjects, and their level is not bad.

Hip-hop, ballet, folk dance, traditional martial arts...etc. There are quite a variety of talents, and the performance of seniors and sisters is quite good-looking. Every time they go on stage, they can arouse huge cheers from the audience.

As an art school that focuses on music and performances, performances are not very good on this kind of stage, but music must be indispensable.

The previous ones were all appetizers. After the seniors from the Conservatory of Music came to the stage, the excitement of the orientation activities had just begun.

Popular, bel canto, ethnic, various genres, various singing styles, and several well-known songs, which also aroused a chorus of freshmen.

However, the happy time is always short-lived. Although everyone is very happy during the music performance, the total time of high is less than half an hour, which is not very enjoyable.

"Are you happy listening to the song?" The chief instructor's voice was loud, but his tone was quite good, not as severe as during the day.

"not enough!"

"I still want to hear it!"

"One more song?!"

The boys in the audience shouted.

With such a lively atmosphere, everyone must want to continue the excitement. After all, in college, there are not many opportunities for such large gatherings with girls.

The chief instructor smiled and said, "You guys come back after a short shout, aren't you tired of acting as seniors and sisters?"

"Let the new students come!"

I don't know who said it suddenly, the voice is extremely loud, it doesn't sound like a student, but an instructor.

"Freshman?" The chief instructor thought about it carefully, and it was a good idea, "Then which freshman is willing to come up and show off? It doesn't matter if you can't sing well, it's good to have courage!"

The company around Luo Quan was already boiling, and it was the instructor of this company who yelled "Let the freshmen come" just now.

The boys who received the divine assist naturally would not let go of this opportunity, and directly shouted Luo Quan's name with the greatest strength in their lives, and the nearby companies also screamed with excitement like apes.

"It seems that this classmate named Luo Quan is very famous, and the classmates are asking you to come up and perform." The chief instructor naturally heard the news, and immediately followed suit: "Then invite Luo Quan to come up and perform a show for everyone."

These words resounded through the playground along with the audio, and the students who had started playing with their mobile phones immediately raised their heads and asked the students next to them eagerly what happened.

Luo Quan herself was a little dumbfounded, so she just sat down and took a video, but who knew she was stabbed in the back by the instructor, and pushed her to the front of the stage with a few words.

Hearing more and more voices, Luo Quanwai, who was put on the shelf by landlubbers, could only bite the bullet and run up to the rostrum.

Seeing the beautiful blonde figure on the rostrum, both boys and girls exclaimed.

It's no secret that Luo Quan is a freshman in this class, but although they know that she is a classmate of the same class, most of them have never seen a real person.

Such a celebrity has really appeared in front of her eyes now, only 30 meters away, and those with better eyes can even see the undulating Chanel brand logo on her T-shirt.

"Are you an international student?" The chief instructor obviously didn't know Luo Quan. This was also the first reaction of most people when they saw Luo Quan, thinking that she was a foreigner.

Luo Quan explained: "I am Chinese, of mixed race."

"It seems that you came from the freshman company. Are you a freshman? Why don't you have a military uniform?" The chief instructor saw the clothes on Luo Quan's body, and his expression became serious.

Play for fun, make trouble for trouble, the rules that military training should have still have to be in place.

"I'm an exchange student, so I don't need military training." Luo Quan quickly explained.

The chief instructor nodded reassuringly: "Why do all the freshmen know you, they all call your name, are you a star?"

The chief instructor doesn't know Luoquan well, but he knows Shangyi quite well. In the past, he was also in charge of Shangyi's military training. There are countless stars and entertainers here, and it is not uncommon for young people to become famous here to study.

"That's right, I can only say that I'm famous." Luo Quan was quite modest.

The audience roared with laughter, if this is a small celebrity, then there are not many people in the entire Chinese music circle who can be called famous.

"It's just a [-]th line singer."

"Famous comedian."

"The famous pigeon at station B, its main business is broadcasting League of Legends."

"The anchor is very good at cooking, and he is quite good at cooking!"

There were Luoquan B station fans in the audience, and the science popularization started directly.

The chief officer didn't understand these young people, but seeing that Luo Quan was so popular, he handed over the stage and the microphone to her with confidence.

Luo Quan got the microphone and was thinking about what to sing when suddenly a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

"Today is the first time I'm performing in front of my classmates at school, and I'm still very nervous, so I hope a big star will come up to take me." As he spoke, Luo Quan suddenly said loudly: "Wen Xia, please come on stage too. , perform with me!"

In the audience, Wen Xia, who was smiling and watching how Luo Quan was going to give everyone a good job, was dumbfounded.

After Luo Quan's reminder, everyone remembered that she was not the only star in the freshman class, but also Wen Xia, who were well-known sisters in the entertainment industry.

Of course, the good opportunity should not be missed, and the boys naturally shouted Wen Xia's name again.

Although Luo Quan was already their wife, who would think too much of a beautiful wife?

Wen Xia, who was forcibly forced onto the rostrum by Luo Quan, pouted, hugged Luo Quan's waist from behind, found the tickle and twisted it half a circle.

Luo Quan suppressed his laughter, and stood aside, avoiding her clutches.

If the two perform together, it must be chosen by everyone.

According to the requirements of the students in the audience, dance first and then sing.

Wen Xia can't dance in "Pure Land of Bliss", and the four-language song is not suitable for this occasion, so Luo Quan and Wen Xia danced "Gee".

These are also the only two dances that Luo Quan can dance.

Although the song "Gee" has been branded with Girls' Generation and has become their signature song, it has swept all major online platforms in China, Japan and South Korea, and it has also become a compulsory course for dancers.

But the "Gee" that the girls learned was brought by Wen Xia and Luo Quan. In other words, they are the ancestors of this dance.

In particular, the quintessential leg swings and crab steps in "Gee" were all exchanged by Luo Quan from the mall. Although he has no dance foundation, he can still dance to the same level as Wen Xia.

So after the music of "Gee" sounded, the two brought a top-level girl group dance performance, which can be called the top in Asia.

Probably Luo Quan's fans were the most surprised. No one expected Luo Quan's "Gee" to dance so well.

Although Luo Quan danced "Seve" and "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" before, it was just a fusion of several dance steps and it was not complete.

But this time she danced a complete modern dance, and her movements were quite clean and neat, as well as beautiful.

Because Wen Xia was wearing a military uniform and long trousers, although it was thin, she couldn't see anything from such a distance.

To keep cool, Luo Quan wore T-shirts and shorts today. The boys in the audience stared straight at the pair of long, dazzling white legs that kept dancing, almost drooling.

The more wonderful the performance is, the more it will make the audience feel that time passes too fast when it stops.

This wonderful dance lasted only a few minutes and ended.

Ps. Thanks to book friends L224 and Liuli Bingcan for the book coins, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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