Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 326 Comparison

Chapter 326 Comparison
"After all, it is difficult to enter the hall of elegance. Letting this kind of song advance will tarnish this competition!" Director Wang was the first to stand up against the promotion of "The Social Man", and his prejudice against rap has not changed from the beginning to the end. Pass.

Another teacher was speaking for Fan Ying: "But it is also the first rap song after all. If it is promoted, it will better reflect the inclusiveness of the Shangyi Music Competition. Besides, the quality of this song is not that bad. He is qualified to advance to the next round."

"That's what I said, but I have a clear objection, but it doesn't count if I say it alone, you can make a decision." Director Wang saw that Principal Zheng hadn't spoken, so he didn't say anything more. No matter how much he talks about himself, it is still a matter of his old man's words. There is no need to waste more words, just show your attitude.

Dean Zheng thought about it for a while, then said with a smile: "Give it a chance, the content of this song is actually pretty good regardless of its genre.

Besides, isn't rap very popular now, let's take advantage of it, so that netizens don't say that we are a bunch of rigid old antiques. "

Director Wang pressed his lips hard, but he still didn't speak in the end.

Dean Zheng saw that there was no objection, nodded, and looked up at the stage: "After our teachers' discussion, we feel that Fan Ying's song has something special, and it meets the promotion standard!"

Although Fan Ying on the stage looked as if no one was hanging on his face before, he must still be very eager to advance. After all, this is a great opportunity to prove his strength and to justify his reputation for rap. But after the singing, the teacher did not act like before Announcing the result immediately shows that there must be different opinions internally.

He probably also guessed who had different opinions. It is no secret that Director Wang despises rap, shouting wheat, learning dog barking and other popular songs in school.

Fortunately, his rap is not the same as those industry scum after all. Although the process is a bit bumpy, the result is good.

"Thank you, teachers." Hearing that she was successfully promoted, Fan Ying's heart was relieved, and her expression relaxed a lot: "Actually, I know that many people are prejudiced against rap, and there are indeed a lot of mouse shit in this industry." , but there are still many people who have been working hard to do the purest and best rap. I came on stage this time to give voice to these real rappers who have been misunderstood by the public. I hope that everyone who listens to my song will treat us like this people, keep a respect."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to express his gratitude. The students in the audience were very touched when they heard such heartfelt words, and they all responded with applause.

After the applause, Principal Zheng said to Fan Ying: "If you have an idea, the three views are correct, but you have to keep it up."

"I will." Fan Ying replied firmly.


"Are you there?" Ivy asked.

"The next one is me." Luo Quan was ready to stand up and take the stage.

"Come on!" Ivy also clenched her fists as Luo Quan did to her just now.

"Next, I would like to invite contestant No. 110, Luo Quan, a freshman from the Department of Pop and Vocal Music. Her entry is the symphony "Nightingale"! (ps. The author is Yanni)"

Hearing Luo Quan's name, the entire auditorium immediately became as noisy as a vegetable market.

"Luo Quan is here too? I haven't heard of it before."

"It seems that she only revealed in the news yesterday that she will participate in the school's music competition, but not many people know about it."

"Isn't this a dimensionality reduction blow? There is no suspense for this championship."

"Not necessarily, you have to listen to the work to know."

"Based on this name, I will vote for her even if she wrote Shout Mai!"

"Fan Ying is too miserable, she will be directly compared with Luo Quan, isn't this just instant?"

"You're so unlucky, why are you next to Luo Quan?"


Among Shangyi, the name Luoquan can be said to be known to everyone, both teachers and students know that there is such a great god in the school.

During the first period of school, I don’t know how many students deliberately stayed on the road between the Luoquan dormitory and the cafeteria, in order to meet her by chance, and if they were lucky, they could even look at her. A smile like a spring breeze.

Although it sounds very idiotic, it also shows how popular Luo Quan is among the boys in Shangyi.

