Chapter 315
Luo Quan got up late the next day because he wanted to recharge his energy, so he worked overtime today to produce the song, and then went to work.

But a sudden incident disrupted her plan - Leon's fans cut their wrists.

As a popular supernova in the United States and even in the world, Lyon has countless female fans. From girls in their teens to housewives in their 40s and [-]s, they can find fans who love him to the point of madness. .

With a large base, you can meet all kinds of people.

There is a rich woman who is willing to spend a lot of money for Lyon. On his birthday, he bought a large electronic screen in Times Square for a whole day to celebrate his birthday.

There are also reckless illegitimate fans who want to monopolize Leon crazily, seeing him interacting with other female fans and getting mad with jealousy.

However, most illegitimate fans don't show these emotions, they usually keep them in their hearts and don't tell anyone.

But over time, there will always be a day when it erupts.

And just a few hours ago, a female fan of Lyon committed suicide by cutting her wrist at home. Fortunately, her family found out in time and sent her to the hospital immediately, so that no tragedy happened.

The cause of this female fan's suicide was soon found out. Her family found a large number of emails addressed to Lyon in her mobile mailbox. Every email in the previous year was expressing herself to Lyon. Occasionally, Leon can get a reply from her love.

But in the past two months, no matter what she sent, she never got a reply from Leon. At first, the girl didn't pay much attention to it, but after a long time, the girl's emotions finally changed.

The content of her emails changed from love to complaint to hate.

The last email was sent two days ago. The girl wrote in the email: "I will use this method to make you remember me forever!"

Then, he cut his wrist.

This was originally a love-hate story, which has been encountered by many celebrities, but the girl's irrational wrist-cutting behavior changed the nature of the story.

Especially after being exposed by the swarming media, it caused an uproar in the United States.

As the hottest young idol in the world in the past two years, Lyon has been involved in many colleagues, but since his debut, he has never acted out of line. In the United States, which is known for being free and unrestrained, Lyon usually lives His style is as cute as a newborn baby, so no matter how jealous his colleagues are, they can't find a reason to attack him.

But this time, it came from the beginning.

It was clear that the girl's choice to cut her wrists was emotional, but it was distorted by some media into Leon's intentional pua (mental control) on her. It was because of him that the girl cut her wrists.

Anyway, the media makes up random things and doesn't have to pay taxes, so it's natural to attract attention.

Now the spearhead of public opinion has pointed to Lyon, and many competitors have also come forward to accuse Lyon of his behavior, and even demanded that the government prosecute Lyon and want him to go to jail.

On Twitter and Reddit, there are overwhelming posts discussing this matter, both accusing and maintaining.

Although he cannot be blamed for this incident, he is his fan after all, and it is understandable to be criticized by public opinion, but it is too much to want him to go to jail.

However, with such a big incident happening, Universal must not just let the situation continue to develop like this.

Lyon, who was still filming, was immediately called back to New York, held a press conference, apologized to the society and her fans, and also expressed that she would continue to pay attention to the condition of the wrist-slashing fan Nancy, and provide all medical expenses.

Although it has been handled very properly, many people still hold on to it, feeling that it is insincere and too perfunctory.

After all, it was a rare opportunity to slander Lyon in an upright manner. How could his competitors just let it go so easily? They must have wanted to kill Lyon completely in one go.

Just when Lyon was thinking about how to deal with the biggest crisis in his career, a dramatic scene happened.

Nancy's family suddenly spoke up, saying that they received a paper mail from Lyon this morning. The mail was sent half a month ago. After calculation, it was almost the time when the girl's emotions changed.

At this time, Lyon completely remembered the girl named Nancy, understood the ins and outs of the matter, and immediately sent a tweet on Twitter:
"In order to film "Titanic" in the past few months, I have been working on the set most of the time, and the few days I rest at home are also learning how to act, so I really don't have much time to deal with fan letters.

This fan named Nancy actually received a letter from her before. She is an old fan of mine. She has been following me since I debuted. I have replied to all the emails I sent before.

About half a month ago, I saw her complaints. In fact, many fans complained during that time, so I specially prepared some autographed photos and letters of apology, and sent them to these fans in paper envelopes. It also includes Nancy.

In doing this, I just want them to know that I have not forgotten them, but I did not expect that such a result would occur. If I had known earlier, I should have replied directly on the Internet, and such a tragedy would not have happened.

I am very sorry for what happened, and I will pay more attention to the letters from fans in the future, and please forgive my mistake. "

Lyon's apology tweet finally explained the cause and effect clearly. After eating melons, the masses realized that the fault was not Lyon, but the ridiculously slow postal system in the United States.

However, considering that the distance between Lyon's address and Nancy's address spans almost the entire United States from east to west, there is no way for the time to be longer.

Even in China, which claims to be the world's fastest express delivery company, sometimes you have to wait a week to receive the items you buy from Taobao, let alone other countries.

If Nancy could have received this letter one day earlier, then nothing would have happened, but unfortunately there is no if.

Fortunately, things hadn't turned to the worst. At least Nancy's life was saved. Although she was still in a coma, her life was no longer in danger.

A crisis of public opinion is fleeting, which is luck among misfortunes for Leon, but Universal does not intend to let it go.

Lyon is the star of the company's powerhouse and the first pillar of the company in the next ten years. This time, he was almost ruined by these colleagues and the unscrupulous media.

With such a big enmity, a company as big as Universal will definitely not let it go.

Those who jump the most fiercely, those who should be prosecuted, those who should be banned, have no mercy at all.

Of course, these are all things for later. After all, Universal is not a violent organization, and many revenge methods will take a long time to see the effect.

After Luo Quan saw the ins and outs of the whole incident on Twitter, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

It can only be said that Lyon has not forgotten his original intention, even after becoming popular, he has not separated from the grassroots fans.

