Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 310 Daily Life

Chapter 310 Daily Life
There are quite a lot of up owners on Shangyi’s station B. In art universities, many students have their own skills. Those who learn better will usually post what they usually learn to station B. Few can get tens of thousands of hits. , even more than hundreds of thousands.

As far as Luo Quan knows, there are three big up masters in Shangyi with more than one million fans, Leng Bird from the music channel, Yan Xuan and Wang Mo from the animation cos channel.

Among them, Wang Mo is a full-time women's clothing cosplayer. He usually publishes some photos and participates in various comic exhibitions. He majors in modeling, so he is still a good match.

Yan Xuan is studying dubbing, and cosplay is a side job. Apart from cooperating with Wang Mo to take pictures, his main business is live broadcasting at station B, singing and dubbing. Although he hasn't graduated yet, but because of his sweet voice and high recognition, he has already He has dubbed voices in several popular Chinese comics and has his own group of fans.

Up master Shangyi with fewer fans has more, and there are various types, including ghosts and animals, funny video shooting, editing, food, science popularization, games and many other aspects, but there are not many linkages between them.

Compared with the up masters at station B, there are many more Douyin video creators in Shangyili, with fewer boys and more girls. The videos they shoot range from daily life to sand sculptures, and the quality varies from good to bad.

In art colleges and universities, many students have the consciousness of deliberately posting their works on online platforms to attract fans. To engage in this industry, you have to work hard and have traffic.

Therefore, in places with better scenery in Shangyi, you can see many students taking videos and photos at any time. Some of them are for collecting materials, and some are simply trying to accumulate fans on Douyin or Weibo.

Of course, no matter how good the scenery is, it can’t match the star students in the school. As long as a star student can be recruited to shoot one or two short videos, the enthusiasm brought can be equal to the amount of their previous video shooting for a month!

Moreover, the higher the coffee position, the higher the popularity, and sometimes even the brainless fans of many stars will contact the students in the school to take photos and videos of their favorite stars, and pay high rewards for them.

Although the school has repeatedly emphasized the reasons for this aspect, the effect is not particularly obvious, because these transactions are all conducted online, and it is not easy to investigate.

And the school can't isolate those star students and cut off the source of taking photos and videos, so it can only let the counselors often emphasize it in the class group and let the students consciously abide by it.

Most of the students are quite self-conscious, but there are always some who are poor and short-sighted, and often look for star students to take pictures everywhere. When called to star students for the sake of image, they rarely refuse.

Over time, this business has even become an industry in Shangyili. On the Xianyu app, some people even put a price tag on the private photos of Shangyi stars.

Buyers place an order for the celebrity's name, choose a photo or a video, and the video can also choose the celebrity's speech content, but it is limited to common daily expressions.

Place an order in the morning, and if you are lucky, you will get the latest photos and videos in the evening.

And the price of these photos is also linked to the star's coffee position, the more popular, the more expensive the price.

Currently the most expensive one is Wen Xia, because her private photos are the fewest on the market, and a photo of her military uniform can be worth tens of thousands!
Despite Luo Quan's good looks, the popularity seems to be no less than that of Wen Xia, but in fact the price of the photos is only around two to three thousand, and not many people buy them.

It's not that he's unpopular, but it's because during the summer vacation a while ago, he showed his face too much, 24 hours a day, and nearly half of the time was sitting in front of the computer. What kind of photos are there?

What is rare is high-quality photoshoots, which are the treasures that can reflect the beauty of Luoquan. However, if you encounter someone in school, you definitely don’t have the conditions to take them. You can’t fool Luoquan into a special classroom of the photography department. Take some pictures, shall we?

Therefore, the business related to Luoquan photos on Xianyu is not particularly hot.

On the contrary, there are quite a lot of people asking for her autographed photo, and there is no market for it, and the price is generally more than [-]!
Since his debut, Luo Quan's autographed photos are neither too few nor too many, but there are basically traces of each photo, and most of them are in the hands of true fans. Currently, they are circulating in the market and are sold all over the world. No more than fifty sheets.

Moreover, most of Luo Quan's autographed photos can only be obtained when buying physical records. It is purely luck, and money may not be able to buy them.

