Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 323 Regret Medicine

Chapter 323 Regret Medicine

The "I Am a Singer" program team has not made any response to Luo Quan's withdrawal for the time being. It is estimated that no one in the program team would have thought that the guests who cooperated well yesterday would suddenly announce their withdrawal today.

Except for the director, all the staff and persons in charge probably don't understand why.

Several guests also posted on Weibo to express their astonishment, especially Kong Yue, who wrote on Weibo:
"Luo Quan's talent and talent are the only ones I have ever seen in my life. She has brought too many surprises to everyone in these four episodes of the program, but her sudden withdrawal is really unexpected. (ps. I really can't figure out why.)
I look forward to having more opportunities to cooperate with her in the future. Maybe you can see us performing on the same stage at this year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. "

Apart from the guests, passers-by are more concerned about whether Luo Quan's unilateral withdrawal will cause it.breach of contract

In fact, these worries are unnecessary.

When signing the contract, Luo Quan did not sign a long-term contract for a whole season.

In fact, any guest of "I Am a Singer" does not sign a long-term contract, because no one can guarantee that they will not be eliminated. Guests, they can also choose whether to participate in the next recording, and the appearance fee is a one-time fee. Give one period.

Luo Quan's withdrawal soon caused an uproar on Weibo.

Those who follow Weibo know what Luo Quan is doing this time. The trigger is definitely that his scenes were cut for no reason. Any limited energy is an excuse.

Soon, someone commented below:
"Are you so angry? Just retired after cutting a few scenes?"

"How many scenes were cut for this? This is a performance specially prepared by Luo Quan. If you don't say hello, you just cut it out. Who can bear it?"

"To put it bluntly, it's condescending for a guy like Luo Quan to come to this show. The previous episodes were fine with just a few scenes. This episode has so many cuts, the entire entertainment industry can only run expensive shows."

"After all, national-level variety shows, we in Luoquan can't afford to climb high. From now on, the road will be open to the sky, so let's go our separate ways!"

"I'm not a Luoquan fan, I think the program group should give celebrity guests enough respect. It's the guests that make your show, not the show."


Even on Weibo, Luo Quan won the support of the vast majority of people this time. They all felt that the editing of the program this time was too disrespectful to Luo Quan, and there was nothing wrong with retiring.

Station B didn’t have any big reaction, because most of the male fans don’t watch this variety show, and now I heard that they have withdrawn from the competition, so the program team is quite happy, thinking that Luoquan will be free to broadcast a live broadcast for them on weekends. up.

At the same time, in a meeting room of Mango TV.

The leader slapped the table heavily, almost in a roaring tone: "Who told you to make your own decisions and make Luo Quan withdraw from the competition!"

Director Zheng obviously didn't expect the leader to be so angry: "Leader, Luo Quan's presence in the program group has already affected my overall planning. If she is allowed to continue messing around, the broadcast volume of the program group will only continue to decrease."

"I thought you could figure it out." The leader really wanted to slap the director he picked up with one hand, "Even if the broadcast volume of this season drops to zero, it is impossible for Luo Quan to retire. Those outdated singers you hired? You can arrange it however you want?"

Director Zheng wiped the sweat off his forehead, and continued to speak firmly: "The show and her have a mutually beneficial relationship. Without her, we can invite other big names..."

The leader directly interrupted him: "How much more big name do you want?

The director got Luo Quan's private mailbox by selling a big favor from someone else, and talked to her about cooperation with her kindly, otherwise you think you can really invite her here?This is a real big name with international reputation, and there is no one in the entire Chinese music circle who can compete with her! "


"But what a fart!" The leader roughly interrupted Director Zheng's defense, "The director is already very dissatisfied with the impact of this matter, you should call her now before the matter becomes serious, whether it is Apologize or beg her, make sure she cancels her retirement!"

"Shall I apologize to her?" Director Zheng raised his tone, "I'm dignified..."

