Chapter 324
Based on the idea that if someone doesn't use it, it will become invalid after the deadline, Director Ford contacted Luo Quan, asking her to compose a theme song for "Lord of the Rings".

Director Ford realized how difficult it is to ask Luo Quan to compose the song when he consulted with people in the industry about the price. At present, there are countless people all over the world who have invited her to sing, but very few of them have succeeded.

However, Director Ford felt that Luo Quan was also a participant in this film, so it shouldn't be difficult for her to compose a song.

It's really not difficult. When Luo Quan heard that the director asked her to compose a theme song for the movie, he agreed without even thinking about it, and sent him the song after two days, which was ridiculously fast.

Director Ford was full of praise after listening to it, and said that he would not only use it as a promotional song for the movie, but also add it to the movie as an episode.

If this is the case, Luo Quan might be able to take advantage of "The Lord of the Rings" and compete for next year's Oscar hit.

Of course, it's still too early to talk about this, after all, the movie hasn't been finished yet.

Back in Luoquan, her withdrawal statement finally received a response from the "I Am a Singer" program group. The response did not mention any conflicts between her and Director Zheng, but only regretted Luo Quan's withdrawal and respected She made the decision to focus on her studies, and I wish her the best of luck in the future.

This response is okay to coax passers-by, but a group of old viewers of "I Am a Singer" and fans of Luo Quan do not accept it at all. They who have been following the program trend all know the real reason for Luo Quan's withdrawal, and "I Am a Singer" official He didn't make any response to the malicious editing, which is typical of him who cares about the left and right.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the biggest highlight of this season is Luo Quan. Every episode can bring surprises and high-quality music performances to everyone. As a result, it’s fine if there are fewer scenes. If you need to cut her scenes again, then you invite her What are you here for?
Anyway, even the old viewers of "I Am a Singer" are a little angry this time, and basically all of them on Weibo are criticizing the official, demanding an explanation that satisfies everyone.

However, the "I Am a Singer" official did not make any further announcements other than this response, obviously trying to deal with this matter coldly.

There were also quite a few people who did not give up and went to Director Zheng's Weibo to find out.

At present, no one has thought that this person is the real reason for Luo Quan's withdrawal. If Luo Quan and the director himself don't say it, no one will know in the future.

As for Director Zheng Da, he is also in a state of desperation. In order to hold on to his job, he is racking his brains to plan the next episode of the show. If he wants to keep the ratings and reputation, there is no time to take care of these things.

Luo Quan got a good night's sleep. After retiring from the competition, she didn't have to think about what song to play next week, and she didn't have to set an alarm clock to disturb her normal work and rest.

The next morning, Luo Quan slept until he woke up naturally, his head was a little groggy.

It was eleven o'clock when I checked my phone, and I had slept for nearly ten hours.

Interestingly, while everyone else in the dormitory was still asleep, she was the first one to wake up.

In this fast-paced era, people's sleep time is generally delayed. In the past, it was almost past nine o'clock and ten o'clock, but now staying up until one or two o'clock has basically become a norm.

Luo Quan used to like to stay up late, but now for the sake of her body and skin, she goes to bed earlier, usually around twelve o'clock, and her roommates are not so regular. Stay up until three or four o'clock!
Fortunately, everyone is civilized and good roommates. They will wear earphones when listening to music and watching TV dramas at night, and they will go to the bathroom lightly when they wake up. Try to avoid affecting others. Therefore, although Luo Quan goes to bed early, he has not been woken up yet. once.

I don't know what time they went to bed, so Luo Quan didn't deliberately call them after getting up, went to the bathroom, and went directly to the cafeteria for lunch after washing up.

Today is the day when the preliminary competition of the Shangyi Music Competition begins. As the four major events of Shangyi, even the preliminary competition is held very grandly.

All contestants whose works have been completed must go to the Shangyi Auditorium to show their works to Mr. Zhang and their classmates. Interested students can also go to the auditorium to watch it, or watch it on their mobile phones through the campus TV broadcast.

The exhibition of works in the preliminary competition will last for a long time. During this period, the students can only watch. The power of promotion is in the hands of the school teachers. In the semi-finals, the students will vote together, and the group with the highest votes will be handed over to the teacher to choose the best among them. Yes, sent to the city to participate in the finals.

