Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 318 Bleeding

Chapter 318 Bleeding
September [-]th, Wednesday.

"it is finally over!"

The girls threw the military training uniforms sprayed with an unknown amount of perfume into the trash can, returned to the dormitory, and fell directly on the bed.

This morning was a big review to test the results of the half-month military training. The company where Lin Yizhu and the others were in was awarded for their outstanding performance, although it did not bring much sense of honor to the three of them.

"In the future, I can sleep in with peace of mind." Zhang Yun said happily while lying on the bed.

For the three of them, the rest of life is indeed easy. Except for class, the rest is free to arrange time. As the class monitor, Luo Quan must be ready to complete the tasks assigned by the counselor at any time.

For example, now, the counselor had a private chat with her and asked her to go to the playground after lunch to arrange for her classmates to pick up their books.

Luo Quan stood up with a sit-up, @世界 in the class, and asked everyone to wait for the notification to pick up the book on the playground. I don’t know who replied and received it, and the people behind +1 directly, all received it , I don't know if I received it or not.

"Let's go and eat. After dinner, go to the playground to get books." Luo Quan changed his pants and got out of bed.

In the dormitory, she always wears shorts when she is cool, and she changes into jeans when she goes out.

"I just lay down, I don't want to move." Lin Yizhu's legs bounced like an electric shock, but his body didn't move.

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "Yes, I will go back to sleep after taking the book."

After a good talk, I persuaded a few sleepy aunts, and the four of them went to the cafeteria to deal with them casually, and then went straight to the big playground.

In the morning, Lin Yizhu and the others held a military parade here, and now it has been occupied by seniors from the student department. The tables are all over the runway, and they are divided into categories according to majors.

Luo Quan went to the counselor's office to get the book pick-up list, and then began to pick up the books according to the list.

There are seven subjects in total, 22 books for each subject, which is not many, and four girls can finish it in one sitting.

Putting the book under the roadside tree, Luo Quan directly notified the boys in the group to pick up the book.

It stands to reason that these physical tasks are usually done by boys, but who made her the class monitor? If there are more books, she will wait for the boys to come and pick them up. But that's all, the four girls just do it themselves.

"Lu Yao, did you go back and talk to that boy yesterday?" While waiting for the boy, the girls started gossiping.

"What are you talking about?" Luo Quan looked curiously at Lin Yizhu who asked the question.

Zhang Yun said with a smile: "Last night was the last day of training. A boy from the company next door came to ask Lu Yao for the Penguin, and wanted to make friends."

Lin Yizhu said with a smirk: "I vaguely remember him as a handsome guy, and many girls next to me stared straight at him."

"It was late at night, so I didn't see it clearly." Lu Yao was not ashamed, "After we got back, we chatted for a while, so we got to know each other."

"What about you, it can't be that Lu Yao is the only one being chased?" Luo Quan looked at the other two curiously.

Her roommates are all pretty good-looking, and if they don't compare with Luo Quan, they are definitely big beauties with a score of eight or more, and they are the focus of attention wherever they go.

Lin Yizhu shook his head: "There are too few high-quality boys. We like others, but they may not necessarily like us. Those who like us may not necessarily like us."

After talking for a long time, in fact, the two are more picky, and I haven't seen a suitable one so far.

In fact, given their conditions, it’s okay to pick and choose. The stories of a rich lady falling in love with a poor boy are usually found in novels, and it is rare to encounter them in reality.

Lu Yao looked at Luo Quan curiously: "Speaking of which, monitor, do you have high vision, or do you not want to find a boyfriend at all?"

This is a good question, Luo Quan really didn't think about it.

Although she didn't have the idea of ​​finding a boyfriend at first, it was a habit. After all, the days ahead are still so long, and God knows if she can keep it going.

But at present, it seems that her vision can indeed be adjusted to the highest level, and she can use this to avoid all feelings.

"I don't want to look for it. It's so comfortable to be alone. How many people can grab the quilt from you at night?" Luo Quan's answer was very firm without any hesitation.

The three girls nodded thoughtfully, and did not continue to ask further questions.

Then the topic returned to the Shangyi celebrity they had joined before. It is said that this group is now famous in the entire Shanghai social circle. In addition to the Shangyi celebrity group, the detection range of "high-quality men's information" in the group has also expanded to the entire Shanghai.

