Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 317 Inappropriate

Chapter 317 Inappropriate

As one of the world's largest media and entertainment companies, Disney's strength is quite strong, much higher than that of Universal Pictures. At present, only Comcast, the parent company of Universal Pictures, can dominate the media and entertainment industry.

Although Penguin is also engaged in media and entertainment projects, and its market value far exceeds that of Disney and Comcast, its main influence is still on the Internet, so it does not have much influence in the international entertainment circle, basically it is the king and hegemony in China .

As for Huaxia, which is the world's second largest movie ticket warehouse, any powerful movie company will come here to promote the new movie before it is released.

Those who are less powerful may just buy a few hot searches and push notifications from commonly used apps, and a big company like Disney naturally cooperates with Penguin, the biggest snake in Huaxia Internet Media.

The news of the upcoming release of "Pirates of the Caribbean" and the promotional video came out together. It first became a hot trend in many regions on Twitter, and then successively appeared on Weibo, Zhihu, and Bilibili.

The word-of-mouth of Disney movies is not bad in China. Young people have watched cartoons and fantasy movies since they were young. In the past, the movie channel often broadcast Disney's blockbuster animations, and the quality is obvious to all.

And "Pirates of the Caribbean" is the latest IP released by Disney. It was said at the press conference before that it will not only shoot one, and the cast of the movie is also quite strong. It is led by Hollywood's popular actor Dib, a handsome guy who is necessary for commercial blockbusters There is no shortage of beauties either.

However, because it is a new IP, there are relatively few fans, so the audience will pay more attention to other aspects before watching the movie, such as whether there are any favorite stars participating or participating in the production.

And the element of "theme song produced by Luoquan" is undoubtedly the big killer that can most attract the audiences of China and Japan, the world's top three vote warehouses.

Although Luoquan's popularity continues to be hot, there are new works and hot news almost every month, and the commercial value has also increased exponentially, but he has only made two movies since his debut.

A "Wolf Warrior 2", the global box office reached tens of billions, the domestic reputation exploded, and she immediately became the youngest heroine in China with tens of billions. Although the popularity of the movie is not directly related to her, this achievement is real Yes, it cannot be erased.

The other "Lord of the Rings" is still being filmed and is expected to be released around Christmas. It's hard to say what the specific situation will be, but the stills of Luo Quan in the movie revealed by the crew before are quite eye-catching. Yes, I think the box office won't be that bad.

And these are enough to constitute Luoquan's box office appeal. After all, Luoquan's products must be high-quality goods, which has not been slapped in the face so far.

Although these words have been used in her songs before, but generally speaking, all works related to her have exploded, such as "Wolf Warrior 2", "Creating Girls' Generation", including the recent The hit "I Am a Singer Season [-]".

It also shows that Luo Quan is not the kind of unscrupulous star who dares to take anything for the sake of bad money.

Moreover, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" promotional video is far more exciting than most of its peers, whether it is movie clip editing or soundtrack.

Especially the music, it was burning from the beginning to the end. I don’t know how many passers-by were attracted by this passionate symphony and fell into the pit. Under Penguin’s overwhelming and nearly saturated advertisement delivery, the whole network knew that this upcoming Fantastic movie released.

Luo Quan's composition is really powerful, and it fully achieved the effect the director wanted when he first found her. Whether it is abroad or at home, it has set off a huge wave of discussion.

But it's a pity that such a good song is used in a movie. The song was just released on Penguin Music, and the next day, a large group of people used it on Douyin, or turned it into an electronic version. money.

Although doing so can be regarded as a wave of publicity for the movie in disguise, it is still not good for the life of the song. If this kind of burning song appears too many times, it will easily cause the audience's aesthetic fatigue and even disgust.

When other people saw this situation, they usually pretended not to see it and let it pass, but Luo Quan didn't intend to make a major incident into a minor one.

It is fine to use the song as BGM, but it would be too much to change it at will and treat it as her own original work, so she directly contacted Penguin Music to take measures against those pirated versions on Douyin.