This kind of competition system can guarantee the artistry and singing quality of the songs to the greatest extent, and there is a high probability that there will be differences between what the students like and what the teachers like.

And if both parties like it, the dispute will be much smaller.

But after all, it is a relatively formal competition, and this time the final will be broadcast on CCTV, so the final selection of the final repertoire must be in the hands of the school. If it is just a simple pop song, it probably won't be able to make it to the final stage.

Unless the lyrics are well written, or the music is well written.

Positive examples are the lyrics of "Blue and White Porcelain" or the arrangement of "In the Name of the Father", both of which are basically at the pinnacle level of domestic pop music, and Dugu Qiubai has no rivals.

However, for others, it may be even more difficult to win this year's Shangyi Music Competition than writing works at the same level as these two songs.

The preliminary competition started at [-]:[-] pm, and the campus TV in the cafeteria had already started broadcasting previous award-winning works. Luo Quan watched while eating, wanting to see the school's preference for music genres first.

Although it is a bit late to investigate again at this time, but listening to the previous award-winning works, you can also know what level you can probably be in this year.

As a leading music academy in China, Shangyi has produced as many composers as Guo Jiangzhiqing, and many of these composers' debut works were created when they participated in music competitions, and the ones broadcast on TV are the works of previous award-winning works Campaign Edition, so the quality is pretty good.

Luo Quan listened to a few songs, and found that two of them touched the threshold of famous songs, which belonged to works that were only a little bit close to becoming regulars in major cultural performances.

But after all, it is still a little bit worse. After all, these are the debut works of composers, and there is still a long way to go before they become classics.

After reading it, Luo Quan's confidence increased a lot.

After eating, Luo Quan went back to the dormitory and changed into clean and fresh clothes, wiped the stains on his white shoes, took the USB flash drive and went out.

Participating in the preliminary competition requires the author to perform the repertoire in person, and the USB flash drive contains staves, which must be handed over to the school for archiving before the performance.

Because participating can accumulate credits, so there are many students participating in each Shangyi Music Competition, even those who know nothing about music will try their best to perform the whole piece.

It doesn't matter whether it sounds good or not, the important thing is to participate.

Today, the seats in the Shangyi Auditorium are full. According to the arrangement of the student union, the contestants sit in the front and the spectators sit in the back.

Luo Quan got a relatively late number, No. 110 and No. 150. There were only [-] people who participated in the competition this time, and the others have not been prepared yet, so they can only miss this opportunity to show their faces.

Teachers and vice-principals from more than a dozen conservatories were sitting under the podium. There was a piano on the podium, and the student union under the stage also prepared a lot of musical instruments for the contestants to use.

However, most of the contestants bring their own musical instruments, and there are still a small number of karate players like Luo Quan.

As soon as Luo Quan sat down, he saw Ivy among the crowd.

With a guitar on her back, she looked around blankly in the crowded passage.

Luo Quan got up and walked over, patted her on the shoulder.

Ai Wei took a bag, turned around and saw Luo Quan and laughed immediately: "Boss!"

Luo Quan scolded: "What boss do you call me? If you're so out of touch, you can just call him Luo Quan... You're carrying a guitar, and you're also here to compete?"

Ivy nodded: "Yes, I wrote some songs before, and I want to come here to see my level."

"What's your size?"

"number 10."

Luo Quan was startled: "Then you're going to fuck soon."

Ivy smiled and clenched the guitar strap tightly: "Yeah, I'm quite nervous."

Luo Quan comforted softly: "It's okay, just treat it as a practice for future performances. If you become famous in the future, the number of people sitting in the audience will not be so small, it will have to be multiplied dozens of times!"

"When you say that, I'm even more worried about the future." Ivy was very excited when she signed the contract. After all, she earned a lot of signing fees and has the hope of becoming a big star.

But when I went to bed late at night, I couldn't fall asleep. My mind was full of expectations and worries about the future.

She has been thinking: Can I really be a star?What if she can't sing the song Luo Quan wrote for her?What if the song is good but still not popular?How to deal with black powder?