Therefore, many fans of Luoquan local tyrants who have not bought autographed photo albums have spent a lot of money in the market to buy Luoquan autographed photos, but there are very few who can buy them.

At present, Luo Quan's signed photos are the cheapest ones, each worth tens of thousands of dollars, and the price is comparable to Bitcoin. The rarest one is the batch she signed in Japan back then, and they are basically offered by Japanese fans as family heirlooms. Get up, and show off on the Internet from time to time, which often arouses the envy and jealousy of other fans.

Before that, Luo Quan stayed in the hotel and rarely went out, and the production of autographed photos was basically discontinued.

Now after going to school, many people realize that a long-lost business opportunity has arrived. Compared with photos and videos of other celebrities, Luo Quan's autographed photos are the treasures that can really make a fortune. In China, one can basically sell for ten. More than ten thousand.

On the Weibo night before, there was a sister who broke through the scene and jumped in front of Luoquan. She pretended to be a Luoquan fan and asked her for an autograph. It wasn't even a signed photo, it was just a piece of paper and a signature. With a sky-high price of 15 yuan, one can imagine how outrageous the purchasing power of Luoquan local rich fans is.

In fact, this point can already be seen from the newly released "Forbidden Fruit" by Chanel. More than half of the buyers of the [-] sets of women's clothing are young men. She is worthy of her name as a national girl.

Back to the moment, given that Luo Quan's signature is equal to a Honda Civic, as long as she appears in the eyes of her classmates, it means a business opportunity.

It is still the cafeteria. After waking up, Luo Quan played with his mobile phone for a while and it was eleven o’clock. After washing up, he went directly to the cafeteria to prepare lunch. While thinking that this would be bad for the stomach, he thought that today he would eat twice-cooked pork at noon. Still braised pork.

Just after ordering and waiting on the seat, a "fan" came over.

"Luo Quan, I'm your fan, can you sign me?" A rather burly man in his twenties, Luo Quan really didn't think he was a student of Shangyi.

But it was impossible for her to ask him to take out his student ID card, and just asked, "Are you really my fan?"

"Yeah, I listen to every song of yours!" The man nodded like a pecking rice, and then handed out a photo of Luo Quan and a marker pen.

Luo Quan did not take the pen, but continued to ask: "Then what is the name of my second mini-album?"

"Uh... this, is "18"?" The man said tentatively, but the answer was not right at all.

"It's "Past and Future." Luo Quan replied.

This album was created after she came back from Japan after sweeping the Japan Record Awards. The original intention is to give back to fans, it is completely free, and the subject matter is not particularly suitable for the domestic market, so although it is quite popular in Japan, it is not popular in China. Gao, except for fans, almost no one has heard of it, and even the trending search only appeared once or twice.

Therefore, this question can only be answered by fans. Obviously, the person in front of him has not done his preparations properly.

"I'm sorry, you are not my fan, I can't sign this name." Luo Quan took the photo back with a photo of his legs.

If it was in the past, even if you weren't a fan, as long as you really wanted her autographed photo, you wouldn't be able to sign it. After all, she was famous for being easy to talk to.

But after the Weibo night, when she saw her signed photo turned around and sold, Luo Quan felt that her sincerity had been trampled on like this. Although the signature was worthless, it was still a kind of feedback, a kind of heart, to her fans. Knowing that in the eyes of these people is just a commodity.

From then on, Luo Quan's autograph is not as hasty as before. You must be a fan to get her autographed photo, so as not to sell it in the market. When it really sells for a sky-high price, I will ask her to autograph it. I'm afraid people can't drive them away!

Facing Luo Quan's refusal, the man became a little annoyed after experiencing the initial guilt: "If you want to sign, you can sign and take it. It's just two words, it's not difficult!"

Luo Quan was not afraid at all: "You are not my fan, why should I sign for you?"

The man is stern and soft: "Aren't you afraid that I will post these words on the Internet when you say these words? Be careful that it will be all negative news about you!"

"Whatever you want... If you don't leave, I'll call security guards." Luo Quan made a threat. There are not many security guards in Shangyi, but it happens that there are security guards in every cafeteria.