Director Zheng hadn't finished bragging, and a word from his superior made him tremble.

"If you don't want to do it, I can find someone else, including the director of "I Am a Singer"."

For a long time, Director Zheng believed that he was the biggest contributor to the popularity of "I Am a Singer" across the country, because he was inspired by a Korean music variety show and proposed this plan to Taili.

The whole variety show has also been planned by him from being ignored when it first aired, to the current national level.

Originally, he thought that anyone in "I Am a Singer" could be replaced, but he was the only one who couldn't. Only then did he realize that no one is indispensable, and who can stay is only a matter of a word from the leader.

"I...I'll call her right away." Director Zheng didn't want his years of hard work to be taken over by others, even if he had just quarreled with Luo Quan just now, he had to call her immediately to apologize.

Face is a small matter, but losing the director is equivalent to killing him?

Quickly found the recent call with Luo Quan in the address book and called.

After a "beep", the artificial intelligence prompts that the user you dialed has turned off the phone.

Director Zheng's heart sank, if Luo Quan had really turned off the phone, there would not be such a notification sound, and this situation meant that Luo Quan had already blocked him!
"She blocked me." Director Zheng glanced at his boss, feeling uneasy.

"You..." The leader pointed at Director Zheng with annoyed expression on his face.

The phone was blocked, which meant that Luo Quan was not usually angry this time. He obviously didn't want to have anything to do with the program group, so he could only report to the director and let him solve it.

The leader got up and walked towards the door of the meeting room, Director Zheng called him anxiously: "Next... what should I do?"

The leader sighed: "Let's plan the next issue of "I Am a Singer" well."

Director Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this matter must be picked up after all, and he put it down gently.

But before he had time to write about his boss, Director Zheng heard the bad news.

"Because that's probably the last time you directed "I Am a Singer"."

When Director Zheng heard this, his whole body was icy cold, like falling into an ice cellar...

On the bed in the dormitory, Luo Quan curled up her bright long legs comfortably, her creamy skin became smoother under the light of the incandescent lamp.

Just as she was watching Wen Xia's new play with a smile, a phone call came in.

"Hello? Director Li..."

"I didn't quarrel, I just feel that I'm a little too incompetent to be on the stage of "I Am a Singer"..."

"There's really no yin and yang, so don't deal with Director Zheng..."

"Go back? Forget it, let's leave it at that. My school has a lot of competitions recently, and the counselor called me to participate. I really don't have time..."

"I'm really not angry, I have a chance to cooperate again in the future......"

"Okay, next time, I wish you good health, bye."

Generally speaking, when a girl says she's really not angry, something is seriously wrong.

Of course, Luo Quan is different from most of the girls, and basically speaks directly.

But this time, the head of the station took the initiative to call and ask, and he must still care about her feelings, so it's fine to file a complaint or something, so as not to embarrass him.

This is emotional intelligence.

As for what will happen to Director Zheng Da, it depends on his own destiny.

After retiring from the race, Luo Quan immediately felt much more relaxed.

Before there was a program, I had to go to bed early every Friday, and I got up before dawn on Saturday to fly to the rehearsal program. It took a whole day to record, and I had to fly back the next day.The originally happy weekend time was taken up by sevens and eighty-eight.

Now without the burden of the show, Luo Quan felt that his whole body was getting stronger.

Especially knowing that the teacher in charge of the department will go out to study tomorrow afternoon, and the afternoon when the class is originally full is empty, and he will just play all day on Monday, Luo Quan is even happier.

There is no happiness like knowing on a weekend night that there will be no classes on the next Monday.

If there is, it must be that there is no class on Tuesday.

Of course, even though there is no class, it is impossible for Luo Quan to lie in the dormitory for a whole day.

Tomorrow, the preliminary submission of the Shangyi Music Competition will officially start. After so many days of preparation, some seniors of the composition department have already produced their manuscripts, and they can only be the first drafts. After all, not everyone can compose as fast as Luo Quan.

