Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 312 New Work

Chapter 312 New Work

The improvement of the temperament of the piano is really great, regardless of gender.

Although Luo Quan has the best appearance in the world, his temperament has always been criticized by people, and he is always erratic between a goddess and a female nerve.

When taking photos of Chanel as a model and not talking on the red carpet, she is a well-deserved goddess. From top to bottom, there is no narrowness, all-round beauty without dead ends, no matter how blind the keyboard man is. He won't look for an entry point from his appearance, because Luo Quan at this time is impeccable.

However, in private, it can be said that a martial arts master has gone mad, with flaws all over his body.

If you don’t show up much, it’s fine to play tricks in front of your good friends. The key point is that she also loves live broadcasts. She often holds forums with water friends. If she opens her mouth, she will directly become a female tease. Veteran netizens are also proficient.

The key point is that she has never restrained herself very much, and she doesn't care about her goddess image at all.

For fans, such idols are naturally very good, they have no airs at all, and they can mingle with them.

For passers-by, it is quite a difference in their impressions. From the longing for the goddess to the astonishment of the village girl, the gap is quite large.

Therefore, Luo Quan's temperament is just like Schrödinger's cat. You never know what kind of situation she will be in until you see it with your own eyes.

However, fans generally have a consensus, that is, when she broadcasts live, she is not much different from most nerds who pick their feet.

But today's live broadcast allowed fans to see a completely different Luo Quan than usual.

The girl with long fluttering hair straightened her back and sat on the stool. Her slender and powerful fingers roamed freely on the black and white keys. Her movements were light and coherent. The melodious sound of the piano surrounded her outer ears. On the yellow wooden door, everything is so beautiful and quiet.

In all these outlines, Luo Quan's temperament has become elegant and noble, and the beautiful melody coming out from her fingertips makes the whole picture even more intoxicating.

At the end of the song, Luo Quan still closed his eyes, immersing himself in the world created by his music. The fans had already started applauding, and there was an expression of "applause" floating in the barrage.

This is the biggest compliment for Luo Quan from the fans. This time she praised her [-] words "so beautiful" and "so beautiful", which made her even more satisfied.

"The new song is so good, when will you write the lyrics?"

"Hurry up, I can't wait."

"Made by Luoquan, it must be a high-quality product!"

After seeing the barrage, Luo Quan replied: "This is pure music without words. As for when it will be uploaded, it may take a while. I have a lot of things to do recently."

"Are there any new songs? You should have saved a lot this summer, right?"

"A song "Jiangnan" lasts 15 minutes, how much can you write in one summer vacation?"

"It can't be calculated like this. Sometimes there is no inspiration, and it may not be possible to produce a song in a few days."

"It's just a joke, don't take it seriously, but Luoquan must have stock."

"It's not that there are, but there are many!"

"Daily reminder to update the album!"

"Can you take some out and let everyone satisfy their hunger?"


Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "Okay, let's play a few more songs today, and don't rush the new album, we are already working on it."

"Really, a new album is out?!"

"I'm doing it, which means the album name has already been thought up."

"With your words, I feel relieved. Before October, I want to hear the title song."

"It's okay if you don't say it, but I still feel a little irritated if I say it."

In the anticipation of the fans, Luo Quan played another song that he hadn't played before.

The style of the song is playful and light, and it is a very happy song.

Although it is not very long, the fans' acceptance is quite high, and they all expressed their desire to use it as a mobile phone ringtone.

After Luo Quan finished playing, he said: "This song is called "Summer" (original work: Joe Hisaishi). It also has a suona version. I will play it for everyone when I have a chance."

"Summer, summer, um..."

"I'm definitely not talking about Wen Xia. (Dog head)"

"As we all know, these two are famous couples in the circle."

"Orange is stable. (convinced)"

"I suddenly want to listen to this suona version."

"The host can still play the suona?"

Seeing the question on the barrage, Luo Quan was also very happy to explain: "The fan who asked the question seemed to be a newcomer, and the anchor's best instrument is the suona."

"Really? I don't believe it."

"Unless you blow one and show me."

"I always feel that Suona is not a thing that can match Luo Quan."

"The beauty playing the suona, this scene sounds interesting to me."


"Just wait, someday I will play a suona on "I Am a Singer" and show you my skills!"

After fulfilling his promise, Luo Quan continued to practice piano.

One or two new songs is enough, and it's not a good thing to release too many at once, so Luo Quan will play his own old songs next.

Although fans have already heard the original song, this brand new version performed by the piano is also a special taste.

After playing for about an hour and a half, it was time for Luo Quan to use the piano room. After saying goodbye to the fans, Luo Quan turned off the live broadcast, got up and went home.

On the road, Luoquan played with his mobile phone while walking, and he didn't have to worry about vehicles at school, just be careful not to step on the ground and stumble, and on the other hand, he also avoided being accosted by his classmates.

Studies have shown that if you are walking on the road without doing anything, you are twice as likely to be approached when you are playing with your mobile phone!
Although Luoquan is as popular as it is, no matter how low the magnification is, the base is still there, and the effect may not be very good, but it is better than doing nothing.

Taking advantage of this time, Luo Quan sorted out her mailbox, and suddenly saw an email from a director named Carlo Miller.

There are many movies in this world that Luo Quan is familiar with, but the directors and actors can't find anyone he knows, so Luo Quan spent a lot of time to get to know those famous directors, actors and singers in the world again.

Carlo Mir, when Luo Quan saw this name, she still had some impressions in her mind, and it was this impression that made her not delete this email directly.

I searched on Baidu. It turns out that he is also a famous director in Hollywood, but he specializes in commercial films. He was nominated for Oscar for Best Director twice but failed to win the award. , but among Hollywood directors, it can also be called top-notch.