There is a man in front of him who is suspected of being outside the school disturbing the students of the school. If he calls the security guard, he will definitely be taken out immediately, and he will also be noticed by the guard. It will not be easy to come in later.

Luoquan's autographed photo of 10,000+ is really tempting, but it is definitely not worthwhile to cut off one of his long-term financial resources.

And this man did not expect that Luo Quan, who is a star, would be so tough.

It’s not that he hasn’t been rejected by celebrities before for autographs and photos. As long as he threatens to post the conversation online or say something that will affect his image, all the star students will basically give in immediately. After all, more things are worse than less things.

Luo Quan was the only one who did not agree, and his attitude was quite firm.

The man didn't speak, picked up the photo and left directly.

"Why do you like money so much?" After the person left, Luo Quan lowered his head and sighed.

Money is indeed a good thing, but it must be obtained wisely.

However, this kind of gray industry is indeed not illegal, but if it is not illegal, it is not illegal. She herself will definitely not support it, because this kind of behavior is of no benefit to her.

After lunch, Luo Quan went back to the dormitory to wear it for a while.

A few roommates also came in with their big bellies. After asking, they found out that today the school killed several pigs in the big cafeteria to feed the first-year freshmen.

This can also be regarded as a tradition of Shangyi. Every year, pigs are slaughtered for new students as a welcome celebration.

Although the rice is still cooked in a big pot, at least there is enough meat this time, and there are grilled pork chops, fried pork chops and other dishes that are more popular among students. quite a lot.

It stands to reason that Luo Quan, as a freshman, can also go for a meal, but this news was announced by the chief instructor on the playground, and she was not there, so she didn't know.

When Lin Yizhu told her, she had already eaten.

The roommates had a good meal, went to bed and got ready to rest after returning to the dormitory.

Luo Quan, who had slept all morning, didn't feel sleepy at this time, so he carried his schoolbag, some staves and pens to the piano room.

Shangyi's piano room is second to none in China. It has an independent piano practice teaching building. There are nearly [-] pianos in the school, and all of them are famous brands. The investment alone is tens of millions.

Not counting the regular maintenance and care of these piano rooms.

Therefore, the tuition fees of Shangyi are generally relatively high, basically more than [-] per academic year, and even as high as [-] to [-] for popular majors.

Luo Quan went to the piano room at noon, which was not the peak time for students to use the piano, and there were many empty rooms.

The way to use the piano room is also very convenient. You can make an appointment through your mobile phone, or you can make an appointment by swiping your student card on the machine in the lobby on the first floor.

Luo Quan hadn't found out how to make an appointment by mobile phone yet, so he chose one with his student card.

Room number is 330, her new birthday.

The environment upstairs is worse than she imagined, perhaps because of the age, both the tiles and the door look a bit old, but there are less dancing and dust, and cleaners can be seen in the corridor from time to time walk.

There is an elevator in the building, which is very large, and the floor buttons are very worn out, and many of them can hardly read the numbers.

Like Luo Quan, there were quite a few students who came to practice after lunch. When Luo Quan entered the elevator, two boys walked in with him.

The boys all looked down at the books, and suddenly looked up, and they didn't expect to be in the same elevator with Luo Quan.

This is definitely the closest they got to their idols. Although the big elevator is big, it is still an elevator, especially in such a closed space, with a slight movement of the nose, you can smell a faint lemon-like fragrance.

That must be Luo Quan's body fragrance!
In fact, it was just the smell of Luo Quan's recent shampoo. If you were not too close, you couldn't smell her body fragrance at all.

But even though they were so close to the goddess, the two boys didn't have the guts to go up to her and strike up a conversation with her. Maybe they met too hastily, or maybe the scene was inappropriate.

The boy just exchanged glances with Luo Quan and raised his hand to say hello.

Luo Quan also raised his hand in response, but there was no more to say.

Just as the boys were thinking hard about how to break the damn silence, the elevator opened with a ding-dong.

When we arrived on the third floor, Luo Quan went straight out. The two boys moved their fingers slightly, intending to call her to stop, but they found that the words were on their lips, but they couldn't say them no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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