Chapter 311
"Play the piano today!"

Luo Quan entered the piano room, locked the door and started the live broadcast.

The sound insulation effect of the piano room is very good. Although the sound of students practicing piano can be heard in the corridor, once you enter the room, the surroundings suddenly become quiet. It is so quiet that you can even hear your own breathing in Luoquan.

Pulling the curtains a little further, the brightness in the room is slightly lower.

Luo Quan sat on the piano chair, placed the mobile phone in the empty space above the keys, and focused the camera on the keys and her hands.

As soon as the live broadcast started, there were dozens of photos in less than a minute. Many people saw the push of station B and immediately entered the live broadcast room.

Speaking of which, after the high-intensity live broadcast during the summer vacation, Luo Quan has not broadcast live for nearly ten days, which made the fans who have been watching her live broadcast very uncomfortable.

During the summer vacation, when I wake up every morning, I can see Luo Quan's face, hear her voice, and see her smile when I turn on my mobile phone. This is a very happy thing.

However, after school started, not only did they have to get up early every day, but they also couldn't watch Luoquan's live broadcast. This huge sense of emptiness tortured many fans.

Especially for some fans who are still in high school, they feel uncomfortable without their mobile phones or Luoquan.

Fortunately, the live broadcast finally started today, but the time was not chosen very well. It was actually after lunch, and many people originally planned to take a nap.

"Play the piano today, not sing." Luo Quan didn't play the piano immediately, but took out the staves and pens from his schoolbag.

In the morning, she agreed to the counselor to participate in this year's Shangyi Music Competition. She has already selected the song, so she will type out the draft now.

This piece can be played as a solo piano or as a symphony.It has many voices and beautiful melody, but at the same time, it has a long artistic conception and a great momentum, which is very suitable for appearing in big scenes.

But now it is definitely not possible to pop up in front of so many fans. It is better to leave some suspense for the entries.

The live broadcast started, and the title said listening to her playing the piano, but after the fans came in, they only saw her lying on the piano and writing the music.


"Is this homework?"

"Isn't it military training? Escaped?"

"Exchange students from Luoquan do not need military training."

"Then why did you dance with Wen Xia at the welcome party a few days ago?"

"And this thing, is there a video?!"

"There are many B stations, just search for them."

"I've seen it. The legs of my two wives are really long and white."

"You and I want to eat farts."


After writing for about 5 minutes, Luo Quan put the pen aside and straightened his body.

The draft is ready, so there shouldn't be any problem with using this work to participate in the preliminary round.

After the preliminary round, complete the rest.

"It's finished, let's start playing the piano. Because it's practice, everyone don't order songs. I can listen to whatever I play, okay?" Luo Quan asked while lying on the keys, looking at the camera.

"No problem, you can just look at me like this, even if you don't play the piano."

"Lying down like this for an hour, Luo Quan's lumbar spine was twisted into twists."

"Play whatever you want, I mainly come to see my wife."

"This world is too scary, it's all thinking about my wife."

"You guys opened a peach garden together?"

A group of people rushed to declare their sovereignty in the barrage, Luo Quan just smiled and said nothing.

Being a celebrity, especially one with good looks, basically has such a life.

Male celebrities are called husband by female fans, and female celebrities are called wife by male fans. This is actually an expression of love for idols. Of course, people who really think this way are not excluded.

After watching it for a long time, Luo Quan basically got used to it, and regarded it as a nickname.

Putting her hands on the keys, Luo Quan exhaled lightly, and then began to play, which was "Luo Quan's Canon", which won her high praise in the classical music circle.

This song has now officially become a commonly used ringtone for Huaxia primary and secondary schools, and many schools have changed it.

As one of the few music in China that can cause a sensation in the world, "Canon of Luoquan" is of great significance.

Although a piece of piano music can't cause too much trouble in this fast-paced society, no one will mention it after the heat is over.

But works of this level will never have to worry about being forgotten, but will become more and more shining with the precipitation of time.

Especially after becoming the school's radio ringtone, this is basically an official certification of famous songs.

