Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 308 Times have changed

Chapter 308 Times have changed
ps. Originally, I wanted to use this plot to arrange for Luo Quan to be completely disappointed in the domestic entertainment industry step by step, and decided to become capital by himself, but according to the reaction, everyone doesn’t like to watch domestic ones, so these things can only be cut off, and I will try my best in the future Write less about the domestic entertainment industry.

Thanks also for everyone's suggestions for this part of the plot.


Although Luo Quan himself was not afraid of these people, and believed that Boss Zhou could handle it, just in case, Luo Quan still wanted to call Boss Zhou to make preparations.

However, as soon as Luo Quan found Zhou Yangwen's name in the address book, he called by himself.

"Mr. Zhou."

"Luo Quan, are you free? I have something to tell you."

"I'm going to look for you too." Luo Quan smiled.

"Look for me." Zhou Yangwen paused, and then immediately realized: "Baixi is looking for you?"

"A middle-aged man called me and asked me to take the initiative to clarify and reconcile with Baixi, but I refused, and then threatened to ask Wen Xia and I to be careful to avoid bad luck."

After hearing this, Zhou Yangwen sneered and said, "This man is really a rat, running around."

"He also called you? Do you know him?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"Yes, I do have some strength, but that's old Huangli." Zhou Yangwen smiled lightly, and told Luo Quan the background behind Bai Xi.

It turns out that the so-called background behind Baixi is Huayi Company, once the largest comprehensive entertainment group in China, engaged in multiple lines of business including movies, TV dramas, music, etc., and has a large number of first-line big names under its umbrella.

During the peak period of Huayi Company, most of the entertainment industry depended on its face, and its market value once exceeded hundreds of billions. In the early second decade of the 21st century, the opening titles of most cinema movies, except for Longbiao, appeared The most common one is the logo of Huayi Company.

However, after making a fortune in the entertainment industry, the boss of this company carried out an industrial transformation on a whim, investing huge sums of money in the cultural tourism industry, but lost all his money within three years.

At the same time, the movies invested by Huayi Company are also constantly bad movies, from box office to word of mouth, falling precipitously, and the contracted artists under the company have even fled if they can, only a few loyal ones are still staying behind.

Up to now, the market value of Huayi Company has shrunk to 100 billion. In China's gradually expanding entertainment market, it is only a second-rate level, and most of its artists can't make it to the stage.

Bai Xi is an entertainer that has been praised by Huayi Company in recent years. In the company's few good movies, he has made many appearances and gained a lot of roles.

And Baixi himself is really up to date, he has been recognized by the audience with his ability, and his popularity has been rising all the way, and he is now a well-established top domestic actor.

Compared with the past, Huayi Company certainly cannot dominate the entertainment industry like it did back then, but most of the time, people in the industry are willing to give Huayi Company face, in other words, Huayi Company is still very popular now.

The reason for this is not only because of the favors accumulated back then, but also because of the backing behind Huayi Company.

More than ten years ago, it was almost impossible to become famous in the entertainment industry without a backer. Unlike now, a proper hype can spread all over the country.

Behind many bigwigs in the entertainment industry, there are actually big capitals as backers, and Huayi Company can be called the backing of capital, so naturally it only has power.

It is said that the two bosses of Huayi Company are actually white gloves of a small circle called "Beijing Circle". , in the entertainment circle, everything is going against the odds, and soon became bigger and stronger.

It's just that during its heyday, some minor problems occurred, which caused the company to plummet in a very short period of time.

But for those people in the Beijing circle, this money-making tool is still useful, and after all, it is the entertainment circle, in addition to making money, they can also obtain other benefits, so the actual backing of Huayi Company is actually not small.

However, Penguin, as an Internet giant, is naturally worthy of the so-called Beijing circle. If several giant businessmen do not have official endorsements, it is impossible to develop to this point.

This is also the reason why Zhou Yangwen returned it immediately after being threatened.

As for Luo Quan, although her grandfather's group is also an international giant, it is foreign capital after all and has limited influence. Even if she wants to help her, it is probably beyond her reach.