As the most economically developed city in mainland China, Shanghai has countless rich second generations. In terms of quality, it is not much worse than the capital.

Therefore, discussions about various "high-quality boys" in the group have always been the main content, and even Lin Yizhu and Zhang Yun are often viewers and even participate in the discussions.

Luo Quan also joined in out of curiosity for a few moments, and the men who were not allowed to chat just talked about where to take pictures, which was boring and hypocritical, and the group was blocked after a while.

After waiting under the tree for half an hour, the boys also came to the playground to pick up the books one after another. Every boy who got the book would give a special thank you to a few girls.

Normally they might not be so polite, but this time they mainly want to make a good impression on the girls. Fortunately, no one invited everyone to dinner this time.

Just after distributing the book, something happened to Luoquan again, and a caller called "Shanghai Import Customs Broker".


"Hello, is this Ms. Luo Quanluo?" A very sweet female voice spoke.

"it's me."

"The business and documents you entrusted us to handle last week have already come down. We have just been notified that your car is ready to be picked up. The final inspection and accounting are being carried out over there. Do you think you are free now?"

Luo Quan was overjoyed: "The car has arrived, then I'll come over right away!"

"Where are you now, we can send a car to pick you up."

"Alright, just wait for me at the back door of Shanghai Art University. I'll go back to the dormitory to get the license plate." Luo Quan hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"What's the matter!" Lin Yizhu looked at Luo Quan like a curious baby.

Luo Quan smiled triumphantly: "My car can be picked up now."

Zhang Yun asked in surprise, "Is it that Lamborghini limited to nine units in the world?"

Luo Quan nodded: "To be precise, there are twelve, three hardtops, and nine convertibles. However, my car has undergone some modifications in order to be able to go on the road in China. It can be said to be unique in the world."

"I want to sit!" Lin Yizhu raised his hand high, "My brother wants a poison car like crazy, but he just can't buy it. If I can sit on it this time and take a few photos, I won't be envious of him!"

Although Poison can only take two people, Luo Quan definitely can't let the three roommates go to only one, so he said: "Everyone come, although we can only sit one, but wait for someone to pick us up, and then let them send us back Just do it."

Lu Yao nodded: "Let's go and have a look, I've only seen it on the Internet before, I haven't seen a real car yet."

In order to drive the car back, Luo Quan made a lot of preparations this summer.

First, she signed up for a driving school, got her driver's license in two months, and exchanged it for advanced car skills in the mall. A while ago, Leon got her a Shanghai license plate with a black card, the number is Shanghai.A33333.

In fact, you can get a better number, but Luo Quan likes the number 3, so he asked for this number.

The girls returned to the dormitory in a hurry, Luo Quan dug out the license plate and driver's license from the cabinet and walked towards the back door of the school.

Turn right at the entrance of the back door, and there is a large underground parking lot, which is a special parking place for teachers and outsiders. Of course, students can also use it at ordinary times.

Although it is the back door, it is not deserted at all, because when you go out the back door, turn right and walk straight for tens of meters, which is one of the largest pedestrian streets in Shanghai. Many students will go straight there after class or on vacation. Just a few hours.

"I'm at the back door, how about you?" Luo Quan called the driver where he could see the security booth at the back door.

"Here we are, the black car on the left side of the door, the license plate is..., there are a lot of cars, you have to look carefully."

"Oh yes, we'll be there soon." After Luo Quan finished speaking, he quickened his pace.

It was only after walking out of the school gate that Luo Quan realized what the so-called a little too many cars meant.

At least twenty cars were parked at the back door of Shangyi, and none of them had their keys pulled out, and they were half-started.

Luo Quan took a look at the hood of the car with an evil taste, but found no mineral water, drinks or the like, and most of the drivers were young boys.

It's probably a boyfriend with the name of a girl in the school, but I don't know if this is normal or a coincidence, so many of these boyfriends came today.

After looking for a while among so many cars, I finally saw a humble Tesla.

"There are so many people." The driver is an uncle in his early forties, wearing a black suit, but half of his head is already bald, and he doesn't know why he has a programmer's occupational disease while driving.

