Chapter 304
After the dance, the two sang "Sunny Sky" together. This is one of the most popular Chinese songs in Luoquan.

Together with the prelude, most of the students in the audience knew what the song was. Halfway through the singing, the audience began to sing along, and the performance turned into a chorus.

It's a pity that there is only time for such a song. After all, it's not a concert.

After the leisure, the chief instructor began to let the students calm down, and carried out the final training of the day, first practicing walking in unison, and then standing in a military posture.

Luo Quan, who finished filming the video, stepped off the stage and went back to the dormitory directly. She was afraid that when she disbanded next time, she would be surrounded by boys who came to take pictures with her.

After returning to the dormitory, I looked at my phone. The second episode of "I Am a Singer" has already finished broadcasting. There is no dispute about the final result. Luo Quan deserves to win the first place.

Her name also appeared on the hot search:
"Luo Quan clears his name!"

This time she answered all the previous doubts.

In fact, after the end of the first period, no one dared to question her strength. What was criticized was only the angle of her topic selection, and the unsatisfactory results were only because the songs she chose were too unpopular.

This time I chose pop music, and the ranking rose instantly.

Now there is no one in the comment section who said something like "I am not worthy of "I Am a Singer"". Even a fool can see how outrageous Luo Quan's singing skills are.

Although there are only two episodes of the show, the level of a group of young singers has widened the gap with the seniors, and the champion candidates are quite clear.

Undoubtedly, this season of "I Am a Singer" is definitely the season with the best singing skills of the guests.

At the same time, it is also quite interesting, especially the pair of senior sisters Shangyi, Luo Quan and Kong Yue. The two interacted a lot in the show and gave a lot of shots. Someone set up a cp for them in the first episode of the show.

However, Luo Quan's grades were not good at that time, so this cp was not recognized by many people, and it seemed that Luo Quan was suspected of cheating on the popularity of his seniors by going to the group forcibly.

But now there are no such worries. The two won the first place once, and their strengths can be said to be quite close. The relationship in the show is also good, so the cp party immediately revived and has a tendency to develop and grow.

Singing skills have finally been widely recognized, which can be regarded as a solution to Luo Quan's worries.

A long time ago, she was worried that she would be labeled as an idol singer because of her invincible appearance, and she always wanted to find an opportunity to justify her strength. Now, it is half the success.

If she wins the song king in the end, it will be a success!
When people have happy events, of course they should be happy.

But today's hot search about her on Weibo is not limited to this one, there is another one with a higher ranking:

"The recent situation of Luoquan."

The hot search points are a few videos of Luo Quan in school, all of which are side and back photos. In the photos, Luo Quan is carrying three lunch boxes, with a leisurely look, and his eye-catching belly looks a little bulging, like a big belly.

Obviously, this is a photo that has been photoshopped, and the bulging "belly" is simply because the T-shirt is too forgiving, formed after being blown by the wind, but it has been photoshopped like this!

However, everyone in the comment area thought it was true:
"My God! How come you're so fat??"

"I'll believe you even if you say that Luo Quan is eight months pregnant with this belly."

"This summer vacation, Luoquan hasn't been out of the dormitory very much. He eats high-calorie and high-sugar snacks every day. It's hot pot and meat. At least he gained twenty catties."

"Quan Quanzi, you can't do this, no matter how beautiful you are, you can't stand it!"

"Luo Quan personally told us what it means to be fat and destroy everything."

"Am I the only one who thinks it's become cute? Besides, I don't think it's too fat?"

"That's right, children like to be as skinny as a stick. In the future, you will know how superb this figure is."

"It's too worrying to watch, such a good figure has been ruined like this."

"The body management is too careless!"

It can be seen that both fans and passers-by are quite angry about these photos, and they all feel that Luo Quan has no love for his body, so that he is now fat like this.

Luo Quan's private messages on Weibo are overwhelming for her to lose weight.

Luo Quan turned up his clothes, looked at his flat stomach, and scratched it. It was a little loose, but it was far from fat.

Although her previous living habits were unhealthy, now that she is in college, she is slowly adjusting.

Having said that, this photo is so obvious, no one can see it?
Luo Quan didn't know what to say, so he got confused when these comments were concerned.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Quan posted a full-body selfie on Weibo, and attached the text

"It is true that I gained about [-] catties this summer, but my stomach is not so fat."

