Chapter 306 There Is a Ghost (Part [-])
"Wuhu, it's raining!"

The bedroom door opened, and three soaked chickens happily ran in. Although they were already drenched, they looked quite happy.

Luo Quan put her face on the bed, because of what happened to Bai Xi just now, she has been thinking about whether to tell him the matter directly, so that everyone can see his face clearly.

"What's the matter, monitor, with such an ugly face?" Lin Yizhu asked while wiping his head.

Luo Quan tilted his head to look, and said, "Do you know Bai Xi?"

Zhang Yun nodded: "I know, big star, one of the few handsome guys with positive energy in China... I see, is it about you being involved in an affair? We have seen it just now, and many girls are talking about it. Finish this thing!"

"If it was just rumors, I wouldn't be so disgusting." Luo Quan sneered and told everyone what happened just now.

"Is there such a person?" Lu Yao had an unbelievable expression, feeling that her three views had been ruined, "Isn't this going to expose him? Isn't he afraid of wanting popularity? This time let him go directly to the hot search , heat it up!"

"There's no evidence." Luo Quan smiled helplessly, "He made a call, and I didn't record it. How could I have imagined that Bai Xi would be such a person?"

Lin Yizhu shook his head and sighed: "Usually it looks quite sanctimonious, but I didn't expect it to be so disgusting in reality."

Zhang Yun was a little annoyed: "Then what should we do? I see that his female fans are still scolding you on Weibo."

"Come on, can you still lose 2 pieces of meat?" Luo Quan didn't seem particularly concerned.

There is really no good way, her main fans are not on Weibo after all, if someone on Bilibili or Twitter dares to scold her like that... No, there are not many black fans in these two places now.

"This Baixi fan is so crazy, he bites everyone like a dog, and Baixi never restrains himself, so he will be unlucky sooner or later." Lin Yizhu said sadly.

In the entertainment circle, there are a lot of things where newcomers replace old ones. Don't look at Baixi's popularity now, but if he doesn't know how to keep a low profile and let fans make enemies for him back then, it will be bad luck sooner or later.

It can only be said that those few successful works gave him the confidence to be crazy. As for the so-called background, the background that has been made public, can it still be called background?
Besides, if public anger is really committed, or a certain red line is touched, it will be useless even if the king of heaven comes.

Therefore, Luo Quan deeply agrees with Lin Yizhu's words.

At noon, Baixi's own response came:

"It's really just simple classmates eating. I have always had the habit of inviting classmates to dinner. I just met Luo Quan this morning, and she also took the initiative to come over and want to have breakfast with me.

Forget about eating, she insisted on giving me money, although she didn't want to accept money from her classmates, but there was no other way, Luo Quan insisted on it, so she asked her to transfer the money, and added her as a friend by the way. "

Most of Baixi's response was true, but some of the more critical details were replaced with descriptions that were favorable to him.

So in the comment area, the words of his fans can hardly be read:

"The situation is very clear. It's just that Luo Quan wanted to hype up and took the initiative to come to my Baixi."

"Size is also a star, save yourself some dignity, don't bundle marketing anymore."

"There is still a gap between a singer and a movie star, not to mention that coffee is not at the same level, so don't forcefully get involved with Baixi in the future."

"I didn't see it before, Luo Quan is quite scheming."


This typical backlash made Luo Quan really want to find where he was right away and communicate with him face to face.

It's a pity that it's pouring rain outside, Luo Quan doesn't want to be drowned because of such a rotten person, it's too disgraceful.

Besides, this incident itself is also a Rashomon. Whoever says it is right, she has no recording of Baixi's real motive, so she can't punish him at all.

However, it must be impossible to let it be a mute mute.

Within 5 minutes of Baixi's post, Luo Quan posted a post on Station B:
"I have always believed that people cannot, or at least should not, be shameless to this extent.

I have always been dismissive of hyping this kind of thing. Some celebrities who have no skills and only want to do crooked ways are very good at it, and they want to attract others to join in the same way.

It's a pity that I have never needed these unappealing methods, and my awards are not based on hype.

In addition, I declare again: I don't have any thoughts of falling in love. Even if I want to talk, I won't lower my self-worth and find such a person. "

In his base camp, Luo Quan speaks more unscrupulously. Except for no swear words, it is basically equivalent to pointing at Bai Xi's nose and scolding.

