Chapter 313
To make a song, you have to find a recording studio. Shangyi must have a recording studio, but there is no rush, you have to record a demo of the song, and let Director Mir decide to make an official version later.

Now, she has to find a musical instrument that is convenient for her.

If she had taken over the job earlier, she would have been able to play directly in the piano room, but now that they are all out, she is too lazy to go back, so she walked directly to the teaching building of the Conservatory of Music.

This teaching building is basically full of music students. Many classrooms sometimes have some musical instruments for students to use. She stands in an empty room, secretly plays a piece of music, and puts it back where it was before no one will notice.

Now is the class time, and many classrooms are full of students, some are studying culture classes, and some are taking practical classes.

Luo Quan stretched his neck and walked in the corridor, trying to find a classroom with no one but a suitable musical instrument.

But from the first floor to the second floor, I didn't see it.

Fortunately, the teaching building has six floors and more than 100 classrooms. It is impossible to find one of them...

After walking around for a long time, Luo Quan was stunned, there really wasn't one!
I don't know if it's just the beginning of school, these public musical instruments haven't been put in place yet, there are many empty classrooms, but she didn't see a few musical instruments.

"If I knew it earlier, I would have gone directly to the piano room." Luo Quan sighed with his hips on his hips, feeling a little misguided.

In fact, she had already guessed that there were none before she found them on the third floor, but she was so stubborn that she didn't believe that there were none, so the truth slapped her hard in the face.

Just as he was about to turn around and go honestly to the piano room, he bumped into a girl head-on.

"Damn it, it's quite strong!" Luo Quan's chest was pushed suddenly, and he staggered back a few steps, but this girl was weaker than her, and fell to the ground directly.

"Student, are you okay!" Luo Quan hurried forward to help her up.

"Hiss..." The girl rubbed her butt, although it hurt a little, but luckily she didn't hit her tailbone.

"I'm sorry, I left in a hurry, I didn't expect there was someone in the classroom." The girl wore a peaked cap, lowered her head and straightened her clothes, while apologizing to Luo Quan.

"It's okay, you fell down, I should tell you I'm sorry." Luo Quan was smiling, when he suddenly saw the violin on the girl's back, his eyes lit up: "Student, you are a violin major ?”

"I'm from the Department of Bel Canto, and I'm minoring in Xiaoti..." The girl raised her head as she spoke, and finally got a clear look at the person in front of her.

"You... are Luo Quan?!" The girl never expected to meet Luo Quan in this way.

"This is too coincidental..." Ivy murmured softly.

"It's a coincidence." Luo Quan also nodded with a smile, "Well...I need a musical instrument now, can you lend me the violin? Just play a song."

"It's here?" Ivy was stunned for a moment, but she still took off the bag containing the violin on her back and handed it to Luo Quan.

"It's in the classroom." Luo Quan took the bag and walked into the classroom: "It's really a great help. I searched for a teaching building but couldn't find one that works."

"By the way, why are you in such a hurry to find a musical instrument?" Ivy closed the door, wondering first.

Luo Quan explained with a smile: "Just now I took over a job, a director asked me to compose a song for his movie, he said that the time was tight, and asked if I could hurry up.

I said I could give you a demo of the song tonight, but he didn't believe me, and told me there was no need to be in such a hurry.I let him rest assured to wait for my good news, and then immediately started looking for a suitable instrument.

I originally thought that such a large teaching building would have a few suitable public musical instruments, but I didn't see it when I found it here. If you didn't show up in time, I would have to go to the piano room. "

"School has just started, and the student union hasn't arranged for anyone to put the musical instrument in the classroom." Ivy nodded, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked: "So, after you promise to come down, you will start looking for musical instruments. Haven't written it yet, have you?"

"Uh... that's right." Luo Quan originally wanted to play it straight away, but he didn't expect this girl to be quite smart, so it seems that we have to make a cutscene first.