The photo was taken by Luo Quan pulling the T-shirt with his left hand on the back waist. After uploading it, a group of male fans gathered to watch.

"I know where the twenty pounds have gone. (Funny)"

"This belly is so big."

"It's quite fat, a little fatter would be better."

"Pure I don't know what you guys are talking about. (dog head)"

"Let's copy all those upstairs, no one has been wronged."

"You still have to lose weight. You can't expect every pound of fat to grow in the right place."

"It doesn't matter, the front is not long enough, there is still the back."


"Too much still affects the appearance, everything should be done in moderation."

"One thing to say, indeed."

Originally, I just wanted to show my independence, but everyone's point of view was shifted, which Luo Quan didn't expect.

However, the photos have been uploaded, and it would be too pretentious to delete them, so it is considered as a gift to fans.

But what these fans said is also right, you can't expect every catty of meat to grow to the right place, so she wants to lose weight!

As for when to reduce, there is no need to be so anxious at the moment. Let’s talk about it after class. During this period of time, the work and rest are not regular, so it is not suitable for these.

Before Lu Yao and the others came back, Luo Quan took a bath first.

At school, he is definitely not as bold as at home. After taking a bath at home, Luo Quan usually wraps a bath towel around his body.

When you go to school, even if your clothes will get wet, you must put on your clothes before going out.

After all, there are so many people, who knows if there is a telescope or something on the balcony opposite.

The pixels of mobile phones are amazing now, and the pictures can be clearly seen at intervals of hundreds of meters. Didn’t you see that there have been fewer reports about unidentified objects in recent years?

So, although it was a little troublesome, she still got dressed before walking out of the bathroom.

While blowing their hair, Lin Yizhu and the others also came back.

Each of them holds a piece of grilled sausage, which is supper for tonight.

"Squad leader, you are famous." Lu Yao said with a smile as soon as she entered.

"What's wrong?" Luo Quan put down the hair dryer, "Why don't you just dance and sing, how did you become famous?"

Zhang Yun explained: "In the school post bar, many students are posting videos of your performance, and many seniors say they want to chase you. They even set up a post dedicated to the goddess of strategy, and many people are giving advice."

"There are so many people who want to chase me, what's the use if I don't agree?"

"That's true, but these people don't seem to be joking. You have to be more careful when you go out in the future." Lin Yizhu reminded casually, which aroused Luo Quan's suspicion.

How does it sound, it feels like these people came prepared.

At this moment, she didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, but the next day, she finally understood.

In the morning, Luo Quan and Lin Yizhu woke up together, the three of them went to gather, while she went to the cafeteria to prepare breakfast.

As soon as I left the dormitory, I saw a few boys passing by with suspicious expressions. When I saw her, I bowed my head and typed on my mobile phone.

Luo Quan frowned suspiciously, but didn't pay much attention to it.

It wasn't until I walked into the entrance of the cafeteria and was about to go to the bakery to buy bread that I realized that all the bread was gone.

"Am I here too early? The bread isn't baked yet?" Luo Quan looked at the clerk and asked curiously.

"You came too late." The clerk hesitated after speaking, "If you are not in a hurry, you can wait a little longer, it is being done inside."

"Okay." Luo Quan said and sat down on the stool next to him.

As soon as he sat down, a melodious violin sound came from nowhere. Luo Quan looked up, but he didn't see anyone playing, but saw two boys in school uniforms pushing a dining car, slowly towards she comes.

An ominous premonition rose in Luo Quan's heart, and he stood up immediately.

"It's a blessing from heaven to meet you on this wonderful morning." A handsome boy walked up to Luo Quan. He was wearing a white shirt and had an infectious smile.

I don't know if it's a celebrity, Luo Quan always feels that she has seen this classmate somewhere.

"I don't know, can I treat you to breakfast, there must be something you like in the dining car." The boy in the white shirt made a gesture of invitation.

Luo Quan's eyebrows twitched: "I eat a relatively simple breakfast, these big meals are too greasy, I can't get used to it, you still..."

Before he finished speaking, the boy in the white shirt lifted the lid, and there were all kinds of meat floss and butter cakes in the dining car. As the lid was lifted, the aroma immediately rushed to Luoquan.