"It won't be overloaded, right?" Lin Yizhu said with a smile.

"That's not enough." The uncle was not only easy-going, but also had long hands. He bent slightly and opened the door of the front seat, signaling Luo Quan and the others to get in the car.

"Yizhu, sit in the front." Luo Quan opened the rear door, she was afraid that sitting next to the driver would affect his driving.

The four of them didn't hesitate and got into the car one by one.

Through WeChat communication, Luo Quan knew that the staff of the customs broker had gone to the customs and started the accounting.

It is very troublesome to land an imported car in China. First, you need to apply for various certificates, test the model, quarantine, and pay taxes. The process lasts for more than a month.

Luo Quan's car actually arrived very early, but the process that should go cannot be skipped, so she was made to wait for so long.

Fortunately, she was given so much time to get all the documents in order, otherwise she would not dare to drive, so she could only let the tow truck tow the car away.

After driving for 10 minutes, Luo Quan checked the road conditions, and found that there was not much traffic, and it was a good day for going on the road.

After getting off the bus, the customs broker arranged for someone to pick up Luo Quan. She was a capable woman in OL attire. She didn't say anything when she saw so many people. She just shook hands with Luo Quan and led everyone to the warehouse. go.

After going to the place, I saw several customs staff, some were taking records with notebooks, and some were measuring with instruments.

"Is this the owner of the car?" A middle-aged man who looked like the person in charge came over, "Little girl, the displacement of your car is not small. The maximum consumption tax range for domestic imported cars is 4L. You are directly 6.5L, the consumption tax alone is 40%!"

Luo Quan didn't know much about this, so he asked cautiously: "Is that against the law?"

The middle-aged man laughed: "That's not the case, it's just that the displacement is so large, which is not conducive to environmental protection, and does not meet the energy-saving and emission-reduction policies advocated by Conquest.

But if you want to drive it away later, you have to pay a lot of taxes. "

Hearing that it was possible to drive, Luo Quan was relieved a lot: "It's fine if you don't break the law, and you should pay taxes... How much do you have to pay?"

The middle-aged man made some calculations, looked down at the notebook in his hand, and said, "The foreign price of the car given to me by the customs broker is 2500 million U.S. dollars. This car has such a large displacement, and it is a luxury car model. It doesn't matter what the landing price is." That's [-] million, so you have to pay at least [-] million in taxes!"

"One hundred million! Hiss..." Luo Quan hadn't reacted yet, but Lin Yizhu let out an exclamation first, and finally got excited and bit his tongue.

Although Lin Yizhu's family opened a bank, she hadn't had much contact with the family's business since she was a child, and her parents were relatively frugal. They must have spoiled their daughter, but they were not too extravagant.

Therefore, Lin Yizhu still has a concept of money. Paying [-] million in taxes is a bit outrageous for her.

"One hundred million..." Luo Quan himself was also frowning, the tax was enough to buy another car of poison!

The key point is that she has saved money until now, and it is the first time she has spent such a large amount of expenses.

It's fine if you buy a house, but it's a bit of a luxury for a car.

But the car has been shipped, and it is impossible to send it back to Seifert, and it is impossible for her to ask Seifert to pay her for the tax.

Therefore, heartache is heartache, but I can only grit my teeth and respond:
"Just follow the procedure, and I won't miss a penny of the taxes that should be paid!"

Speaking of which, Luo Quanliu directly called her personal assistant at the bank. The use of such a huge amount of money requires a lot of procedures, and there is a daily limit on the amount that can be spent. One hundred million does not mean that it can be transferred in one day. .

After making the phone call here, the OL at the customs broker saw that Luo Quan's face was not good, so he also came over and whispered: "We also quoted the lowest price in the world for this car, but the price is indeed too high, and we can't beat it even if we want to." come down."

Lowering the price of imported goods is actually a major business of customs brokers. A good customs broker can save the client a lot of money. If this OL really plays like this, she has already paid a lot less money.

After all, although the current minimum price of poison is 2500 million US dollars, this kind of out-of-print super luxury car may not be available for 5000 million US dollars. It can really be described as having a price but no market.

Thinking that he had saved more than [-] million yuan, Luo Quan, who was feeling tight in his chest just now, suddenly felt much easier to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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