Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 328 The Buddhist System

Chapter 328 The Buddhist System
Ps. Sorry everyone, the plan can’t keep up with the changes. I asked for leave yesterday to attend a class reunion. I was so excited to meet my old friends. I went home at [-] o’clock and prepared to rest, but I fell asleep after [-] o’clock. I didn’t wake up until the afternoon today. No, the agreed-upon Jiageng can only be postponed until tomorrow.

But this is more agreed, and I will never break my promise, please rest assured!


The comments on Weibo no longer show the identity of these people. In the beginning, it was only people from the rap circle who came to express their opinions. After the popularity became more popular, everyone came over to chat.

Luoquan, as the largest flow, has naturally become the focus of discussion:

"I'm just an ordinary layman, I don't know what is musicality, what is art, I think "The Social Man" can make me happy, and I don't need to obtain any sublimation of the soul. Someone with a problem."

"There are 14 billion people in China, not everyone has the conditions to receive a good music education. Although there are always music lessons in the school schedule, ask yourself how many lessons you can really get?
Where would I get musicianship without music lessons?Doing homework, reviewing, and taking exams make students overwhelmed, and I still need to improve music aesthetics?Can you help me make up for the poor scores in the college entrance examination?
Originally, I wanted to listen to a song and relax, but I don’t know where the superior party came from, and it didn’t hurt my back to stand and talk here. "

"I know that Luo Quan is very good at writing songs, and the songs he writes are also very artistic. Everyone praises him, but I don't know why I just don't like it. I just want to listen to "The Social Man". Is it just me?"

"+1, I also don't like listening to Luo Quan's songs, and I feel that she is quite upright. With so many fans on Weibo, I can't see her once in half a month. Once in a while, she also forwards her own announcement, and Weibo Bo fans are not interacting at all.”

"After all, high-achieving returnees naturally have class divisions with us ordinary people, so those with taste should go and listen to her songs, and ordinary people like us can just listen to some vulgar ones, and don't bother each other."


Luo Quan has been paying attention to the trend on Weibo, but like most of the time, she will not express her opinion easily.

And the actual situation is not too different from what these comments said. She really doesn't like posting on Weibo, and she doesn't like interacting with fans on Weibo.

She recognizes these, but she doesn't intend to change them.

As for the class division and not singing to the laity, it is completely nonsense and rhythmic, and no one with independent thinking will be fooled.

As for those people who said what they said, it would be meaningless for Luo Quan to explain, so he didn't bother to care about it.

The crux of the problem is actually in this article, using the name of arguing for her to stir up disputes between her and Fan Ying and even the entire rap circle. Luo Quan doesn't know whether this person is intentional or unintentional, but this article does not necessary to exist.

Soon, Luo Quan posted a Weibo:
"Thanks for the people complaining about me, but please delete this article.

First of all, with my current fame, I don’t need to use anyone’s atmosphere and pity. What you should really pay attention to are those outstanding musicians who have been quietly making good music, but have never had much popularity, not me who has completed the accumulation of fame. singer.

Secondly, "Social Man" is a very good rap song. The public has the qualifications to evaluate it, but it is not qualified to slander it, let alone deny the music genre of rap.

As for the fact that "Nightingale" didn't get the popularity it deserved, didn't the competition just start?

Besides, it is not up to the popularity to get No.1 in the end, only the judges can make the decision, so I don't bother the teachers and seniors.

In addition, I also hope that the teachers in the rap circle will be merciful. I don't have any prejudice against rap, and I have sung and written rap. I can be regarded as my own for half a month, so please keep calm. "

Throughout the article, Luo Quan almost wrote "I don't want to cause trouble" on my face, and the words are full of desire to survive.

But in fact, if you read it carefully, you can also see the hidden meaning in her words, that is, she is hot enough, and she doesn't need to rub anyone's heat, and at the same time, she doesn't want anyone to rub her heat.

Such an explanation, but any rational person will no longer be entangled with Luo Quan, but there are so many rational people, the Internet environment has long been turned into a paradise of gentleness, respect and thrift.

As soon as the weibo was posted here, Yi Yun platform put on the shelves more than a dozen diss her rap works, and they were immediately on the hot song list.

