Chapter 307 There's an Inner Ghost (Part [-])
The Weibo side has temporarily stopped, and now Luoquan's side is in full swing. Although the fans on Baixi's side are organized and disciplined, they can't stand the mopping up by netizens at station B like locusts crossing the border.

Wherever he went, it could only be described as a mess. All the comment areas related to Baixi were basically invisible. The key point was that everyone's counterattack was quite straightforward. There was no personal attack on Baixi himself, but it would only make people look at it. It's a fire, but it's not a crime.

As for Luoquan's Weibo, everyone has taken back their positions, and the comment area is completely protected, and there are no abusive comments from Baixi fans.

On Weibo, Luo Quan seemed to become a moral model in an instant, and she couldn't find anyone who slandered her. This incident was jokingly called the "covering the sky with one hand" incident by the melon eaters.

But Baixi definitely won't just let it go, anyway, he is also a well-known figure in the entertainment circle, and usually claims to have quite a background, so he will definitely not swallow his anger.

It's just that Luoquan's momentum is too great now, and it's not time to fight back.

And Luo Quan also wanted to deal with the "inner ghost".

It is not known whether these insiders are her fans, but they must have come out from Station B. If these people hadn't leaked her eating habits everywhere, they wouldn't have given Bai Xi an opportunity.

It's not difficult to inquire about this kind of thing, Luo Quan soon found out that the news came from the post bar.

As the first batch of online forums in China, Tieba and Tianya were the most popular forum platforms back then. There are many great gods here, but there are also many mentally retarded, mixed with good and bad.

According to the information obtained by Luo Quan, the post where her information was leaked came from a special post called "Goddess of Raiders" in Shangyi's own post bar.

It is still a top trending post, with more than [-] replies. Luo Quan went in to read the content, and was startled into a cold sweat:

"Luo Quan, female, born on March 1998 in the new calendar in 3, born in the zodiac of Tiger and Aries.

Height: 173.5cm
Weight: XNUM X kg
Measurements: 92-59-94
X Cup: 34D
Hobbies: Eating pork floss bread for breakfast and drinking real fruit.

Favorite dishes: Yuxiang shredded pork, mapo tofu, twice-cooked pork, green pepper shredded pork, sweet and sour cabbage.

Disliked dishes: bitter gourd, Houttuynia cordata, bacon.

Common clothes to wear: In spring and summer, I usually wear light-colored T-shirts and denim shorts. I wear slippers most of the time at home. I like to wear sneakers or sneakers when I go out. I don’t like to clip or tie my hair. According to me, I think it’s too troublesome. .

In autumn and winter, I usually wear a black down jacket to keep warm, and occasionally wear a purple woolen hat, which is said to have been woven by my mother-in-law a few years ago.

Cosmetics preferences: I have been watching Luoquan videos since last year, and I have never seen any kind of skin care products except Dabao SOD honey.And Luo Quan himself hates the use of cosmetics very much. (The main reason is that my craftsmanship is too poor. I did a makeup session in a daily vlog in Tokyo before, and the effect was terrible.)
Snack preferences: Any sweets related to chocolate, Luo Quan loves chocolate.In addition, the white rabbit milk candy is also her favorite, but after eating too much, her cheeks hurt from chewing, so it is more rhythmic.

Drinks: orange juice, iced black tea, happy water, whatever Fatty likes she likes.

Favorite TV series: Most of the young people's blood anime, never watch the girl's romance series.

…………………… "

This post is more than 3000 words long, basically listing all her hobbies in detail and accurately.

These were revealed intentionally or unintentionally during the live broadcast, and some of them could only be found in the vlogs she filmed before. The time span is quite large, and it is impossible for her to know so much without being a hardcore fan.

Luo Quan didn't expect that the fan who posted the post could sort out all these things, and the details were so frightening.

Luo Quan saw it, and his back was covered with cold sweat, as if someone had been watching her life in the room she lived in.

But if you think about it carefully, the frequency and duration of her live broadcasts during the summer vacation are basically live broadcasts except for sleeping, and it is really easy for people to figure out her lifestyle.

