Chapter 305

"Luo Quan and the boys have breakfast together!"

Luo Quan was lying on the bed, saw this hot search, and thought that it was finally here.

In the scene in the morning, there were a lot of people taking pictures in the cafeteria. Luo Quan knew that sooner or later it would be posted on the Internet. With her current traffic, the last trending search was probably very normal.

Even this speed was a little too fast, and they came out before ten o'clock.

Luo Quan didn't know which classmate posted the Weibo, and the number of comments on the Weibo had exceeded [-]. The people were quite excited when they waited for "Luo Quan's Love".

Although a beautiful girl idol like her has always been known for her talent, in fact, more people love her because of her appearance.

Regardless of whether it is a male celebrity or a female celebrity, their true fans must want to be exclusive to themselves, and they don't like to share with people other than other fans, let alone falling in love, even the group CP sometimes cannot accept it.

Therefore, when many celebrities announce their love affairs, they will encounter a wave of withdrawals from fans, and some may even directly cause their careers to plummet.

Although Luo Quan is not an idol, but because of his outstanding personal image, many husband fans and wife fans are even more fanatical than those fan circle stars.

Before Luo Quan always emphasized that he would not fall in love, it was fine, but now if there is any disturbance, these fans will go crazy.

It is worth mentioning that the other protagonist of the incident——Bai Xi is also a famous artist at a young age. He made his debut at the age of eight and has acted in quite a few movies and TV series. All are well-known.

Because of his outstanding appearance, Baixi has quite a lot of female fans. Although they are powerful, they are all as popular as the hottest little fresh meats in China.

In addition, it is said that Bai Xi's family still has a lot of background, and since his debut, there is no black material on the Internet, and no one dares to black.

All in all, in terms of personality, he is a perfect kingly idol, and the ratio of diehard fans is quite high.

Therefore, when the photo of the two confronting each other and having breakfast together came out, it immediately aroused huge attention and discussion.

The reaction of Baixi's female fans was particularly fierce, calling Luoquan shameless to seduce their baby, and telling Baixi not to be deceived.

Luo Quan's fans were furious when they saw this, who didn't know who seduced her, so they started pretending to be victims, besides, since Luo Quan's debut, there are as many boys who want to chase her as Xia Ye Fan Xing, I'm sorry A Baixi.

The two sides blamed each other, because the fighting power of Luoquan Weibo fans was really weak, so it didn't take long for them to be at a disadvantage. It was because someone moved some reinforcements from station B that the scene didn't get out of control.

As for the person involved, there was no movement on Luoquan Station B's news or Baixi's Weibo.

In fact, Luo Quan has been looking at Weibo, and has been waiting for Bai Xi to come out and explain.

Because he was the one who made this up, no matter whether he meant it or not, he had to come out and restrain his fans.

Although she has been sprayed with black powder to become immune and doesn't care about these verbal malice, no one wants to be scolded all the time.

But until now, Baixi and his studio have not responded to the trending search and the behavior of his fans.

"What the hell, it's not as good as Senior Jing Gong." Luo Quan thought of the senior who was far away in Japan. When they were rumored to be in a similar situation, he immediately tweeted to ask fans not to attack her.

In contrast......... I really answered that sentence, people are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away.

Since this senior Bai is pretending to be dumb, she can't just watch like this.

It’s okay to fight back against these fans. Luo Quan didn’t want to make troubles, but just wanted to explain things clearly, so he posted a Weibo:
"It just happened to sit relatively close to have breakfast, don't misunderstand, and don't make up your mind."

But such an explanation, netizens obviously don't buy it, and someone in the comment area quickly questioned:

"I heard you added WeChat with him?"

"Does this count as discrimination?"

"There must be a special idea."

"Don't hide it, if it's true, we can bless you. (Smiling face)"

"If it's true, I'm quite afraid that male fans of Luoquan will go directly to Shangyi to kill Baixi solo. (Eat melon)"

"No way, no way."

"I can't tell."


Someone mentioned the matter of WeChat, and Luo Quan took advantage of the situation and posted a second Weibo to explain:
"At that time, I went to the cafeteria to buy breakfast. I wanted to buy a bread with meat floss, but someone sold out. At that moment, senior Baixi came over with a cart of bread with meat floss and asked me if I wanted to eat it?