Most of the contestants have only created a piece of melody at this time, and the degree of completion is very low. They only waited for the preliminary round to gradually enrich the content of the melody.

After all, this competition will last for two months, and the final will not be held until early November, so there is still plenty of time.

This is the first campus competition that Luo Quan participated in after entering Shangyi. Although she is not a professional counterpart, she also has absolute confidence to win a good ranking.

In addition to this, there is another thing she is more concerned about, that is, the crew of "The Lord of the Rings" is almost finished.

The filming speed of this massively invested masterpiece was much faster than most people imagined. It's not that Director Ford didn't care, but the filming did go smoothly.

For a movie like this with a lot of exterior scenes, it is very likely that the filming will be stopped for a day when it encounters rainy days. However, the weather in New Zealand has been good in the past few months, and there is very little rain.

On the other hand, after being inspired by Luo Quan, Director Ford decided to add more special effects to the film, so many pictures were turned into post-production computer production.

Although it is not necessarily faster to make with a computer than to shoot a real scene, but who told Director Ford to be rich? He directly hired a large special effects company to be solely responsible for all the special effects of "Lord of the Rings 1".

I heard that it was called an industry or a monster. Luo Quan didn't know much about it, but since he was attracted by Director Ford, he must be at the top level in the industry.

In short, when the crew started filming on-site, the production of special effects has also started simultaneously, and the two-threaded work has greatly shortened the production process of the film.

Now the live-action part can be completed in less than a month, and the special effects are more than half completed. The "Lord of the Rings 1", which was originally scheduled to be released next year, was abruptly brought forward to the end of the year in order to catch up with next year's Oscars.

However, Director Ford said in an interview: He did not have too much expectation for next year's Oscars.

It participated in the revision of the script of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Although the first scene is beautiful, it is still slightly insufficient compared with the big scenes of the latter two. It is unrealistic to want to win too many awards.

But having said that, this is the first part of the whole series after all, and it is impossible to say that it is not possible. Director Ford is also famous for his arrogance in the industry.

But his arrogance is usually before making a movie, and after the movie is actually made, he will suddenly become humble again.

However, those who are familiar with him know that this is his usual method of deception, in order to create a contrast.

Several of his works that have exploded in word-of-mouth before all said: the shooting is average, and he didn't have too much expectation.

As a result, after it was released, which one didn't have a box office of hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars?

So much so that after the words came out, none of the media believed him.

The media is constantly reporting on the filming process of "The Lord of the Rings", and the outside world has placed high hopes on this super blockbuster with a total investment of more than [-] million US dollars.

For so many years, Hollywood has been filled with various sci-fi commercial blockbusters, but there are very few movies that can be called classics. Everyone is looking forward to a movie that can shock the world.

To be honest, director Ford, who carries so many expectations, is under great pressure. Even as a senior famous director, no matter how many successful films he has made, before the film's real premiere, he is full of worries about gain and loss.

As the filming was approaching, he still slept less than six hours a day. He either went out to guide the shooting, or stayed in the room to check and edit the material he had previously shot.

On the other hand, Luo Quan's previous shots were basically a one-off, because the scenes shot at that time were so beautiful that even with Director Ford's critical eye, he couldn't find much that deserves to be corrected.

Therefore, Luo Quan became one of the few actors who was not notified to rework.

Of course, during this period, Luo Quan still contacted Director Ford many times.

The filming of the first play basically has nothing to do with her, but it can also help a lot in other aspects, such as the music it is best at.

After learning that "Pirates of the Caribbean" asked Luo Quan to make a soundtrack, Director Ford didn't have much idea.

He knew that Luo Quan was very talented in music, but said Po Tian was just a pop singer, not a composer.

But after listening to "He's a Pirate", Director Ford found that he had a huge misunderstanding of Luo Quan, and he didn't know anything about the composer genius by his side!
Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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