Chapter 325
"It's so strict. This song sounds good, but it's still pending." Ivy clapped and said with a frown.

Luo Quan said with a smile: "After all, it's pop music. It's normal for the teachers in the academy not to like it. It's probably fine to change to classical pure music of the same level."

Ivy had a bitter face: "Mine is still rock and roll, I'm afraid it's even worse."

Luo Quan comforted: "Don't be afraid of failure. Besides, you are on stage this time for exercise. It doesn't really matter whether you can pass the preliminary round or not."

"That's true."

The competition continued, and the contestants also brought their works to the stage for teachers and classmates to taste. The quality of the works is also good and bad, but no matter how bad the work is, the teachers still mainly encourage them. Students who are preliminary but have more potential will be comforted and asked to try again next year.

Soon, it was time for Ivy on the tenth to take the stage.

"Next, I would like to invite contestant No. [-], Ivy from the second grade of the Bel Canto Department, to bring you the rock song "Orange"."

"Come on!" Luo Quan clenched his fists and cheered her up.

Ivy turned her head and gave the boss a drink and a smile, then walked onto the stage and took a deep breath.

Before the singing started, a teacher in the audience said a few words first: "Rock songs were rare before, especially those who learn bel canto to sing rock. Can you tell me why you chose this theme?"

Ivy smiled: "Actually, there is no other reason, because I like rock and roll."

The teacher was a little strange: "Then you should have gone to the Department of Pop and Vocal Music, and the Department of Bel Canto feels a bit out of line."

Ai Wei smiled awkwardly: "I filled in the wrong professional code when filling out the application."

The entire auditorium burst into laughter, and the teachers in the audience couldn't help laughing.

Principal Zheng said with a deep voice and a smile on his face: "In fact, there are many college students who fill in the wrong codes and study not their favorite majors in all major colleges and universities across the country. The path is also wrong, maybe in the future you will be glad that you chose Bel Canto.”

Ivy nodded respectfully: "I hope so."

"let's start."

Ivy's talent in music is not bad, and her musical literacy is not low. The melodies of the songs she creates are very thoughtful, and the lyrics are also very content.

But this type of music is a little more experimental, just like the Liu Yang that Luo Quan met on "I Am a Singer" a few days ago. Those who know the art know how good his songs are, while ordinary listeners will only think He was howling like ghosts and howling like wolves.

There is no market for this kind of music in China, but there will be a considerable number of crowds abroad, especially Ivy still sings rock and roll.

After the song was sung, the teachers did not immediately draw conclusions for her.

From a purely pleasant point of view, Ivy's song is not as good as Zhou Tang's who was the first to play, but the musicality and depth of lyrics are much better, which is more than enough than the next.

In the end, several teachers let Ivy advance to the next round of the competition because of the relatively small number of rock and roll entries.

"Thank you, teacher!" Ivy was overjoyed when she heard that she had advanced.

Just now on the stage, Ivy was quite nervous when she saw the faces of many people staring at her. Many lyrics were sung a little vaguely. Originally, she thought that this time she would be rejected I brushed it off, I didn't expect it to pass!

"Ivy, right?" The person who asked the question was Wang Zhujun, the dean of the composition department. He had met Luo Quan before, and they had a discussion on the elegance and vulgarity of the song.

Director Wang commented with a serious expression: "Personally, I don't like most of the rock music on the domestic market, because those creators are mere formalities, moaning about nothing, and what's more, they are just trying to sell dog meat. Rock and roll is actually pop.

But from this episode of yours, I heard real rock, the lyrics are simple, the attitude is not pretentious, I think it is very good.

But the melody still needs to be polished a little bit. Rock is more like a kind of music for the public. If the ear is not enough, no matter how deep it is, it is actually a deaf ear. There is no rock singer who can reach this level.

I suggest you listen to Luo Quan’s songs more. She is currently the only creator in China who has achieved the ultimate depth and breadth at the same time. Whether it is pop or rock, her level is at the peak of this era. Listen carefully, and there will definitely be Harvest, and I hope you can go further on the road of music! "

"Thank you, teacher." Ivy sincerely bowed to Zhang Wang Zhujun to thank him.