Meat floss bread, her favorite!
Luo Quan originally wanted to refuse, but when the words came to his lips, his lips softened a little.

"I... I... You bought all the bread in this store?!"

The boy in the white shirt shook his head: "No, I just asked the owner to make some meat floss bread specially, after all, I personally like to eat these for breakfast."

"Good guy, it turns out that this is the one who came prepared. She has even researched what she eats for breakfast." Luo Quan clenched his fists, but his eyes remained on the delicious meat floss bread.

The second batch of bread from the bakery had arrived, and it was all brioche, which was not her favorite.

What can I do?

"Well, how much did you pay for the bread, I'll buy one." The meat floss bread is still eaten, but she doesn't want to owe anyone a favor.

"We're all classmates. It's vulgar to talk about money. Take whatever you like." Seeing that Luo Quan was still hesitant, the boy in the white shirt smiled and said, "If you insist on giving money, then add a WeChat account and eat it." Then transfer the money, by the way, my name is Baixi."

The routine is quite deep!
Luo Quan was slandering in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm: "Then why are you so embarrassed?"

As he said that, he walked up and took a random piece, which is typical of honesty.

Seeing this scene, the students nearby were excited.

The boys who have struck up a conversation with Luo Quan in the past few days are enough to form a large sorority of victims. I have tried all kinds of methods to strike up a conversation. Most of them will be defeated within three sentences, and this Baixi The senior actually succeeded!

It turned out that Luo Quan didn't eat fireworks, but the way the big guy opened it was wrong!

"By the way, which flavor of milk do you like?" Baixi lifted the cloth under the dining car, and there were real fruit grains of various flavors.

Luo Quan was shocked, she even knew what she likes to drink for breakfast!

Although she drank pure milk for a while during the summer vacation, she still felt tired after a long time, but this real fruit is one of the breakfasts she eats the most, just like meat floss bread.

This matter, not the fans who watched her live broadcast every day, basically no one knew about it.

I don't know if Baixi is a fan of hers, but her food hobbies are probably leaked. The so-called suggestions for her strategy in the post bar yesterday are probably to list her favorite foods, and then let them Those students who are able to implement it.

Luo Quan understands the truth, but whether he can resist the temptation is another matter.

Once a habit is formed, it is very difficult to suddenly want to change it.

Besides, it's not that she doesn't give money, but what's the point of having breakfast?The big deal is that I will buy food online in the future instead of going to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Thinking of this in his heart, Luo Quan bent down and took a bottle of aloe-flavored real fruit.

Tear open the package, insert it, sit down, Luo Quan took a sip.

The meat floss on the plate was also brought to her, with a plastic glove attached.

Luo Quan didn't say much, just put on his gloves and grabbed it and ate it, which seemed very rude.

Bai Xi turned a blind eye to these things that Luo Quan deliberately showed, and just dialed out the QR code of the mobile phone's WeChat: "Let's add a friend first."

"I don't know how to run." Luo Quan said vaguely, but still scanned.

The boys nearby were stunned:
"Damn! Really added!"

"A historic moment."

"It's agreed not to fall in love, just fool us honest people."

"No, I object!"

"She is a talented man and a beautiful woman, what do you have to object to?"

"To be reasonable, senior Baixi deserves to be paired with Luo Quan."

"Just eating a piece of bread, how do you think of so many things?"

"The key is that no boy added to Luoquan WeChat before."


Hearing the discussions around him, Luo Quan also knew that his current situation was a little suspicious of Li Xia.

Although she just likes to eat bread, she has no other ideas.

However, in the eyes of others, Baixi was indeed added to WeChat. This was a great success that others did not achieve.

"I'm full, how much?" After thinking again and again, Luo Quan decided to go back first, and sit for a while, maybe something wrong happened.

Bai Xi's smile was as warm as a spring breeze: "Just give me 13 yuan and [-] cents."

"They're all classmates, put a zero, 13 okay?"

The classmate who was drinking soy milk next to me spat out with a puff:
"It's pretty good at picking numbers."

"Uh... yes." Bai Xi didn't know if Luo Quan did it on purpose, but he still nodded.

After transferring the account, before Bai Xi could collect the money, Luo Quan took the bread and milk and walked away.

Ps. Thank you for the book coins rewarded by fellow book friends Anima, L224, Amo, and Mo, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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