Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 314 Official Announcement

Chapter 314 Official Announcement
ps. The last chapter should be Chapter 310. The chapter name cannot be changed, but it does not affect reading.


Luo Quan was in a good mood after successfully fooling Ivy.

When she first established the company, she was just joking and never took it seriously. Until now, the company's capital is only one dollar.

But there are already three signed artists, and two of them are very popular girl idols at the moment. Including herself, a small company has already set up a shelf. A house, also has the embryonic form of an economic company.

It's definitely not comparable to those long-established big economic entertainment companies, but Luoquan's artists are all full of potential, with excellent image and temperament, and she is the boss of a music cheat. Simple.

However, Luo Quan still has a lot of things at hand at the moment. Ivy will have to wait for a while to make her debut. After she finishes her work, she will start to help Ivy make an album.

After negotiating with Ivy, Luo Quan went to the school's printing room and printed two contracts.

The original copy of this contract was the one signed by Junko and Yun'er. Luo Quan kept the electronic file all the time, just for future signings, and he didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

"The other two artists in the company are using this contract. Please see if there are any clauses that need to be revised." Luo Quan had already signed his name while speaking.

The contract was signed for five years. Chunzi and Yuner Luoquan did not pay the signing fee, but at the same time they did not ask them to give the company any share. It was a nominal contract and basically did not involve any money transactions. It was just to let outsiders know that they were Luoquan's company. artist.

But because Luo Quan didn't make much publicity about his company, not many people knew about it.

Ivy definitely can't do this, after all, the relationship between Luo Quan and her is not so good. Without a relationship foundation, she can only use cash to brush Ivy's favorability.

It may sound vulgar, but it works well.

Ivy also signed a five-year contract, the signing fee is 120 million per year, and then all the artist's future income related to the company will be [-]% to [-]%, and the artist will get [-]%.

This condition can be said to be quite good in the industry.

Although Ivy is not a newcomer with little reputation, her reputation is actually worse than nothing. If she signs a contract with other big companies, the annual signing fee is at most around [-] yuan, and the split is at most [-]-[-]. Company seven, her three!
Only those who have been in the industry for many years and have a considerable fan base, or the ones whose debut is the pinnacle and whose first work is popular all over the Internet, can the share be divided into [-]-[-], which is the current "Girls' Generation" Except for Wen Xia and Penguin's share.

As for the [-]/[-] that Ivy currently owns, generally only industry leaders can enjoy it. Without top-level works or fame, it is impossible to get the [-]/[-] share.

But here in Luoquan, there are not so many rules. She always treats people with sincerity, and exchanges her sincerity for her sincerity. Money is something outside of her body, and she doesn't particularly value it.

And Ai Wei obviously didn't expect Luo Quan to be so generous. For a newcomer to her, the annual salary after tax is 120 million, and the share is [-]% to [-]%!

When she released a song before, it wasn't that no management company approached her, but those management companies only valued her image and had nothing to do with the work.

The conditions given are also child labor contracts, not to mention the low wages, and the share is only [-]% or [-]%. Compared with Luoquan's, it is a heaven and a hell!
It was the first time in Ivy's life that she felt the joy of being appreciated by others. She couldn't help feeling a little sore in her nose, and tremblingly signed the two contracts... oh no, it was the contract.

Luo Quan put one of them into his schoolbag with a smile: "You keep this one yourself, add a WeChat account, and send me your bank number later... By the way, your stage name will have to be changed in the future. "

Ivy was taken aback: "Ah? Why?"

Luo Quan explained: "Zhao Yan is too unrecognizable, Ivy sounds better, and it's quite foreign, and the public will definitely like it."

Although Luo Quan despises those artists' behavior of taking English stage names or entire foreign names, but when it's his turn, he still can't help but feel really fragrant.

There is no way, the social environment is like this, foreign monks can chant scriptures, and domestic fans will also follow this.

Therefore, it is one thing to hate xenophobia, but it is another thing to return to reality.