I heard that this director has recently made a fantasy blockbuster, which has already been completed and entered the final stage of production. It will not be long before he will start publicizing and preparing for the release. This time, he sent an email to Luo Quan to let her be able to Write a theme song for the movie, so as to cooperate with the promotion.

Although Luo Quan hadn't released a movie with her soundtrack before, no one abroad had ever doubted her ability.

Can music angels fail to make movie soundtracks?Do not make jokes.

The reason why there is no one is because Luo Quan is hard to hire, not everyone has face like Leon, and Luo Quan can write songs for him.

Although he knew that Luo Quan was difficult to hire, Director Mir still wanted to give it a try. After all, Luo Quan was so famous, if he really wrote a good song, it would be a great addition to the film.

So Director Mir still sent an email to Luo Quan, and at the same time sent her the movie information.

Director Mir's fame prevented Luo Quan from throwing his mail directly into the trash like he did to others, and the title of the movie he made made Luo Quan rarely interested.

"Pirates of the Caribbean." Luo Quan said the name, and his progress stopped.

This movie, or this series, can be regarded as a legend in the history of movies, and its soundtrack has become an indelible symbol. As soon as the BGM sounds, you can think of countless pictures related to it, and the one in the The vigorous figure jumping on the mast and sail.

There are not many movies that can do this. Luo Quan feels that she cannot miss such an opportunity, and it has always been her interest to reproduce classics.

So, she replied to Director Mill: "Can you explain the movie in more detail?"

It's less than four o'clock now, and many people in the United States are still asleep. I don't know if Director Mir can see it.

However, after about half a minute, Director Mir replied: "Of course!"

Then, there is a large synopsis of the plot of "Pirates of the Caribbean", followed by stills of the film's actors, as well as edited short films that have not yet had a soundtrack.

Luo Quan watched it and found that it was not particularly different from the version she had seen before, and the actor's appearance was also very similar, but there was one thing missing, which was the extremely exciting pirate exclusive BGM!

Luo Quan typed and replied: "This is a fascinating fantasy story, I can compose music for it, so do you have any requests?"

The theme song of this kind of commercial movie doesn't need to be too deep. It is naturally how it is burned. Of course, because the background is the vast sea, it is natural to hope that the momentum of the music can be more grand.

The price was also quite high, a buyout price of 700 million US dollars, which was much higher than the previous price offered by foreign singers to Luo Quan to invite songs.

In fact, this is not the upper limit of director Mir. The highest bid he can make for Luo Quan's song writing is acceptable within 1000 million US dollars.

With a great reputation and hard work, the tolerance that can be obtained will be very high.

Luo Quan currently has two singers who have sold more than [-] million albums. The first dress endorsed by Chanel also had sales of more than [-] million U.S. dollars, so there is no need to repeat the commercial value.

As long as it is a business related to her, there is no loss, so the investor is willing to give such a sky-high price.

For such a price, Luo Quan himself has no idea. It sounds like nearly half a billion yuan, which is not a small amount.

But for such a famous song, it cannot be easily measured by the money area. 700 million US dollars is not low, and it is not high.

But at least Director Mir gave the highest price for a single so far, and it can be seen that he is full of integrity.

Luo Quan didn't raise the price, and agreed directly.

After the decision was made, Director Mir was relieved a lot, and then sent an email with a request: "Miss Luo Quan, forgive me for being too late to find you. The film promotion is coming soon, and you may not have enough time to create."

"How much time do I have?" Luo Quan wasn't too worried, as long as he didn't start the promotion today, he would have enough time.

"About a month." Director Mir stretched the time as long as possible, including the time for the post-production soundtrack.

a month?This is to see if she is not dead!

Luo Quan looked at the email with a little disdain, thinking that it would be enough for her to release three albums in a month, and it was the kind of release while playing!
"I'll send you the sample of the song in the evening. You can listen to it and see if it works. If there is no problem, I will make the full version."

"Night?! Is 24 hours really enough? Actually, we're not particularly in a hurry, so there's no need to hurry."

"It's the evening of Chinese time, about five hours later. In the United States, it should be time for you to have breakfast. At that time, you can eat sandwiches, read the newspaper, and listen to my songs." Luo Quan said to Director Mir. A joke, but the promise she made wasn't a joke.

When Director Mir saw Luo Quan's answer, he also checked the time. It was [-]:[-]...Five hours later, it was indeed time for everyone to wake up and have breakfast.

But with such a short time, can you really write a good song?
Although before this, it has heard a lot of media reports about Luoquan's talent, saying that her creative inspiration is like a dam with its gates open. Once it is opened, it can gallop thousands of miles. Total bullshit!

But he is not clear about the specific situation. Mir is also a creator himself, and he also understands that good works need time to polish, so he does not particularly hope that Luo Quan will use such a short time to give him a job.

"Don't worry, the writing time of all my songs is not too long, and I will never give you perfunctory work. Go to sleep first, and wait for my good news after you wake up!"

Luo Quan continued to reassure Director Mir, and had to believe in her level.

After reassuring again, Director Mir was finally relieved.

It's not that he questioned Luoquan's level. If he could come to him at such a high price, there would be no such thing as questioning.

It's just that the completion time given by Luo Quan is really shocking. What's enough for a few hours?
Director Mir cares about chaos, so it's not surprising that there are such concerns.

After appeasing him, Luo Quan redeemed the corresponding song in the mall, that is, "he is a pirate" (he is a pirate).

The big business of 700 million US dollars still needs to be taken seriously. It seems that this is the first time she has made a theme song for a Hollywood-level movie, so she can't smash the signboard.

Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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