It is estimated that not long after this incident came out, many rappers began to write songs to diss her, but it just happened to go online with her Weibo at this time.

Some people quickly deleted the song, which is more reasonable, and more people just let the song hang on it.

After all, not everyone can have the determination to give up such a great heat.

Luo Quan also went to listen to these diss songs about her, and it was nothing more than saying that she was pretending to be noble, being a high-class person, and looking down on ordinary people, and she was just talking about it.

The main thing is that she doesn't have any black spots, diss people's lyrics can't make up stories, they have to tell a basic law, otherwise what is the difference from nonsense?
Although the lyrics are still bullshit.

But there is one thing to say, the quality of the few songs in it is still good, and there is no personal attack, Luo Quan just laughed it off after reading it......

"Squad leader, are you not fighting back?!"

In physical education class, the physical education teacher let the students move freely on the playground, and the four girls leaned against the tree and chatted.

Lin Yizhu was very angry when he saw those diss Luo Quan's songs on Yi Yun's platform.

"Don't be angry, there is no one to replace you when you get sick." Luo Quan was wearing a black windbreaker with his collar turned up high, and his hands in his pockets.

After autumn, the weather became colder and colder. She was always afraid of the cold and was more sensitive to temperature changes. After autumn and winter, she lost all energy, as if she had entered a state of pseudo-hibernation.

Luo Quan said lazily: "There are so many people scolding me on the Internet, is it possible that I have to go back? Be more Buddhist..."

Just as he was talking, Luo Quan felt his foot was hit by something, and when he looked down, he found that it was a basketball.

"Student, can you throw the ball over to me?" On the nearby basketball court, several boys who were playing basketball shouted.

In autumn, all of them were wearing short sleeves and showing off their muscles. The boys only recognized Luo Quan after shouting and playing, and they were a little excited for a while.

Luo Quan smiled slightly, took out a slightly pale hand from his pocket, hugged the basketball, and threw it out.

She used to like playing basketball quite a bit, but she hasn't touched it for a long time, and her muscle memory is gone.

The boy hugged the ball and thanked him. He originally wanted to perform a dunk to attract the attention of the goddess, but found that the goddess had turned around and was about to leave.

"Then let's forget about it?" Lin Yizhu asked curiously.

Luo Quan shook his head: "In spring and summer, I still have the mood to play with these people, but now it's too cold, and it's no good, why bother with them?
I guess these people are probably waiting for my diss to go back now, and then use it to make a lot of hype.In the language of the fan circle, this is called Pengci marketing, which makes the public mistakenly think that the two dissing each other are at the same level.

If I really diss go back, then I will become a stepping stone for others. "

All the girls looked stunned, it turned out that there are so many twists and turns in this, they are indeed the squad leader, no wonder they are able to get along well in the entertainment industry after only one year of debut!

"The same is true of Fan Ying. He obviously had a part in this matter, but in the end he pretended to be a coward." Zhang Yun complained bitterly.

Luo Quan smiled, but did not speak.

It's really not easy to comment. If Fan Ying can clarify, her public opinion will be much better, but at the same time, the popularity will be much less.

But until now, he has not made a sound, and I don't know if he is greedy for the heat, or he is just like her, and he doesn't want to care about so much right and wrong.

If it's the latter, it's okay to say, Luo Quan wished that everyone would be as salty as she was, and if no one would take the rhythm, there wouldn't be so many brainless blacks out dancing.

But if it's because of the former, then it can only be said that Fan Ying's pattern is still a bit small, and it's completely picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons.

Luo Quan hopes that Fan Ying is not such a person. After all, a singer who can write a song like "Community Man" should not have such a low level of consciousness......

It's hard to say how well the people who wrote "Social Man" are ideologically aware, but the people who listened to "Social Man" showed their faces on the Internet this time.

Faced with so many diss from rappers, Luo Quan has not made any response until now. Everyone thought that Luo Quan had given up, and the popularity gradually decreased.

But rappers are not willing to let go of such a great opportunity of continuous hot searches on the Internet. Seeing that diss has no effect, they start from the music competition.