I just wanted to ask him to buy one, it was no big deal, but Senior Bai insisted that I add a WeChat Baiken to sell it, so what can I do?Just look at adding a friend.

That's probably how it happened. "

The first explanation didn't cause too much trouble, but the second explanation was like adding fuel to the fire for Baixi's fans.

"What do you mean, our Baixi took the initiative to strike up a conversation with you?"

"There are so many beauties in Shangyi, who can I find if I can't find you?"

"Don't take yourself too seriously, Baixi has always liked to invite classmates to dinner."

"The earth will still turn without you. There is no need to regard everyone's kindness towards you as malicious intentions."

"What do you have that deserves Baixi's painstaking efforts to show favor?"


As if stabbing an ant's nest, Luo Quan was thrown questions with guns and sticks. Fortunately, most of them were yin and yang, and there were not many who directly scolded.

Sometimes the truth is so ugly, but Luo Quan said that he really did not add any embellishments, but was just stating a fact.

As for what's good about her, making Baixi provoke her, she herself wants to know, tell her, so she can change.

The matter has been fermenting for so long, until now, the master should have not said a word, and he doesn't know what he is doing.

At this moment, her iPhone rang, and when she picked it up, it turned out to be a cross-border call from Senior Yunjing.


"Luoquan? How are you doing recently?" Yun Jingxiao's loud voice sounded very energetic.

Luo Quan smiled: "It's okay, how about you, how are you and Leila?"

"Haha, Leila and I are progressing so fast." Yunjing Xiaochun smiled triumphantly, and then lowered his voice: "By the way, I just saw the Huaxia news on the Internet, and I heard that you are in a relationship? "

"You still care about this?" Luo Quan was taken aback for a moment.

"Haha, are you just curious, is it true or not?"

Luo Quan frowned and fell into thought: "You are not asking for others, are you? Senior Yunjing is not someone who knows how to gossip."

Yun Jingxiao's tone faltered: "Who can I ask for? It's just pure curiosity, so forget it."

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "It's fake, it's just that someone found out about my eating habits from somewhere, and insisted on having breakfast with me and being my friend."

On the phone with his good friend, Luo Quan was not so polite, and his words were quite straightforward.

Yun Jingxiao said seriously: "Is there such a thing?! You have to protect your privacy, and avoid dealing with such people!"

Luo Quan smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, am I the kind of careless person?"

"Okay, I don't have anything else to do, so I'll hang up first, and I'll contact you when I'm free."

"Okay, say hello to everyone for me." After Luo Quan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

At the same time, Yun Jingxiao also pressed the hang up button.

"Did you hear, someone is looking for Luo Quan on purpose." Yun Jingxiao glanced at Jing Gong Masaku next to him, and the latter's expression changed from obviously nervous to relaxed.

"I told you that Luo Quan doesn't know how to fall in love, but you still don't believe me." Jing Gong Masaku took a sip of orange juice, suppressing his shock.

Yun Jingxiao's eyes were as wide as cowbells: "Damn it, who came to me in a hurry and asked me what's the matter? I was too embarrassed to ask, but I wanted to call, why are you so shameless? "

"I'm just giving you a suggestion, and I didn't make the call." Jing Gong Masaku continued to speak stiffly.

"Then don't ask me for such things in the future, and you can solve it yourself." Yun Jingxiao waved his hand, got up and was about to leave, Jing Gong Masaku hurriedly stopped him: "Yun Jingsang, don't be angry, this kind of Don’t worry about small things like this, today I’m treating you to Tokyo Essence Restaurant.”

Yun Jingxiao smiled: "This is more or less..."

"Ha Qiu!" After hanging up the phone, Luo Quan sneezed for no reason, touched his cold arm, and felt that it was time for him to add a dress.

I was about to get out of bed to find a jacket when my phone rang again.

"Hello, brother."

"Sister, are you dating?"

Luo Quan was helpless: "Why are you all so concerned about this?"

