Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 321 Adaptation is not random

Chapter 321 Adaptation is not random
Ps. Here is a vaccination for everyone. When the author arranged for the protagonist to appear on "Singer", he never thought of letting her win the song king. Retiring halfway like the big devil Tan Jing is the best result.

Text: On Saturday morning, Luoquan still came to Changsha on the [-] o'clock flight, and arrived at the TV station earlier than all the guests.

Although she is lazy and likes to touch fish, as long as she has a job, she always puts [-]% of her energy into it.

Compared with other stars, when they come to Mango TV, they are surrounded by the grand style like the emperor on a trip. Luo Quan is alone everywhere he goes. He doesn’t even wear sunglasses after leaving the airport. I can also say hello to the security guards who have already known her.

In fact, these daily routines in "I Am a Singer" can be filmed and put on the show to enrich the image of the guests.

In fact, several celebrities in the program group also have this kind of treatment, because they are willing to endorse the sponsors of the program group. Every time they enter an advertisement, they can be seen holding yogurt or mobile phones, and reading affectionate and disgusting advertisements .

If you are willing to have a good relationship with the sponsor's father, the program team is naturally willing to give more shots.

When filming the first episode, the director actually talked to Luo Quan about it, and wanted her to take some commercials, but Luo Quan declined.

It's not that there is a problem with the quality of these products, just like this Muxi yogurt, she usually drinks it herself.

The main reason is that things are rare and expensive. The whole world knows that her endorsement is not easy to get. If she makes such an opening rashly, her endorsement value will also plummet.

And Luo Quan refused to endorse his own products, so the funder's father was naturally upset, and he didn't need to say it directly, the program team knew what to do.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons why there are so few shots in Luoquan.

Another thing is that her quality is really good, she has no airs at all with such a big wrist.

As soon as you enter the lounge, no matter whether there is a camera or not, you speak politely. The older ones are called seniors and teachers. The teacher thanked and bowed to the audience. There was nothing wrong with a good attitude.

It can only be said that as a singer who debuted in Japan, his temper is so good that people feel flattered.

However, this is really a "heterogeneous" for "I Am a Singer".

The reason why this show is so popular now is not only the top-level music appreciation, but also the non-stop rhythm.

The program team will deliberately arrange scripts or edits to create an atmosphere of confrontation and competition for the two popular guests, so that fans of the two groups will start to fight each other easily, and once they tear it up, they will become popular searches. Then came the heat.

Nowadays, many online variety shows with rhythm are actually taught by these variety shows of Mango Channel. In terms of stars with rhythm, these directors of Mango Channel are at the level of the ancestors.

However, after Luo Quan came, the whole program was immersed in a gentle, courteous and frugal atmosphere, but neither she nor the people around her could feel the slightest competition and tense atmosphere. It became a musical performance of the same song.

Before she came, after a star was eliminated, either she cried by herself or the audience cried, and many of them cried together. In short, you don’t want to leave smiling.

Since she came, the overall atmosphere at the scene has become much more relaxed, because most of the guests know that the singer has nothing to do with them this time, so they are more or less in the mood for fun.

But the atmosphere of the show is good, the topicality is much less, and the number of hot searches is far less than in previous seasons.

Taili found that no matter how he cut it, he couldn't make Luo Quan conflict with others, unless the guests were asked to take the initiative to quarrel with Luo Quan.

But this kind of thing, as long as it is a normal-minded person, it is impossible to agree.

High heat is a good thing, but with some heat, even a little bit of heat will cause big problems.

The top executives in Taiwan have given an ultimatum to the director of "I Am a Singer". If the ratings of the fourth episode drop, they must create conflicts for the guests.

So today, the entire crew of the program team looked rather heavy. Luo Quan felt the pressure on them keenly, so he didn't go up to greet them.

Although I don't know what happened, it is wiser to keep silent in this situation.

After playing with the mobile phone in the lounge, the guests also arrived one after another.

