Chapter 327
ps. 2020 is finally coming to an end. This is an extraordinary year. We are in the same boat through thick and thin and have experienced a lot.

The new year is coming. I believe that next year will be a year full of hope and happiness. I also wish all book lovers and the author himself a new year and a new atmosphere, with rapid progress in academic performance and rising wages at work. I also wish everyone good health and a happy family!


I'm not in a hurry to put on Ivy's makeup. Luo Quan has a lot of things to do at the moment, and I don't have time to help Ivy make her debut.

The preliminary round of the music competition lasted until [-]:[-] p.m. Fortunately, it was the class time, so Luo Quan and Ai Wei went directly to the cafeteria to have a small hot pot meal.

Ai Wei is a native of Shanghai and eats relatively light food, so Luo Quan ordered a mandarin duck pot with tomato clear soup and red oil on the other.

Although there were not many people in the cafeteria, there were also quite a few. Luo Quan's sudden appearance made it inevitable that he would take a photo with the fans he met by chance.

After being forced to sign, Luo Quan seldom signed autographs for fans she met on the road, not to maintain the market price of her autographed photos, but because she didn't want her autographed photos to become a tool for others to make money.

"Hey, the big star is quite busy." Luo Quan had just finished taking a photo with a fan when a familiar voice came from his ear.

"Senior Lin!" Luo Quan was surprised and delighted to see Lin Zheyuan suddenly appearing in front of him.

The two have not been in touch for a long time since Senior Lin helped her film the MV last time. It seems that he went to the United States to study photography skills in his circle of friends, so Luoquan didn't see him in school during this time. .

"Are you back from studying in the United States?"

Lin Zheyuan laughed: "It's been a few days since I came back, the American girls are really enthusiastic, when I got on the plane, everyone was reluctant to let me go."

Luo Quan looked disdainful: "Just blow it up."

When I first met Senior Lin, I thought he was quite decent and loyal. After getting to know him, I realized that he and Seifert were the same kind.

"Who is this beautiful little sister?" Lin Zheyuan quickly noticed Ivy beside Luo Quan.

"This is Lin Zheyuan, the fourth-year senior of the photography department." Luo Quan first introduced Ivy.

Ai Wei nodded with a question mark: "Hello Senior Lin, I am a second-year student in the Bel Canto Department, and my name is Ai Wei."

"Ai Wei... What a good name." Lin Zheyuan laughed, as if he meant something.

Ivy didn't have any special expression, probably because she was used to it.

"Then you guys eat first, and we'll get together later when you have time." Lin Zheyuan didn't stay long, greeted Luo Quan, and went to the cafeteria on the third floor to have a big meal.

After the person left, Ivy asked curiously: "Boss, how did you meet this Senior Lin?"

Luo Quan said while eating: "I met in Tokyo. At that time, he went to Sony to do a summer job as a photographer. I just debuted at Sony. He took the promotional video and photos for my first album."

After taking a sip of his drink, Luo Quan asked, "Why, are you interested in him?"

Ivy shook her head directly: "No, the language is light, and I feel like a glib boy."

"That's not the case. Senior Lin is just a bit of a fart, and he is very righteous." Luo Quan helped Lin Zheyuan speak.

"You are so beautiful, of course the boys you meet are righteous."

"That's true." Luo Quan was thoughtful after hearing this.

After dinner, the two parted ways outside the cafeteria gate.

Before leaving, Luo Quan did not forget to ask Ivy to suggest singing skills and guitar. If he has time, he will learn more about the typhoon of those well-known rock singers. These will be used after his debut.

Back in the dormitory, Luo Quan saw three roommates lying on the bed and playing with their mobile phones: "Don't tell me that you all passed in bed this day."

"Eat, go to the toilet and come down." Zhang Yun responded.

"Then have you had dinner?" Luo Quan looked at everyone's table, and there seemed to be no trace of takeaway.

Lin Yizhu looked displeased: "I ate it at six o'clock, San Canteen opened a new Indian curry chicken, we went to try the taste, it was terrible!"

"I see." Luo Quan chuckled.