It's just that I didn't expect that someone would sort it out and even make it public.

To be able to collect such complete information must be her senior fan. It stands to reason that he must like her very much, but now he is sharing it with everyone, and let everyone know the way to "raid" her.

Luo Quan can't understand this point, does this fan still have NTR complex?

The reason for thinking this way is that it is absolutely impossible for a pure love warrior to do such a thing.

I think that Baixi saw the relevant information here, so I had the idea of ​​striking up a conversation with her, and besides Baixi, there are probably not a few boys who would come to strike up a conversation with her with various snacks and drinks that she likes in the future.

So much personal information was exposed to the public like this, Luo Quan definitely couldn't bear it, and immediately replied under this post: "Can this fan or classmate delete the post, these are my personal privacy , can’t be posted online without my permission.”

The post bar nickname Luoquan replied was directly set to my own name, but there is no official certification like Weibo and Station B, so I don’t know if it will work.

In fact, when this post was first posted, many fans of Luo Quan came out to criticize the poster, thinking that he had leaked Luo Quan's privacy, and urged him to delete the post as soon as possible.

However, quite a few netizens are very interested in the hobbies of Luo Quan posted by the host, and feel that celebrities are meant to entertain the public, and the information is not so private, so they support the host to keep the post.

The main reason is that the Lord himself didn't speak, and it's useless for others to worry about it.

But now a person with the nickname "Luo Quan" came out and asked to delete the post, which naturally aroused onlookers.

Quite a few netizens responded immediately below:

"Honey, you really attracted Luo Quan."

"A first-level new number, it doesn't look like it."

"Luo Quan doesn't have a Tieba account, maybe it's her."

"I told you not to post it in Shangyi Bar, you will be seen by your classmates, you still don't believe me."

"The landlord deleted it, the real master has come to the door."

After waiting for about two or three minutes, the landlord’s reply came:

"Luo Quan, I like you! I listen to every song you debuted, and I buy every album. (Smiling face)"

Luo Quan was helpless: "Thank you for your support, but your current behavior bothers me a lot."

Host: "I know, I actually posted this post on purpose to get your attention. I sent you a private message on station B before and replied once, so I want to say a few more words to you."

Luo Quan sighed: "There are too many fans who private message me, it is really impossible to reply to everyone, I hope you can understand."

Host: "I know, and I hope you don't get angry because of this, I'll delete it right away!"

The host acted very quickly, within half a minute, the post could no longer be displayed, and at the same time, Luoquan's post bar showed that there was one more fan, which was the host.

Although the host's intentions were not bad, his behavior was already similar to a illegitimate meal. He himself probably didn't expect that this post would lead to such a big event.

And now, no one knows that the conflict between her and Bai Xi originated from this post.

It's really hard to handle illegitimate meals for celebrities, especially those with a good temper like Luo Quan.

Swearing and lawyer letters are not very good. If you speak too softly, you are afraid that these people will not buy it. So when Luo Quan first communicated with this illegitimate fan, he was really afraid that he would not get in, and would not delete it.

And the bigger the incident, the more complicated the consequences. If something goes wrong, it is likely to be out of control.

The good news is that this fan still seems to have a lot of love for her, but this love is a little more intense.

The post has been deleted now, but her personal information has probably been spread a long time ago. There are not a few people who took screenshots these days, and I don't know how many chat groups and forums are spreading these things.

The main reason is that she was a bit late in responding. She should have looked into it when she heard about it last night, and she could have asked the host to delete the information earlier.

Fortunately, these things are indeed nothing special, and there will be no embarrassment after they are exposed, and Luo Quan will not be worried about them all the time.

The matter of catching the ghost is settled. I went back to Weibo and looked at it. The related hot search has been removed. Obviously the discussion is still quite hot, but I can’t see any related entries on the hot search. It seems that Someone paid for PR.

However, although you can't see it on the hot search, the impact of the incident has already spread all over the Internet. Now there are related discussions in all major forums. It is useless to withdraw Weibo, and it can't stop the people's leisurely mouth.

