Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 329 Cooperation

Chapter 329 Cooperation
Ps. The first update, the second update at night.

In addition, the book friend group of this book is 724996520, anyone who is interested in the book can come.


The three-day public opinion turmoil is like flies hovering over Luo Quan's head. Although it is not painful or itchy, it will make people feel irritable if they keep screaming.

But she didn't gain anything at all, at least she knew the weaknesses of these rappers, if any rapper came to her in the future, she would just sing a cappella battle offline without plugging in the electricity, and she wanted to see how many dared to come .

At the end of the incident, Fan Ying, who had been silent all this time, finally posted on Weibo:
"I haven't made a sound in the past few days, and I was surprised by the sudden popularity. Originally, I just wanted to sing a rap in this official music competition to justify the names of all our rappers. I didn't expect it to be so big.

Fortunately, it did not cause any negative impact after all, and it also attracted the attention of all walks of life to the Shangyi Music Competition. I am very excited about this. I hope my work can appear on the stage of the finals, so that rap can enter the mainstream media's field of vision among!If possible, I even want to win this championship, so that the whole of China will be shocked by our new era rappers! "

Luo Quan was not mentioned in the whole Weibo, just like Luo Quan never mentioned Fan Ying, and it sounds like he is still very excited about the situation in front of him, thinking that he has grasped the opportunity to carry forward rap,
"This senior doesn't really want to get No.1, does he? No way, no way." Luo Quan was deeply puzzled.

Even if she did not participate in this competition, the school or CCTV would not allow such a work to win No.1 in the music competition. After all, in the eyes of the public, when it comes to rap, it can be associated with negative news, which is not very social. socialist core values.

I always feel that this Senior Fan is a bit crazy, or is he taking this opportunity to establish himself as a leader of the new generation of rappers?

Luo Quan thinks it is very likely that it is the latter. In this incident, Fan Ying entered the public eye with "The Social Man" and was bound to her for a period of time and gained great popularity. Now Weibo fans have broken through The 500 million mark is more than the few powerful fans who participated in the "Huaxia Rapper" program before.

And after this Weibo post came out, Fan Ying went on the hot search again, and was strongly sought after by her peers and hip-hop lovers. She harvested countless fans and gained 100 million followers overnight!

Luo Quan felt that if this person was in the Legend of Zhen Huan, he would definitely be a good hand in palace fights, and he took off as a tool person in a few words.
At the most appropriate time, saying these words that are appropriate and able to show one's ambition is simply a model operation of self-marketing and establishing people.

If there is no team behind Fan Ying and it is all planned by himself, then Luo Quan can only say he admires him.

But she had no grievances with this Fan Ying, so she just used her as a stepping stone, and finally didn't even give an explanation, treating her as if she didn't exist, which made her very uncomfortable.

The key point is that she still has no reason to fight with Fan Ying, because all these turmoil was caused by netizens, and Fan Ying had never said a word before that.

Luo Quan noticed what was wrong with Fan Ying, but he could only suffer from being dumb.

It's no wonder that in the preliminaries before, the system had clearly seen the strength shown by Fan Ying, but the system was indifferent. It didn't let her sign the contract like it did when it met Ivy, and it probably has already seen it.

Luo Quan sighed softly, and smiled: "Forget it, the road faces the sky and each side goes to the sky. Just don't provoke me in the future. As for the champion, it's not enough to compete with me!"

After the storm, Shanghai, which had been cloudy for many days, finally cleared up after a long time. The sun was shining brightly and the temperature had risen a lot.

However, Luo Quan didn't add or subtract clothes blindly, he just changed the autumn clothes into a jacket with a T-shirt inside.

The seasons change, and Chanel's new autumn clothes are about to be released, and Luo Quan also received a message to try them on and take pictures.

I used to think that every time the season changed, it would take two days to take various photos, which was very tiring. Now that I think about it, it is really a good deal. It is equivalent to someone who can design her, send her clothes, and pay for her as soon as the season changes. she.

After being able to copy homework, Luo Quan's clothes have also improved a lot, and now there seems to be less complaints about her rustic clothes on the Internet.