"The story of your relationship went crazy on Twitter. Many of my classmates called me crying, asking which lucky bastard became my brother-in-law."

Luo Quan explained again: "No, it's all rumored by the media. It's not like you don't know these unscrupulous media now. They dare to publish any fake news for the sake of traffic."

Leon nodded: "I said yes, Seifert said that man is not as handsome as me, I think you might look down on him."

Luo Quan grinned: "Am I such a superficial person who only looks at the face? The most important thing for a person is to have a noble soul. I'm not talking about you Leon. Your spiritual construction in this area needs to be strengthened. Don't Be a man who hates his old father and only cares about his kidneys but not his heart!"

"Why are you messing with me?" Leon said with a heartless face: "My character is an innocent little puppy, and things like being fickle have nothing to do with me at all."

"It's best for you to have such an awareness." Luo Quan exercised her power as a big sister, taught her younger brother a lesson, and hung up the phone.

It was midnight in New York, and Seifert yawned, hugging a pillow on the sofa, sleepy.

"Well, let me tell you that it is impossible for Luo Quan to find a man whose eyesight is so low. If you still don't believe me, Leon must be called in the middle of the night." Seifert said to Fred next to him.

Leon was wearing a pajamas with a rabbit head, and he had obviously just come out of the bed.

Fred was dressed normally, since he had driven all the way from home.

Fred rubbed his hands, with a look of rejoicing: "It's fine if you don't have it, it's fine if you don't have it."

Seifert laughed and said, "By the way, you and Luo Quan flew to New Zealand last time. Didn't you say it's over? Why are you still so desperate?"

Fred scratched his head: "I happened to see it on Twitter, and I was embarrassed to call and ask directly, but I can't pretend that I didn't see it... After all, it is Luo Quan."

"Hey, I think you're just too energetic, thinking about things all day long!" Seifert slapped the sofa violently: "Come on, brother will take you to the bar for a walk, and you will find out later that for Luo What a foolish act to give up the whole forest for such a big tree as Spring!"

"That bar?!" Leon became excited when he heard about it. He has never been to a bar in his life.

Seifert pushed Leon away: "Stop meddling, didn't you hear what your sister said just now, don't be like your father."

Leon said very seriously: "I only care about my heart, but not my kidneys, isn't that all right?"

Seifert frowned: "Wow, then you are not playing with other girls' feelings, it's too bad!"

That's what I said, but the three of them packed up and went out to have fun.

American teenagers love to play by nature, and most of the time they are separated from their kidneys and hearts.

Of course, Leon is just talking about it. As an idol, he still understands what he should do and what he should not do. At his age, he can’t even drink in bars. Lyric material.

Among the three, it is estimated that only Seifert would really want to go for a kidney transplant.

As for Luo Quan, he finally received a WeChat call from Bai Xi. If he didn't call again, Luo Quan would probably delete his friends.

"Senior Bai, don't you think we should explain it?" Luo Quan's tone sounded calm.

"You're in a hurry. I'm discussing with the person in charge of public relations how to hype it up, so you just posted on Weibo. It's too inappropriate!" From Bai Xi's tone, Luo Quan seemed to hear a trace of blame.


"The two of us are famous, we can do anything together and we can be trending, and our positions in the entertainment industry are quite complementary. Now we start to form a cp, and even become a fake couple. The popularity is as much as we want. In the future Being on shows and filming, the popularity can easily rise to the top!" Bai Xi wishfully told Luo Quan: "But you have ruined all of these now, isn't it just a scandal, if you need to be so nervous, explain it Is it not good to let it continue to ferment?"

Luo Quan was stunned when he heard these words: "So you take all this as hype?"

"Yes." Baixi immediately admitted, "But if you want to develop further, it's not impossible, but you must not announce it, you have to..."

Luo Quan had already hung up the phone with a snap. She was afraid that if she listened to it any longer, she would spit it out. Before Bai Xi called again, she directly opened the black box and deleted a dragon.

How could there be such a disgusting person? !Luo Quan gritted his teeth, it was the first time that he was so disgusted with a person.

Ps. Thanks to the book friend Anima Senior Sister and L224 for the book coins, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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