Many students’ classical music enlightenment was actually the school’s get out of class bells, but the grades were too young at that time, and they didn’t have a good aesthetic concept for these music.

I just think that the class bell is very annoying, and the spirit after class is very pleasant, and the most beautiful of them is naturally the school bell.

And now, "Canon of Luoquan" is popular across the country, and it will surely become a memory of a generation.

In addition, the Ministry of Education also plans to incorporate this song into high school music textbooks. Although most high school music classes are just a decoration of the curriculum, many students finish reading it in three years, and they may not even meet the music teacher. .

However, it is definitely an honor for Luo Quan to be included in high school music textbooks before the year of the weak crown.

In the music world, Luo Quan is basically the target of all young people. He can be called the king of other people's children and a role model for tens of millions of music students in China.

The difference between the current Luoquan and those social celebrities is that there is no CCTV interview and hype. Once on CCTV, the popularity will definitely increase exponentially.

Although Luo Quan often rejects invitations to variety shows and advertisements, he still attaches great importance to CCTV, and every time he refuses an invitation, he will also check who the unit that issued the invitation is.

In fact, she still really wants to be on CCTV in her heart. No matter how famous she is on the Internet, she still can't compare to the official platform last time.

But after waiting for so long, Luo Quan didn't wait for the invitation from CCTV, and there wasn't much movement on Weibo, so she definitely couldn't take the initiative to mention this kind of thing, that would be too deliberate.

For the specific reason, Luo Quan had some guesses, most of it was because of his own image.

After all, it is a TV station for the common people all over the country, especially now that the situation in China and the West is relatively tense, it does not sound very correct for a "foreign face" to become famous in China.

Not to mention whether the domestic people can accept it, it is estimated that it will cause a lot of discussion abroad.

From the bottom of my heart, CCTV definitely hopes that it is promoting a music genius with an oriental face, but if Luo Quan really has an oriental face, it is estimated that he will not be praised by so many foreign media and have such a high status.

So this is a very tangled matter, and Luo Quan guesses that those big bosses are also tangled in this matter, whether or not to put effort into supporting Luo Quan.

To put it bluntly, as long as there is a Chinese person who can achieve one-third of Luoquan's achievements, it is estimated that there will be nothing wrong with Luoquan. The central stations have already started interviewing this person and broadcasting it on a rolling basis.

It can only be said that God is fair, and when people gain something, they will lose something.

But no matter how entangled, Luo Quan's talent is obvious to all, and the TV station must consider image and publicity.The Ministry of Education doesn't need to care so much. Anyway, the name Luoquan has nothing to do with foreigners, and it doesn't matter if it is written in textbooks.

And as Luo Quan's achievements in music are getting higher and higher, when the social voice reaches a certain level, Luo Quan may become a household name even if he is not on TV.

At present, she only needs to produce works on a regular basis, and various instruments also need frequent practice.

Although the musical instrument specializations she redeemed in the mall are all advanced, which is equivalent to the level of a talented person who has practiced for ten years, but there is still a considerable gap from the level of a master.

However, with advanced musical instrument specialization, her background is much better than ordinary people, and her understanding of musical instruments is more proficient in her mind, which is something that musical instrument geniuses cannot possess.

With these factors, Luo Quan will make greater progress in practicing musical instruments than most people!

These are equivalent to using the power of the system to transform himself into a genius, and he is also an all-rounder who can learn any musical instrument without limitation!
However, there are tens of millions of musical instruments in the world. Although Luo Quan is too popular to spend, it is impossible to learn all of them. Not to mention whether the brain will be damaged, most of them are actually useless, so Luo Quan is currently I only learned some of the more commonly used musical instruments, there are about a dozen kinds, including flute, flute, zither, qin, piano, violin, cello, saxophone, guitar and so on.

The daily music performance is basically complete. If you encounter a special instrument, it will not be too late to learn it.