In this issue, as usual, an anti-war guest was added, but unlike the previous anti-war guests who had already passed away, today this Liu Yang is very popular, and his age is not much older than Luo Quan.

Although I heard that the strength is very good, it is estimated that there is still a big gap compared with the few present here.

The key point is that he is quite confident, and after chatting with a few guests, he said that the king of singers should prove himself.

Everyone just laughed it off, thinking he was joking.

Luo Quan was also laughing, but it was because he thought it was funny.

After the guests opened, the rehearsal began soon.

Because we have already recorded several episodes, everyone is already familiar with the road, and the rehearsal went smoothly, and it was completed faster than before, nearly an hour earlier!
Then the official recording started. This time the guests’ selection of songs was slightly different from before. I don’t know if Luo Quan was inspired by the last episode of the show. In this episode, there are a few fake chariot soldiers who didn’t think about it again. I chose to sing high notes, but picked some lyrical songs.

Kong Yue chose a rock and roll song to sing, and she has never sung a folk music in her old profession, but this time Luoquan sang a national song, and she sang a famous song like "Little River Flowing Water", which really surprised her .

For herself, "Little River Flows" is not difficult, and it is not too high to say that it is too high. There are too many people who have sung it, and there is nothing fancy about it.

But I heard that Luo Quan made some adaptations of the song this time, which made Kong Yue very much looking forward to the final appearance of the song.

Because he failed to get second in the previous round, Luo Quan's appearance order in this round was randomly arranged, and he was directly ranked fourth.

And the first one to come on stage was the new anti-war guest Liu Yang, who brought an adapted song, a fast song that was changed to a lyrical singing style.

Although Liu Yang's voice is quite distinctive, this modification is indeed a bit beyond the scope of public appreciation, and it is more like an experimental song.

The director in the background held his forehead, only feeling that his headache was about to split.

This show already has a pop queen who doesn't like to sing about pop, a national god who doesn't like to sing about ethnic groups, he already has a headache, and now a singer who doesn't like to sing seriously, how can he lead it?Just kill him with one sword!

When a director encounters so many situations beyond his control, no one can predict how his work will end up.

But at least Liu Yang's level of adaptation is directly proportional to the weirdness of his singing. His skill and dedication can be seen in many places. He is definitely a capable singer with both singing and writing.

At the end of the song, the audience responded with applause and cheers.

Luo Quan was also applauding, and at the same time, he secretly regretted the preconceptions and judging people by their appearance just now.

Sure enough, people can't be judged by their appearances. Liu Yang has a face that looks like a girl's idol, but he didn't expect his strength to be so good.

It's also fortunate that she didn't express her inner thoughts before, otherwise this scene would be too embarrassing.

It can only be said that Luo Quan's relatively dull image in front of the camera has helped her a lot. No one can tell her likes and dislikes for others from her expressions or actions, which also gives her a lot of room for adjustment.

But this can only be regarded as the opening scene tonight, the main event is still in the making.

In order to fulfill the promise she made to the program director, she specially redeemed Teacher Gong's star card.

As far as the difficulty of the song is concerned, with her talent, she can perfectly perform the treble part.

But the feature of this song is not only the treble, but also the deep affection in the song, which she can't reproduce at all, but with the help of the star card, it will be different.

Now she can easily take other people's perspectives and make her singing emotional.

For this performance, she also took great pains and made sufficient preparations.

In addition, she came this time and brought a suona.

I promised my fans before that I would perform a suona for everyone on the stage of "I Am a Singer".

If she wanted to sing, the suona would definitely not be able to perform at the same time, so Luo Quan negotiated with the director and wanted to give her some extra time to play the suona after singing.

This negotiation took place before she had a disagreement with the director yesterday, so although the director made it difficult to agree, he still agreed to her behavior.

I just don't know if he still admits it today.

Soon, it was her turn to take the stage.

