Chapter 316
Lyon's speed is very fast. I got Luo Quan's lyrics and recording demo at night. I spent the whole night memorizing lyrics, practicing, and controlling the rhythm. I have mastered it the next night. After several attempts, I finally started recording. The studio recorded a satisfactory version and sent it to Luo Quan in the early hours of the morning, that is, at noon in Huaxia.

Although Leon is usually quite out of shape, and his words and deeds are rough, he is quite reliable at critical moments, and the speed of completion is so fast, and finally he has lived up to the so many hairs of his friend in the past two days.

Luo Quan also just sent the finished theme song of "Pirates of the Caribbean" to director Mir. It is quite troublesome to produce such a multi-part and multi-chorus symphony. Although Luo Quan is quite skilled in technology, he still It took several hours, far more than it takes to make a normal pop song.

Speaking of Shangyi's one-month school, Luo Quan hadn't found a public recording studio at the beginning.

There are some nearby, but Luoquan is not familiar with the place, and I don’t know which one is more conscientious and which one is darker, so I dare not look for it casually, so I can only post in Shangyi Bar for help.

Since Luo Quan showed up in Shangyi Bar last time, this account has unknowingly gained more than 1000 followers. As soon as she posted a post, a lot of people came to ask for their care.

But most people don't know it themselves, they just reply in the comment area: give it a thumbs up or ask a teacher or a senior.

It's all correct nonsense.

Fortunately, there are many people on the post bar, and finally someone replied with a few constructive comments, that is, go to the third floor of the newly built science and technology building in the school. There are a few well-equipped recording studios there, but they are used by teachers and graduate students. Yes, ordinary students may not be able to use it.

Luo Quan looked at the school map and found that the science and technology building was not far from the dormitory, so he went directly to try his luck.

Although she is not a graduate student, but if she is in the name of recording entries in the Shangyi Music Competition, presumably the teachers will not refuse.

When I went to Luoquan, I specially picked the time when everyone was eating at noon, in order to stagger with everyone.

Originally, she wondered if she would encounter someone like the auntie in the dormitory who was guarding the door of the recording studio and was not allowed to enter without a note, but there was no one in the recording studio, and the door was open, so she could enter directly.

Luo Quan finished recording the song in there, and he didn't meet anyone when he left. It can only be said that he was very lucky.

But the second time I went, Luo Quan's luck was not so good. All four recording studios were occupied by people. Luo Quan went in and walked around, and chose a room with few people.

In this recording studio, two students, a man and a woman, seem to be in their early twenties, probably graduate students of Shangyi, and they are leaning over the computer desk to control the synthesizer software.

Luo Quan didn't say anything, just stood behind and watched.

"Student, do you want to use it too?" The boy just glanced out of the corner of his eye, but didn't recognize Luo Quan.

"Yes, I need to use it, but it's not in a hurry." Luo Quan moved a bench over and sat down.

"It's okay, we'll get it right here soon, but you have to move faster. Later, Mr. Zhao from the music production department will bring two students over to do timing manipulation exercises. I'm afraid it will take an hour or two."

Luo Quan smiled: "It's okay, I'll record a song soon."

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the two students cleaned up the USB flash drive and turned off all the software.

"Student, come on..." The senior raised his head, saw Luo Quan's appearance, and froze in place.

"You are... Luo Quan!" Another senior sister shouted in surprise.

"Yes." Luo Quan nodded with a smile, stepped forward and sat down beside the machine.

"Luo Quan, can I take a picture? You can just sit like this and not look at the camera." The senior took out his phone and made a request that wasn't too much.

"Of course." Luo Quan did not refuse.

Although the senior didn't speak, she still silently took out her mobile phone and pointed it at Luo Quan.

I agreed to take pictures, so I definitely can’t put on a show. Facing the photographer’s camera is considered a basic etiquette. The two seniors and sisters also took photos of Luo Quan with satisfaction, thinking that tonight’s circle of friends can be regarded as a good card face photo.

