Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 322 Editing

Chapter 322 Editing
After the song was sung, Luo Quan, as usual, thanked the instrument teacher who accompanied him and bowed to the audience.

But this time she didn't step off the stage immediately, but took the suona she brought today from the program assistant in the audience.

This part had already been rehearsed during the rehearsal. Although the director had a grim look on his face, he still acquiesced to Luo Quan's behavior.

"In addition to singing "Little River Flowing Water" today, I actually prepared an extra program, which I promised my fans before. I will play a suona on the stage of "I Am a Singer". Just give me 1 minute."

There are quite a few interactive sessions like this on the stage of "I Am a Singer". Otherwise, if only the singers took turns singing on stage, it would not be able to last such a long program time. Therefore, Luo Quan is willing to add drama, and of course the audience also does not like it. will refuse.

But most people didn't expect Luo Quan to play the suona. According to common sense, a girl with this appearance is more suitable for piano or violin.

Luo Quan put the microphone back on the stand, and raised the suona with a smile.

In order not to delay too long, Luo Quan directly played the climax part:

"This song is called "The Bridge", and it's a sad song. (ps. The original song is called "Anhe Bridge" Matouqin Interlude. Station B can directly search for the Suona version of "Anhe Bridge". The first one is."

After speaking, the cheeks puffed up, and a shrill suona immediately resounded through the recording scene of "I Am a Singer", and many expectant audiences were almost sent away by this suona.

Although the song is very good, the artistic conception is too sad. Those who don't know think that some mage is doing the dojo.

But after being shocked, looking back and savoring this piece carefully, I feel that it really has a charm, and it can definitely be called excellent.

Although it was only less than 1 minute, the audience still applauded Luo Quan's performance again. The piece is very good, Luo Quan's technique is also quite solid, and several of his own suona musicians in the background also nodded their praises frequently.

The atmosphere in the audience was very harmonious, only the director had a livid face. It never occurred to him that Luo Quan would play such a song on the stage of "I Am a Singer". Is this a mourning?
If this is broadcast, it won't directly blow up the force that "I Am a Singer" has worked so hard to build!
"Wait a minute and cut it right away." The director said to the recording staff around him with a cold tone.

"Ah? Pinched?" The recording was quite fun, but when the director said that suddenly, I thought I had heard it wrong.

The director turned his gaze across: "What? Am I not good at speaking?"



In the lounge, Luo Quan greeted congratulations and praises like a king returning.

"Junior girl, your song tastes better than mine!" Kong Yue praised Luo Quan without hesitation.

Luo Quan said modestly: "No, it's because of good luck that you can reach this level. Next time, it will be mediocre."

This is the truth. After the same star card is used, there is a cooling time of one week to one month. Unless the card is permanently bound, it is impossible to sing to this level every game.

But she can use not only Teacher Gong, but also many other teachers.

As soon as "Little River Flows" came out, there was basically no suspense about the ranking in this issue. The only ones who could compete with Luo Quan, Kukas and Kong Yue, did not sing the types of songs they were good at. One sang popular, and the other sang rock and roll.

It sounds good, but in terms of the artistry of the song itself, it is completely inferior to Luo Quan.

In the end, after the public judges voted, it did not exceed anyone's expectations. Luo Quan won No.30.00 in the fourth round with a vote rate of 1%.

Up to this point, like Kong Yue, she has two No. 1s in her hand, widening the gap with other guests.

It's a pity that the No.1 in the regular season can't play a big role, no matter how much you get, you can't directly win the song king.

However, if it is really No.1, it means that the strength is indeed invincible, and if it can maintain its state until the final, the probability of winning the singer is still very high.

Because the completion of this episode was relatively smooth, and it was still early after the recording, Luo Quan directly bought a plane ticket and flew back to Shanghai.

On the way back to school after getting off the plane, someone on Weibo has already spoiled the fourth episode of "I Am a Singer" to the outside world.

Although the program group of "I Am a Singer" often publishes articles to ask these ghosts to stop spoiling, such news will still be leaked every issue.