However, after the incident in the Bai Department, the school leaders also issued a special order, asking the counselors of each class to warn the students not to always surround others like flies, anyway, they are also studying art, a bit reserved and gentlemanly .

After this measure was issued, Luoquan's life became much easier, and the fans who could meet on the road plummeted.

In the past, when I went out of the dormitory to have a meal, I had to greet dozens of people along the way, and my face was almost stiff with fake smiles.

However, the number of times I saw her was less, which also allowed Luo Quan to maintain a considerable sense of mystery in the minds of the students. Even now, quite a few students only saw her from the Internet, and had never seen her in real life.

Such a big star is actually his classmate, which sounds unreal.

Luo Quan trotted all the way to the stage, leaving a burst of fragrance behind him. The boys sitting by the road took a deep breath one after another, greedily wanting to smell the scent that belonged to Luo Quan.

"Hello, teacher." Luo Quan took the microphone, obediently and politely.

Seeing Luo Quan, the attitude of the teachers in the audience was completely 180-degree turn from what they had faced with Fan Ying just now, all of them were smiling, and the wrinkles on their faces were layer upon layer.

"Symphony "Nightingale", right?" Only Principal Zheng's expression was the same as before. He had the same expression for all the students: "Let's talk about the music type, composition structure and other elements first, and then talk about the creative inspiration."

These things have been firmly imprinted in Luo Quan's mind after exchanging songs, and she also did her homework before coming here. It seems that this kind of music has never appeared in this world.

Luo Quan's voice was clear and pleasant: "After I recreated this song, I found that it combines the characteristics of many songs, but there is no specific music genre to divide it, so I temporarily call it "New Age Music" ", in which I incorporated electronic music, reformist music, neoclassicalism, and inspiration.

To put it simply, it is a combination of classical music and modern electronic music, and it is also very ethnic. "

This is also the first time Principal Zheng has heard of this new world music, but this kind of integration sounds quite interesting, but he is more curious about the appeal: "Can you tell me what this appeal is all about?"

Luo Quan smiled shyly: "My face."



Two sounds of um, one from the judges and teachers, and one from the students.

Obviously, everyone didn't quite understand Luo Quan's explanation. How could her face be related to charisma?

Luo Quan continued to explain: "I have always believed that music is not only a kind of hearing, but also a kind of vision.

The author can outline a magnificent or beautiful picture for the audience through the notes, making people feel immersive.

The performers can also bring emotional resonance to the audience through their body language and intoxicated expressions when they play. This is a dual guidance of hearing and vision, which is more contagious than a single listening experience.

And based on my superficial knowledge, generally good-looking performers want to achieve this effect, it should be easier, as for me, probably a little easier. "

The teachers were still thinking, and the students, especially the boys, spoke directly:

"It seems to be so reasonable? Watching a beautiful woman perform live is more comfortable than listening to a record."

"What's more, it was played by Luo Quan? Even if she stood still in front of her, I would still enjoy it."

"She is standing in front of me, I don't even have the time to listen to the song."

"Sounds like the way of visual kei rock."

"It's about appearance, isn't Luo Quan's face much more pleasing to the eye than those killers?"


Principal Zheng asked: "It is indeed a new genre of music, but no matter what, the main theme is always on music, isn't that right?"

Luo Quan nodded: "Of course, no matter what kind of music, it needs to be expressed with melody."

Principal Zheng continued: "Then do you use a piano or some other electronic instrument for this song?"

Luo Quan nodded: "Because what I wrote is Huaxia style, the main body is the flute, but now I want to play the flute on the piano, and I will play the flute when I officially perform on stage. At that time, there will be a symphony orchestra to play together."

Principal Zheng laughed: "I'm very confident. I haven't passed the preliminary round yet, so I'm thinking about the final."

Although these words sounded as if they were crazy, but it seemed so natural when it came out of Luo Quan's mouth, as if it should be like this.