Ivy hesitated: "Don't you think the name Ivy... sounds strange?"

The reason why the stage name is Zhao Yan is mainly because of the name Ivy, which is often teased by the boys in the class and often called AVAV, which is very embarrassing.

Luo Quan immediately understood, but he didn't think it was a problem: "But this is the name on your ID card, what's so strange? Besides, you sing punk rock, and you will use your own name because of these things. Doubt?

That's too un-rock spirit, isn't it? "

For a rock fan, the lethality of these words is directly MAX. Ivy was a little awkward before, but now she doesn't have any worries.

"Okay, I'll change it when I get back!"

Luo Quan smiled and said, "If you really feel awkward, you can also use English, and call it Avril."

"Why use an English name?" Ivy was puzzled.

"Because you want to sing English songs in the future, it is better to take an English song to enter the foreign market."

"Isn't it good to sing Chinese?"

Luo Quan shook his head: "Chinese rock is dead."

Don't look at the Love Music band's previous concert in China, the atmosphere was very hot, and it was also on the hot search, causing a lot of discussions.

But it really did not cause any disturbances. For the albums released later, the sales of physical records in mainland China were only a mere two hundred thousand, while digital records were a bit higher, but they did not exceed 100 million.

The rest is all listening to pirated versions. If Luo Quan really asks Ivy to sing Chinese punk rock, it will be like throwing away sesame seeds to pick up watermelons.

In the current Chinese music market, if you want to make money, don't expect to sing Chinese rock, work hard to manage female fans, and release an album at any time, and you can easily earn a small goal.

Relatively speaking, the foreign music market is quite broad. As the most widely used language in the world, English has a natural advantage over Chinese. Countries like the United States and the United Kingdom have a good sense of copyright and are willing to spend money on songs. The work will never worry about sales.

As for Huaxia, it is better for Ivy to export to domestic sales first. She will sing her name abroad first, and then sell her records back home. Maybe she will be able to sell better than her "Love" in China.

After the general direction is settled, Luo Quan currently does not have any special requirements for Ivy, just practice guitar and vocal music.

Ai Wei, who is a music major, will not miss these things, and Luo Quan will practice without saying anything.

Others are things that you need to pay attention to as an artist, such as talking less on social platforms, the more you talk, the easier it is to make mistakes.

Fortunately, Ivy is not a person who particularly likes surfing the Internet, and she has never had any disputes with anyone on the Internet. The time with Luo Quan was only because of the rhythm of the media, not her original intention.

After explaining, Luo Quan went back to the dormitory, checked the time, there was still some time before the time for breakfast in the United States, Director Mir was probably sleeping soundly now, so let's not disturb him for now.

Opening Station B, Luo Quan posted a post:
There is an official announcement tonight. (dog head)
Countless fans swarmed over and panicked when they saw this brief post.

"The word official announcement, I often see it when celebrities announce their love affairs."

"The shorter the message, the bigger the thing."

"Did Luo Quan find a boyfriend? Don't!"

"Although I know that there will be such a day sooner or later, but when this day really comes, my heart hurts like a knife."

"It was so sudden, I wasn't mentally prepared for it at all."

"That's right, it's an official announcement with me, hahaha, don't pull me, I'm not crazy, woo woo woo..."

"Haven't you all seen that dog's head? It's obvious that Luo Quan is teasing the fans."

"I didn't say it was the official announcement of Kazuo. (Dog head)"

"I was a little panicked when I saw these two words, I hope it's not what I thought."

Luo Quan didn't expect such a big reaction from the fans. She thought she was a powerful faction, but in this regard, she seemed to be treated similarly to those idols.

What happened to those popular fresh meat after announcing their relationship?Some fans were looking for life and death, unable to accept the reality; some fans began to attack the person who fell in love with Xiao Xianrou, and some fans turned black in anger.