However, these inner ghosts also know how to measure. They didn't directly say who won No.1, but said that Luo Quan's singing this time surprised everyone and prepared a very special gift for the fans.

To say it is a spoiler, it is better to say that this is to seduce the interest of passers-by.

Seeing that the environment of public opinion on the Internet is not bad, Luo Quan feels that he should have fulfilled his promise this time.

The next night, "I Am a Singer" was officially broadcast.

The two songs "Little River Flowing Water" and "Bridge" both rushed into the trending searches, and "Luoquan Blowing Suona" was also on the trending searches, which immediately aroused huge popularity.

The comment area is even more exciting:

"Good guy, I didn't expect Luo Quan to know this skill, it's really good."

"You have to lie down and listen to the song, or you won't feel it."

"Does it still have to lie in a rectangular box with the lid on?"

"This "Bridge" is the Naihe Bridge, right? It makes me want to reincarnate."

"Is no one praising "Little River Flowing Water"? It's the first time I've heard such a beautiful folk song. If it's all sung in the Spring Festival Gala, I wouldn't skip it every time."

"Luo Quan's creative ability is really strong. Not only can he create something out of nothing, but he can also add to the cake, I admire him."

"This time the king of songs should be her and Kong Yueer, right? This pair of Ershang Yishi and sisters are too strong, and they are in two worlds with the old seniors. Only Kukas can say goodbye to them." wrist."

"Kong Yue is the national team after all, these old seniors are just born early, and their singing skills can't compare with those three."

"It feels like Kong Yue has been playing with tickets, and has never sung a national song so far."

"Isn't it the same for Luo Quan? She only sang the pop song she is good at in the second issue. What's the situation? You won't lose the impression so quickly, right?"

"That thick chest voice almost made me drenched. Is it true that big breasts have an advantage in this regard?"

"Luo Quan is too versatile. None of the songs selected in the fourth season are the same, and the singing styles are different. What else does she not know?"

"I used to think that she was an idol singer who could only hype, but this time I got to know her again. Her strength is definitely at the top of the pyramid in China!"

"Haha, the main reason is that Luo Quan's face is too alluring. They thought she was relying on her face to make a living, but they ignored her strength."


Luo Quan watched this scene with relief. This was the first time on the Internet that there was a large-scale praise of her strength.

Most of the compliments before were due to her appearance and creativity, few people would praise her singing skills, and even in the eyes of many people, she is just a beautiful female singer with good songwriting.

So she wants to appear on "I Am a Singer" in order to justify her own strength!

Now, her goal has been achieved, as long as she wins this season's song king, her merits and virtues will be considered complete.

However, a hot search that followed made her joy disappear in an instant.

"Luo Quan encounters editing."

As soon as one appeared, it was immediately a hot search with the suffix "boiling".

The hot search directly said that the scenes of Luoquan on stage in the fourth issue were edited a lot, including the mental journey and the thanking fans after the song was sung, especially the suona singing part, which was completely cut out and will be broadcast tonight You can't see it in variety shows.

The so-called "Luoquan Blowing Suona" that was on the hot search this time, what everyone saw were actually short clips of the show and videos recorded by the public judges with mobile phones.

As soon as the news came out, both fans and passers-by exploded, and the comment area was full of anger:

"Is this news conclusive?"

"I haven't had time to watch the fourth episode yet. I just watched some highlights on Weibo. I didn't expect there to be such a big melon."

"No, sir, such a wonderful picture was cut, what do you think?"

"This show is quite temperamental. I really don't think Luo Quan is a big name."

"There are so many variety shows at home and abroad, but you can't invite them. It's better for you to cut the screen directly. You really have it."

"I've been wanting to say this since the first issue. I always feel that there are fewer pictures of Luo Quan than other singers. At first I thought it was because she didn't like to talk, so there were no pictures. After all, it was the same in "Chuang Shao".

Now I finally know what's going on..."

"I hope the program team will come out and explain it quickly, and give me a confirmation letter if it's true or not."


For Luo Quan, she is very clear about whether it is true or not, because she just watched the part of the fourth episode that belongs to her, and indeed all the scenes of her playing the suona were cut out, only in the fourth episode In the back of the film, that is, you can see this picture in the current issue.