Especially in response to the hype, it was just pointing at Sang and scolding Huai. It is estimated that Bai Xi would know that the certain people Luo Quan mentioned were actually referring to him alone.

The words are so fierce and merciless, but Luo Quan is not at all worried that his comment section will be blasted like on Weibo.

As for Weibo, she has already closed comments, and reporting this method will not work for her now.

"Squad leader, aren't you too rigid?" Zhang Yun was a little surprised when he saw the news from Luo Quan.

Lin Yizhu was very supportive: "I think what the squad leader said is right. If we don't deal with it more harshly this time, any cat or dog will dare to ask the squad leader to touch porcelain to hype them. These people don't care about their own quality!"

Not surprisingly, Luo Quan's post immediately caused a huge scolding battle on the Internet.

It was originally a gossip about male and female stars, but under the deliberate action of the two parties, it directly turned into a scolding battle.

Although Luo Quan never thought about the idea of ​​having a cp group, gossip, or being a fake couple with Bai Xi from the beginning to the end, but now the two have indeed started to hype, and as more and more people discuss, the popularity is also increasing. It's rising steadily.

Although Bai Xi is young, he has been in the entertainment circle for many years, and has many friends and acquaintances in the circle.

When Luo Quan scolded him so bluntly, someone immediately jumped out to be the pioneer of the group.

Actor Zhang Ji: "Little girl, you are all from the industry, so personal attacks are too tasteless."

Actor Li Haowen: "Baixi didn't offend you, did she? (Laughing and crying) She is so beautiful, but her mouth is bad enough."

Director Wang Fang: "Every circle has its rules, no matter what kind of grievance you suffer, you have to endure it first, communicate slowly and seek a solution, you can't just open your mouth like you, then the entertainment industry will not be successful Is there a vegetable market?

Besides, it's not certain who will be wronged, but in the end, don't become a villain and sue first. "

Actor Yu Li: "If you want to be popular in this circle, you need hype. This is not a derogatory term. What we need to get rid of is those malicious hypes, and you can't directly cast aside this method because the hype fails. You know, In the first half of this year, you were the most searched female star on the Internet!"

Needless to say, Baixi's fans, even many celebrities have joined in the verbal criticism this time. I don't know if it's because they are eager to protect her friends, or these people have long disliked her.

Baixi has friends, and Luoquan is not alone, and soon someone will speak for her.

The first one to speak was Chunzi, which made Luo Quan himself not expect.

Junko Yagyu from Girls' Generation: "I don't know much about Huaxia's entertainment industry. Everyone is saying that Luo Quan wants to get close to Baixi. Some of his fans came to tell me, what exactly is Luo Quan planning?"

A fan of Baixi really came over and explained: "Baixi is currently the most promising young actor in the Chinese film and television industry, with a good temperament and image, many fans, handsome and rich, these are all advantages.

The point is that the popularity is super high, and it belongs to the top class in China! "

"What about internationally?" Junko immediately asked.

"Baixi's current works are still popular in China for the time being, but now he has plans to take the international route, and the future is promising!"

Junko continued:

"That means there is no international fame, but Luoquan has tens of millions of fans on Twitter, and the fan base is spread all over Asia, Europe, and North America. He is a recognized international star. In terms of popularity, Luoquan should be higher than Baixi.

You say he is rich, so has he ever been on the list of the most handsome faces in the world?Does the Forbes Celebrity Rich List have his name on it?Is his family a descendant of a Chinese royal family?Do his parents own Fortune [-] companies?Does he have more than one billion deposits himself?
Let's talk about appearance, do you need the praise that you and I, Coplow Spring, won based on our appearance in foreign news?By the way, Luo Quan is also the owner of the title of Guinness World Records - the most beautiful human being, but she doesn't like this title, so she has never let this news spread abroad.

After talking so much, the topic changed again. Luo Quan took the initiative to find him, what exactly was he trying to do? "

No one could answer. Many Baixi fans came after hearing the news. Seeing Junko's series of soul questions, they didn't know how to answer, so they could only talk about it.

Soon, Junzi's Weibo was on the top of the trending list, and the hot search name was: What exactly is Luo Quan drawing?