"Find the musical instrument first, and then write in time." Luo Quan took out the pen and paper from his schoolbag, and asked, "Are you here to occupy a seat or attend class?"

"There is a class later."

"Don't worry, it won't take too long, 10 minutes at most." Luo Quan said, and wrote the title of the song directly on the staff.

"10 minutes? It really doesn't matter so fast..." Ivy originally wanted to ask something else, but when she saw that Luo Quan had started to write notes, she just shut up.

Most music creators need absolute silence when creating, and any noise may affect the melody generated in their minds.

Logically speaking, this should be a relatively long process, but Luo Quan told her that it would take up to 10 minutes. To be honest, she didn't believe it.

She really wanted to see what kind of song she could write in these 10 minutes!
It was said to be 10 minutes, but Luo Quan only took half the time, and it was done in just over 5 minutes.

Of course, this is only the part that belongs to the violin. If the choir is to play, there will be several parts, that is, several instruments that require scores.

But that's all for later, one copy is enough for now.

Putting down the pen, Luo Quan took out the violin from the bag.

Ivy's eyes widened, she looked at Luo Quan, and then at the staff on the table full of musical notes: "Is this all right?"

"Yes, that's all right." Luo Quan checked the violin without raising his head.

"It's outrageous!" Ivy silently exclaimed in her heart.

"Next, please be quiet. After playing this piece, you're done." Luo Quan discussed with Ivy, turned on the recording function of the phone, and then put the violin on his shoulders, and then pressed his chin against it.

Ivy also turned around and sat a little further away, ready to enjoy Luo Quan's performance.

Luo Quan gently pulled down the strings, looking for the feeling.

Speaking of which, this is also her first time playing the violin. When it comes to temperament, in fact, the improvement of violin's temperament is no worse than that of piano, and because the instrument is small and easy to move, the player can play more space.

Of course, although Luo Quan's violin skills are comparable to those of experienced violinists, she has always had a weakness in improvisation, so forget about the chores and just play step by step.

But this piece, even if it is played step by step, still has the magical power to amaze people for a moment.

(Here it is better to eat with the video BV1Nx411u7Lg at station B, or search directly at station B: he is a pirate, the first video is.)
After the music started, Ivy's muscles tensed instantly, blood boiled inadvertently, her shoulders trembled with unknown excitement, her cheeks and neck were flushed, and she felt dry and hot.

Simply put, it's on fire!

"10 minutes, this is just a song she made in 10 minutes!" Ivy roared unwillingly in her heart. It was just such a piece of music, which was ten times more exciting than any so-called hot-blooded manga she had ever seen. !
Is human talent really that great?Ivy fell into deep thinking. In fact, she herself sometimes composes some tunes. In the past, she always thought that her own tunes were good, but compared with real geniuses, her tunes are only worthy of being called noise.

Amid self-pity and self-pity, Luo Quan had finished playing the song.

"Thank you very much this time." Luo Quan handed the packed violin to Ivy who was still in a daze.

"You're welcome." Ivy took the violin, her tone a little low.

"We've been talking for so long, but I still don't know your name?" Luo Quan thought this girl was pretty, and she had blond hair just like her, and she had a personality at first glance, so she wanted to get to know her.

Ivy pursed her lips and said, "Actually, I have two names. Now this one is given by my mother, and it's called Ivy."

"And another one?"

"My name is Zhao Yan. It was given to me by my father when I was born."

"Zhao Yan..." Luo Quan suddenly felt that the name sounded familiar.

With a good memory, she recalled it for a while, and then remembered: "I remember, a reporter mentioned you to me before, I don't know if the person who commented on me online is you?"

"Reporter?" Zhao Yan was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I commented on you online, but I didn't mean anything else, I just..."

Luo Quan waved his hand and said with a smile: "I read your comment, and there is nothing wrong with what you said, I do lack emotion in singing, and this can be regarded as my blemish.