After playing a song "Canon of Luoquan", the rhythm is perfect, just as accurate as the one made by a computer. This is the benefit of the score being printed in the brain. When the fingers move, and at what interval the sea of ​​notes pops up, it all becomes Muscle memory, almost no errors.

However, although this is precise and elegant, compared with those masters who can improvise, there will be less unexpected changes and passion.

Such a connoisseur will definitely not appear in the live broadcast room, and the fans' attention is not all on the sound of the piano.

There are many good barrages played by Kua Luoquan, and there are also many LSPs who want to lick Luo Quan's hands. Anyway, they are all ordinary people. Even playing the piano, which can be called an elegant skill, can still be rendered like this.

When Luo Quan plays the piano, he usually wears tight clothes, and most of the time he only shows his hands.

There are many up masters who play the piano at Station B, especially those who have a lot of fans and favorites. The video of playing the piano is simply a large-scale welfare distribution scene. The clothes can be compared with the girls in the dance area, and the minds are generally broader.

The clothes of these up hosts are also very distinctive, most of them are exposed and covered more. Before the righteous station B lsp entered the video, they originally wanted to reprimand this vulgar behavior, but there is no way, these up hosts It's just too big.

In fact, looking at the video release history, we can know that many piano female up masters played the piano seriously in the early days, and the performance level was as high as the collars of the clothes they wore.

But these early videos are basically rarely seen.

Then one day the style changed drastically, the bottom line was lowered, and the bottom line of the trouser legs was also lowered, and then the popularity went straight to the home page.

This is the famous theory of relativity at station B. Not everyone can stand up with dignity like Luo Quan.

In this Internet age where the lower limit is infinitely lowered, it is normal for money to be hard to earn and shit to be unpalatable. If you want to be popular, the first thing you need to do is lose face.

Don't be afraid of losing face, dare to do anything, so that you can gain popularity.

In the era of entertainment to the death, don't be afraid that you are illiterate and lack of quality. Even if you are full of bad words and have bad views, as long as you kneel down and call the audience daddy, you can still make a lot of money.

The environment at Station B is pretty good. Since the dance area was rectified, the atmosphere has improved a lot.

More chaos appears on Kuaishou and live broadcast platforms, but Luo Quan does not use these platforms herself, so although she doesn't like it, she will not speak out for these phenomena, lest someone say that she is a positive energy person Suppose she is meddling in her own business.

Seeing that the fans focused on the wrong focus, Luo Quan could only smile, and shook his hand at the camera: "Everyone has this hand, what's so good about it?"


"It's really nothing to see. (Putting paper)"

"It's hard to put on your pants."

"No, sir, this can also drive?"

"The hand model is not as good-looking as yours, it looks like a white jade carving."

"It's a pity not to rub clothes with such beautiful hands."


Luo Quan smiled and put his hands back on the keys: "It seems that my piano sound didn't impress everyone. Today my role is a pianist, not a hand model."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and popped out a series of notes. It only lasted about [-] seconds, but the melody was so beautiful that it made people fascinated.

"It's so nice~~~"

"Just like that?"

"What about the full version? I want to listen to the full version!"


What Luo Quan played was a fragment of a piano piece she exchanged on a temporary basis. The melody was light and beautiful, with some slight sadness. Many young people would fall in love with it once they heard it.

The reason why I played this song was to divert everyone's attention. Anyway, she is now a music anchor, and everyone is looking at her hands to figure out what's going on.

"If you think it sounds good, type it on the screen, and if you want to hear the full version, type it on the screen." Luo Quan did not continue playing the piano immediately, but interacted with the barrage.

"I still want to see hands."

"Do you want to see me? You are the body of Luo Quan, you are cheap!"

"I want to listen to music, listen to music!"

"Play the whole piece, Qiulijiao!"

It can be seen that the fans' ideas are still divided, but at least the bullet screens that want to see their hands are still much less than before.

Luo Quan showed a satisfied smile: "Since everyone's request is so strong, then I won't hang on to everyone.

By the way, this is a song I just made, the name of the song is "The Truth That You Leave" (The Truth That You Leave), I hope you will like it. "

Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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