Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 33. Shopping can also be hot search

Chapter 33. Shopping can also be hot search

Ps. Thanks to book friends for the book coins that hahahaha embarrassingly rewarded!
Most of the time when girls go shopping, they just go shopping. There are not many cases where they actually spend money on shopping. Most of the goods can be bought at a cheaper price online, so there is no need to spend that money in the mall.

Of course, these situations are for girls who live a more budget-conscious life. Wen Xia and Junko are not included. They shop in physical stores, especially cosmetics and clothes, and almost never buy online.

But now we can’t be so capricious anymore. Wen Xia and the company terminated the contract, and there was not much savings left in the two years. Junko ran away from home, and all the credit cards were frozen. Seeing the products in the store that cost tens of thousands or even 10,000+ can only be sighed in vain .

And Luo Quan has become the richest little rich woman among the three girls. The sales of the album are settled once a month, and it will not be credited until the middle of next month, but she has paid the exclusive license fee for the song by Sony. Not much movement.

That's a huge sum of 2000 million yen. She can buy a decent outfit for herself in any luxury brand's physical store. If she is a trendy girl who keeps up with fashion like Wen Xia, she can shop for an hour. , she must have been carrying big and small shopping bags in her hand.

But at the moment she was just holding a steaming oden in her hand, which she just bought from a snack bar.

Luo Quan originally wanted to invite Junzi and Wen Xia each, but Wen Xia's idol was too burdened to eat while walking on the street. Junzi was afraid to eat this kind of juice because of the expensive skirt she was wearing. Overflowing food, so both of them declined Luo Quan's kindness.

So in the bustling shopping mall, Luo Quan walked in the middle and ate his mouth full of oil, while Wen Xia kept gulping in his eyes.

"Do you want a bite?" Luo Quan pulled out a bunch of octopus balls. The surface of the white Q-bomb balls was stained with a little brown sauce, exuding a strong fragrance, full of temptation.

"Don't eat!" Wen Xia firmly rejected Luo Quan's kindness, but his eyes never took his eyes off the string of octopus balls.

"I'll eat it if you don't eat it... ooh..." Luo Quan took a bite, the taste was smooth, the meat was full of elasticity, and he swallowed it after a few chews.

"So you are an idol with too much burden and too tired to live. What's wrong with eating octopus balls on the street, and you are still picking your feet at home." Luo Quan swallowed the balls and said.

Wen Xia explained with a blushing face: "It's at home, it doesn't matter what you do, but outside God knows if there are paparazzi filming you. If a bad picture is accidentally photographed, you will be ridiculed and ridiculed at light, but serious. It's just that the human design has collapsed!"

Luo Quan spread his hands carelessly: "Aren't you wearing sunglasses? Besides, where are the paparazzi from this mall?"

Wen Xia sneered: "Do you think you won't recognize you if you wear sunglasses?"

Junko also said: "I don't often go shopping when I see Izumi sauce.

Shibuya International Shopping Center is one of the most prosperous shopping malls in Tokyo. Many celebrities come here to shop when they are free, so there are quite a lot of paparazzi gathered here.

As long as these paparazzi see a girl with a good figure wearing sunglasses, they will secretly give a close-up. With the three of us dressed up, I don't know how many photos have been taken. "

Luo Quan frowned: "Why does this sound weird? Is it a mall idiot?"

Wen Xia helped the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose: "In a sense, paparazzi are a kind of idiot, but they are only interested in celebrities, and the way of taking pictures is not so shameful."

Luo Quan shrugged: "It doesn't matter, anyway, as a singer, I don't rely on image to eat."

Wen Xia complained unceremoniously: "I don't care about the image, so why don't you dare to take a look at Weibo until now?"

Luo Quan's tone was stagnant: "That...that's because the domestic environment is too bad, and I don't want to go to the line with the troll...I didn't uninstall Weibo because of that ugly photo!"

"What ugly photo?" Junko asked curiously.

"Let me show you something, I'm afraid I'm the only one in Japan." Wen Xia smiled like a treacherous fox, and flipped out the photo saved in the phone.

Junko glanced at it, and she smiled like a motorcycle engine in her usual quiet manner: "Puff puff puff hahaha... Quanjiang, I didn't expect you to have such a photo, I've been with you for three years, never I didn't know you could open your mouth so wide, could this fit a fist?"

Luo Quan gritted his teeth: "Who dares to leak this photo, karate will serve you!"

During the play, the time came to noon unknowingly. The three girls found a restaurant and had a Japanese-style meal. Just after eating, Miki called and said that the house had been moved.