After dismissing the two seniors, Luo Quan put on his earphones and started making Lyon's new song "Stan".

She took the time to record the chorus of the song yesterday, and what she has to do now is to make the accompaniment and merge the two clips into a complete song.

The process this time is much simpler than yesterday, and Luo Quan estimates that it can be done within half an hour.

But not long after the beginning, the people in the recording studio were opened.

Three people walked in, a teacher and two students.

"Is the classmate busy?" Teacher Zhao saw Luo Quan clicking on the screen quickly from a long distance away, and thought she was playing minesweeper, but when she walked in, she saw that she was actually making music, and she was shocked .

"You are Mr. Zhao, right?" Luo Quan took off his earphones, thinking that this came too soon.

"You are Luo Quan!" Teacher Zhao saw the student's appearance clearly, and the surprise in his heart disappeared.

If half a year ago, Luo Quan was not well-known in the country, now, at least everyone in the music-related industry knows her!
From composing, to music production, to classical music circles, Luo Quan can be said to be well-known, and her legends are spread everywhere, especially after the release of "Luo Quan's Canon", ordinary people may not understand, only professional Musicians know what this song means.

It means that even if Luo Quan only has this piece of music in his life, it is enough to be engraved in the history of human music, and it will be immortal!

(Ps. "Pachelbel's Canon" was once engraved into the golden disc of the Voyager, and it is regarded as one of the highest achievements of human music in thousands of years and sent to space.)
It's just that "Canon of Luoquan" is still too young, and has not accumulated enough reputation and awards, so it doesn't show much, but many people in the industry are quite envious and admire Luoquan's talent.

After listening to "Canon of Luoquan", a domestic composer once said: "If I can write a piece like this one day, it will be worth dying immediately!"

It's just that these words are only spread in circles, and no one will publicize them, so not many people know about them online.

So even though it was Luo Quan, Mr. Zhao couldn't show any teacher's style in front of Luo Quan.

Not to mention her talent in composing, but just the speed at which she clicked the mouse to make music, she is enough to be his teacher!

"I'll take care of it right away, teacher, can I trouble you and the two classmates to wait a while?" Luo Quan said in a negotiating tone.

Teacher Zhao nodded: "Of course it's no problem. Just let them see how you operate and see if they can learn anything."

The two students also nodded for a while, but for them, watching Luo Quan was much more comfortable than watching Luo Quan operate.

Luo Quan smiled without saying a word, just turned his head and continued to work.

With her speed, I am afraid that few people in the world can clearly see how she is operating.

The fact is indeed the case. Mr. Zhao only saw the mouse flying around, the keyboard crackling, various bullet boxes appearing and disappearing on the screen, and the progress bar of the music increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is indeed beyond the scope of his understanding as a teacher. He has been a teacher for more than ten years, and counting his student life, it is 20 years. He has never seen a person making music like this!

No wonder he is said to be a genius, he cannot be compared with ordinary people!Teacher Zhao sighed inwardly.

After another ten minutes, the production of the song was completed, and Luo Quan saved it neatly, pulled out the USB flash drive, and cleared the record.

Because the teacher and classmates were waiting to use it, she specially accelerated the speed, and her wrist was a little sore.

"Okay?" Teacher Zhao asked Luo Quan when he saw that he had finished tidying up.

Luo Quan nodded: "Okay, teacher, go to class, I'll leave first."

Luo Quan walked out of the recording studio and closed the door.

"It's too fast, teacher, I want to learn this." In the recording studio, two students said to Teacher Zhao.

"You want to learn? I still want to learn!" Mr. Zhao said angrily, "I'm flying in the sky, you two can't walk yet, so you have to learn this.

Don't give me too high aspirations, let's lay the foundation first! "


In the corridor, Luo Quan sent the finished song "Stan" to Leon.

A few hours ago, Seifert, who is well versed in Luoquan's speed, had already started the promotional planning of the song. He knew that Luoquan would send him the finished product within a day at most.