"Speaking of how you did in the competition, did you get No.1?" Lu Yao looked at Luo Quan curiously. She didn't know much about the competition system, but she knew that Luo Quan had participated in the Shangyi Music Competition today. It is not difficult for Quan to get No.1 in this kind of competition.

Luo Quan shook his head: "Today is only the preliminary round, there will be semi-finals and finals, it's too early to get No.1."

"It's on the hot search." Lin Yizhu said suddenly.

"This is on the hot search?" Luo Quan was taken aback, took out his phone and clicked on Weibo.

It is indeed on the hot search, but it seems that it is not her, it is Fan Ying in front of her.

"Shangyi Music Contest surprises rap!"

The hot search content is the climax clip of Fan Ying singing "The Social Man". The scene was quite explosive. Shangyi, who is not very interested in rap, can cause such an effect, let alone on Weibo. There are tens of thousands of followers directly below the video. Likes and thousands of comments.

"This Fan Ying's rap is so powerful, I've never heard of it before!"

"This paragraph is really a fairy flow, a bit of a hardcore rap feeling."

"Indeed, there are some shadows of Leon."

"Isn't Leon an idol singer?"

"It's funny from upstairs? Leon is the number one rapper in the new century. Don't think that he is an idol because he is handsome."

"Lyon's quick mouth is currently in the whole world, and no one dares to recognize the second."

"It's amazing. I used to know that Leon is very handsome and a singer idol."

"Lyon and his sister Luo Quan are both like this. Their outstanding looks make it easy for the public to ignore their equally outstanding strength."

"Speaking of which, isn't the Shangyi Music Competition quite formal? Rap songs can now advance?"

"Why can't I be promoted if I sing well?"

"I don't feel so good, I don't even deserve to lift shoes for the white grass gang."

"Do those rap scums still have fans? Look at the depth of Fan Ying's lyrics. It's not much better than beautiful women, luxury cars, and champagne?"

"Just diss if you don't accept it, why are there so many jabbers?"


On Weibo, it is very easy to start a fight. Even a straight hook can catch a large group of fish, but this is a good thing for Luo Quan. If Fan Ying didn't come out to block the fire, She's probably the most searched one today, and she's probably the one who got scolded.

As for the reason, it is very easy to find. For example, what she said today has created a new genre of music, and the concept of "charisma" will be attacked.

Originally, she was ready to be complained about, but she didn't expect that someone would become a target before her.

But it's normal, after all, rap is on the rise now.

The most popular in the country in the first half of the year must be various idol auditions. After "Creating Girls' Generation" became popular, audition shows produced by various platforms have sprung up like mushrooms. After getting up, even if it followed the trend, it still took off, and it got a lot of heat.

In the second half of the year, the hottest thing should be rap.

In the past, a lot of domestic rap was a bunch of underground rappers, and a few of them went commercial and successfully set up several labels and made some small money.

But after all, it is still a minority, and it is not liked by the mainstream society. I think there is not much difference between rapping and hooligans.

However, in the first half of the year, Jin Zihao, who jumped to the top with his creation, also took on a variety show in the second half of the year, called "Huaxia Rapper", aiming to use his own traffic to drive China's hip-hop industry and discover those underground rappers who are not famous but have strength.

The show started in July and a half, and it has been popular for a whole summer vacation. It just ended a while ago, and many previously unknown rappers have become famous in variety shows.

Now the new code of traffic and wealth on the Internet is rap. Many celebrities even post short videos to get a crappy rap to gain popularity. Rap, which was originally only in the underground, suddenly stands on the stage, and even has a very bright future.

The follow-up work will come soon, and in the atmosphere of national rap, the hot topics in the second half of the year probably cannot escape these two words.

For an emerging market, the cake of rap is too big. Even if there are already a large number of famous rappers, it is still difficult to distinguish them. After all, the threshold of rap is so low and the audience is wide. It is simply too much to eat.

And the appearance of Fan Ying made many listeners who were tired of swearing, diss, and glamorous content suddenly refreshed. They realized that rap without swearing can be so good, and they can even be on the stage of a serious music competition!
Soon, Fan Ying's account on Weibo was found out, and it gained millions of followers overnight, and the number of views of the song "Community Man" quickly reached the top of all major online platforms.