It can be said that without this email, it is really hard to say what would happen to Leon this time.

It's a coincidence that Luo Quan encountered the same nature last night, and it was still the trouble caused by the fanaticism of her fans. However, none of her fans have any suicidal tendencies yet.

And since her debut, she has never read fans' private messages, and interacts with fans in the comment area of ​​station B, so she doesn't have to worry about who will be left out.

Although the matter had calmed down, Luo Quan was still worried about Leon, so he sent Leon a video chat request.

The screen was switched on quickly, and half of the screen was covered with Leon's glistening mouth, holding half a big chicken leg that was fried until the golden skin was crispy.

Luo Quan chuckled: "Hey, I'm still eating chicken legs, it looks like I'm in a good mood."

Leon wiped his mouth with a piece of paper, and said with a smile: "It's not bad, I'm holding back my stomach."

As he said, he turned the phone camera to the side: "This is really depressing."

In the camera is Seifert, who is covering his face with his hands, only showing a pair of worried eyes, and he will let out a long breath after a while, looking quite depressed.

Seifert frowned and looked over: "How can you still laugh? Do you know that I was frightened this day and had a heartbeat several times?!"

Leon was also very wronged: "Then what can I do if I don't laugh? I have apologized and lost the money. I can't just kneel down and admit my mistakes to those media, can I?"

Luo Quan also persuaded: "Don't be angry, it's not worth it if you get angry. Besides, didn't the truth come out? Leon shouldn't be in any trouble, right?"

Seifert said solemnly: "The damage caused by such a big image crisis is very large. It may not be visible for a short time, but it will gradually appear in the future.

When Leon is brought into rhythm because of something, these things that have already ended will be dug out by someone with a heart, and used as material to attack him, and then it will be troublesome! "

Leon spread his hands helplessly: "I can't help it. If you want to become a star, you have to go through these things. Do you think everyone is like my sister, and you can't find any black spots?"

"You see it quite openly!" Seifert couldn't help being angry when he saw that Leon didn't care.

"Maybe I can help you?" At this moment, Luo Quan suddenly had an inspiration.

"How can I help?" Seifert finally cheered up a bit.

"To tell you the truth, in fact, I just encountered a similar situation here. Fans are too fanatical and sometimes it is not a good thing. Take this opportunity, you can write a song to warn the fans... I will write the song later. I will send you the lyrics, music and a cappella version, and then I will cooperate with Leon, and I don’t know if we can recover the loss.”

"That's great!" Seifert smiled again, and Leon was speechless beside him.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Quan immediately started recording the song.

The lyrics of this song are very, very long. The content of the lyrics is a story told in the tone of a letter. The main song is a male rap, and the chorus is a female voice. It is one of the masterpieces of the world-class rap king - the ruffian .

Maybe he is not the greatest rapper, but he is definitely the most commercially successful rapper, with record sales exceeding [-] million, the most among rappers!

The song Luo Quan chose this time is actually a song created by Eminem after encountering a situation similar to that of Lyon. It is definitely very suitable for the occasion.

However, she has to make some adjustments to some of the names and stalks in the song to suit Lyon's own situation, and not to make the audience feel any disobedience.

This process is still relatively long. Fortunately, rap lyrics are not as rigorous as other music lyrics. Because of the large volume, there is also a lot of room for adjustment. For Luo Quan who has studied for so long, the difficulty is not too difficult Not as big as expected.

After spending half an hour, Luo Quan finally completed the modification.

Although it wasn't too long, it was already very, very difficult for her previous speed.

The song is very long, and it took more than five minutes for Luo Quan to sing it. The official version also needs to add accompaniment and interludes. The time is estimated to be about 7 minutes, which is almost twice the length of most popular songs.

This long song is either long and smelly garbage like an old woman's foot wrap, or a long masterpiece that can amaze the world. This song obviously belongs to the latter.

After recording, Luo Quan sent all the lyrics, music and recording to Leon.

About ten minutes later, Leon sent a video request, and Luo Quan clicked to agree.

In the video, Leon has already washed his face, changed his clothes, and tidied himself up quite vigorously. With his hair straightened, he is really terribly handsome.

Luo Quan was taken aback, what's the matter?
Leon opened his mouth with a very respectful tone: "Oh, my dearest sister, you are the goddess of luck in my life, always lending a helping hand when I am in the most difficult time, no amount of sincere thanks can express my heart's love for you ……………”

"Stop!" Luo Quan raised his hand and made a Stoop gesture, "Let's stop doing such nasty things, you don't feel disgusting when you say it, but it sounds disgusting to me, Seifert taught you these?"

"Look, I'll just say she doesn't like this." Leon tilted his head and looked out of the video.

Seifert poked his head into the camera and smiled awkwardly: "Haha, I just want Leon to express his gratitude to you. Although the routine is a bit old, this is our truest Heart, you must appreciate it!"

Luo Quan couldn't help smiling: "I'm so familiar, so don't be so polite, maybe I will have your help in the future?

Back to the topic, how about this song, can it be used? "

Seifert continued to flatter: "It's very good, it's your usual level, I have a feeling that next year's Grammys, you and your sister will have a big package!"

Leon wondered: "Speaking of sister, why is the title of this song called stan? Wouldn't it be better to change the protagonist's name to Nancy?"

"Stupid!" Luo Quan sighed: "This time, one of your fans cuts her wrist, and you write a song with her name, what if other fans see it and there are imitators?
In this case, a pseudonym must be used. "

"Have you heard that, this is your sister's wisdom, young man, you have to learn a lot!" Seifert echoed like a dog leg.

"That's all for now. I'll take some time today to record the chorus and send it to you, bye."

After speaking, Luo Quan turned off the video.

(End of this chapter)

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