There are already many people in the comment area showing signs, Luo Quan can only send out a post:
"Actually, the company has signed a newcomer, and everyone seems to be overreacting."

This time there were even more comments from fans than before:

"I have drawn out my 40-meter broadsword, and it is very difficult to take it back!"

"Why, you still want to kill Luo Quan?"

"How can I be willing to chop it, but I will chop anyone who dares to get close to her!"

"That's right, I won't allow anyone to take her away!"

"It's a bit over, no matter what, you can't interfere with her private life."

"Which idol have you ever seen end well after announcing their love affair? (Eat Melon)"

"Ke Luoquan has never advertised herself as an idol. She is a singer. Everyone should care more about her works than her life."

"I think everyone should be more rational in chasing stars."

"That's what I said, but when I think that Luo Quan will eventually become a married couple in the future, I feel very uncomfortable."

"Wife Luo Quan, I suddenly became excited~~"

"Old Cao Cao."


Although it was an oolong, from the comments of the fans, we can still see the attitude of the fans, that is, to treat her as an idol.

It's hard to say whether it's good or bad, because subjectively it doesn't fall in love, so there's no need to worry about fans turning off fans.

But it’s not just love that triggers fans’ extreme emotions. Other factors may also trigger fans’ extreme emotions.

Luo Quan felt that he had to say something:
"I think it's a good thing that idols give fans good dreams.

But an idol cannot remain an idol for the rest of her life. She also has her own life. Fans should not use their own will to influence idols. Chasing stars rationally and respecting each other is the best way for idols and fans to get along. "

This time the comments were much less than before. Although most of them expressed support for Luo Quan's remarks, the number of comments was only two-thirds of the previous one.

It seems that quite a few fans disapprove of the so-called rational star chasing. In other words, these fans have the potential to become illegitimate fans, and they are the same type of fans who leaked her various living habits in the post bar before.

For such a situation, she herself has no good way.

I can only wait for time for these fans to lose their fans and harm other stars.

Fortunately, she won't do anything to touch the minefield of these fans in a short time, so don't worry too much.

After such a fuss, the signing of Ivy was ignored by the big guys, and they all paid attention to Luoquan's official announcement, thinking that she was in a relationship, but after Luoquan explained clearly, no one cared about the specific content of the official announcement up.

If I had known she would not have made such a fuss, why would there be so many things to send a message directly.

Fortunately, it didn't have any negative impact on Ivy this time, and it finally attracted some attention.

But at present, she doesn't have any particularly amazing works, and she attracts more fans. If she wants to become popular, she has to wait for the release of her new album.

After seeing the news, Wen Xia immediately called to ask about it, only to find out that her good friend signed another artist today.

"Are you really planning to be the boss?" Wen Xia half-jokingly said on the phone.

Luo Quan was full of complacency: "Yeah, what's the point of being popular on your own, if I want to make the artists I sign popular together, that's amazing!"

"Then if I get cold in the future, I will find you to take care of me."

I don't know if what Wen Xia said was a joke, but whether it was a joke or not, with Wen Xia's current career trajectory, it's still too early to be cool, not to mention that with Luo Quan here, I'm afraid it won't be cool.

Anyway, Luo Quan didn't take it seriously, but after Wen Xia's contract expired, she really had to consider whether to sign Wen Xia.

The reason for consideration is that the two are good friends after all, if Wen Xia signs Wen Xia to join the company, then Wen Xia will be working for her in the future, and her status will always be different.

Maybe the two don't care about these, but outsiders' comments will always change.

So this idea is still under consideration. Maybe Wen Xia will set up her own studio like her in the future.

After finishing today's affairs, Luo Quan counted the time and sent the recorded music to Director Mir's mailbox.

Luo Quan didn't know if he had breakfast, but she had dinner anyway.

Five minutes later, Director Mir's reply came:

"Perfect! This is the BGM I want!"

As expected by Luo Quan, Director Mir was quite satisfied with the song, and she will start making the official version next.

Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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