Wen Xia also got angry at this time, directly in the hot search comment area @白溪: "That's right, senior, what exactly is Luoquan planning for you? Can you come out and say it conveniently?
If it doesn't work, I'll come to you in person when the rain stops, and ask Luo Quan what exactly is up to you?After you make it clear, I can tell her so that she will stop wanting to eat swan meat. "

The naturally dumb Luo Chuyi asked below: "If Luo Quan is a toad, then what am I?"

A group of women's soldiers brought out the yin and yang strangeness to the extreme, they chased Bai Xi and kept asking him: What exactly is Luo Quan planning?
The crux of all the problems is that Baixi's remarks believe that Luo Quan came to him to hype him. So, what exactly is Luo Quan planning?

After this topic became a hot search, countless netizens also began to wonder.

As for Baixi, he started playing dead again.

The previous feigning of death may be to let the public opinion continue to ferment, so I don't want to clarify as soon as possible.

But this time, it is estimated that I really don't know how to answer this question.Figure out his money?Figure his heat?Figure his appearance?Or picture his bread?
If the above words are said, at most they will be laughed at. If the latter sentence is true, wouldn't it mean that he deliberately went to Luo Quan to hype it up?
Therefore, the best way now is to play dead, and after the limelight, you can say anything!

On the other side, Zhou Yangwen, who was working, suddenly received a call from his office landline:
"Hey, Boss Qi, why did you suddenly think of calling me?"

"Old Zhou, your company recently has a girl group called Girls' Generation, right?"

"Yes, why, you want to find them to make a movie? That's a good thing, us girls..."

"It's not making a movie, I want you to remind them, let them know what they can say and what they can't say!"

Zhou Yangwen frowned: "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Look at the hot searches on Weibo." Boss Qi finished speaking, but did not hang up the phone, obviously waiting for Zhou Yangwen's response.

It took Zhou Yangwen 10 minutes to figure out the ins and outs of the whole incident, and he knew that Boss Qi came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.


"Boss Qi, I think the girls in our group didn't say anything excessive about this matter. They just asked Baixi to respond, and they can explain it clearly. After all, they must be excellent if they can attract Luo Quan?"

"What do you mean?" Boss Qi's tone became gloomy.

"What I mean is, my artist is just talking on the Internet normally, there is nothing wrong with it, if you are not satisfied with my reply, you can call Boss Ma in person.

If there is nothing else, I will hang up first, everyone is busy, bye! "

Crap, Zhou Yangwen hung up the phone, "A bunch of shabby settlers pretending to be five or six people. They won't be able to afford food in a few years. I don't know what they're shaking about!"

After cursing loudly, Zhou Yangwen straightened the landline with the penguin logo on it, and continued working.

At the same time, a group of fans at Luoquan Station B are celebrating their post-war victory:
"This Baixi fan is too rubbish, how can it be broken if you touch it?"

"These sisters can't be provoked. If you reason with them, they will swear at you. When you swear back, they will say that you are a cyberbully, and even threaten to commit suicide. The ruler with ketchup will send you a photo right away."

"I'm dying of laughter, I don't know who gave them the courage to come to station B to make trouble."

"Forget it, any star has such fans. Luo Quan's attention to him has already given him great face. Now this matter is over, so don't make him hot."

"It's boring, these people fell down before I could do anything."

This scolding battle didn't last long, and ended with the Luoquan camp winning overall.

The main character, Baixi Weibo, pretended to be dead, and shut down comments to protect himself. The fan support club was brutally blasted by netizens at station B, and Chaochao was completely occupied, forcing all the younger sisters to threaten suicide.

After a closer look, the "blood" on the wrist was simply ketchup, and everyone used a photo, which is ridiculous.

The most amusing thing is that this tearing battle even brought up a buzzword on the Internet: What exactly is XX trying to do with you?

Now when I meet people who feel good about themselves and can’t find their own position, someone will always post in the comment area: What exactly is XX trying to figure out about you?

It can still be used in many occasions, it is simply a universal sentence pattern, and it is overwhelming for a while, and it directly becomes a hot topic.

Ps. Thank you for the book coins rewarded by the book friend Anima senior sister and the lamp god, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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