However, the number of views of this trailer is nearly a hundred times lower than that of the feature film. Except for the die-hard fans of the show, how can anyone watch the trailer after watching the feature film?

Luo Quan was very puzzled by such behavior, and if he didn't want her to brag, he could tell her directly what it meant to be such a disgusting person.

After digging out the director of "I Am a Singer" from the blacklist, Luo Quan made a phone call.

"Hello, Director Zheng?" Luo Quan tried his best to suppress his anger.

"Luo Quan." Director Zheng Da's tone didn't fluctuate, and before Luo Quan Xingshi asked him to blame, he opened his mouth to attack: "Luo Quan, the number of broadcasts on the first day of the fourth issue is still much lower than that of the first issue. Ah, the adaptation of your song seems to be well-received or not."

Are you mad at me?Luo Quan laughed angrily: "Director Zheng, let's not talk about this first, let me ask why you cut my picture?"

"This performance is very good, but I personally don't think it fits the theme of the show very well, so I specially cut it into an independent short film, which can also be more differentiated and make it easier for fans to find."

"Then you'd better do it for me." Luo Quan wanted to curse at this time. It was originally a surprise for the fans. If you cut it out directly, you can see it as soon as you enter the "I am a singer" page. What kind of surprise is that?

"Luo Quan, in fact, I've always wanted to tell you that I want you to sing more popular songs for the sake of the program's ratings, but why do you insist on being so unconventional?
As long as you listen to a word of persuasion, we will not have such a big conflict! "

Luo Quan sneered: "This variety show is called "I Am a Singer", right?"

"Of course it's called I Am a Singer."

"From what you said, I thought this variety show was called "I Am a Pop Singer". Since you are a singer, shouldn't the singer decide what song to sing?
You decide on the selection of the song, so don't you also decide on the final ranking and the king of singers? "

Director Zheng was not happy when he heard this: "Luo Quan, it's meaningless for you to say that.

Since you are so dissatisfied with the program group, you can withdraw from the competition. "

Luo Quan sneered: "Retire? Are you in charge? Or is it that your leaders are not happy with me?"

Compared with director Zheng Da, the leader of Mango TV has a B number, and the decrease in the broadcast volume of the program is only the responsibility of the director. He has never had any dissatisfaction with Luo Quan.

What is unclear is always the director alone.

It may be that creating this national-level variety show has made him a little drifting, or it may be that this season's ups and downs have made him anxious, and his mind has long lost the calmness of the past.

At this time Luo Quan asked this question, he said without thinking: "The leader entrusted me with full responsibility for this variety show, and I have the right to coordinate all the personnel in the program group, including the guests.

No matter who it is, as long as it has a negative impact on this variety show, I will let her go, and the leader will definitely agree with my handling! "

Luo Quan calmed down now: "Understood, you think my joining is a negative improvement for "I Am a Singer", right?"

"Can you tell by looking at the data comparison of these four periods?"

"Are you responsible for what you say?" Luo Quan asked solemnly.

"of course can!"

"Okay, I'll retire right now, you guys should hire someone else."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Director Zheng to respond, and blocked him again.

Turning on the phone's Weibo, Luo Quan typed directly and quickly: "Announcement, because my studies are getting heavier and my energy is limited, I really can't focus on two things. From now on, I will quit the "I Am a Singer" program and concentrate on studying.

Here, I also wish "I Am a Singer" not to forget its original intention, and to do better and better. "

Although he was angry, Luo Quan's mind was still clear. It would be cool to scold directly on the Internet, but it would seem that he was narrow-minded and low-quality.

It is obviously decent to end in this way, no matter what the final situation is, she will not be the wrong party.

Although I just retired from the competition, it is a pity that I didn't get the King of Songs.

However, this kind of honor is better than nothing for her now, and it won't bring any special benefits if she gets it. Besides, her goal of appearing on the show this time has been achieved. Taking advantage of this opportunity to end, she will be able to relax later.

After all, she has to fly between the two places every week, leaving too little time for her to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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