It can be heard that Director Wang is still very optimistic about Ivy. He explained her strengths and weaknesses so clearly, and pointed out the direction of efforts and the objects of study.

Although this learning can be applied to most of the current pop music creators.

Luo Quan, who was sitting in the audience, also felt a little strange at this moment. She never thought that she would become a study target one day. Isn't this the treatment that only those big bosses in the industry can get?
Although she has been popular for a whole year, she always feels that she is still a newcomer. However, listening to what Director Wang said, she seems to be much stronger than those big guys.

From this, we can actually understand the attitude of many passers-by in China towards Luoquan. After all, I don't really understand my status, and outsiders are even more limited.

The main reason is that Luo Quan's fire speed is too fast, and her popularity does not match her strength at all. In addition, because of the domestic wall, there is a huge gap in Luo Quan's popularity at home and abroad.

Don't look at Luoquan is also very popular in China at present, with more than 1000 million fans on Weibo, and millions of people are popular at any time if you open a live broadcast, but compared with those top-notch fresh meat, it is not a star and a half.

And Luo Quan is now abroad, but she is undoubtedly a first-line big name, but it's a pity that she didn't pay special attention to managing her popularity abroad.

It can only be said that there is still a lack of a professional marketing team, but as long as there is a more reliable brokerage company, with Luoquan's current achievements, he has long been blown into a Chinese-level star.

After all, Luo Quan needs good looks, good education, and works.

However, things in the entertainment industry are hard to say. If Luoquan really had an economic company, the announcements about her would definitely be flying all over the sky, and fans and sailors would definitely show their faces everywhere. Can my image be maintained as good as it is now? Popularity will be a huge question mark.

For her, maintaining the status quo is the most comfortable. She can choose what she likes, reject what she hates, have enough rest time, and have enough money... At present, it seems that if it is not extravagant, it is enough .

In short, even if there were no system restrictions, she would not go to any marketing team or economic company.

Back at the game site, Ivy, who successfully passed the preliminary round, returned to her seat with a big smile on her face.

Luo Quan congratulated and said: "You see, as long as you don't suffer from stage fright and play steadily, the result will always be satisfactory."

"You don't know how flustered I was up there just now, and I sang several lyrics wrong." Ivy stroked her chest with lingering fear, expressing some inner tension in a low voice.

Luo Quan waved his hand: "It's just a small flaw, how can this kind of preliminary competition be so picky."

After chatting for a few words, the two began to wait for a long time. Luo Quan's appearance number was 110 and No. 2, and he had to wait for a full hundred contestants to perform. Although everyone's performance time was compressed to about [-] minutes, but when they met When it comes to relatively excellent works, the judges and teachers will give comments or suggestions, and the entire competition process has been lengthened a lot invisibly.

The match that started at two o'clock might not end until seven o'clock in the evening, which meant that the two of them would have to sit here for several hours.

After listening to the works of more than 20 students, Ai Wei couldn't bear it at first, and finally yawned, put the phone back in the bag, and said to Luo Quan: "Boss, let me sleep and call again when it's your turn." I."

"Okay, go to sleep." Luo Quan was quite energetic, mainly because she didn't get up until ten o'clock, and she couldn't fall asleep even though she wanted to.

Fortunately, the phone was fully charged before going out, otherwise she really didn't know how to get through such an afternoon.

It's not that she doesn't want to listen carefully to the works of her classmates. The main reason is that there are so many people, and the quality is really mixed. Many students' music is made up to get credits. There is no melody at all, no matter from which angle you can't find it Advantages, this also makes students often play with their mobile phones for a while, look up when they hear a good song, and then look down to play with their mobile phones after a while.

This competition cannot leave halfway, so many students who have finished performing their works still stay in their seats, either playing with their mobile phones or dozing off.