Warn first, and then consider whether to send a lawyer's letter depending on the situation.

After a few days of tossing around like this, the matter of piracy finally came to an end. Except for the version made by her, there is no semicolon on the Internet, but at the same time, it has also received a "stingy" review.

Some of the authors whose works were removed from the shelves posted a few complaining Weibo, and the fans went to Luoquan to make a breakthrough, making it seem like she was not generous enough and cut off other people's money.

Luo Quan was not angry when he saw it, so he posted a Weibo: "Everyone come to adapt mine. If I can't write it in the future, who will adapt it?"

Then those people shut up because it was an unanswerable question.

In fact, since Luoquan became famous, she has been the biggest "sheep" on Douyin in China, and I don't know how much money I have to stare at her, and there are countless adaptations and references.

Luo Quan actually didn't want to take care of it, because he couldn't take care of it at all, but the reason why these wool-sweeping people took off the shelves this time was mainly because their speed was too fast, the movie hadn't even been released yet, and the remix version was It came out, which is indeed a bit outrageous.

After the popularity of "Pirates of the Caribbean" lasted for several days, the third issue of "I Am a Singer" started recording.

After eliminating guests for two consecutive episodes, two singers were directly added in the third episode. A total of eight people will perform and compete in this episode.

As the No.1 of the previous issue, Luo Quan will be the finale of this issue.

Although Luo Quan sang her new song this time, it was the first time for the director to raise his opinion after listening to it. He felt that this song was not a hit.

Luo Quan is naturally opposed to such remarks, and has repeatedly promised that she will use her best state to perform, and the audience will definitely like it.

Although the director didn't ask Luo Quan to adapt and select the song, the dissatisfaction can still be seen.

Luo Quan didn't think too much about it, after all, it wasn't the first time he had encountered such a thing, and when was the last time he wasn't slapped in the face by her?
On the morning of the recording day, everyone rehearsed as usual, and everything went well.

In the evening, the judges took their seats, and after the official recording began, the singers began to perform one by one.

This time everyone sang high-pitched pop songs, especially the two flying guests who sang higher-pitched songs in order to become a blockbuster and try to stay.

These two guests are capable, but it can be seen that treble is actually not their good singing style, or in order to soar to the treble that makes the audience exclaim, it has exceeded their most comfortable range, which seems very difficult. It is laborious.

Singing like this actually hurts the throat very much, even if it is a more scientific way of singing, it can't stand such a toss.

However, in order to be able to stay and gain popularity, these two flying guests have gone all out.

The resident guests seem to be more at ease. After all, their reputation is much higher than that of the flying guests, otherwise they would not be invited to the premiere of "I Am a Singer". Secondly, their strength should be better than them, so even if they sing high notes It won't appear blushing and thick neck.

After one round, although they were all high-pitched, everyone already knew which one was better.

And when it was Luo Quan's turn, everyone was looking forward to it.

In terms of vocal range, she is the tallest among all the guests who have appeared in "I Am a Singer". Every time you go on stage, you can surprise everyone.

As usual, before going on stage, Luo Quan recorded a piece of his own journey of singing. It was still the small round stool, and Luo Quan sat on it obediently, with a bold and serious expression:

"Actually, I think that the standard for measuring a singer's singing skills should not be limited to the treble. Apart from the treble, we have too many things to focus on and study.

The column "Singer" can actually convey more standards about singing skills to the audience through its own platform, so that the audience can understand that a singer is not only capable of treble, and let the public be less obsessed with singers.

At the end of their careers, many high-pitched singers suffer from voice inversion or even loss of voice, because they were too obsessed with high-pitched notes when they were young, which hurt their bodies.

So this time I bring you an alto song, mainly to tell you that as long as you perform it with your heart, no matter the bass or the treble, it sounds good.

Hope everyone likes it. "

The sincere words made everyone in the lounge, especially the two flying guests, deeply moved, and Luo Quan's words could be regarded as expressing their heartfelt feelings.