"Is it so popular?" Luo Quan saw that "The Social Man" had more than [-] comments on Penguin Music's Hot Songs chart, and they were all rap lovers who heard the news. After listening to it, the comments were quite high.

To be honest, during the summer vacation, Luo Quan thought about whether to follow suit and make two raps, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

English is the orthodox for African-American rap, and there are not many Chinese raps that can be listened to.

You have the same reasoning, can foreigners write five-character quatrains in English?
It’s not the same cultural system, and even the way of life is different, so it feels awkward how to sing, so she gave up the idea in the end.

And she is quite confident in her own strength, a real star doesn't need to follow the trend, because she herself is the trend.

But she doesn't want to sing, fans really want Luo Quan to do a song. They have been leaving messages for a long time, wanting her to sing a song. Today, after Fan Ying was on the trending search, the big guy brought up the old story again:
"Fan Ying is followed by Luo Quan, but no one mentioned her today."

"I can't help it. Rap ​​music is so popular. If Fan Ying hadn't sung Social Man, this Shangyi Music Competition probably wouldn't be on the top of the list."

"Luoquan should be able to do it too. Didn't you sing a rap in Yuzhou dialect before to scold those black fans?"

"Old fans, this song is actually quite unpopular. When it was released, rap was not as popular as it is now."

"Luo Quan really rapped? I'll go search and find out!"

"Actually, not only this one, many popular rap songs in Lyon are written by Luo Quan, the quality is incredible, Luo Quan must be a master of rap, but there are too few works he sings."

"To be honest, I think that's the real rap. It always feels a little bit like a monkey's crown in China."

"Don't trick Luo Quan."

"I really want Luo Quan to sing a song seriously. It would be so comfortable to hear her swearing in English."


Fans discussed so much, and some people even spoke out what she was thinking, but it would be bad to say it, so Luo Quan must come out and explain a few words:

"English rap and Chinese rap have their own characteristics, so there is no need to compare them, so please don't discuss them too much.

In addition, I have no plans to do rap at the moment, so I may disappoint everyone. "

This answer really disappointed many fans, but thinking about it, there is no need for a pop singer in Luoquan to get involved in this muddy water. After all, the rap circle is famous for its smoggy environment, and the rhythm is really scolding In the dark, he even wrote songs to curse people.

So that's how it ended.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, Luo Quan doesn't want to fall into the rhythm, but the rhythm finds her on its own initiative.

After Fan Ying became popular on Weibo all night, an article appeared on Weibo hot search the next day:
"On the Musical Aesthetics of the Masses"

The article wrote that Fan Ying's "The Social Man" and Luo Quan's "Nightingale" were performed on stage, and the former became popular all over the Internet overnight, while the latter is still in a state of being ignored.

What's more interesting is that Fan Ying didn't have the slightest reputation before, but Luo Quan is a big star with tens of millions of fans on Weibo!
This did not drive the popularity of "Nightingale", which is really puzzling.

In terms of musicality, "Nightingale" completely exploded "The Social Man", which is not known how many levels higher, and the degree of ear catch is not worse than "The Social Man". It can be said that it is all-round worrying about "The Social Man", but the popularity It just couldn't compare.

The author of the article did not criticize "Social Man" and Fan Ying or rap, but only questioned this phenomenon from an objective point of view, questioning whether the public's aesthetics should be learned and improved, so as not to let more excellent music be buried.

The whole process of Luo Quan's performance of "Nightingale" is attached at the back of the article. After it was published, it was quickly forwarded and praised by many music bloggers, many of whom are users with the title of professor of a certain music school!
These people are all angry that Luoquan's "Nightingale" has no name, and those who are more excited even call "The Social Man" rubbish.

These have already constituted the elements of forming a group. Although people in the rap circle often fight internally, when they encounter provocations from external forces, they will immediately become united and unanimously external.

Originally, the blogger who wrote this article was the one who started the group, but he was surrounded by Luo Quan. Luo Quan has vested interests, so the rap circle focused its firepower on Luo Quan.

Luo Quan, who had just woken up, had only one thought at this moment: people sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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