It is not certain that you will really fall asleep. In the auditorium, the speakers are hung all over the ceiling, and the volume is very loud. When you just fall asleep, a sharp high-pitched sound may suddenly wake you up from your dream, so although there are many people who want to sleep, but No one can really fall asleep yet.

Time passed slowly, and the students performed on stage one by one in their own order, and the judges and teachers also made evaluations according to the actual situation. Overall, the scene was relatively harmonious.

"Next, I invite contestant No. 110, Fan Ying, a third-year student from the Department of Pop and Vocal Music, to bring the rap song "Social Man"..."

After the girl presided over the announcement, the auditorium fell into a silence, followed by whispers.

Some students discussed in a low voice with their companions:
"Is rap music considered music?"

"Does rap have a melody? Isn't it just the lyrics?"

"Yes, fortunately, music is needed to accompany it."

"Can rap also participate in the competition?"

Obviously, the students in the audience have a big prejudice against the music of rap.

The teachers also frowned slightly, especially Director Wang. Students who are familiar with him know that he hates rap music very much.

Even though Luo Quan changed his verbal opinion a little bit with the viewpoint of both refined and popular, but he still looked down on rap in his heart.

There is no way, the main reason is that the song "Drunk Makes Beautiful Women Pairs" that has been popular all over the Internet a while ago has made many composers disgusted, so that nonsense and non-musical things can make money, and they Songs written with painstaking efforts are not listened to.

Although it is shouting Mai, in the eyes of many people, the difference between shouting Mai and rapping does not seem to be particularly big.

If it was on his own professional exam, Director Wang would definitely let this student surnamed Fan go down, but this is a competition organized by the school, and he is just a judge and has no such power.

Principal Zheng, who really possessed such power, did not change his expression. Even if the other teachers were dissatisfied, they could only hold back.

Fan Ying quickly came onto the stage. As a rapper, he was also dressed in a hip-hop style. He wore a blue baseball cap with dyed bangs protruding from the back edge of the cap. He was covered in fashion brands all over his body. Also wearing a ring.

Fortunately, he didn't wear earrings, and he didn't have tattoos on his hands. Although the clothes were flashy, they were not indecent. Otherwise, even if Principal Zheng didn't speak, Director Wang would immediately stand up and ask Fan Ying to step down immediately.

"Fan Ying, you are the first student to appear on stage dressed like this." Principal Zheng's tone could not be heard, but his words clearly meant something.

Fan Ying said very respectfully: "I like hip hop, so my usual clothes are also biased towards this aspect, and there should be nothing wrong with such clothes.

I hope that the judges and teachers will not affect the evaluation of my work later because of their prejudice against hip hop. "

After saying this, there was an uproar in the audience.

"Wow, this guy is so attractive."

"As expected of a rap artist."

"It's very personal."

"It should be more personalized to be directly recorded as a punishment later."

"I'm really afraid that if he doesn't advance to the song later, he will directly scold on stage."

"Not at all, rapping is not cursing, and he's a college student anyway, so how can someone be so disrespectful."

"It's hard to say, it's not like you don't know what kind of rappers are like on the Internet."

"One thing to say, indeed."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, but the stage was very calm, without stage fright at all, which is indeed a commendable advantage.

Principal Zheng's tone was still flat: "I hope your songs can be as amazing as your attitude."

With that said, the game begins.

A very explosive beat was played in the background, and Fan Ying's body began to shake rhythmically with the music, and the lyrics began to sing in his mouth.

"The people of society, the soul of society, and those who mix society are all masters..."

Fan Ying's voice is quite high-pitched, and the whole song is full of explosions, which can quite arouse the emotions of the listeners.

The lyrics sound like they are praising the lives of people in society, but they are actually satirical. They are both positive and derogatory, quite educational, and the flow is extremely smooth and full of rhythm.

Overall, it's a pretty good rap song, even from Luo Quan's point of view, it's definitely a good song.

The students in the audience are already excited anyway, and the sleepiness accumulated before is gone at this moment.

And the teachers of the judges obviously didn't expect that this rap student had such real materials. After the song was sung, the discussion began immediately.

Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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