After taking a two-day leave with the counselor, Luo Quan drove to Chanel's Huaxia head office in Shanghai. On the way, Chanel also released a new dress preview on Weibo and Twitter:
The 2017 Chanel autumn clothing is coming, let us explore the secrets of autumn together with Luo Quan.

Below the title is a video, which first shared with the public the achievements of Chanel in the first half of this year, such as clothing sales hitting a new high, the high-end style "Forbidden Fruit" was well received, and the market value continued to rise, etc.

For Chanel, the first half of this year is an important turning point from the gradual decline back to the peak.

Before signing the contract with Luo Quan, Chanel couldn’t guarantee the quality of regular clothes because of the high-end obsession. In addition, the high-end design couldn’t reach the same level as those brands that only made high-end. Both of them failed, and the market share was quickly seized by brands such as Dior and Hermès who had given up on the haute couture market.

Seeing that the position of the leader is about to be lost, Luoquan joins in by air, and then shoots a photo of the new summer clothes, which is the most beautiful blessing in the world. These summer clothes of Chanel are all sold out, and the sales have increased by a whole year compared to the spring 40.00%!

Although this is also related to Chanel's painstaking experience and great efforts to invite famous designers to restore word of mouth, but making Luo Quan the brand spokesperson is definitely an important factor for Chanel to regain the throne of high-end luxury brands.

Of course, Luo Quan, as the spokesperson of the global full-line brand, has also been rewarded.

In the past, she was often criticized by the media as a village girl with an empty skin and a touching temperament. Now she has become an unavoidable topic in the fashion circle. There is still a saying in the industry: no matter what kind of clothes, as long as they can be worn by Luo Quan , You can double your worth in no time!
Chanel itself has a deep understanding of this point. Although the high-end "Forbidden Fruit" sold for hundreds of millions, the best seller is a simple T-shirt that Chanel released several years ago.

It was the T-shirt that Luo Quan often wore during live broadcasts in summer. Luo Quan bought more than a dozen different colors and changed them every day, but the style never changed.

I don't know if it's because of the idol effect, but this T-shirt from Chanel on Huaxia Taobao directly became the hottest item of the season. It was originally a stockpiled product that was suppressed in the warehouse. As a result, Luoquan's advertising directly exceeded the supply.

With such a spokesperson with an explosive ability to carry goods, Chanel is also ambitious this season, and wants to show its strengths in high-end and daily clothing. If it can really continue to maintain the popularity of summer, Chanel can sit firmly in the clothing The first chair of the world brand!
So before the official shooting of Luoquan, Chanel spent a lot of effort to promote it. First of all, it was the new clothes preview. As soon as it came out, there were only a dozen comments and it became a trending search.

There is no question in the comment area about such news, which is obviously a hot search. After all, it is the most famous luxury brand. Even if it is a hot search, the public can tolerate it.

"New clothes are coming out again?! There is no news at all, is it too sudden? With my pockets empty, I shed tears of sadness and joy."

"So... Luoquan is the world's first to wear again? The status is too high, and Chanel's clothes will not be released until she wears them all year round?"

"It's not all clothes. The general sub-brand Chanel is also reluctant to use her. It's too small to use."

"Luo Quan is the new darling of the fashion circle now. Many magazines begged her to shoot a cover, but except for the magazines that cooperate with Chanel, there is no chance to meet Luo Quan."

"Didn't you complain about her clothes before? Now she has become a new favorite, and her face has changed too quickly..."

"After all, Vanity Fair might be scolding you one second, and might be licking you the next. As long as you are famous, you can have everything!"

"No wonder Luo Quan doesn't like dealing with these people, they are too powerful."

“How come you see?”

"Luo Quan said it on the live broadcast. She said she doesn't like these magazines in the fashion industry, especially the "Playboy"."

"I know that. It is said that this magazine once wanted to invite Luo Quan to take some photos. At that time, she didn't know what type of magazine it was. She searched the covers of previous "Playboy" on the Internet, and her face turned green. .”