No matter how the audience on the Internet commented on the fifth season of "I Am a Singer", for the public judges on site, this is definitely the most exciting season they have ever experienced.

And Luo Quan is the singer who surprised them the most this season. Every time she plays and sings, people will sigh: How can she sing so well? !

This time Luo Quan is still letting herself go, singing folk music that she has never sung before, but now no one will question whether she can sing it well.

The title of Luoquan all-round singer has been recognized by the public. In the eyes of most people, there is no song that she can't sing!
Before taking the stage, as usual, Luo Quan talked about his inner journey. Today, Luo Quan said less: folk music is actually something we have heard since we were young. Maybe most people can’t sing a few words, but the melody has been imprinted in our minds. , as long as someone sings, we can also hum along.

But this time I made some adaptations of the classic folk songs of this song, hoping to make the old songs new, and I hope everyone will like it.

Tonight, Luo Quan is wearing a blue dress, as beautiful as ever.

Behind her stood two strong men with a big drum in front of each.

At the beginning of the song, without any accompaniment, it was just Luo Quan's cappella.

(Ps. It is recommended to use it together with the video of station B: "Little River Flowing Water", search directly, the one with the most views is sung by teacher Gong Linna)
This loud and cold voice is like the Milky Way flying down from the nine heavens, carrying the stars all over the sky into the human world.

With a few provocative words, the audience was led into the mountains, with a soft full moon and twinkling stars above their heads, and a quiet and beautiful river on the ground.

Luo Quan's singing voice was melodious and sad, obviously the drumbeat was dull and powerful, but when I heard her voice, I felt a continuous sadness in my heart.

This is a true imitation of the scene with sound and the emotion with the scene. Kong Yue in the lounge was shocked when she saw this scene. This is a performance that can only be done by the most experienced folk musicians. A genius like her is also a flower It took several years to barely reach this level, and just like that, he has been called one of the few geniuses since the founding of the country.

And her junior sister, who is less than twenty years old, has actually reached this level. If she didn't see it with her own eyes, Kong Yue couldn't believe it anyway.

The public judges obviously did not have such a high level of appreciation as Kong Yue, but at this time, anyone with ears could hear the full of emotion in Luo Quan's singing, and many judges with more delicate emotions had tears in their eyes .

However, this is just the beginning. After the first main chorus is sung, the second main chorus should have started after the interlude.

And here is where Luo Quan actually made the adaptation.

She opened her red lips lightly and began to sing affectionately.

The most primitive ballads of human beings must have no lyrics, and singing is the earliest way of expressing songs. This is the most concise and clear way to reflect the singer's voice.

However, if you use howling to describe Luo Quan's voice, it is really the best of burning zithers and cooking cranes. Her voice is as pure as an ice crystal in the snow drifting thousands of miles away, and as loud and clear as a phoenix singing from the nine heavens!

Especially the two long voices in the chanting part amazed everyone. It is a beauty that cannot be described in words. If I have to find an object to compare, maybe I can only say that she is the voice of the siren in Greek mythology. , has the magic power to make listeners go crazy!

Sure enough, as Luo Quan said before, this national song was indeed adapted by her in a completely different way. It cannot be said that it is much better than the original version, but at least at the moment when she is singing it, it is definitely the best in the world!

After all, the time for a song is short, and Luo Quan's singing gradually returned to calm as the drumbeat stopped.

At this time, the public judges could no longer sit safely in the auditorium, they had already stood up and applauded Luo Quan.

After this song is sung, tonight's No.1 can almost be announced in advance.

Even Kong Yue, who was the best at singing ethnic songs among the guests, was wondering if she could sing this song by herself, even if it was the same adapted version, would she be able to sing the same effect as Luo Quan.

The answer she got was unknown, and she, who had always been self-confident, was full of apprehension at this moment. In fact, subconsciously, she had already come up with the answer, but the pride of being a genius made her unwilling to admit it.

(End of this chapter)

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