Too many problems that she didn't have any problems before, all came out now, and she was almost out of breath.

In the first few days after signing the contract, she suffered from insomnia every night, just keeping her eyes open thinking about her future.

Hearing what Ivy said, Luo Quan probably understood what she was worried about, pulled her to the side seat, and explained:

"Now you don't have to worry so much, trying to improve yourself is your most important task right now.

Don't worry about whether you can become popular in the future.There is a saying in the circle that a small fire depends on praise, and a big fire depends on fate. The more you insist, the more likely things will backfire. Knowing how to seize opportunities is the key to becoming popular.

I can't guarantee that you will be as popular as I am, but I guarantee that after one year, you will be well-known both at home and abroad! "

Ivy took Luo Quan's words seriously: "I believe you have such ability, I just doubt myself..."

"Don't doubt it." Luo Quan interrupted directly, "You should believe in yourself the most. If you don't even believe in yourself, no matter how powerful I am, I can't help you."

Ivy clenched her fists, and her worried eyes gradually became firm: "I understand!"

"Students, please keep quiet!" The student host on the stage began to maintain the order of the competition site, and the auditorium, which was noisy just now, suddenly fell silent.

After quieting down, the female student host continued: "The No. 16 Shangyi Music Competition is about to begin. Let Principal Liu give a speech first. Everyone applauds and welcomes."

"Papa papa———"

Vice President Liu took the microphone, stood up and faced the camera and the students in the auditorium with a smile on his face: "On behalf of the school, I would like to thank the students for their active participation and watching, and also thank the cadres of the student union for their careful preparation and arrangement.

As one of the best art colleges in China, our achievements in the cultivation of music talents and music convenience are obvious to all. Since the establishment of the school, Shangyi has been adhering to the school motto of perfection and beauty, focusing on the construction of teachers' morality... …………”

After thanking him, Vice President Liu began to speak in an official tone, as if all school leaders liked to make a long speech on such an occasion, and then everyone could only be patient, waiting for him to shout the phrase "start now"!
Luo Quan was lost in thought, and always felt that where else did she want to hear Principal Liu's official accent?

After thinking about it carefully, I finally recalled it. Isn't this the same as what Dean Zheng did back then?Not even a word has changed!
"It's too easy, isn't it a set of rhetoric?" Luo Quan complained in a low voice.

Ivy looked up: "What's so old?"

Luo Quan shook his head: "It's nothing, Principal Liu has a pretty face, but I didn't expect his voice to be so rich."

Ivy smiled and said: "Principal Liu is a national first-class tenor singer. He used to be on TV often, but now he concentrates on school education and doesn't perform much on stage."

"No wonder…………"

"Now I announce that the No. 16 Shanghai University of the Arts Music Competition will start now!" Principal Liu finally finished speaking, and now the four words began to be heard in his top tenor voice and the amplification of the microphone, and immediately sent to the auditorium spread in all directions.

The sound waves rolled and echoed, and the student who was closer to the speaker rubbed his ears with grinning teeth.

Principal Liu smiled awkwardly when he saw this scene: "Sorry, I couldn't control the volume when I was excited."

The students and teachers all laughed, and then began to applaud warmly to celebrate the start of the Shangyi Music Competition.

After the leader finished his speech, the female student presided over the stage again, first measured the specific competition system and some precautions, and then officially started the competition.

"Next, I invite contestant No. [-], Zhou Tang, a third-year student from the Department of Vocal Music and Pop. The piece she brought to the competition is an original pop song "Memories of Youth"."

The classmates applauded enthusiastically, and a girl with short hair and white shirt ran onto the stage.

Soon the accompaniment of the song began to play in the background, and Zhou Tang didn't have an instrument, so he just took the microphone and started singing.

The melody of the song is mediocre, and the lyrics are written to commemorate the past of youth. It's not bad. The style is full of girlishness and freshness. It may be popular on Douyin for a while, but it's hard to say on the stage.

Several teachers studied for a while, and finally gave a pending result.

Zhou Tang seemed a little disappointed, but thanked the judges and teachers, and then walked off the stage gracefully.

Ps. Thanks to book friends manusaka and YINGYUEYA for the book coins, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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