"My dad has a lot of "Playboy" magazines in his study room, and it has always accompanied me through every difficult night. (狗头)"

"LSP, but I'm looking forward to Luoquan's first episode. This is a great cause that benefits human society and helps reduce crime. (狗头)"

"If she really went to shoot, I would like to call her a female Bodhisattva, and I'll just accept her head and worship!"

"Isn't it just a rush?"

"Be clear, what head?"

"Come here, copy all the drivers upstairs!"

"No, just shoot him on the spot."


Sure enough, LSP is the most important productive force in society, and a good topic is abducted to strange places by abduction.

This is also the reason why Luo Quan has always been reluctant to take these large-scale photos. Think about it, if you don’t take pictures, so many people are flirting.
What's more, since her debut, she has been wearing the label of pure and beautiful. She is less than twenty years old, and it is not suitable for her to transform into a sexy and charming type.

However, Luo Quan currently wants to switch to the sassy route, especially after driving a sports car.

Went to the Chanel Shang Hai branch today, Luo Quan wore a windbreaker with a long hem, when he got out of the car, he pushed the car door hard, and the whole hem of the clothes lifted up, it can be said to be handsome, in the movie The heroine image of the movie.

It's a pity that no one in the parking lot could see Luo Quan's heroic demeanor, only the howling cold wind blew by, Luo Quan shook his body, and hurriedly kicked his hands into his pockets.

When she came to the company gate, the assistant who received her had been waiting for a long time.

The assistant girl is very attentive, wearing high-heeled shoes, she ran over from a long distance, and originally wanted to help Luo Quan carry a bag or something, but she saw Luo Quan put his hands in his pockets and didn't bring anything.

Luo Quan smiled: "I didn't bring a bag, just take me to find Lisa."

The two entered the building and went straight to the seventh floor.

This is Chanel's internal studio, where photos, videos, and magazine interviews are usually taken. Today, in addition to people from the company, quite a few media and magazine reporters also came here.

Regarding the news about the new autumn clothes, the headquarters has already been interviewed by these media and reporters once. What I mainly understand is the concept and purpose of the fashion design, and what the specific clothes look like, which has to be uncovered by Luo Quan himself.

The autumn clothes this time are the same as the summer clothes. They are divided into two parts. One is daily clothes, which are checked by Brown, the haute couture designer of summer clothes. This is the well-known designer who designed the "Eden" series of haute couture. The best high-definition "Forbidden Fruit" came from him, but this time he was arranged to design the daily series of Chanel's autumn clothing.

This famous designer is a devout Christian. He loves to add various religious elements to his works, but his style is rather dark and rebellious. He is very popular both inside and outside the circle. .

And this time, the designer for the autumn haute couture is a newcomer cultivated by Chanel himself. He is very mysterious and has never shown his face in front of the media, but every year he will come up with one or two works that amaze the fashion circle. The clothes he designs are also gorgeous. The ultimate is the favorite of girls with a princess heart.

The name of the autumn daily series has also been announced, called "Life (life)", it sounds like it should be a more energetic one, but it is not the same as Brown's usual style.

The name of the autumn high-definition series is "wihte (white)", which makes people a little confused. I don't know what the designer wants to express.

However, designers generally have romantic feelings. Whether it is naming or design, they like to give everyone some tricks. It is completely normal for ordinary people to not understand.

But after today, the answer will be revealed.

When Luo Quan entered the studio, Lisa, who was coordinating the overall situation, slapped her hands: "All departments speed up a bit, Luo Quan has arrived, the makeup team and costume team will be in place within 1 minute, and the lighting team is ready to start work at any time!"

Luo Quan looked around and found that they were basically acquaintances. This time it was Johnny who did the styling for her. After seeing Luo Quan, he walked up with a happy face and shook hands to say hello.

Luo Quan greeted him with a smile: "I heard that you were promoted not long after you went back last time, congratulations."

"Haha, it's all thanks to you." Johnny originally wanted to talk about the old days, but was interrupted by Lisa who walked quickly, "Hurry up and take Luo Quan to make up and make up, I want to talk about the old days after I have been busy for a while. !"

Seeing that the person in charge of the Huaxia branch had entered a workaholic state, Luo Quan and Johnny also put away their slack and became nervous.

Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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