And the fact is indeed the case, the new song arrived in less than half a day, Universal also just tweeted out the promotion:
What happened to Nancy is definitely an unfortunate event for all of us. We thank the fans for their love and support for Lyon, but we also call on all fans to distinguish between reality and fantasy, and not to confuse them.

Chasing stars requires rationality. When the behavior exceeds the normal range, it will cause harm to the idol and yourself. Inspired by this incident, Leon's sister collaborated with Leon on a song, which will be released later. I hope fans can Stay sensible and chase stars rationally!
Not long after the ad came out, Leon and Luo Quan's new song "Stan" was released

Undoubtedly, this is a peak Rap work, different from most vulgar Rap on the market, this is a thoughtful and deep song.

The lyrics outline a complete picture of the story in the form of self-narration. Lyon's rap is divided into four sections, and the emotions gradually progress from longing to resentment to hysteria. It perfectly reproduces the reality. Nancy is giving him The three stages of letter writing are the first time this form has appeared in Rap works in the past ten years!
And every time the rap ends, Luo Quan's lazy and calm aria will bring the audience a heavy musical atmosphere, making people more immersed in the story told by the song, which is the finishing touch.

After Rap roared hysterically, he finally returned to calm, and the tone of the self-narrator here changed from a fan to an idol, that is, Leon himself.

His love for fans has not changed in any way, he still reads letters from fans, and is also happy because of fans' sharing, but he always has misunderstandings and misses due to various reasons.

The whole song came to an abrupt end amidst Lyon’s awakened curses, and the story has also completed a closed loop at this point. The song lasted for more than six minutes, and the plot twists and turns are so bizarre that people think it is watching a movie. , or Lyon who sang, they all played their own level to perfection.

Less than an hour after the song was released, it directly rushed to the top of the B chart, pushing down "Don't cry" which had occupied the top spot for several weeks, and the score also reached a terrifying [-], with zero negative reviews!

The editor of the B list quickly posted an article, praising this song as the masterpiece of Rap in the new century. It truly takes into account both artistry and music, and its depth and breadth are impeccable. It is worth learning from for all rappers.

At the same time, the debate about Lyon's rap search for the king seems to have no suspense.

In the past two years, Lyon has developed too fast, not only crushing a large number of handsome male stars in terms of fame, but also threatening a large group of old-timers in the rap industry in terms of music.

In terms of technology alone, Lyon is even better than many of its predecessors, but the downside is that there are too few masterpieces, or too few awards.

But the emergence of "Stan" is enough to make up for its shortcomings in all aspects. This is a good song destined to be great, and the Grammy Award for Best Rap Award next year will also lose suspense early because of its appearance.

As for Luo Quan, the author of "Stan", there are not many people discussing it.

Because, does Luo Quan still need to play?She is now an eternal god in the pop music world, whether it is her own album "Love" or "Long Live Rock and Roll" produced for the Love music band, they can all be called the gods in the gods.

It is the honor of a singer to win a Grammy for other singers. Luo Quan won a Grammy. Now it seems that it can be said to be a Grammy honor.

Now she actually no longer needs to use Grammys to measure her achievements. Of course, she must hope that the more awards the better, after all, no one will dislike herself for winning too many awards.

It is also because he is so good that Luo Quan who wrote works like "Stan" did not surprise too many people, because this is the level that Luo Quan should have, and it is not particularly difficult to come up with even better works in the future understand things.

But after this, it came a little too fast.

Not long after "Stan" was released, Disney Pictures began a global promotion for its new film "Pirates of the Caribbean" invested and shot by itself. The song "he's a pirate", composed by Luo Quan!

When people clicked in and read the content, they were once again overwhelmed by Luo Quan's talent.

No one could have imagined that a delicate and beautiful girl could write such a magnificent and exciting piece of music!
As predicted by many media, Luo Quan seems to have entered a period of talent overflow!
Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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