If Luo Quan is a signed artist of Penguin, then Zhou Yangwen must help her without a bottom line, but the key point is that Luo Quan has not signed a contract yet, so the situation is a little more complicated.

From an emotional point of view, Luo Quan has cooperated with Penguin so many times, and has such a good friendship with Zhou Yangwen, so it is natural to ask him to do a little favor.

But the problem is that those in the Beijing circle are not ordinary people. Penguin can handle it, but it is impossible to take the initiative to offend them.

As for Luo Quan, self-preservation may be fine, but forcing them to apologize without external intervention is probably a fantasy.

Penguin can get Luo Quan to sign a contract with them through this matter, so that they can justifiably ask Huayi Company to give a statement, and it will be easier to grasp the initiative when the time comes.

But in this way, it would be suspected of taking advantage of others' danger, and it would not be worth the loss to make Luo Quan feel disgusted.

Therefore, Zhou Yangwen did not force her to sign a contract with Penguin after clarifying the stakes with Luo Quan, but only said that the choice is in her own hands, and she will definitely not sit idly by where she can help.

But it is too unrealistic for Penguin to directly fight Huayi Company.

Huayi Company itself is actually not worth mentioning, but the forces behind him are really tricky, and they will definitely not provoke them if they can't be provoked.

To sum it up, if Huayi Company wants to deal with Luo Quan, then Penguin will definitely help, but if Luo Quan wants to deal with Huayi Company, if they don't sign a contract, then there is nothing they can do to help.

Zhou Yangwen can do this, Luo Quan is actually very contented, she actually didn't have to ask Huayi Company to give her an explanation, she just didn't like being involved in other people's gossip and public opinion for no reason.

She herself has no desires and desires in the circle, she doesn't go after any celebrity's popularity, and she doesn't like anyone to go after it.

In fact, it was not without conflicts with other stars before, but it was the first time I encountered someone like Bai Xi who was directly riding on the face.

Anger must be anger, but after calming down, I don't think there is any need to keep on fighting.

In short, Wen Xia and the others should not have too much trouble. As for herself, there is no big problem with self-protection.

Huayi Company's influence is mainly in the film industry, no matter how well connected it is, it can't influence a singer.

The only thing to be wary of is whether these people will use outside tricks, such as fabricating fake news on the Internet to discredit her, which is also a common means of destroying people in the entertainment industry.

However, Luo Quan thought to himself that his past was innocent, and his past from elementary school to university had already been stripped away by black fans, and those who could be black had already been black.

It is estimated that these people will start with her words and deeds in school or on the Internet in the future, so in the next few days, she has to be very careful about her every move, and can't leave any excuses for these people.

After thanking Zhou Yangwen, Luo Quan hung up the phone.

Looking through the address book in the phone, there are only grandparents, parents, Mr. Zhou, Mr. Cheng, Wen Xia, Junzi, Yuner, Director Wu, and Chanel Lisa in China. Those who really have contact at work are only mediocre. four people.

As a star who has been famous for a long time, her social circle is indeed relatively thin.

There is an old saying that many friends have many paths. With her current fame and popularity in the circle, if she wants to make friends, it should be easy to make a lot of friends. Maybe they are superficial friends, or there may be someone who can help her A friend who speaks out.

But it doesn't matter anymore, no matter what happens, she needs to face it by herself, and now she is not afraid of anything.

"Are you done talking?" Lin Yizhu came up to him at this moment, saw Luo Quan staring at the phone in a daze, and asked.

The dormitory is only so big, everyone can actually hear what Luo Quan said clearly.

In fact, there is nothing to avoid. Everyone in the dormitory will enter this circle in the future, and sooner or later they will have to face these.

"The chat is over, the situation is good or bad, Baixi's backer is Huayi Company."

"Didn't this company go bankrupt?" Lin Yizhu said after thinking carefully, she had heard about this company, but later she heard that Hua Yi was not doing well, the stock plummeted, and several investment projects went bankrupt.

After searching, Zhang Yun said: "It hasn't collapsed yet, but its assets have shrunk too much compared to before. It can barely be considered a first-tier entertainment company."