Baixi is still pretending to be dead, and Chaohua is temporarily disabled. According to the conversations of Luoquan fans, Luoquan knows that they have also broken into Baixi's several thousand fan groups to lurk, and are currently frantically obtaining the group leader's information. Trust, just wait until you become an administrator to start a relationship.

Luo Quan sometimes really admires these fans, they can always come up with some new tricks for her, adding countless fun to her life.

Suddenly, a notification sound came from her work mailbox.

Although it is a work mailbox, it is usually used as a personal mailbox, and it is usually relatively deserted. People in the industry now know that Luo Quan seldom writes songs for others, so no one looks for her anymore.

"Luo Quan, do you have a phone number? I want to talk to you about something." After reading the content of the email, Luo Quan frowned and thought about it.

The sender is an unfamiliar account, and has never communicated with her before, and I don't know if it is a brand that wants to find her to endorse.

"If you are looking for me to endorse some products, that's fine. I don't accept advertisements at the moment." Luo Quan replied.

"Not an endorsement." The answer was concise and clear.

Seeing that it was not an endorsement, Luo Quan sent the new phone number he applied for after returning to China, and within ten seconds, the call came.

"So urgent." Luo Quan complained a bit, then pressed the answer button.

"Is it Luo Quan?" It was a middle-aged man who spoke, his voice was deep and majestic.


"You are young and don't know the rules."

I knew it!Luo Quan said how could someone come to her to talk about something important for no reason at such a moment.

"Who are you?" Luo Quan didn't hesitate at all, and planned to call this person by name first.

The middle-aged man sneered: "You are really young, you are not afraid of the sky, you don't think about the consequences at all?"

Luo Quan chuckled: "Why, are you afraid that you will come along the phone line and hit me? Needless to say, you are that Baixi's backer, right?
Why, you took the initiative to provoke me, and now you are not happy when you get caught in the nose. If you want revenge, you can do whatever you want, just call me over. "

"You still don't believe it when you are young. Now it's a legal society, and you don't follow the old society." The middle-aged man chuckled: "Don't even think about recording, and I won't make that kind of low-level mistake. This time I just called to ask you to do something, and when it's done, everyone will be fine."

"What if I don't?"

"It's okay if you don't do it, but some people will be unlucky, not necessarily you, but also your friends who speak out."

Luo Quan laughed: "Don't come here, I don't like this, my friends and they are the only signed artistes of Penguin Interactive Entertainment, and it's unlucky for a company to support such a group. Do you think you are Ali? Your family owns the entertainment business? If you are so awesome, why do you still call me to ask me to do something? You just blocked me directly, why are you doing so much?"

The middle-aged man didn't expect that Luo Quan wouldn't take it at all. The cannon, which was invincible in the past, failed twice at once, which made him a little confused.

After a while of silence, the middle-aged man's tone became gloomy: "This circle is not as simple as you think. If you insist on fighting us, it will do you no good!"

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Post a Weibo to clarify, saying that this matter has nothing to do with Baixi, it's just a misunderstanding, we will also cooperate here, and try to make big things into small things."

Luo Quan finally understood: "So I wanted to reconcile, why was my attitude so condescending before? I owe you?
Also, why should I clarify instead of you guys apologizing?Whose fault is this? I don't need to talk about it, do I? "

"Baixi's image needs to be protected, you can make a price."

Luo Quan said with a smile: "His image needs to be protected, so mine doesn't matter? Anyway, I just got a Weibo goddess. I like the title of goddess. I plan to operate for a few more days, so protect the image You should contact other people for this matter, I can't do it!"

"Luo Quan, are you planning to go all the way to the dark?!"

"Grandma, I don't want to take hard things, either Weibo apologizes, or you ask Baixi to come under my dormitory to apologize now, it doesn't count if the rain stops.

With these two methods, you can see for yourself! "

"Don't regret it!" After speaking, the middle-aged man snapped and hung up the phone.

"The layout is not big, but the strength to drop the phone is not small." Luo Quan rubbed his ears and complained.

Ps. Thanks to book friends L224 and 20191125113026150 for the book coins, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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