Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 3 3 Songs

Chapter 3 Three Songs

After taking a taxi home, Luo Quan, who was soaked in sweat, hurried into the bathroom to take a cold shower. Don't tell her that a hot shower is good for her body. In the hot summer, she likes to feel this kind of body Every inch of skin is shriveled and taut.

The only thing that made her feel a little unaccustomed was the long hair on her back. In the past, her hairstyle was always flat. After washing her hair, she wiped it with a towel and dried it. Now, just washing her hair is a three-step process, and the conditioner—— Shampoo-conditioner, it looks like Oreo, and it takes nearly seven or eight minutes to blow-dry the hair after washing.

In the past, it took no more than 15 minutes for Luoquan to take a bath from undressing to dressing, and even took time to have a bathroom karaoke in the middle, but now, it took half an hour to get it done. After a while, Luo Quan couldn't help but want to cut himself a crew cut.

After taking a shower, Luo Quan turned on the recording function of his mobile phone, sang "Lemon" in its entirety, and watched it again in its entirety.

Her singing skills are fairly qualified. The junior singing specialization has raised her singing skills to B, which is already the level of a vocal music graduate. In addition, her own hardware is very good, and the problems of out of tune and unstable breath have not appeared.

However, the effect of the video is still very unsatisfactory, the sound quality is not clear enough, and noise is occasionally heard, and the picture quality is also very touching, at most 720p, or even less than that, which is really shabby.

But there is no way. Although Iphone6s is a fighter among mobile phones in this time period, it needs professional equipment to record video and recording. It may be better if it can be replaced by Apple's upcoming Iphone7, but unfortunately she doesn't have that much money. , cannot be replaced.

Open Youtube, Luo Quan uploaded the recorded video to his personal space.

Izumi uploaded the video successfully!
The system prompt appeared at the top of the screen. Seeing this nickname, Luo Quan smiled slightly. It was a very gentle name.

After the video is uploaded, it still needs to be reviewed for a period of time. Taking advantage of this gap, Luo Quan closed his eyes and talked with the system: "System, have I upgraded yet?"

"No, the host is still borrowing nameless." After speaking, the system also moved Luo Quan's level to her line of sight.

The previously unnamed color was white, but now it has turned red. It is estimated that it should be upgraded with more heat value.

"By the way, the quest system has been updated. It is recommended that the host take a look at the new quest requirements before visiting the mall."

"There is another task so soon? Are you really not breathing?" Luo Quan frowned and complained, then looked at the task interface.

[Newbie task: Get 100 heat value before [-]:[-] tonight (completed) Reward: a random star binding card.

Advanced Mission: Dominate the top three in Japan's Oricon for at least four weeks. (If there is no song in the top three of the Oricon within a month, the task will automatically disappear) ps. There is no penalty for failure of the task~
Mandatory Restriction Mission: From now on, the host cannot sign with any company as an artist. ]
The novice task has been completed, and there are two more new tasks. Fortunately, she no longer has to worry about being forced to debut in Kabukicho because of the failure of the task.

But this advanced task is really a bit tough, and it will take her up to four weeks to make her dominate the top three on the Oricon list.

As the most authoritative music list in Japan, it is rare for a single singer to dominate the top three on Oricon. Even if there is, it is not something that a grassroots singer like her can do.

Although with the quality of these songs she has mastered now, if she signs a larger economic company and vigorously engages in marketing, she may be able to achieve this, but now there is another restriction task, which completely cuts off this path.

That is to say, now she can only rely on herself and her fans for publicity. To be honest, Luo Quan is very clueless.

"If you can buy better equipment in the mall and improve the user experience, the possibility of completing the task will be greatly improved."

With this thought in mind, Luo Quan opened the system mall, and after a cursory glance, she showed a disappointed expression.

The shopping mall has a dazzling array of goods, from the real to the virtual. There are also a lot of audio and video equipment, but she can't afford any of them, and at least it needs more than [-] popularity points. The popularity value she has now is even a fraction. are not enough.

In desperation, Luo Quan could only move her gaze to other areas. After looking at it for a while, she discovered a rule in the mall, that is, most of the commodities that can be visualized in reality are ridiculously expensive, and things such as songs and celebrities are bound to Commodities such as cards are much cheaper, probably because changing the world consumes more heat than changing her alone.

However, the songs in the mall are said to be cheap, but they are not cheap. High-quality songs like "Lemon" are basically at the price of around 1000 popularity, and some other magic brainwashing songs that are also very popular, Its price is not even one-tenth of the Lemon.

In Japan, these brainwashing songs are basically useless, so Luo Quan simply skipped them. After thinking about it again and again, he exchanged the [-] popularity points for two popular Japanese songs.

One is "Fire on Fire". This song and "Lemon" are both works by the same singer. The story told in the song happens to happen in summer, so it's perfect for the occasion.

And another song, she hesitated for a long time before finally finalizing it. The name of this song is "Servant of Death の う と 思っ た の は", which translates to "I once thought about it for a hundred times".

This song should be the most legendary Japanese song in the past decade.Before 2012, there were as many as [-] or more suicide cases in Japan every year, and the suicide rate ranked first in the world!
After this song appeared, the suicide rate in Japan suddenly dropped to the lowest level, which aroused extensive attention and discussion from all walks of life in Japan. It can be said that this song has extraordinary significance for the entire Japanese society.

Japan in this world is no different from the previous life. The social relations are indifferent, the aging is serious, the young people are under great pressure, and the suicide rate is even higher than that in the previous life. Luo Quan felt that there was a need for such a song to appear, come. Give people more incentives.

Of course, she is also selfish, because the meaning of this song is likely to become popular in the special social environment of Japan, and it is a good choice to use it to hit the Oricon.

After the [-] popularity points were consumed, the singing skills, lyrics and music production, arrangement and other information of the two songs all poured into Luo Quan's mind. When he opened his eyes, Luo Quan opened his personal homepage on Youtube.

The video has been uploaded successfully. In just 10 minutes, the number of views has exceeded [-], and the number of fans who subscribed to her has also reached [-]. Most of them are viewers who watched Daisuke Shimizu's live broadcast before.

There are also dozens of comments in the comment area. Most of them praise her for her beautiful appearance and good singing. There are also a few complaints about the quality of the video, and the one with the most likes is Shimizu Daisuke. 's comment, the content is: very nice song, although the sound quality is average, but I have started to play it on a loop.

As a pink and tender newcomer who has not yet become popular, Luo Quan responded to these comments one by one, basically saying "thank you for your support", "please promote more" and so on. This is the first time she has interacted with fans. , inexperienced, so the reply statement seems very monotonous.

In fact, Luo Quan really likes this feeling of being sought after and liked by everyone.

Having been a poor diaosi for half his life, Luo Quan has always looked like a person who hates ghosts when he walks on the street. When he encounters a mother holding a child, everyone quickly picks up the child and takes a detour.

Thinking about it too, a group of drunken men who smelled of alcohol came to you, and anyone else would hide away.Fortunately, starting from today, she no longer needs to worry about the past that left her, and everything is moving in a good direction.

After recording and uploading the newly exchanged two songs, Luo Quan took an early rest, hoping to wake up tomorrow, all of this was not her dream.

(End of this chapter)

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