The Chinese music scene seems to have fallen into a strange circle recently. All music variety shows are asking singers to soar, and those who can't soar are labeled as inexperienced or idols.

This is actually a very unreasonable stereotype, but after it becomes a practice, everyone can only obey. Few people can criticize this phenomenon like Luo Quan.

Although what Luo Quan said today is not a criticism, everyone can tell that she doesn't like to use high notes as a criterion for judging a singer's strength, and the song she sang this time is also a support for her own ideas .

"Next, I would like to invite Luo Quan to bring you a new song, "Only time" (only time, original singer: Enya)!"

Today's Luo Quan is wearing a long white dress, with a pure and moving smile, and his singing voice makes everyone feel a sense of holiness and remoteness.

Her singing is like the pious prayers of believers in the church, which can calm the restless hearts of the listeners in just a moment. The whole scene is not so much listening to songs as it is a purification of the soul.

This kind of song brings more emotional touch to the soul than the treble, which can be seen from the tears in the eyes of many judges at the scene.

After the song was sung, the audience applauded like thunder, and Luo Quan's final ranking was also second only to Kong Yue. Obviously, the public judges still had a positive attitude towards Luo Quan's song.

The next day, the program was broadcast as scheduled. Luo Quan glanced at Weibo, and the comments on the Internet were also rave. They all said that Luo Quan used the cleanest bass to describe a flawless world, allowing everyone to live in it. Got purified.

Although it is a slightly exaggerated praise from fans, it also reflects how beautiful her singing voice is from the side.

However, according to the data of the third episode of the variety show, the number of broadcasts dropped by [-] percentage points compared with the previous two episodes.

Generally speaking, it is normal for the first few episodes and the last episode of a variety show to have lower broadcast volume than other episodes.

However, this season's "I Am a Singer" has continued to increase both in terms of discussion and broadcast volume. Under normal circumstances, even the third issue will continue to increase in broadcast volume, unless there are some problems with the content of this issue. The audience who followed the update lost interest.

The resident guests in the variety show haven't changed their song selection style, and the flying guests invited are also very popular. Only Luo Quan has changed the style of the song, so it's already clear who the problem is.

Sometimes, whether a program is good or not has a lot to do with the audience of the song.

After so many seasons of "I Am a Singer", it has become famous because of the countless high-pitched famous scenes that have emerged on this stage. The audience likes to listen to it, so the singers like to sing, and a virtuous circle has been formed.

As for Luo Quan, who just came here for the first time, he chose to sing a contralto song in the third period. Even if the song is good, it will make some old audiences feel boring.

And she herself is responsible for this season's traffic. Although the general public likes to listen to her songs, they may not deliberately go to variety shows to listen to a song that is not popular.

It doesn’t matter if you say the taste of the public is vulgar, or you say that the audience of “I Am a Singer” is too rigid and unwilling to accept new things, anyway, the number of broadcasts of this issue has actually declined.

Even though there has been a decline, the number of broadcasts is higher than that of the last episode of the previous season, so it is acceptable for the producer.

But the director didn't think so. Before the recording started, he reminded Luo Quan to ask her to change a song, but he didn't succeed, and there was indeed a problem in the end.

Luo Quan himself was also quite depressed. Originally, he wanted the program to become more diversified, and it was meaningless to have the same program all the time, but he did something bad with good intentions.

Although she knew it was her fault, she didn't intend to change it. She came to "I Am a Singer" to show her strength this time, and she never thought about singing pop all the time.

Bass is definitely not able to sing anymore, Luo Quan decided to find another way, and was going to break into the field of Kong Yue, the senior sister of Shangyi, that is, folk music.

As a unique music style in China, anyone who can sing folk music is synonymous with big bosses. If she becomes popular this time, she might be able to play as the name of the entire national team.

Ps. Thanks to book friend Xiaoxiao Menggui for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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