But think about it, her work has never disappointed.Let alone the finals, even if she said she could win the championship this time, no one would dare to question her.

Enough has been said, no matter what kind of new music, the fusion of old and new, or the use of appearance to impress the audience, in the end, the work must be used to speak.

Luo Quan sat on the piano and put his hands on it.

Before her, this piano had been used many times, and every time it was used up, a senior from the student department would wipe it clean with a veil, mainly because she was afraid that the students who used it later would have a cleanliness or something.

Luo Quan doesn't have any obsession with cleanliness, and he doesn't need to brew for a while before playing like other students, just get started directly.

Luo Quan's fingers fluttered over the keys, and his movements appeared to be clean and neat, unlike many students who play the piano, every time they play, their arms wave like dancers.

The facial expression is always smiling, without closing his eyes pretending to be intoxicated.

Now it's the preliminary round, and she plans to save this trick until the final round. In terms of the quality of this song, it doesn't need to be so fancy.

But it is such a simple playing, it is still a beautiful scenery in the eyes of others.

Luo Quan is wearing a blue and white plaid shirt today, the two cuffs are rolled up a circle and a half, revealing the white wrist just right, the fingers are slender, the nails are bright but nothing is painted, everything is so fresh nature.

The music played by such a pair of masterful hands is so ethereal and melodious, the melody is of that ethereal and lively type, and the piano complements it very well. Under Luo Quan's interpretation, it is simply the ultimate enjoyment.

The judges and teachers finally understood what Luo Quan meant by the appeal. Even the most picky music critics couldn't fault the songs played by such a beautiful girl!
This is indeed a visual and auditory double enjoyment. Both the music and the performers are as beautiful as a dream.

The performance only lasted for more than two minutes. Luo Quan did not finish playing the piece. The main reason is that there are many voices in this piece. In addition to the piano and flute, there are violins and even human voices. If you want a complete experience, It cannot be done by her alone.

Now you only need to give an audio-visual version, want to listen to the full version?Put her in the final first.

The other contestants were eager to show all the highlights of their works on the stage of the preliminary competition, for fear that something would be missed. Only Luo Quan dared to be so self-willed and caused hunger marketing to the audience and judges.

But she also has such qualifications. When she put her hands back and stood up, everyone's expressions were unsatisfactory. This wonderful performance was only two minutes short, and it was not enjoyable!
As a professional, Director Wang quickly commented: "There is only piano, so I can't make any judgments on the fusion of old and new you mentioned, but in terms of music alone, compared with the previous winning works, it is also better. And nothing less.

But the name of the song is "Nightingale", I haven't heard the connection with Nightingale yet, can you tell me? "

"I just said that." Luo Quan chuckled: "The key point of this piece is the playing of the flute, that is the soul."

Director Wang suddenly realized: "You mean to use the flute to imitate the cry of a nightingale? This idea is quite good."

Looking at the smiles on the faces of the judges and teachers, it is obvious that they are quite satisfied with the quality of this piece made by Luo Quan.

Just like Director Wang's evaluation, this song stripped away those gaudy elements that Luo Quan said, and in terms of quality alone, it is even better than the previous champion works.

Is this different from announcing Luo Quan as the champion in advance?

But cutscenes still have to go, and the possibility of another peerless genius from Shangyi is not ruled out. Of course, the possibility of this situation is so small that it can be ignored.

Luo Quan returned to her seat in the midst of applause. Many students kept staring at her, with admiration, envy, longing, admiration, and jealousy in their eyes.

Luo Quan calmly accepted all these emotions, and has long been used to it.

Ivy looked adoring: "Amazing boss, what a good-looking new century music, from now on you will also be the founder of the school!"

Luo Quan laughed: "It's not easy to start a sect? When I have time, I will put on makeup for you, so that you can also achieve such achievements!"

Ps. Thank you book friend Qi Jin Qi Chu Gao Leng Nan for the book coins, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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