Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 4 After Fame

Chapter 4 After Fame
The next day, the first thing Luo Quan did when he woke up was to turn on his phone and check the number of clicks on his three videos.

Originally, she thought that the playback volume of the three songs this night must be 20, but to her surprise, the playback volume of each video exceeded [-]!

And every time she refreshes the interface, the playback volume will increase by dozens of dozens!

It's only nine o'clock in the morning. If it's noon, wouldn't the cumulative number of broadcasts exceed one million? !
Looking at the comment area, Luo Quan found that a considerable number of views were contributed by Daisuke Shimizu's fans. Then he entered Daisuke Shimizu's homepage and saw that he posted a new video at [-]:[-] a.m. last night. The title of the video is called : The third part of the Tokyo tour - encounter a beautiful foreign girl!

At the beginning of the video, Daisuke Shimizu recommended to fans that Luo Quan sang "Lemon", and there was also an incomplete version of Luo Quan singing on the street in the middle of the video.

It sounds like Daisuke Shimizu has edited this passage, which sounds more comfortable than the version recorded by Luo Quan himself.

It was this video that made tens of thousands of fans who watched Daisuke Shimizu's video flock to Luo Quan's personal homepage like bees finding the fragrance of flowers.

To the surprise of fans, in addition to "Lemon", Luo Quan also has two songs in his personal space. Although the sound quality and picture quality are not good, the quality of the songs themselves is quite high.

In particular, the song "I once thought about it for a hundred times" resonated greatly with many young Japanese people.

Since most of the Japanese were already asleep by the time the video was posted, there has been no news on the mainstream news site Livedoor until now, but Twitter is already trending.

A user named "Ai Lijiang" reposted the chorus part of "I once thought about a hundred times", and added the text: I once thought about a hundred times, because there are people like my sister living in the world, I only care about this The world has some expectations!

This tweet was posted at [-]:[-] in the morning, and it has received [-] likes so far, and the number of likes is still rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the number of comments has also exceeded [-] in a short period of time, all of which are Encourage "Aili-chan" to live bravely.

Searches for Izumi and "One Hundred Years" have already rocketed to Twitter's top trending lists in Japan, and it's only a matter of time before they reach the top ten.

Just when Luo Quan was about to apply for a Twitter account for publicity, two emails appeared in her Google mailbox.

One signed to Aihui Music Entertainment, one signed to Sony Records.

Luo Quan's heart could not help beating wildly, these two record companies are well-deserved music giants!

The former occupies the largest share of the Japanese record market, while the latter is one of the world's three largest record companies with an international reputation, and now they are looking for her at the same time!
what does that mean?This means that these big companies have seen her potential and are already planning to recruit her.

The content of the email first introduced the glorious history of the company, such as its artists and position in the Japanese record market, and then mentioned that she wanted to sign Luo Quan and make her a newcomer under the company.

In addition to the signing fee, a lot of promises of resources in various aspects have also been made. Such conditions are already relatively favorable for a newcomer.

But because of the systematic restrictions, Luo Quan could only apologize for the various contract conditions of these companies.

Then Luo Quan, in a more sincere and euphemistic tone, sent emails to the two record companies refusing to sign the contract.

In less than a minute, Aihui Company gave a reply: Our company has quite a few big singers (equivalent to queens), and has a complete and mature system for training female singers. Please think again.

Luo Quan could only find an excuse to reply: "I am a college student, and I have no plans to become a professional singer for the time being."

"It's such a pity. Would you like to sell us the copyright of those three songs? We can give you 100 million yen for each song!"

Luo Quan couldn't help frowning when he saw Ai Hui's quotation. Three million yen may sound like a lot, but it is only 300 when converted into soft sister coins.

I don't know if the company sees her as a foreigner and bullies her for not understanding the Japanese record market, or if it really intends to slaughter her like a pig.

If the average college student who is not deeply involved in the world may really sell the song at such a cabbage price, how could Luo Quan, who knows the value of these three songs, make such a short-sighted decision?
He just replied lightly: "Let me think about it again."

In reality, Luo Quan, who was a little over the top, cooled down a bit in time. She overestimated her attractiveness to these big companies, and at the same time underestimated the degree of oppression of the working people by the capitalists.

There is an old saying, be kind!
After sending Aihui Company, Sony Records sent another reply, but the conditions given by the latter were almost completely different from those of the former.

After Luo Quan's rejection of the signing request by Sony, Sony did not bother about this any more, but turned to buy the exclusive distribution rights of these three songs from Luo Quan.

It’s just the distribution right, not the copyright. Even if the contract is signed, the song still belongs to Luoquan. The key price is very sincere. It’s exclusive authorization for ten years, the package price is 2000 million yen, and it’s after tax, and the profit from the sale is shared It has to be calculated separately!

This price is nearly seven times that of Aihui Company, and the copyright is not sold. For a newcomer, this is definitely a price that is beyond conscience!
The system only restricts her from signing contracts with these companies as an artist, but it is still possible to let the record company release music for her, not to mention that the price given by Sony Records is so fair.

Otherwise, it is one of the three major record companies in the world. Look at this situation, the record companies that are also competing in Japan, why is there such a big gap in the treatment of newcomers?

Luo Quan was not greedy, and when she saw the price was reasonable, she immediately made a decision, and the reply email contained only two words: "Deal!"

Japan is different from China. So far, there is no special ID card. Although the government has been promoting something called My number card in recent years, less than 20.00% of the Japanese people apply for this ID card.

So when Sony asked Luo Quan to provide proof of identity, she gave her student ID.

Two minutes later, Sony Records sent Luo Quan an electronic contract for the sale of exclusive distribution rights.

After receiving it, Luo Quan went downstairs and found a convenience store with a printer nearby, printed two copies of the contract, and signed his Chinese name and stage name.

The Chinese name is Luo Quan, and the stage name is the nickname given by the original owner himself, that is, Spring Water (Izumi).

After a while, Sony Records will send someone over to collect the contract. Once the word is signed, the contract will take effect immediately, and the 2000 million yen should be credited to my account in a short time.

Thinking that such a huge sum of money is about to come into the account, Luo Quan bounced home all the way, with a happy and bright smile on his face, and his golden hair was shining under the sun.

Soon, Sony Records sent a contract collector to Luo Quan's door. After hearing the knock on the door, Luo Quan quickly took the contract and opened the door.

"Hello, is this Miss Luo Quan?" The person who came was a young man, wearing a decent suit even in the hot summer, and his tone was very polite.

"Yes." Luo Quan nodded.

The young man took out his work permit and said, "I'm a contract collector from Sony Records. Just call me Miki."

"The contract is here, I have already signed it." Luo Quanjiang handed over the contract for the distribution rights of three songs to Miki.

Miki checked it and confirmed that there was no problem, and said: "After the contract takes effect, the money will be credited to your account as soon as possible. If you encounter any problems later, you can contact us by email. I want to bring the contract back to the headquarters to sign immediately, not much. excuse me."

After speaking, he turned around and ran downstairs.

The screeching sound of the car tires rubbing against the ground suddenly sounded on the calm road. When Luo Quan looked around, he could only see a flying dust, and the car had disappeared at the end of the road.

"Is it necessary to be so anxious?" Luo Quan scratched his head and complained.

(End of this chapter)

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