The three girls immediately returned to the new apartment. Everyone's clothes had been placed in their respective rooms according to their previous assignments. Each room had a big soft bed, and finally no longer had to sleep on the hard tatami.

When Luo Quan was immersed in the joy of moving to a new house, at 01:30 in the afternoon, she was on the trending search again.

The hot search name is: "Shocking! Quan Shui goes shopping with friends and dresses boldly!"

This is probably the title that best matches the actual situation. After many passersby came in with strong curiosity and took a look, they all felt that Luo Quan's dress was indeed quite bold.

Netizens commented below:
"The management of Quan Shui's image is really bad, and it's too casual to wear it on the street, and you don't even wear makeup."

"This appearance reminds me of the kind and loyal grandpa in the countryside, the same simplicity, the same soil."

"Didn't Sony have a better stylist for Spring? The manpower wouldn't be so nervous, would it?"

"But even in such a bad shape, the spring water is just as beautiful."

"Suddenly I remembered a poem in Huaxia, the hibiscus comes out of the clear water, and the carving is natural."

"Upstairs is the correct answer, this poem is simply too suitable to describe the spring water!"


The comment area has become a daily routine of blowing Luoquan again, and she is a little embarrassed to see.

Everything is moving in a good direction, record sales have risen again to the No. 4 position of singers in the same period, three songs firmly occupy the top three of the Oricon chart, and the gap with No.[-] is widening.

After the free broadcast "My all" landed on Youtube, the number of views quickly approached the one million mark. Now her YouTube and Twitter fans have exceeded one million, and this number is still increasing by 20 million every day. with.

In half a month, she can consider preparations for her second album.

However, a phone call from Hoshino Sakura made Luo Quan's heart suddenly twitch.

"There were some problems in the negotiation between the company and that Ruotou from the Sumiyoshi Society, and the situation was not very good."

"How is that possible? A company as big as Sony can't deal with the Sumiyoshi Society?"

In a capitalist country like Japan, capital sometimes equals power, let alone a big company like Sony?

Hoshino Sakura said helplessly: "It's very complicated to explain. In short, that Ruotou made a lot of excessive demands, and it also involved you."

In fact, Luo Quan is a little taken for granted here, thinking that Japan and South Korea are similar, and the consortium chaebols can do whatever they want.

But in fact, compared with the domineering and domineering Korean chaebols, the Japanese consortium is more low-key. They like to keep a low profile, and the helm of the consortium is not selected by a simple family inheritance system.The most important thing is that these consortiums treat themselves as Japanese and know where the bottom line of some things is.

So although everyone knows about the existence of the consortium, in fact, there is very little news about them in daily life.

The H Road is different. This is a bunch of ruthless desperados. More importantly, the Japanese government also recognizes the legitimacy of this organization, which makes the Japanese H Road's behavioral style extremely arrogant.

Even in the early days of this century, there were frequent feuds between Japanese H-paths, and large-scale armed fights with hundreds of people were commonplace. Such a group of ruthless people was something that no consortium would want to provoke.

With the energy of the Mitsui Consortium behind Sony Corporation, it is definitely not afraid of Sumiyoshi Society, but the problem now is that the artists of the consortium's companies are being targeted, and it is Wakato of Sumiyoshi Society who does this kind of thing.

It would be very troublesome for such a weighty H Dao boss to deal with it.

At first, the company wanted Hoshino Sakura to apologize to this Ruotou, to make the big things small and the small things into small ones, but this Ruotou felt that he had lost face because his subordinates were sent to the police station, so he insisted on letting Hoshino Sakura and Luo Quan went to his site to meet, and only the two of them could go there.

What will happen when the two girls go to the territory of an H-way boss, I am afraid no one can think clearly.

After learning about the outcome, Luo Quan fell into silence. Judging from the current situation, the company may not be able to manage these matters. Even a signed artist like Hoshino Sakura would be forced to meet this boss to apologize, not to mention she is.

What about calling the police?Not even calling the police. Japan’s crackdown on H-channel is far less severe than that in China, and Japan’s H-channel is not a giant of the Internet. If you call the police today, maybe the next day will be gone.

After living for so many years, Luo Quan realized for the first time what it means to feel powerless. Even though she has thousands of abilities now, she can't play any role in the current predicament.

If you don't want to leave Japan immediately, this Hongmen Banquet is a must.

After thinking about it for a long time, Luo Quan, who still had some expectations for a modern harmonious society, finally chose to compromise: "Please tell me the time and place."

Hoshino Sakura's tone also sounded extremely low and helpless: "Tomorrow at eight o'clock, the Bliss Bar in the center of Kabukicho."

(End of this chapter)

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