But I also listened to some of your songs. "

"How?!" Ivy suddenly became excited, and she really wanted to hear what Luo Quan would say about her song.

"I remember, you just said that you are the main student of bel canto, right?"


Luo Quan was puzzled: "Then why are your songs all pop and punk rock?"

Ivy muttered: "I always liked punk rock, Bel Canto was because I filled in the wrong code when I volunteered, and I originally wanted to learn pop."

Luo Quan smiled helplessly. It turned out that she was also a volunteer just like her, "I didn't listen to the song, but just read the lyrics. It has an attitude and positive energy, but the comments and popularity don't seem to be very high. "

As he spoke, Luo Quan searched for Zhao Yan's name in Penguin Music. This is the name Ivy took when she was born, and it is also her stage name.

After the most popular song is played, the lyrics are actually not bad, but the song is a little experimental, in other words, it is not catchy or popular enough.

Luo Quan told Ivy the crux, and she also shrugged: "I know, but there is no way, those popular songs always feel very similar to other people's.

The seniors have long used up the good melodies, and I am not like you. I can write so many good songs that have never appeared before, probably because I have no talent for composing. "

Luo Quan said seriously: "At least your voice is really suitable for singing punk, very rock and roll, but you just lack a good opportunity, or a good song."

Luo Quan didn't have any prejudice against Ivy because of the conflicts deliberately created by the media before. Instead, he felt that she had a bright future.

After only listening to one song, she felt that Ivy's voice was very recognizable and popular!

More importantly, the system that had been dead for more than half a year also recovered at this time:
Congratulations!Discover a new star with great potential and start the star development task!
If you want to become a queen, it is important to reach the peak of your own achievements, and sometimes you can find another way. After all, sometimes the guide of a queen can also be regarded as a queen.

Task requirements: Train a star apprentice, let her become a "famous" (golden, Asian) grade.

Mission rewards: attribute promotion card x 1, rare lucky draw package x 3.

Seeing this attribute improvement card, Luo Quan's breath immediately became short of breath.

She had been waiting for this thing for a long time, and it finally appeared in the mission rewards.

After the mall was sold out and the main task could not be completed for a long time, Luo Quan's attributes had been stagnant.

Now a mission was suddenly refreshed, and the reward was still an extremely rare attribute improvement card without any restrictions. No matter what, she got two of them!
Taking a deep breath, Luo Quan said to Ivy: "How about it, have you considered signing with my company and becoming my artist?"

"You... still have a company?" Ivy was taken aback.

Luo Quan explained: "It's a leather bag company. Although it doesn't have many people at the moment, its development prospects are pretty good. Artists who have officially signed contracts include Junko Liusheng and Jiang Yuner. If you count you, it will be the third one!

I signed a contract with me. If you plan to release a new album, I can help you produce some popular songs to make the album popular. At the same time, you can also add your own songs in it.

If the song becomes popular, there will be more people who can appreciate your work, right? "

Hearing the big cake that Luo Quan drew for her, Ivy felt a little confused: "You let me, you...why did you sign me? And I was..."

Luo Quan interrupted directly: "It's very simple, because you have potential, I am very optimistic about you, and what you said is just an objective view, and there is no malice."

After a pause, Luo Quan continued to be persuasive, "You said just now that you also like punk rock, although I don't know if you will work in bel canto after graduation, but now, if you are a punk rock singer It is also a realization of the value of life for you, which is definitely a good thing.

And even if you sign the contract, I will give you as much freedom as possible. I am not like those black-hearted brokerage companies who squeeze the value of artists. If you become my employee, I will not set any profit for you Indicators, most of the year is a holiday, it will never take up any of your study time! "

This condition is simply not too good, so good that Ivy thought she was dreaming, she couldn't believe it!
But after calming down, Ivy felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a good opportunity to prove herself, if she missed it, she would definitely regret it for life!
"I am willing!" Ivy raised her head and said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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