Lu Yao added: "It's not as rich and powerful as before, but a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and there are mountains behind her, so..."

Luo Quan smiled: "Don't worry too much, these people definitely have nothing to do with me at the moment, and they will probably try to discredit me or add insult to injury or something in the future."

It really sounds aggrieved, but in fact Baixi is also aggrieved.

Luo Quan was just disgusted, while Bai Xi was killed by a real reputation. Just the trending search of "What exactly is Luo Quan planning for you?" almost destroyed his personality as a perfect idol.

Previously in the industry, he was known as the "Golden Boy", a candidate for a rising star and a film and television celebrity.

But in front of a real goddess, the gap is quite obvious. When there is no comparison, you will be your male god, and I will be my goddess.

But when Zhen Fang compared them together, they found that the gap between the two people of the same age was really huge. If Luo Quan was a man, he would have beaten Bai Xi in all directions.

The funny thing is, when the two first started to gossip, Bai Xi's fans still thought that Luo Quan was not good enough for their idol, but when the incident became serious and more and more passers-by began to pay attention, Bai Xi became the one who wanted to. The one who climbs high.

Luo Quan didn't have much to lose, and the goddess personality was more consolidated, but Bai Xi lost a lot of popularity this time, and he didn't know how much public welfare and charity he had to do to clean it up.

And if there is any rhythm in the future, it will definitely be brought up again, including the fans of Luoquan.

In fact, although she is a victim, she has also become the biggest winner. Baixi steals chickens without losing money, which has contributed a lot of popularity to her. In addition, she has won the first stalk since her debut, which is "Luo What is Quan trying to do with you?"

In fact, I have to thank Junko very much. If it weren't for her, this sentence probably wouldn't be a meme.

Now netizens are very enthusiastic about using this sentence pattern. This sentence can be seen everywhere, and it has a tendency to become an annual Internet hot word, and Luo Quan's name will always be mentioned because of the popularity of this sentence pattern.

It's hard to tell whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, but even if it's a bad thing, she will definitely not thank Bai Xi, and if there is a chance to meet him in the future, she has to talk to him well.

The heavy rain lasted from noon to night. During the period, the freshmen were supposed to put on raincoats and go to the playground to continue training. However, considering that it was just autumn, when tigers were rampant in autumn, the school still gave the freshmen a break for the health of the students. I took half a day off.

After the notice came down, the students in each class were naturally celebrating.

As for Luo Quan in the dormitory, he didn't wait for Bai Xi's apology, probably because it was raining too much outside and he didn't come because he was afraid of catching a cold.

If Bai Xi really came over to apologize in the rain and was more sincere, Luo Quan might really just pretend that nothing happened and let it go.

But this matter can only be thought about, the size is also a big coffee with tens of millions of fans, how could it be possible to do such a thing.

In the evening, when the showers had just stopped, a few girls in the dormitory walked into the cafeteria wearing slightly cooler clothes.

Although it's autumn, everyone's clothes are actually not much different from summer. Many sophomores and juniors even wear T-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops. Their styles are quite free and uninhibited. He doesn't seem to care about his image management at all.

Girls are much more formal, even if they go out for a meal, they have to dress up beautifully, not to mention that in an art university like Shangyi, makeup is a mandatory requirement when going out.

Luoquan is not transformed, but it is more beautiful than transformed.

But tonight, I'm afraid not many people will come to her to add friends on WeChat, because her face is as cold as ice, and the word "unhappy" is almost written on her face.

She can't help it, if she doesn't shake her face, anyone dares to come up to her, if it's just an autograph and a group photo, it's fine, if it's like Bai Xi, she won't bother to come a few more.

He simply made his expression a bit fiercer, making it look like a stranger.

So far, the effect is quite good. Several boys wanted to come over to strike up a conversation, but when they saw her face, they froze in place, not daring to approach, it seems that they were afraid of being scolded or beaten.

After all, Luo Quan was famous for his mouth and fists.

However, the school is so big, there will always be someone who is not afraid of death, but this brother who is not afraid of death does not seem to be here to strike up a conversation.

(End of this chapter)

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