A rapper who gained millions of fans through this incident posted a blog late at night, denouncing the school for treating Fan Ying and Luo Quan differently, discriminating against rap songs, and cheating in the competition system.

Because it involved a prestigious school like Shanghai University of the Arts, this remark immediately became a hot search.

Fortunately, Shangyi's reaction was relatively quick. After all, this game is going to be on CCTV, and any scandals are not allowed, so the official Weibo immediately posted:
"This year's Shangyi Music Competition has a clear competition system and a transparent schedule. Videos of all contestants' works and comments from judges and teachers are available. Although the semi-final stage is anonymous, the voting method needs to use the student ID as a pass, and one person can only vote. You can vote for a work, so the result of the competition is absolutely fair and just.”

Originally, this statement had been made very clear, but who would have thought that this rapper would actually find out a video of the school treating students differently.

The content of the video is a conversation between Luo Quan and Vice President Zheng. The two talked and laughed happily. Facing Principal Zheng's questions, Luo Quan answered with confidence and fluently.

At the beginning, the people who eat melons didn't fully understand what was wrong, so they began to speculate:
"I can see something, Luo Quan is too confident, right? The students who came up in front all have serious expressions, and when they come to her, they smile as if nothing happened."

"You haven't passed the preliminaries yet, and you're thinking about the finals? The headmaster himself just said all the tricks."

"Doesn't this mean that Luo Quan is pre-determined to enter the finals? Isn't that better than cheating?"

All of the above are wishful thinking of a small number of brainless netizens, saying that the idea of ​​sitting in a well and watching the sky insults the vastness of the well.

Many passers-by who are usually indifferent to Luoquan seem a little puzzled at this time:
"Although I don't listen to Luo Quan's songs very much, with her talent that can be unanimously praised by all media at home and abroad, it shouldn't be difficult to enter the finals of domestic competitions, right?"

"I often don't know whether it's fishing or showing my IQ because some of the remarks are too stupid."

"I wonder if Luo Quan's works still need to rely on cheating to enter the finals? Which song from the "Love" album is taken out, isn't it random?"

"I hope those mentally retarded just now don't say that they are Luoquan black fans. Luoquan doesn't have such stupid black fans."

Obviously, this video exposed the IQ coefficient of quite a few netizens, and it also brought about quite a lot of discussion. The traffic this time is just full.

And then, the rapper also responded: "Everyone paid attention to the wrong focus, the real part of the cheating in my opinion is that Luo Quan said that a symphony orchestra would be used as an accompaniment for the finals, but no one raised any objections.

Isn't this the biggest injustice to Fan Ying's singing style? "

As soon as this remark came out, it was immediately recognized by many people:
"Indeed, what's better than you already invited the symphony orchestra?"

"This is somewhat unfair to Fan Ying."

"You should be able to perform by yourself, so what's the point of asking others to help?"


"Is it still possible to find an angle like this?" Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this farce.

These rappers obviously see that Pengci's marketing is not working, so they use this method to bring rhythm.

Although the competition system does not say that a symphony orchestra cannot be used to help out, according to the simple sentiments of the public, this kind of individual competition must be performed alone to convince the crowd. If dozens of people are asked to help, even if they win, it would be dishonorable.

Originally, this matter was not mentioned, so it became a matter that everyone acquiesced to, but since the matter became serious, she could no longer pretend to be deaf.

On the next morning, Luo Quan posted a Weibo:
"There was a lot of uproar for three days, and finally it was because of this one thing.

If you don’t look for a symphony orchestra, don’t look for it. At worst, I will record all the parts of the symphony orchestra by myself, and then play it while playing the piano during the competition.

Don’t tell me that this is considered cheating. If it is, then I suggest that all contestants in the finals sing a cappella. No electronic equipment is allowed. It is best to give up even the microphone and enjoy the most authentic music. "

Half and a half of the soul of rap is in the accompaniment. If there is no music and only dry sound remains, no matter how good rap singing is, it will not be as good as poetry recitation, and the scene will become extremely embarrassing.

This point has been verified many times on "Huaxia Rapper". Many rappers who have made a lot of hype on the Internet, most of them are horrible when they sing a chorus offline.

So when Luoquan posted this Weibo post, the turmoil about this incident disappeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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